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(2405)Formal Court

21 - 30
By Royal decree
May 13, 2024 - May 31, 2024
(2405) A Lord's Acknowledgement
May 13, 2024 - May 31, 2024
Began Jun 1, 2024
Began Jun 1, 2024
Jennifer Hazleton
Began Jun 1, 2024
Helen Kingsley
Began Jun 1, 2024
Albert Baker
Began Jun 1, 2024
Began Jun 1, 2024
Began Jun 1, 2024
Began Jun 1, 2024
Neville Godwin
Began Jun 1, 2024
Verity Carmen
Began Jun 1, 2024
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  1. #21
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar
    Helen Kingsley
    Helen Kingsley Scenes
     Blush !, 


    It doesn't take much longer for the Prince to arrive. And as expected, Cujo is also there.

    Both the Prince as well as Jacque, who appears a bit later are afforded a curtsy according to their station. Helenm hoilds backl a chuckle as Verity talks to the guy she calls Neville all court-sy-like. They grow up and go all business so fast these days...

    "Yuh, can't complain, really. Same goes for you, I guess. Lined up some exciting stuff ?"

    So that guy is Neville Godwin. She makes a mental note sticking the name to the face. "Same, it's been a bit." she answers Raul. Most of the going ons involving Jennifer don't elicit a response. Stuff going on she's not really knowledgable about and also not too interested in. As he offers her his hand, she shakes it, maybe applying a bit more force than she does usually. For funsies. "Nice to meet you, Mr Godwin." Technically, she could follow up on things, but seeing how he's already sort of tangling with Verity and Jennifer, why hog the greenie ? There'll be enough time later.

    Although things become somewhat more interesting when the other new person makes herself known. That's an accent Helen hasn't heard in a while, this might get good after all... In any case, it looks like the saying is right, the devil always shits onto the biggest pile. Eh, shes off for the Iudex pretty fast, but that's to be expected, really. They'll see how fast she gets to count as one of those grown-ups anyway.

    Which leaves the fellow over there that Doc Bakey has just called Ravenwood. Huh, can't say she has seen him before, looks like one of those guys who keep a low profile. Or she's missed that. Still, he doesn't look to occupied, so why not change that ? So she walks over to where he is standing.

    "So you're Mr Ravenwood. Also new in town or just not that much into big gatherings ?" She gives the chess table a short look. "Do you play ?"

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

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  3. #22
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    From her seat, she has the perfect place to watch and observe, listen and file information away.

    A nod of respect was offered to Jacque as he entered Court.

    Somethings were noted, some standing out as potential problems. Action on her end would depend on a few factors, so she was curious how they would play out.

    But she does need to speak with Verity Carmen , and as such, offers a nod to approach.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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  5. #23
    Verity Carmen's Avatar
    Striking Looks:
    (Your Dream Rocker Girl)
    Distinctive Voice:
    Cacophony Listener
    Cacophony Whisperer
    Verity Carmen

    Daeva vice: Pride

    Her flawless form curves where is should, is thick where it needs to be and thinner likewise.

    Perfectly symmetrical, Mistry Green eyes offer ready temptations from beneath the sculpted messy waves of Auburn hair.

    The rocker girl assemble of fishnets, ripped shirts and leather show off just the right amount, to pull every eye to her and ensnare imaginations, without being considered indecent.
    Doll Face

    Doll face:
    Dark purple eye shadow, with black eyeliner. Just enough Mascara to make her eye lashes look jet black against the purple.

    Matching Purple lipstick over full lips, to which a clear lip gloss gives a lustrous shine.

    Foundations 3 shades lighter than her already fair skin tone. Something that is only really visible when she blushes as her face remains rather pale.

    All her nails are painted a glossy Jet black.

    Stylishly messy Auburn hair past her shoulders.
    Verity Carmen Scenes
     Blush, Imbibe
      Blush (forgot to track from last post)


    In that briefest of glances Raul cats her way the Daeva takes the risk of making momentary eye contact, gives him a small encouraging smile and nod. He can do this. No words no indication of just how invested in this move she is. It’s a good start, straight to the point, respectful and leaving the ball in Jacques court, giving him the power in the situation. Raul had listened and she approves. That he lets slip a few interesting pointers as he speaks to others is quite useful to boot. He is still whip then, or was reinstated. And the answer of what acknowledgement in the Invictus was answered without her needing to ask. Baroness, not lady anymore.

