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High Striker: IDK, uh, Free Food + Talk

21 - 30
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  1. #21
    Kray's Avatar
    New Identity:● ● John Donoghue
    Hidden Life
    Distinctive Voice
    (Autumn: Illusory Candle flames)

    A giant of a man (7ft 6'), broad as a barn (300lb) his muscles are not things curated for gym selfies but thick from use and abuse. The jug jaw can be said to be his most flattering feature, after the badly broken nose, limp locks of hair and sharp shattered teeth. He wears a long poorly made overcoat, suspenders keep trousers up over a ill fitting white work shirt. A battered fedora is his only accessory.


    Fedora 0 Dot

    Mask: a battered brown moth eaten fedora, the hat band looks like a band of sackcloth has been wound around it.

    Mein: made of stitched red and brown leaves, 2 holes for his horn nubbins -- the scarecrows I pictured to be in place of the hat band, just a jumbled array of tiny standing and suspended sackcloth and straw people ringing the main body of the hat.

    Mantle (Autumn) ●●
    Source less, sorcerous candle flames flicker in and out.

    Other merits of note:
    Iron Stomach
    Resources 3
    Strong Back
    Pledge Smith 3
    Fighting style: Brute Force 3

    City Hall
    Public works

    Criminals 2
    Finance 2
    City Hall 1
    Unions 3
    Public works 2

    Standing an inch or so taller and broader than its already giant mask the blubbery ashen skin, splotched with chitinous scabs and bulbous fleshy worts look almost diseased. Wild and matted lichens and moss form a tangled mane of hair and beard. Thick trunk like, twisted, arms of exaggerated length, end in vast hands with dark chipped nails. The pillar like legs bow slightly. A barrel chest and obese gut only add to the immensity of the creature. A broad jaw houses a chaotic array of sharp and curving teeth resembling shards of stone that prevent complete mouth closure ensuring they are always on display. The flat squashed nose leads to the sickly yellow sclera of the vast bulbous eyes and pupils more akin to fragments of flint, in turn overshadowed by nubbin horns protruding from a wide forehead
    Kray Scenes
      Wyrd Stone requirement
      Unyielding voice (Troll blessing), seal pledge
      Ogre blessing (+2 str) + wp for smash


    Gristlegrinder Troll

    Oh it was a joke? ''Oh. Right. I know about that.'' Never mind felt sometimes I wonder if I have anything between my ears even to this day. ''It was a good joke Circe. just.'' He knocks twice on the side of his own head with a dull thump each time. ''You know.'' Ogre stereotypes exist for a reason. ''I'm sure most would have laughed.'' Shame the gun don't talk really, Wonder what they would say?

    But on the payment front. ''Hm. Mix the two. The coffee shop has pantry right? Winner gets ten minutes free access to carry out whatever they want.'' An arrangement that to his mind definitely favoured him, because he thought he was going to win.

    He snorts. ''Oh. Good they are the judgemental types huh. Honestly sounds more like they might have been trying to hit on you.'' He could see why people would do so, even if it wasn't one of his past times. ''If one of them can see, and sees me .. well I need a body for ...''he stops. Looks at Circe. Whoops. ''So. This Pizza stack, nice work.'' He picks up and brings Circe creation towards its final DOOM!

    Bite the sticky pizza stack 7 successes

    No problem, in a swift, single motion that speaks of way to much practice all five slice fit over half way into that hungry abyss and are severed clean. Swallowed and ... shock and horror ...

    second bite 2 successes

    In mere seconds only the crust is left. Swallowing the second mouthful he must have barely tasted that. ''Yum. What's for desert?'' The toothy grin is a challenge. Can the summer present something he can't handle? And that was without using magic.

    The crusts meet a slower more reserved fate however he has shown off. If Circe wanted another demonstration she could ask. Monster ... Monster ... not hang on. ''Uh. If there is a monster would that mean there is a Dr?'' Or do I have that wrong way round? ''Hm. I never fought a ghost or its like.'' Best reference he has for the not corporal. ''No I don't reckon what I got would work.'' Well dam, maybe I need to make friends with some ghosts. ''But if its solid. It can be torn apart and the pieces nailed into different places if that's what it takes.'' Dismemberment might not mean death to all lost, or the others or who knows what else but generally you need you limbs to use them.

    He snarls. ''Ah. Don't sit right with that, with most around here I have to imagine.'' Lost not on the others payroll probably don't look kindly on slavery. ''If for whatever reason they try anything on with one of us, what's the acceptable level of push back?'' Those I wouldn't object to pushing right into a dinner pot.

    He nods, he nods some more. He is thinking about cooking crab. He nods again. ''Oh. You invited me fishing once before. Yeah I'll go.'' Yum. ''Though I never used explosives before.'' That could ended poorly. ''But yeah day trip followed by a cookout I'd be down.'' Or end great.

