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(2405)Formal Court

11 - 20
By Royal decree
May 13, 2024 - May 31, 2024
(2405) A Lord's Acknowledgement
May 13, 2024 - May 31, 2024
Jun 1, 2024 - Jun 8, 2024
Jun 1, 2024 - Jun 8, 2024
Jennifer Hazleton
Jun 1, 2024 - Jun 8, 2024
Helen Kingsley
Jun 1, 2024 - Jun 8, 2024
Albert Baker
Jun 1, 2024 - Jun 8, 2024
Jun 1, 2024 - Jun 8, 2024
Jun 1, 2024 - Jun 8, 2024
Jun 1, 2024 - Jun 8, 2024
Neville Godwin
Jun 1, 2024 - Jun 8, 2024
Verity Carmen
Jun 1, 2024 - Jun 8, 2024
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  1. #11
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Like clockwork, Formal Court rolled back around. Which meant commissioning a new dress for the evening. Not that fashion meant anything to her, but with her status, she needed to look good.

    This time, she went with red and black, with added leather details and pieces to make it stand out. Not as much ink could be seen, save for a couple on her chest, shoulders neck and face. But she didn’t need to always have them showing.

    Gabriel opens the office door and holds it open for her to step into Court. But before she does, Cain and all his one hundred and fifty pounds of supernatural muscle step through. The Savage walks out behind him and stands in front of him, dark eyes looking over the room from her vantage point.

    A nod of respect was offered to Jennifer Hazelton and the Reeve, Helen Kingsley . They were due respect not only for their stations, but their service to the Domain.

    The new faces were glossed over, at this point, neither was her problem. And certainly not the one who didn’t know how to conduct himself or the proper language to use.

    Stepping down, she lowers herself onto a couch, not within speaking distance. She wasn’t sure who she’d be speaking with this evening. Cain, followed and stood off to the side of her.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  2. #12
    Jacque's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Mask of Tranquility
    New Identity
    (Alexander Krait)

    Goes by Jack.

    Educated, scholarly, lawyer, scientist.
    Jack's outward demeanor and tone are a baseline of respectful and calculated.

    He actively debates, persuades, negotiates and even at time tries to intimidate, as core skills of any lawyer worth his salt.
    Jacque Scenes


    The Lord made his way briskly down the steps. Light checks of his tuxedo were made tap after tap of his shoes. Cuffs were in place, his tie was straight and there wasn't a wrinkle to be found anywhere on him. The suit itself was black but his vest and tie were royal purples with gold stitching. He wore but a few accessories: an amethyst stud that kept his tie in place, a gold Rolex watch, a pair of cabochon cut amethyst cuff links for each wrist and finally, a purple garnet ring on his right hand.

    His beast was bold, ready to square up with any other in the room- yet the man remained collected. Its interest was towards the new faces primarily, and so the attention of the man followed. That attention was but a fleeting moment before it turned to acknowledge the Prince at Her Court, bowing deepest and holding it until it was well seen. Next, he bowed shallower to the Seneschal, then to the Reeve and finally a nod to Albert and Verity.

    His eyes lingered to the Seneschal and then to the bewitching new face. A quizzical look was offered to the esteemed Seneschal and along with a hand gesture it could have meant any number of things. Should he? Could he? Would she? Will she? Won't she?

    He only knew the last handful of Seneschals enjoyed the facilitating of acknowledgements and he would not impose on her right to do so.

    Blood Hunt:

  3. #13
    Verity Carmen's Avatar
    Striking Looks:
    (Your Dream Rocker Girl)
    Distinctive Voice:
    Cacophony Listener
    Cacophony Whisperer
    Verity Carmen

    Daeva vice: Pride

    Her flawless form curves where is should, is thick where it needs to be and thinner likewise.

    Perfectly symmetrical, Mistry Green eyes offer ready temptations from beneath the sculpted messy waves of Auburn hair.

    The rocker girl assemble of fishnets, ripped shirts and leather show off just the right amount, to pull every eye to her and ensnare imaginations, without being considered indecent.
    Doll Face

    Doll face:
    Dark purple eye shadow, with black eyeliner. Just enough Mascara to make her eye lashes look jet black against the purple.

    Matching Purple lipstick over full lips, to which a clear lip gloss gives a lustrous shine.