    The glint of interest in the Seneschals expression is what she needs to dare on the follow through of her manoeuvre, the bait had her interest. And who after all stands a better chance than her? ‘’Yes. Indeed.’’ Confirming with confidence she had done as she claimed. ‘’And I would be delighted to have a sit down to tell you all about it.’’ Which if we can I would be. ‘’If the Prince allows of course.’’ Now to see if the bait caught. The declaration both a clear statement she would not budge on the Prince’s edict as restraining as it was, but to both the Seneschal and the court at large a promise of reward to any who can loosen that particular chain from the Daeva's throat.

    Losh’s arrival was unexpected. I honestly didn’t know if he was still around. And she was not going to touch that if he danse depended on it, she remembered all too well the last kindred that tried to hide by the side lines rather than show respect. The Reeve seems to have it covered anyway. Who knows maybe this game will actually finish. Losh having dipped out on their bowling match and failing to finish his game with Jacque last time was building a reputation in the Daeva’s mind.

    Besides she already had someone volunteering for the role of scratching post tonight. Social events can be just as dangerous as a back ally brawl that goes south. ‘’And what show should I watch Neville?’’ I am fairly sure he meant to say just watching the show, but oh well. The sweet smile says pleasant, the glint in misty green eyes says his slip of wording had not been missed. ‘’Would that be the show where you completely ignore the very kindred you were looking for just last month?’’ He after all had made no reaction to the arrival of Jacque, the Judex he had been seeking. And that was all the attention she had for the new shadow. It’s not my job to instruct Invictus who don’t know the first thing about showing respect. Leaving him to sink or swim on his own.

    And then the newest of the kindred shows the other not just how it was done, but with how it was done with grace, poise, skill and a Russian accent. Verity gives the smallest of tilts of her head in return less then she would give to even one of her acknowledged station, but something to show she appreciates the new women having shown such to her. The features Kseniya are the breath stealing beauty one would expect of the clan Daeva. Verity would stand at five feet and nine inches without her boots her figure and proportions could not be more perfect if dreamed or conjured. Perfectly symmetrical in every way Her body curves well where it should, and thins in the places one would expect the kind of head turning beauty people say must be photo shopped, is unobtainable, is hers. Skin flawless, without blemish. Thick auburn hair lengthened by seamless hair extensions in one heavy ponytail tonight. Full lips, well coated in purple lipstick. Almond shaped misty green eyes likewise coated in purple eye shadow, nails in glossy black in her attire tonight she would look equally at home in a mosh pit. The bewitching woman gets a warmer smile, and the musical quality of voice conveys such. ‘’That’s good to hear.’’ Another Invictus, I hope Neville is taking notes. That her arrival would take time from Jacque is of little concern Raul had made his intention clear for all to hear, if Jacque couldn’t make the time, it actually moved things slightly back in Raul’s favour by the Daeva’s calculation.

    The Priscus of shadows doges her question well enough, but she gets her answer anyway, as he responds to the Seneschal. ‘’True Priscus Baker we can’t know for certain.’’ But some things are more predictable than others. And kindred are creatures of habit more often the not. ‘’So what does occupy your nights of late?’’ She keeps her tone conversational, trying to bear in mind the older kindred had alluded to suffering some form of phycological ailment a few months past. Because it doesn’t seem to be your duties to your clan, sometimes the weight of responsibility needs be put down if it weighs too much, but who would he pass it to? The options do not seem good from where she stands.

    The Reeve had been more present recently which was a good sign. Not in court but out and about. ‘’I’m glad to hear it.’’ Offering Helen a fuller smile. ‘’I have some rather big things yes.’’ Some of which I hope to get your help with but not here. ‘’We should catch up again some time soon.’’ The Daeva says in parting as the Reeve heads off to where Losh lurks. That the Reeve seems to have forgotten Losh was at the previous formal court where he was also invited to play chess is amusing. I wonder if she ever spoke to him about not declaring he wants to eat people in public?

    The Priscus of lords remains silent for the moment. Yet he has the space to afford it, to set the tone and pace while retaining his dignity. And as she turns and pivots through the conversations Verity is keeping some of her attention on his conversations.