    He braces as the heat rolls over him once more. Waiting for it die down before chipping in. ''Yeah. I hear about her a lot. Anatole first. Then you and Sarah. Seems she was a real problem.'' But that's new. ''Didn't know she made fetches.'' Those only have one purpose. Usually he finds it hard to judge damaged or even evil changelings, given his own nature. But what it implied crossed a line. ''I said in the meeting I was willing to go. Still am. Just say when.'' In the last meeting they had spoken about he had been willing to sure, but casual, more something to investigate, with this new revelation his demeanour leans far more into the serious.

    His thoughts more on fighting he remembers something. ''Oh. The boss also mentioned something about a military encampment, knights? or something near by hedge side?'' Also back under the bridge that was, not come up again since.

    *Kray has three dots of Fighting style: Brute Force. The third dot of which lets him make a second attack (crush, bite! etc) against something he maintains a grapple on with a -1 penalty ... given the pizza can't escape I reckon that qualifies
    Ogre:GristleGrinder/Troll Preadators Gaze

  2. #22
    Circe's Avatar
    Scene Stats
    Striking Looks
    Mantle Dry Heat

    Merit-Striking Looks (exotic)

    Her skin turns a slate-blue and her hair bone white. The whites of her eyes are blood red, the irises are purple with cat-slit black pupils. The helix of her ears elongate out 2" inches ending in a tip. Her features sharpen and her figure has an unnatural, inhuman litheness that can be intellectually disturbing.


    Her skin brings to mind Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, or Asian races, though her high cheek bones and sharp facial structure don't match. Most assume she is of mixed ancestry given the pale blonde hair. Alias Mary Maniscalo.
    Circe Scenes
     Son of the Herath, 
      Toll and Good Customer Pledge, tip, Fairest Blessing
     Hardened Mask, 


    Circe lets pass her comedic failure. She does not let pass the prize discussion.

    "Dude," she gives him a flat look, "I ALREADY get a set amount of free coffee per visit," she bluntly informs Kray. "I've already won that prize. Doesn't give me much incentive."

    As for the talk of the idiot hunters, that topic makes her smile. Kray makes her smile wider when he starts to talk of what sounds like corpse disposal. "I know some guys ta help with body-be-gone work," she chuckles, "Though we can just pop a gate and toss it in. Also, enjoy for Science!"

    Somehow, Kray can hear the capitalization when Circe says it. And the Ogre eats it just fine. Dessert? "I didn't get dessert. I assumed this'd be for a group." She waves her hand toward the remaining half of the food. Kray at everything else. "There is beer and soda for dessert I guess," she shrugs.

    As for the Doctor Question, Circe nods, "Yes. Killed one of the mundies, give them the info on the guy." Let them handle corpse disposal. As for the level of push back, "They have improvised weapons and junk guns," she informs Kray. Well, that was her opinion. She had higher standards than just functional. "If they choose violence, well, I'm a Summerp," Circe smiles widely at Kray, "I say, break them. Thus far they've been all bark and no bite. That smarter one, I think, realizes biting the hand that keeps you clothed in claw proof armor is stupid," she is bragging now. "That, or don't wanna, ahem, take over protecting the theme park."

    She nods at the prospect of fishing through violence. "I've used 762, uh, rifle rounds thus far." She explains to him. "Not sure if they resist tooth and claw with the shell. Boom could draw some out more easily. The mud is the problem though. Like, tar pits or sand quick." She got it wrong but her probaby understood her. "Plus, they ain't shrimp. Ya can't eat raw crab or lobster, gives ya cramps and poison." She pauses to think on something. "Ya aren't allergic to shellfish, are ya Kray?"

    Because that would be oddly ironic. A Gristlegrinder that can't eat something. That'd be odd.

    "Thank you Kray," she nods as her re-confirms his offer, "Once we have a preparations, we'll patrol out to it. Gas masks work for Rust, but also for a tear gas trick I used to dominate. Plus, we can see who else is willing to go. Sneaks and brawler in combination. Recon and smash if needs the latter." Or blast. She still has TNT.

    Circe blinks as he mentions something new. "Knights? Um," she guessing he meant Anatole by the boss. Probably. Circe doesn't recall this. "Any ideas on what kind of knights? Or where? Oh," she walks back to the white boards. And writes Knight. "Hostile? Um, hostile to us at any rate. They hostile ta something else, we give 'em directions to it if it helps us."

    Which was not the Summer way, but Circe was also a merchant.
    Fairest: Larcenist | WYRD 2| Mantle: Dry Desert Heat |Health: 8 | Willpower: 5 | Glamour: 7

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  4. #23
    Kray's Avatar
    New Identity:● ● John Donoghue
    Hidden Life
    Distinctive Voice
    (Autumn: Illusory Candle flames)

    A giant of a man (7ft 6'), broad as a barn (300lb) his muscles are not things curated for gym selfies but thick from use and abuse. The jug jaw can be said to be his most flattering feature, after the badly broken nose, limp locks of hair and sharp shattered teeth. He wears a long poorly made overcoat, suspenders keep trousers up over a ill fitting white work shirt. A battered fedora is his only accessory.