    Foundations 3 shades lighter than her already fair skin tone. Something that is only really visible when she blushes as her face remains rather pale.

    All her nails are painted a glossy Jet black.

    Stylishly messy Auburn hair past her shoulders.
    Verity Carmen Scenes
     Blush, Imbibe, 
     Blush, Imbibe, Daeva Vice: 0/3, 
      Blush (forgot to track from last post), Be in Awe


    No matter how much she respected the Seneschal or came to enjoy her company it was … jarring to hear that voice like a shiver of death down the spine. But it was not fault of the nosferatu Verity reminds herself no more then any clan was responsible for their faults. So, with a moments pause to adjust she continues. ''Acknowledgement? Congratulations! Well, deserved I have no doubt.’’ Tones of sincerity played through her voice. Is this the moment to play for what I want tonight? She decides to bait the hook. ''Would it still interest you to know I have accomplished a few smaller things of my own. Things we discussed shortly after my arrival?’’ Tasks the Seneschal had set her and thus the Daeva hopes things the Seneschal still wants to know.

    Eye flick to Raul. He is … quiet … nervous perhaps? She offers him a brief smile of encouragement. Don’t bottle on this, or if you do, do so completely rather than get half way. She plays as clam and confident as she can trying to convey that he could do it. Maybe he is just adjusting to the pressures of court.

    Neville arrives beast quiet as the seneschals and actually manages to perform something of a proper greeting to the Seneschal. Although he still gets raised eyebrows from the Daeva not for his comment but the lack of even the customary nod of respect, she came to understand was the standard greeting to one of her acknowledged standing. He as one not acknowledged gets nothing from her. ''Neville. Still working out the finer points of manners I see.’’ Her tone neutral but no, she would not let it pass this time, this wasn’t his first court any more, so a verbal jab same as she had gotten for her early blunder seems fitting.

    She takes a stronger grasp of her beast as it draws her awareness to the new predator in the room, unrecognised. A very pretty new face. Musical tones span the space as the Daeva moves to include the new kindred. ''Hey, haven’t seen you before, new in town?’’ Obviously. But it gives the women a chance to introduce herself on her terms. ''You know who you’re looking for?’’ Because after last month that might not be as guaranteed as might be hoped. Especially given the second most powerful kindred in the domain stood among them and not a sign of respect was given.

    Next to arrive. Ah I wonder if he will finish the acknowledge here tonight or behind closed doors? A nod of the head was given, but only one befitting one of her own social station, she heard the talk she knew his social standing had taken a knock recently, and after the performance she had seen, was not about to cater to any sense of ego that say otherwise. ''Priscus Baker, good evening.’’ Managing to keep her tone polite. ''How have you been?’’ Common curtsies observed. ''Busy night ahead?’’ She immediately begins fishing to see what the situation is.

    The Reeve on her arrival gets a bow of the head not as deep as the Seneschal but certainly more the anyone else she had given thus far, which of course makes the shadows in the corners of her vision dance as her gaze is directed away from them, an unsettling thing. ''Reeve Kingsley, good evening, are you keeping well?’’ The Reeve might not be a big one for court but Verity had enjoyed their chat recently, and it had been productive, so there is some warmth to the question. ''A couple yes.’’ But she makes no move to introduce them. I tired my hand at introductions last month and well what a show that spiralled into.

    And then as is customary her beast tires to tear itself free from her chest or so it feels like in its attempt to flee as the apex predator, the prince arrives. Verity goes into a full bow, not just one of the head, the only kindred she would go this low for. As always, the presence of the prince dominated the room the constant threat of immediate and sudden death if she so wished it, yet her complete command of the room, and all that transpired within it, was clear nothing would happen, not unless she wished it. As she straightens Verity notes the lack of even the small gesture of her acknowledged status. Much the same as when she left last month, so what’s all that about then? With the Prince making it clear she would choose her own conversation, the hellhound an unnecessary but very impressive physical representation of that barrier the canine adding a very real element to the feeling of danger. Verity flicks eyes to Gabriel her partner in a series of one-sided texts, and then returning focus to those around her and the conversations.