    And then it happens. The predator you always keep an eye on because not doing so feels like turning your back on death itself, nods to her, demands her approach. Twice in two formal courts this is either good, or really bad. As she makes the walk over her mind races trying to think about what this could be? The texts maybe? I can’t think what I could have done to get chewed up. Yet that does not make the walk any easier. When she is in conversational range, she bows low and gracefully, once more to the Prince of Sacramento, respect where it is due.
    Daeva Vice: Pride. BP: 1 Dollface

  6. #24
    Jacque's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Mask of Tranquility
    New Identity
    (Alexander Krait)

    Goes by Jack.

    Educated, scholarly, lawyer, scientist.
    Jack's outward demeanor and tone are a baseline of respectful and calculated.

    He actively debates, persuades, negotiates and even at time tries to intimidate, as core skills of any lawyer worth his salt.


    The familiar mellifluous voice and show of respect cast the crease of a smile across the Lord's lips. The Daeva certainly seemed to weave her way into Sacramento's society quite well. She took it seriously and it showed. In just the span of the last two formal courts, she had become far and away different from the doll-faced black jeans and band shirt she initially presented as.

    "Ms Carmen," he addressed in kind. "Or is it Priscus Carmen yet?" He shrugged with a coy expression. The Daeva's politics were of little interest to him and no business of his even if it were. The statement, however, that was a whole other game to be played. "Busy, but well. The opportunity to socialize with the best of Sacramento couldn't be passed up." At least with the little choice that was given. "I hope the nights have treated you just as well?"

    His eyes noticed as the higher priority for conversation stepped in for Verity. Good for her that it is becoming habit.

    Raul's attendance was almost a surprise. His address and request to Jacque captured his attention, "Mr Dominguez, I have some matters to attend to but I am open to hear you later this evening if I become available or another night." A part of him had an instinctual bad taste for speaking with a savage in court about much of anything. The last time had resulted in a lunatic hearing what they wanted and nearly riling themselves up into a rage. All of that in the name of some flawed interpretation of what the animals saw as 'respect' and 'honor'.

    With the Seneschal opting not to do the honors herself, he shifted his stance to approach Kseniya only to find she was just as eager. Stating her business both to Verity and to him, "I don't believe that will be necessary, there's no time like the present," and he gestured towards one of the seating areas.

    Blood Hunt:

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  8. #25
    Kseniya Volkova's Avatar
    Public: Kseniya Zima
    New Identity
    (Kseniya Zima)
    Striking Looks
    Kseniya Volkova

    Resources 3


    A glint of relief crosses the Russian Lady's features as it is decided that the Lord of Lords will see to her request for an audience first. She dips her head lightly in thanks as the Priscus gestures her to join him elsewhere, away from the Kindred on the whole.

    Posting out of turn to state that Kseniya is joining Jack
    Speaks with a Russian Accent
    BP 1 | Humanity 5

  9. #26
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise
    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes

    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes


    Jennifer takes a moment to look over the room. Taking the temperature of the room, so to speak. Helen speaking with the quiet Mekhet was noted.
    “Mr. Ravenwood, you have noticed the Officials who are in the room?” That Cursed voice drawls out the words, knowing the affect that she can have. A pointed look is given to the Mekhet to signal her displeasure. Then on its heels, she gives the slight nod expected of his standing to him. She would adhere strictly to proper deference, if to be a model. Helen was given a glance.
    Priscus Baker benefited from a full level gaze. “Perhaps you should spend some time with your Clan for a moment, Priscus Baker.”

    She had heard what Priscus Baker said, and was not impressed by it when his charge was behaving in this manner without rebuke.

    Mr. Godwin receives the next appraising look. Jennifer watches Madame Volkova for a moment as she moves off to speak with Priscus Jack. She gives the woman a slight nod to indicate that she had heard and agreed with Madame Volkova’s assessment. Jennifer would be open for a meeting once the most pressing matter of acknowledgement was addressed.