    Fedora 0 Dot

    Mask: a battered brown moth eaten fedora, the hat band looks like a band of sackcloth has been wound around it.

    Mein: made of stitched red and brown leaves, 2 holes for his horn nubbins -- the scarecrows I pictured to be in place of the hat band, just a jumbled array of tiny standing and suspended sackcloth and straw people ringing the main body of the hat.

    Mantle (Autumn) ●●
    Source less, sorcerous candle flames flicker in and out.

    Other merits of note:
    Iron Stomach
    Resources 3
    Strong Back
    Pledge Smith 3
    Fighting style: Brute Force 3

    City Hall
    Public works

    Criminals 2
    Finance 2
    City Hall 1
    Unions 3
    Public works 2

    Standing an inch or so taller and broader than its already giant mask the blubbery ashen skin, splotched with chitinous scabs and bulbous fleshy worts look almost diseased. Wild and matted lichens and moss form a tangled mane of hair and beard. Thick trunk like, twisted, arms of exaggerated length, end in vast hands with dark chipped nails. The pillar like legs bow slightly. A barrel chest and obese gut only add to the immensity of the creature. A broad jaw houses a chaotic array of sharp and curving teeth resembling shards of stone that prevent complete mouth closure ensuring they are always on display. The flat squashed nose leads to the sickly yellow sclera of the vast bulbous eyes and pupils more akin to fragments of flint, in turn overshadowed by nubbin horns protruding from a wide forehead
    Kray Scenes
      Wyrd Stone requirement
      Unyielding voice (Troll blessing), seal pledge
      Ogre blessing (+2 str) + wp for smash


    Gristlegrinder Troll

    He folds twisted arms over his wide chest as he looks at the summer sovereign. ''Uh. Well you suggested coffee or money, and since you don't want more coffee I assume you have something better in mind?'' Shame I could have emptied a pantry in ten minutes.

    Phew no harm done I think. Now how to move past it? ''
    Hm. Wouldn't throwing a body into the hedge risk I don't know a hedge zombie or something?'' It's all magical and packed to the brim with vicious intent, zombies would fit right in.

    Oh, oh were bad at this. ''
    Ah. I was trying to be funny Circe.'' He does look where she points. ''I can see you didn't bring desert.'' Just that was easy.

    Ah now that, that he understands. With a dark green and something of a knowing glint entering the flinty pupil. ''Better the devil you know.'' Words to live by. ''
    They know you and not a different in their eyes monster, makes their job easier to have you around.'' Oh if only they knew what was really out there. ''What about the slavers if they try anything, what's the limit on retaliation?'' He might have chosen Autumn but fear and retaliation are often good friends.

    That gets a good head scratching. ''
    Ah. It have to be pretty thick armour to stop if I wanted to hurt them, but its possible I guess.'' The other thing, bigger problem. ''Being big as I am would I sink faster or slower you reckon?'' I don't think a shovel and pickaxe will cut it for this. ''But I can eat it.'' Not great but. He pats at his stomach. ''I can can handle stuff that would turn most folk green for days.'' Doesn't mean I want to.

    Nodding affirmation. ''
    Hm. Of course. Just say when.'' He'd make it work. ''I can in theory do more then just break bones. Though that showing at the café wasn't exactly a winning sales pitch was it.'' That was just embarrassing.

    The top half of his faces scrunches as he tries really hard to remember ...

    Remember! 2 successes

    And goes slack as he does. ''
    HA. Something about a militia entitlement camped out. Not friendly Anatole said.'' That's it, that's all he's got but looks to Circe as if that explains it all.
    Ogre:GristleGrinder/Troll Preadators Gaze

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  6. #24
    Circe's Avatar
    Scene Stats
    Striking Looks
    Mantle Dry Heat

    Merit-Striking Looks (exotic)

    Her skin turns a slate-blue and her hair bone white. The whites of her eyes are blood red, the irises are purple with cat-slit black pupils. The helix of her ears elongate out 2" inches ending in a tip. Her features sharpen and her figure has an unnatural, inhuman litheness that can be intellectually disturbing.


    Her skin brings to mind Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, or Asian races, though her high cheek bones and sharp facial structure don't match. Most assume she is of mixed ancestry given the pale blonde hair. Alias Mary Maniscalo.
    Circe Scenes
     Son of the Herath, 
      Toll and Good Customer Pledge, tip, Fairest Blessing
     Hardened Mask, 


    "Well," she considers what the alternatives are. What would incentivize her would not do the same for Kray though. "Takeout? I mean, she says she can't cook. So, she orders out."

    Seemed like a solution to her. As for the Hedge zombies? That could be a concern. "That is a problem to dismember to handle." Circe makes a pun, "A grave concern. If they're dumped in bits, they'd probably rest in pieces."