    The arrival of the Priscus of lords gives her chance to show the nuance of head bowing, and she takes it. The motion takes her lower than it has for any bar the Seneschal, and the prince, the latter of course having received a full bow. As eyes come back up, they linger briefly on the handsome Ventrue. ''Priscus Jacque good evening.’’ Observing the common curtesy of greeting. ''How have the nights been treating you recently?’’ He was the one to watch in her mind, the one who played the same games she did and was better at them. But she had prepared her moves for him in advance tonight. The night would tell if it was time well spent.
    Daeva Vice: Pride. BP: 1 Dollface

  4. #14
    Raul's Avatar


    Raúl gives a nod over to Verity as she addresses him. "Good evening, Verity," he says, a small smile at just how good her voice sounds. "I.. I'm doing as well as can be," he says. He seems slightly nervous but it could just be marked off as him having just stepped into the viper den that is Court, with all the Beasts around him. His own grumbling about how he could take them all if he but tried.

    He gives a warm smile over to Jennifer, "Baroness Seneschal Hazelton, a pleasure to see you, as always. I'm looking forward to our meeting later this month." He smiles to her, self-consciously adjusting the hem of his blazer as he looks around the area, seeing if there anymore members of the First Estate in attendance yet.

    When Neville approaches him, he glances down to the hand before reaching out to return the gesture, "Greetings, Neville. I'm Raúl Domínguez, Gangrel Whip, Ordo Dracul." His handshake is firm, but not threatening.

    He looks to the new face that enters, his Beast giving an almost snort of indifference, before he turns to Baker, giving him a nod of greeting. "Priscus Baker."

    Helen gets a smile and a nod appropriate to her station, "Reeve Kingsley, a pleasure as always."

    When the Alder Prince arrives, he turns to face her. Her Beast is strong, filling the room with its presence but still his Beast thinks they could best it. He knows better as he bows low to his Priscus. When he straightens again, his gaze flicks to Gabriel and then to Cain, looking at the large hellhound again, marveling at the beast.

    Movement out of the corner of his eye draws his attention to the entering Lord, having to know him by sight with the man's Beast hidden away, and he gives another bow of his head. There's that flash of nervousness again that gets quickly put behind a mask of a smile. He gives the briefest of glances towards the Daeva and then steps towards Jacque, his head bowed in a humble gesture. When he gets close enough, he bows his head again, deeper than he's given this evening to any but the Prince and the Seneschal, "Good evening, Priscus Jacque," he starts, "If I could bother you for a moment of your time. I wish to request a chance to right a wrong."
    Aspect of the Predator ​● BP 2

  5. #15
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise
    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes

    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes


    That powerful Beast that prowled out from the Prime Predator like a crashing wave alerted Jennifer to the arrival of the Alder Prince. The Seneschal lowered herself into a perfect curtsey, the deepest depth to demonstrate her respect. Dark brown eyes observe her Grace for a moment. Jennifer turns back to those around her.
    “Mr. Godwin.” Jennifer greets the Mekhet. Her Cursed voice slithers in the space between them, a snake coiling on dying grass. The Curse asserts itself.
    He gives me the courtesy I expect, yet will he extend it to others? I shall watch for it. Ideally it would be up to another to correct him, yet my faith in that Kindred was reaching new lows.

    Jennifer observes the quiet newcomer. Her eyes move over the attire and jewelry, privately admiring the chosen pieces of jewelry. A slight nod is given to her which can be taken as an invitation.
    A slight nod is given to Albert Baker as he approaches. Less than she has acknowledged in the past courts, reflecting on his standing.
    “Priscus Baker. I do expect that we have a newly acknowledged member in our society?”
    A pointed glance to Mr. Godwin and back to Priscus Baker. Her dark gaze meets Priscus’ Baker’s for a moment longer than necessary, intending to assert an expectation onto the Priscus.

    “Reeve.” A modest nod to the Reeve of the Domain.
    The Nosferatu now turns to the lone Daeva who had rose above the faceless masses.
    “I thank you, Ms. Carmen. Your words are most kind.” A very slight inclination of her head towards Ms. Carmen.
    “Oh?” A glint of interest enters Jennifer’s expression.