    A reserved look follows the only Daeva of note as she goes to speak to her Grace, the Alder Prince. All of her words had been measured, and noted. Although Jennifer keeps her own counsel on what she thought of them.
    The Priscus of Lords demonstrates why he had remained at the height of respect for so long. An approving nod of respect is given to the Lord as he moved off to conduct his business. That earns another look to Priscus Baker, a reminder that she had been the one to acknowledge the other Mekhet in place of his Priscus.
    The Kindred swirl and move, breaking into their own groupings. Jennifer addressed Mr. Godwin and Mr. Dominguez.
    “I trust that the evening has found you well, Mr. Dominguez, Mr. Godwin.”
    A look to the Gangrel. “You have remembered.” She refers to the overture to the Priscus that she had witnessed, not caring to elaborate for those who were not present.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

  10. #27
    Raul's Avatar


    If Raúl was disappointed by the brush off by Jacque, he was doing a good job of not showing it. He gives a nod to the Priscus of the Lords, "Of course, Priscus Jacque. I shall be around if you find the time this evening, and, if not, I will be happy to make room in my schedule for another night that is more convenient for you," he says, allowing a small if sincere smile to grace his lips. He steps back when the stately Russian Lord makes her way over to Jacque. He gives the woman a look over, taking in her collected and yet bewitching presence and he nods curtly to her. He'd offer a more formal greeting, but the Lords seems to have something more important to deal with. He steps away to let them deal with that.

    When he steps away, a small tightness in his shoulders seems to loosen. Nervous about it though he still was, he had done it; the first step was done. Now the ball was in Jacque's court and hopefully this ended up more beneficial for both of them.

    He looks around the room, now that his major task for the evening is done, or at least started and then postponed, and he spots his fellow Dragons. Both of them get a nod of greeting and a smile. He sees Verity as the woman makes her way up towards the Prince.

    When that all too familiar voice slithers beside him, saying his name, he turns to the Baroness and gives a nod, "It is going well so far, Seneschal Hazelton. I hope the same is true for you," he says. He gives a nod and a small smile to her comment.
    Aspect of the Predator ​● BP 2

  11. #28
    Losh's Avatar
    Lindsey Ravenwood
    Striking Looks
    New Identity
    (Lindsey Ravenwood)
    Losh Scenes


    Losh spots the Seneschal's displeasure at his quietness and immediately stiffens as he bows.

    "My apologies Seneschal, I have a habit of overthinking things. I was simply waiting for the right moment to greet your properly."

    Thoughts raced through Losh's head, wondering how he could correct the mistake he made. This was bad, really bad, he's not used to politics whatsoever. Here he was, in formal court, making the Seneschal of the whole city upset, so much so that she focused on him. Knowing that Raúl was in attendance did calm his nerves slightly.

    "It's a fine evening for court,"He says, "Its been some time since our last meeting, I just want to say, I really enjoyed speaking with you that night. I apologize if I've been quiet as of late, I've recently been busy. Just a bit of housekeeping, I've been trying to fix up the old Chapterhouse of my Covenant, and its consumed a lot of my nights." he says while smiling.

    "If you have the time, and you wish to speak with me more, I would love to catch up."

  12. #29
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar
    Helen Kingsley
    Helen Kingsley Scenes
     Blush !, 


    Looks like Doc Bakey is in the same unenvgiable position that Quinn used to have,m but then, jury's still out on the other kid and how that particular thingy develops. Should be interesting to see. The Ravenwood guy, though ? Doesn't seem to be that much into that particular game. Huh, just as well. She shrugs and returns to the main group. As is, she shortly glances over to Jennifer, then Jacksa new charge and back again.

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  13. #30
    Neville Godwin's Avatar
    Neville Godwin
    Neville Godwin Scenes


    Neville nods as Priscus Baker talks to The Seneschal about his Acknowledgement, thinking on both of their pointed invitations to talk about things.

    He smiles at the Reeve as she acknowledges him and makes a mental note to follow up with her at a later date.

    Just as he is going to reply to Verity she is called to the Prince, noting with trepidation his longest lasting connection in Sacramento is high enough to have the Prince's ear.

    'Finally having found the Pricus of Lords, and there he goes off to the new Russian chick...just my luck, good thing the Seneschal has taken an interest.'

    "It is indeed a pleasant evening, milady. So much more lively than my first introduction to this fair city."
    Obfuscate 2 (Mask of Tranquility)
    BP: 2 Vitae: Willpower:

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