    Circe raises her left eyebrow and ear, for most of the conversation as it keeps going. At least until he gets to the Ambroisal Delights rules of engagement. "Goblin Markets. Ya attack one stall, everything comes after ya. They attack a customer, everything goes after them," which should be obvious to anyone familiar with Goblin Markets. That was the rules, though maybe Kray was new? Whatever. She gives him a feral grin, "Which means, the flesh takers are only safe if they get to the market and call base. Outside," she gives him a thumbs up, "Kill all the motherfuckers."

    Sometimes Summer and Autumn were of the same mind. Terror and violence could often coincide. Though when it came to Privateers, most courts just agreed with kill them.

    Circe has to think on that. "Well, I've worn riot gear whenever I've hunted them," she recalls what she could of those fights. "I'd probably sink to the bottom in that," she eyes Kray. Eyes narrowed, not glaring but calculating his weight. He was probably heavier than her in the armor. Maybe not with all the weapons included. Maybe. She packed a lot. Then she eyes his feet, slowly going up to his head. "Not sure how deep the mud goes, but ya might hit the bottom in some spots. Though, they borrow so that could have other problems." That was a different concern. Kind of like a landmine or alligator in a murky swamp. Best to avoid. "Okay," she smiles as Kray confirms he can eat, "Didn't want to be selfishly making you haul back something you couldn't eat for cooking. Guaranteed to make the relationship crusty. Don't want you being too crabby."

    The puns are coming back.

    "Much appreciated," she thanks Kray. "I'll let ya know when we get a plan."

    And wasn't that a little frustrating for the Summer. Circe was getting tempted to just get herself an M32, visit herself, and fire a warning shot with it.

    Entitled militia? Circe wasn't that familiar wtih the whole birds and Knights groups that were special to join using your Mantle that existed among the Lost. She networked Ironside to get guns instead. Also, her first thought was to her more survivalist, isolationist, paranoid customers. Local and foreign. It took her a moment. "Hmmm," she thinks harder for a moment.

    1 success

    Circe has no idea which one that is. Bishop of Blackbirds had been something Rhodes was in, was it not? And there were like, a half-dozen that called themselves knights? "I've heard of a few different knightly orders. Not sure which they'd be. I think one was, like, take it to Them directly? If I had the contacts for anti-tank," Circe is musing out loud now, "I could walk into that group's camp and out without difficulty."

    Because who that wants to fight Them directly would say no to a supplier of anti-tank weapons? An idiot that is who. Which wasn't guaranteed to not be the case.
    Fairest: Larcenist | WYRD 2| Mantle: Dry Desert Heat |Health: 8 | Willpower: 5 | Glamour: 7

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  8. #25
    Kray's Avatar
    New Identity:● ● John Donoghue
    Hidden Life
    Distinctive Voice
    (Autumn: Illusory Candle flames)

    A giant of a man (7ft 6'), broad as a barn (300lb) his muscles are not things curated for gym selfies but thick from use and abuse. The jug jaw can be said to be his most flattering feature, after the badly broken nose, limp locks of hair and sharp shattered teeth. He wears a long poorly made overcoat, suspenders keep trousers up over a ill fitting white work shirt. A battered fedora is his only accessory.


    Fedora 0 Dot

    Mask: a battered brown moth eaten fedora, the hat band looks like a band of sackcloth has been wound around it.

    Mein: made of stitched red and brown leaves, 2 holes for his horn nubbins -- the scarecrows I pictured to be in place of the hat band, just a jumbled array of tiny standing and suspended sackcloth and straw people ringing the main body of the hat.

    Mantle (Autumn) ●●
    Source less, sorcerous candle flames flicker in and out.

    Other merits of note:
    Iron Stomach
    Resources 3
    Strong Back
    Pledge Smith 3
    Fighting style: Brute Force 3

    City Hall
    Public works

    Criminals 2
    Finance 2
    City Hall 1
    Unions 3
    Public works 2

    Standing an inch or so taller and broader than its already giant mask the blubbery ashen skin, splotched with chitinous scabs and bulbous fleshy worts look almost diseased. Wild and matted lichens and moss form a tangled mane of hair and beard. Thick trunk like, twisted, arms of exaggerated length, end in vast hands with dark chipped nails. The pillar like legs bow slightly. A barrel chest and obese gut only add to the immensity of the creature. A broad jaw houses a chaotic array of sharp and curving teeth resembling shards of stone that prevent complete mouth closure ensuring they are always on display. The flat squashed nose leads to the sickly yellow sclera of the vast bulbous eyes and pupils more akin to fragments of flint, in turn overshadowed by nubbin horns protruding from a wide forehead
    Kray Scenes
      Wyrd Stone requirement
      Unyielding voice (Troll blessing), seal pledge
      Ogre blessing (+2 str) + wp for smash


    Gristlegrinder Troll

    It was a good as anything else. The Ogre shrugs. Wait!. ''Ah. Winner can get as much as they want right?'' Wouldn't be much point otherwise.