    The Nosferatu witnesses the exchange between Mr. Godwin and Ms. Carmen without acknowledging it in her expression. The carefully composed gentlelady observes Ms. Carmen with a calm gaze and turns it to Mr. Godwin.
    Jennifer performs a curtsey to signal respect to Priscus Jack. Yet it was never as deep as the acknowledgement of the Alder Prince. Jennifer observes the look of Priscus Jack. Her gaze moves in a nod towards Priscus Jack. A slight hand motion towards Priscus Jack. He should.

    “Whip Dominguez.” A pleasant tone to her Cursed voice as she gives him a shallow acknowledgement reflecting his standing. “I appreciate that. I am looking forward to the meeting as well. ”
    The Seneschal observes the movements of the predators.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

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  7. #16
    Losh's Avatar
    Lindsey Ravenwood
    Striking Looks
    New Identity
    (Lindsey Ravenwood)


    "I needed this." Losh thinks to himself as he arrives at the club, he'd been so busy with trying to clean up and repair what he could by himself at the Chapterhouse that he had neglected attending social functions. Leaving only to feed and keep himself sustained, this would be a much needed distraction from his usual nocturnal activities.

    Wearing a Crimson Red suit jacket and black slacks with polished brown dress shoes, he steps down into the court and sees a number of familiar faces, and ones he didn't recognize. There was the Prince, and the Seneschal, and his fellow Dragon as well. Stepping down into Court, he didn't like showing up last to an event, but time simply slipped away from him.

    He stands by himself, inoffensive and wondering if anyone would approach him first. It might be a bit antisocial of him, but there was a reason he didn't get out much, he liked interacting with his fellow Kindred, but he was always at his most insightful when he had his solitude. He smiles as warmly as he can and adjusts his black bowtie, ready to mingle but also fine with becoming just another face among many. His smile faltered ever so slightly when he spotted Verity.

  8. #17
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    Over the last half hour, kindred have entered and paid appropriate respects of bows and curtseys to the Domain Officials. Vicenzo is standing off to the side looking concerned. Mr. Waldorf speaks softly with a dark haired beauty who had come to visit from another Domain. The coterie headed by Sanchez drifts around the room, taking a moment to speak with everyone.
    Everyone who has attended a Formal Court in the past is now present.

    Court is closed to new arrivals.
    Ignore the Storyteller marble moving forward

  9. #18
    Neville Godwin's Avatar

    Neville keeps his eyes on the newcomer, noting her distinctive style among the others gathered.

    He bows to the Priscus as he greets him, and the woman who joins the party he offers one as well, before proffering a hand and introducing himself "Reeve Kingsley, a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

    The Prince's office doors open and he anticipates grabbing hold of his Beast, and watches as out comes the hound then the Prince in all her splendor. He turns and bows low, waiting for her to sit before returning to the conversation around him.

    Nodding to Verity, her responds to her, "A work in progress, just watch the show tonight."

    'I must remember Raul, his contact might come in handy at some point in the future. Besides I was close to James in Denver.'

    Jennifer's voice slithers through his mind and she greets him and he observes her interactions with those around to see how everyone ranks within the circle.
    Obfuscate 2 (Mask of Tranquility)
    BP: 2 Vitae: Willpower:

  10. #19
    Kseniya Volkova's Avatar
    Public: Kseniya Zima
    New Identity
    (Kseniya Zima)
    Striking Looks
    Kseniya Volkova

    Resources 3
    Kseniya Volkova Scenes
     Blush, Imbibe, 
     Blush, Imbibe


    Kseniya remained on the fringe, her eyes continuing to roam the space unobtrusively for the moment until the identity of at least one of the figures she was told to meet is made plain to her. The Russian-born Lady’s eyes land squarely on the sibilant voiced woman as the others declare her to be Baroness Jennifer Hazelton, Esteemed Notary of the First Estate, Seneschal of Sacramento and Priscus of the Nosferatu. Naturally, as the resident Notary, she was among the figures who Kseniya knew she would need to meet, preferably this evening.

    Kseniya considered approaching the Hazelton’s periphery so as to signal her intent to engage when she had the time to grant an audience, but the coming of a tall, tattooed figure with an equally impressive hellhound demanded her attention. Kseniya had her suspicions as to the identity of the woman, but they were proven correct by the announcement of the Baroness. Thus, Kseniya afforded the Prince of Sacramento a deep bow, holding it for some moments as a symbol of reverence, which in turn proved a source of comfort as it allowed the Russian to avert her eyes from the greater Beast and, again, tame the fear of her own.