    He scratches his head at first. Oh that's really a thing ... oh I get. ''Ha. Grave, zombies very good.'' It seems when its laid on thick enough he can get humour. ''Uh.'' But not follow it up unfortunely. As he struggles and fails to respond with a pun of his own.

    A slow nod. ''Ah. Just wanted to be sure.'' Some places got extra rules you need to be careful of. ''There's only what six, seven of us.'' Not that many at all. ''Starting a grudge can get out of hand fast.'' Even if I don't start it, kill someone and others hold a grudge.

    Circes inspection doesn't seem to bother him. He is probabaly plenty used to it happening, that or people adverting their gaze hard, and he didn't expect that of the Summer sovereign. ''Huh. A bit over three hundred pounds if that's what your wondering.'' Last I checked it anyway. ''And seven seven, eight if you count the horns.'' That was easier it didn't change as much. ''Uh. But yeah Somehow I don't think sinking neck deep in mud with a burrower is a decent plan.'' Especially if its a gun type of hunting trip. ''Just give me a extra large limpet an anchor and a few lengths of strong rope.'' That should sort it right out.

    His response, short, stoic. ''Of course.'' A little absent in thought. That raises the question if lost can make fetches. Things the others use to replace those the take, can the other make fetches or do they have to come to one of us for them? He had always assumed fetches were the work of the others, this new revelation was raising troubling questions.

    Shaking his head and shoulders a little he snaps back to the moment. ''Uh. No idea sorry. Not to well clued up on the noble orders myself.'' I should be they are a whole new realm, expression of magic. But I'm not.
    Ogre:GristleGrinder/Troll Preadators Gaze

  9. Likes liked this post
  10. #26
    Circe's Avatar
    Scene Stats
    Striking Looks
    Mantle Dry Heat

    Merit-Striking Looks (exotic)

    Her skin turns a slate-blue and her hair bone white. The whites of her eyes are blood red, the irises are purple with cat-slit black pupils. The helix of her ears elongate out 2" inches ending in a tip. Her features sharpen and her figure has an unnatural, inhuman litheness that can be intellectually disturbing.


    Her skin brings to mind Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, or Asian races, though her high cheek bones and sharp facial structure don't match. Most assume she is of mixed ancestry given the pale blonde hair. Alias Mary Maniscalo.
    Circe Scenes
     Son of the Herath, 
      Toll and Good Customer Pledge, tip, Fairest Blessing
     Hardened Mask, 


    As much as they want? Circe had just seen Kray eat food for a half dozen people in one go. And he is still eating. "She'll probably demand a $200 cap or something," Circe clarifies to him. At least that was her guess. Still, a lot. Well to her a lot, not to Kray clearly.

    "Yeah," she nods along gravely at the low numbers. They didn't have the strength to take on a market. Sad but true. "We are small, but scrappy. Hopefully scrappy."

    But it was good he wasn't going to wade through a muddy delta full of borrowing predators. That'd be a Darwin Award. "Good," she smirks, "Don't think a snorkel would help much with the fauna problem. Aaand I think ya'd drown before I could drag you out, need at least two more people." She does think on the other suggestion. "Wouldn't a limpet bomb be heavy enough without the anchor?" It takes her a second to realize what he means, "Oooooh. Snails," she dope slaps her own forehead for that. "Butcher leavings might be cheaper, just hunks of fat. Never baited them before. The crabs are pretty aggressive in my experience. The big rainbow ones hit HARD," her ribs had hurt even through the riot gear.

    "Eh," she shrugs as they are both ignorant on the subject, "Well maybe Anatole or Seraphina knows. Gotta play ta yer strengths. Mine aren't on knowing fey gangs. Computers? Coffee? Guns? Yes, biiiig yes, and yes. But not the Lost who live in the Hedge in communes."

    Circe might not have as high an opinion on the noble orders, simply because the noble order phrase sound pretentious.
    Fairest: Larcenist | WYRD 2| Mantle: Dry Desert Heat |Health: 8 | Willpower: 5 | Glamour: 7

  11. Likes liked this post
  12. #27
    Kray's Avatar
    New Identity:● ● John Donoghue
    Hidden Life
    Distinctive Voice
    (Autumn: Illusory Candle flames)

    A giant of a man (7ft 6'), broad as a barn (300lb) his muscles are not things curated for gym selfies but thick from use and abuse. The jug jaw can be said to be his most flattering feature, after the badly broken nose, limp locks of hair and sharp shattered teeth. He wears a long poorly made overcoat, suspenders keep trousers up over a ill fitting white work shirt. A battered fedora is his only accessory.


    Fedora 0 Dot

    Mask: a battered brown moth eaten fedora, the hat band looks like a band of sackcloth has been wound around it.

    Mein: made of stitched red and brown leaves, 2 holes for his horn nubbins -- the scarecrows I pictured to be in place of the hat band, just a jumbled array of tiny standing and suspended sackcloth and straw people ringing the main body of the hat.

    Mantle (Autumn) ●●
    Source less, sorcerous candle flames flicker in and out.

    Other merits of note:
    Iron Stomach
    Resources 3
    Strong Back
    Pledge Smith 3
    Fighting style: Brute Force 3

    City Hall
    Public works

    Criminals 2
    Finance 2
    City Hall 1
    Unions 3
    Public works 2

    Standing an inch or so taller and broader than its already giant mask the blubbery ashen skin, splotched with chitinous scabs and bulbous fleshy worts look almost diseased. Wild and matted lichens and moss form a tangled mane of hair and beard. Thick trunk like, twisted, arms of exaggerated length, end in vast hands with dark chipped nails. The pillar like legs bow slightly. A barrel chest and obese gut only add to the immensity of the creature. A broad jaw houses a chaotic array of sharp and curving teeth resembling shards of stone that prevent complete mouth closure ensuring they are always on display. The flat squashed nose leads to the sickly yellow sclera of the vast bulbous eyes and pupils more akin to fragments of flint, in turn overshadowed by nubbin horns protruding from a wide forehead
    Kray Scenes
      Wyrd Stone requirement
      Unyielding voice (Troll blessing), seal pledge
      Ogre blessing (+2 str) + wp for smash


    Gristlegrinder Troll

    Its still more then the Ogre had thought he'd get from this idea coming in here today so hey to him its a win and he seems pretty easy going with that. ''Eh. You can make two hundred go a decent way if you know what you want.'' More then I get to spend of a single meal so it'll be worth it.

    He snorts. Seemingly not put out by her grave agreement about numbers. ''Huh. I knew a little scrappy dog once.'' When force isn't your friend, all the better to have an active Ashen court to get tricky. ''It fought bigger dogs.'' I might not be the best example but even I know to pick my battles. ''It died.'' Scrappy doesn't mean much if you don't use it right. Know when to fight and when to use other stuff. ''So. Best avoid the slavers then. No need to accidently poke a bees nest we don't need to.'' Not directly anyway.

    Now its the Ogres turn to give the summer sovereign the calculating look over, hum and down shoulder to shoulder of her blue frame. ''Uh. No offence and I know size don't count for everything but I don't think you'd be able to drag me anywhere if you don't got the power to to fight me in a brawl.'' Not to worry most couldn't. ''Uh. If needs must just throw me a rope and let me do the pulling.'' And hope whatever you anchored it to is strong enough. ... Wait what now? ''Ha. We got exploding limpets around here?'' That must be mess ... no she just pivoted to snails, what was she talking about? ''Uh. I just said limpets because you know crab fishing at the beach?'' Been a long long time since I did that. ''Usually something you send kids of to do at the rock pools.'' Or if you just want crab for dinner. ''But yeah any meat would do.'' We were talking of body disposal earlier. ''Because I do want to lure them. Ideally to somewhere I can fight, stand even without sinking.'' I might not be a grand schemer of the ashen court, but I do have enough logic to know if the terrain favours the other thing, get it to move. He grunts. ''What doesn't hit hard in there?'' In one way or another. Not that it made the prospect more appealing.

    Scratching under his chin now. ''Uh. Well Anatole was the one who brought them up and knows they aren't friendly so I can check with him some time.'' Go to the source. ''Uh. Yeah.'' Hold on. ''How do they do that?'' Because well. ''When staying in there to long you know.'' Siphons glamour away. Clearly this is a big puzzle to him.
    Ogre:GristleGrinder/Troll Preadators Gaze

  13. #28
    Circe's Avatar
    Scene Stats
    Striking Looks
    Mantle Dry Heat

    Merit-Striking Looks (exotic)

    Her skin turns a slate-blue and her hair bone white. The whites of her eyes are blood red, the irises are purple with cat-slit black pupils. The helix of her ears elongate out 2" inches ending in a tip. Her features sharpen and her figure has an unnatural, inhuman litheness that can be intellectually disturbing.


    Her skin brings to mind Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, or Asian races, though her high cheek bones and sharp facial structure don't match. Most assume she is of mixed ancestry given the pale blonde hair. Alias Mary Maniscalo.
    Circe Scenes
     Son of the Herath, 
      Toll and Good Customer Pledge, tip, Fairest Blessing
     Hardened Mask, 


    Circe's ears perk up at the mention of a scrappy. Then lower at its death. "Huh, so Scrappy Do ended up Scrappy Don't?" She tries to joke. "Good. Terrible for the Scooby Franchise he was." Which was really off topic. Circe had a better suggestion, "Hence why we cheat. Claymores at dusk? I'll set up the landmines and bring a gun."