    Whether she was Acknowledged within Sacramento or not, Kseniya knew better than to ignore the announcement of a Prince. To do so would swiftly see her turn from guest to intruder and such an act, besides being incredibly rude, would be counterproductive to her goals. For the moment, Kseniya was a guest and even that term was generous in the world of the Kindred.

    Rising once more, Kseniya heard the announcement of another figure, the very man she had been instructed to seek by her late-sire’s former allies. However, as Kseniya formulated her approach, another came. The doll-faced woman bore a tempting presence and, by all accounts, seemed to be a notable Kindred of some sort, though Kseniya noted the name given to Ms. Carmen bore no titles of function nor tribute. If she was of the First Estate, she had not been mentioned by the Invictus of Seattle. Therefore, Kseniya could only conclude that this woman had yet to undergo Manumission or that she was not of the Invictus at all.

    Nonetheless, Kseniya dipped her head slightly to acknowledge Ms. Carmen. The Russian’s blue eyes would rest on Ms. Carmen’s features, affording her attention to the Acknowledged Kindred, offering a slight smile, though not large enough to bear her fangs.

    As Verity asked her questions, Kseniya would finally speak, her lips parting to allow her Russian accent to flow neatly into her sophisticated cadence, “Your assumptions are correct, Ms. Carmen,” the Russian Lady confirmed, “And… yes I am well informed as to whom I need to meet.”

    Clearing her throat lightly before continuing, Kseniya would proceed, raising her voice slightly so as to be heard by the other Kindred in her immediate vicinity beyond Ms. Carmen alone. “My name is Kseniya Volkova,” she said, her eyes scanning the crowd, “I am of the Ventrue and the First Estate and had hoped to discuss my arrival with Lord Jacque, Priscus of the Ventrue and Judex of the Invictus as well as Baroness Jennifer Hazelton, Esteemed Notary of the First Estate, Seneschal of Sacramento, and Priscus of the Nosferatu in order to discuss the possibility of Acknowledgement and necessary Oaths to Estate and Domain respectively.”

    If none among them sought to announce the Lord Jacque and Baroness Hazelton by their full titles, then Kseniya saw it as her duty to do so. The Unconquered do not give titles lightly and each of them would hear their due.

    The Seneschal’s nod of acknowledgement is answered with a deeper, more reverent one in kind, as Kseniya knew well that she was an outsider here. Nonetheless, noting the looks between her and Priscus Jacque, the path forward seemed quite clear. Thus, Kseniya began her approach towards the handsome Ventrue, stopping just over an arms length away from the man as others also approached to converse with him, and afforded him a deep bow, though less so than the one afforded to the Prince.

    “I pray you forgive my intrusion, Lord Jacque she offered as she rose yet again, this time with an apologetic smile. It was clear others desired his attention as well, but Kseniya knew it was in her best interests to announce her coming as soon as possible, “Should you find this an inopportune time to discuss my arrival, I am of course willing to reschedule at your convenience. I can acquire accommodations outside the Domain for a time, if necessary, so as not to overstay my welcome.”
    Speaks with a Russian Accent
    BP 1 | Humanity 5

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  12. #20
    Albert Baker's Avatar
    Albert Baker


    Al was about to answer, when more people arrived. And the first had of course to be the Prince and that monstrosity she called a dog... Ignoring the fact that he apparently hadn't the standing to warrant being acknowledged by her he nonetheless afforded her the deep bow her station entitled her to. Next was Mr. Krait and was greeted with a deeper nod and then there was... Mr. Ravenwood. At the sight of the latter Al looked surprised for a moment as he hadn't expected to see him here as he hadn't known he happened to still be here. And the Reeve as about the last.

    "Good evening, Mr. Krait. Reeve. Mr. Ravenwood."

    Upon regaining his inner composure he began to answer the various questions by various people, starting with Verity.

    "Thank you, I'm well, I think."

    On the question whether the night was going to busy he thought a moment before answering.

    "Perhaps it will be. You never know how a day ends at its beginning."

    On Jennifers question he slightly shook his head.

    "Not yet, Lady Seneschal. We were interrupted and I figured maybe Mr. Godwin would like to discuss that rather not in public. To this end I've written a letter to him which he should have received."

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