    "Oh ho ho ho!" She laughs as Kray forgets that Mein's don't always reflect the truth. "Here is the thing, my muscle doesn't show because Fairest bullshit," she explains and continues on, "Though dragging weight out of muck, THAT is hard. Makes it heavier, increase resistance and needs more strength. I've lost a winch doing that Iron Side," that had been a source of much complaints from Circe. Compact trail vehicle, what a piece of garbage. At least she didn't pay for it.

    She pulls back to present, listening to his explanation of limpets. She shakes her head in the negative on a few things, "I don't do a lot of animal watching on beaches. Unless mortals count. Some of them really should."

    She was getting distracted. "Right, we'll find a spot. Oh, and the Sprights." In answer to what doesn't hit hard in the Hedge. "Terrible for advice, but not out of malice, more, um," she thinks on the word. Then snaps her fingers as she gets it, "Incompetent. Oh, the seductive and trappers can't fight, else they'd not bother with the trickery."

    She was getting distracted before they move on to the Hedge dwelling cliques. The answer seemed fairly simple to her. There were two that she could guess. Not even think about, just guess. "Some of them probably don't. Live in the Hedge, but go out Iron Side for," she makes finger quotes, "Groceries amongst the mundies. Maybe even literally for real food too." That was one explanation. But for the more fanatically hiding in the Hedge, she had a second answer. "Or some of them are farmers. Cultivate grooves of Glamour filled Goblin Fruit. Ya'd never see them because they're too vital to risk."

    Circe folds her arms and nods firmly at the last explanation. Then a smirk grows on her face, "And. Embarrassing. Kinda breaks the whole mystique don't it Kray?" She puts on a mocking tone, "We knights dedicated to the great cause, harrumph. Oh, except Bob there. He farms mushrooms so we can stay here. Ignore Bob," she starts shaking with laughter.

    More than likely, any Entitlement member hearing this theory would be pissed at Circe. Either for the insult or for being right.

    Almost at 30 day mark. Ready to wrap up soon? Circe would let Kray take the pizzas.
    Fairest: Larcenist | WYRD 2| Mantle: Dry Desert Heat |Health: 8 | Willpower: 5 | Glamour: 7

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  15. #29
    Kray's Avatar
    New Identity:● ● John Donoghue
    Hidden Life
    Distinctive Voice
    (Autumn: Illusory Candle flames)

    A giant of a man (7ft 6'), broad as a barn (300lb) his muscles are not things curated for gym selfies but thick from use and abuse. The jug jaw can be said to be his most flattering feature, after the badly broken nose, limp locks of hair and sharp shattered teeth. He wears a long poorly made overcoat, suspenders keep trousers up over a ill fitting white work shirt. A battered fedora is his only accessory.


    Fedora 0 Dot

    Mask: a battered brown moth eaten fedora, the hat band looks like a band of sackcloth has been wound around it.

    Mein: made of stitched red and brown leaves, 2 holes for his horn nubbins -- the scarecrows I pictured to be in place of the hat band, just a jumbled array of tiny standing and suspended sackcloth and straw people ringing the main body of the hat.

    Mantle (Autumn) ●●
    Source less, sorcerous candle flames flicker in and out.

    Other merits of note:
    Iron Stomach
    Resources 3
    Strong Back
    Pledge Smith 3
    Fighting style: Brute Force 3

    City Hall
    Public works

    Criminals 2
    Finance 2
    City Hall 1
    Unions 3
    Public works 2

    Standing an inch or so taller and broader than its already giant mask the blubbery ashen skin, splotched with chitinous scabs and bulbous fleshy worts look almost diseased. Wild and matted lichens and moss form a tangled mane of hair and beard. Thick trunk like, twisted, arms of exaggerated length, end in vast hands with dark chipped nails. The pillar like legs bow slightly. A barrel chest and obese gut only add to the immensity of the creature. A broad jaw houses a chaotic array of sharp and curving teeth resembling shards of stone that prevent complete mouth closure ensuring they are always on display. The flat squashed nose leads to the sickly yellow sclera of the vast bulbous eyes and pupils more akin to fragments of flint, in turn overshadowed by nubbin horns protruding from a wide forehead
    Kray Scenes
      Wyrd Stone requirement
      Unyielding voice (Troll blessing), seal pledge
      Ogre blessing (+2 str) + wp for smash


    Gristlegrinder Troll

    He cracks his neck, was the sound of moving ligaments meant to be an indicator of what happened to the dog or is just loosening up? ''Eh. Way of things is it not?'' The lesson I learnt the hardest way. ''Scrappy sounds good but.'' Popping his shoulders continuing down his sides. ''This is not a movie. Punch up to much or high and.'' And a general release of tension. ''You die.'' Or worse, much much worse. ''Whoever your punching at is not likely to spare just because your needed in the next act.'' So yes do that get smarter. ''If landmines work in there, that could be quite the solution.'' Smart explosions.

    It's his turn to contort his face cocking an eyebrow, dragging features further up. ''Ah. I said size does not count for everything.'' Sure helps though. ''But if your not strong enough to beat in me in a brawl, you probably are not strong to drag me about willing or otherwise.'' And you could be reasonable mighty and not find that easy.

    He looks to the tables and whatever food is left on the,. ''Huh. Now that is the question isn't it.'' Four legs or two, six or eight. Knowing the difference is very important. Remembering it more so. ''If they count what about us?'' A good number of us have actual animal features after all.

    Eye go wide. ''Ah. Yes the sprites good call.'' Yeah they don't make serious problems. ''The rest though they can hit plenty hard.'' Quite the summer response she gave me there. ''Trappers and enchanters and the rest. They can hit hard as any. Maybe not punch hard. But hit, that they can do.'' Using whatever they got.

    ''Hm. Maybe.'' Clearly not satisfied with the answer and beginning to mull things over. ''How many fruits would that have be though to maintain any kind of group indefinitely?'' I can only get a handful going at the moment. But he does give her that grin as she laughs managing to keep more or less in the conversation and not side tracked with thoughts of wonder and secrets.

    Now time being what is and all. Kray stands and tips his hat. ''Uh. Well that'll be me.'' And yes will laden up with whatever Circe doesn't mange to protect, without asking. ''Always a good time Circe.'' He heads for the door stops. Turns. ''Thanks for the food.'' And leaves in Ernest.

    He had gone in looking for a free meal and left with a full stomach, food for later and richer in knowledge. A very worthwhile door to have looked inside in the ashen Ogre's mind.

    Yeah sounds good. Thank you for the scene. I had a lot of fun
    Ogre:GristleGrinder/Troll Preadators Gaze

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  17. #30
    Circe's Avatar
    Scene Stats
    Striking Looks
    Mantle Dry Heat

    Merit-Striking Looks (exotic)

    Her skin turns a slate-blue and her hair bone white. The whites of her eyes are blood red, the irises are purple with cat-slit black pupils. The helix of her ears elongate out 2" inches ending in a tip. Her features sharpen and her figure has an unnatural, inhuman litheness that can be intellectually disturbing.


    Her skin brings to mind Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, or Asian races, though her high cheek bones and sharp facial structure don't match. Most assume she is of mixed ancestry given the pale blonde hair. Alias Mary Maniscalo.
    Circe Scenes
     Son of the Herath, 
      Toll and Good Customer Pledge, tip, Fairest Blessing
     Hardened Mask, 


    "Franchises fuck things up trying to introduce unnecessary new characters?" She cheerfully suggests. "And yup, though such idiots are amusing to watch at a distance, oh ho ho ho ho!" And she could confirm that explosives work in the Hedge. "Motion tracker part might not, but the clicker trigger probably would. Scrounge up some coin, get one from Betty Boom to test it."

    Circe quirks an eyebrow when he uses such a cliche line. She doesn't take the bait to make a size joke though. Yet, she feels the need to defend herself, "Still say it is skill not power issue. I'm just wise enough to know what I'm shit at, and admit it."

    Circe wasn't sure about his belief about the trappers. Then again, the last time she met one was whilst visiting the river. The riot gear kind of negated the traps. "Eh," she shrugs, "Armor kept me from dying to the rainbow crab shrimp. Aaaand made the spike pit useless. AKM incasinato both good. Prep time, makes ya badass."

    Yes, she is clearly bragging. Wasn't powers, it was networking that gave her such equipment. And illustrated why to not underestimate the mundies, but she wasn't focused on that part.

    And now they were on logistics! That was a fun fact time. She calculated it in her head. "Hmm," she thinks about it, "Depends on the size of the clique's enclave." Circe taps her chin. Kray did bring up a fun distraction. "I have enough for one. Maybe, octople it for a camp of a couple dozen." That would work for the Glamour, though there was the issue of healing fruit and just food. "Throw in hunting, trade, and raiding for eating. Logistics. It is feasible." Circe nods as she focuses upon Kray, "I mean, I could organize our Freehold to live just in the Hedge. The logistics and farming wouldn't be hard, but like ya said there ain't a lot of us. For the cliques?" Circe shrugs, "They just need someone smart enough to manage the logistics, or use a Pledge to make them good at it, and they scale it up. It'd work."

    Then he makes to leave. With 6 of the pizza boxes? Oh, no no no no. That left another 5 for her to manage. Circe sorts out samples into one box, and intercepts him with the other four, "Oh fanculo l'inferno no. Non sto buttando via tutta questa pizza." She stacks the other four boxes on top of Kray's pile, "YOU will eat all this. Consider it a humble reward for the arrogant Summer Queen. You came, nobody else did. Enjoy it my friend."

    After Kray leaves, Circe now has much less to clean up for food. Just the tables to pack up now.

    She needed to recruit Summers. Circe wanted to delegate clean up! Was that so wrong?

    end scene. Thank you for coming ReubanBrightwood!
    Fairest: Larcenist | WYRD 2| Mantle: Dry Desert Heat |Health: 8 | Willpower: 5 | Glamour: 7

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