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Raul the second invite

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  1. #1
    Verity Carmen's Avatar
    Striking Looks:
    (Your Dream Rocker Girl)
    Distinctive Voice:
    Cacophony Listener
    Cacophony Whisperer
    Verity Carmen

    Daeva vice: Pride

    Her flawless form curves where is should, is thick where it needs to be and thinner likewise.

    Perfectly symmetrical, Mistry Green eyes offer ready temptations from beneath the sculpted messy waves of Auburn hair.

    The rocker girl assemble of fishnets, ripped shirts and leather show off just the right amount, to pull every eye to her and ensnare imaginations, without being considered indecent.
    Doll Face

    Doll face:
    Dark purple eye shadow, with black eyeliner. Just enough Mascara to make her eye lashes look jet black against the purple.

    Matching Purple lipstick over full lips, to which a clear lip gloss gives a lustrous shine.

    Foundations 3 shades lighter than her already fair skin tone. Something that is only really visible when she blushes as her face remains rather pale.

    All her nails are painted a glossy Jet black.

    Stylishly messy Auburn hair past her shoulders.
    Verity Carmen Scenes
     Blush, Imbibe
      Blush (forgot to track from last post)


    Verity's haven Track 281 Apartments is the usual bustling hub of people coming in from their days of work and going out into the night for usually the same.

    (It's The floor plan and virtual tour of the 2BR, 2BA - 772SF option ( the third video tour) if your interested))

    The Daeva waits in her apartment tonight no less nervous then she had ben the first time around, if a little more prepared for the possibility of another night in. Some friends on speed dial for starters.

    She has put food and drink in the fridge, someone will eat at some point regardless and she is not dressed up to the same extent. Her skirt Long and dark does not hide bare feet. It's her haven and she can be bare footed if she wants, showing off the glossy black nail polish that adorns toes much as it does fingers. An under garment moe her style then what she has worn in recent appearances is layer underneath a personal favourite Jakcet and a simple Gold rose hair pin holds her messy locks out of her face.

    She lounges in the long windowless room that her front door opens to compromising of entranceway, living room and kitchenette all in one. Two doors lead off into other rooms. The TV on a set of draws is turned on but muted, she herslef is on the 2nd hand sofa with a drink on the coffee table. The room also contains a sound system that has clearly seen several previous owners and a staggering assortments of leather boots and jackets (most of it not real leather) hung up on free standing and wall mounted hooks.
    Daeva Vice: Pride. BP: 1 Dollface

  2. #2
    Raul's Avatar


    The Savage arrives outside of the apartment building, cutting the engine to his car. He takes a moment to pop open the glove box and take a look into it. He eyes the knife for a moment and then finally settles on just the handcuffs. He's still not 100% certain why this Daeva invited him to her haven. He didn't think she was planning to attack him. They were both in good standing in the city but one could never be too careful with one's unlife. He slips the pair of handcuffs into the pocket of his jacket, trying to add a bit of his will into hiding its presence.

    Touch of Shadow (failure)

    He gets out of the car, beeping the door closed with his fob, before pocketing his keys and he makes his way up towards the apartment. He's dressed this evening casually: a pair of dark sneakers, dark denim jeans and red polo-style shirt beneath a dark leather jacket. He's dressed a bit warmly for an early spring California night, but he doesn't really mind. He pauses at the door, checking his phone to make sure that it's the right number before rapping the back of his knuckles on the door in a knock. While he does so, he grabs the 'leash' on his Beast, just in case. It feels a bit languid within him tonight, relishing the meal he gave it before coming over here.
    Aspect of the Predator ​● BP 2

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  4. #3
    Verity Carmen's Avatar
    Striking Looks:
    (Your Dream Rocker Girl)
    Distinctive Voice:
    Cacophony Listener
    Cacophony Whisperer
    Verity Carmen

    Daeva vice: Pride

    Her flawless form curves where is should, is thick where it needs to be and thinner likewise.

    Perfectly symmetrical, Mistry Green eyes offer ready temptations from beneath the sculpted messy waves of Auburn hair.

    The rocker girl assemble of fishnets, ripped shirts and leather show off just the right amount, to pull every eye to her and ensnare imaginations, without being considered indecent.
    Doll Face

    Doll face:
    Dark purple eye shadow, with black eyeliner. Just enough Mascara to make her eye lashes look jet black against the purple.

    Matching Purple lipstick over full lips, to which a clear lip gloss gives a lustrous shine.

    Foundations 3 shades lighter than her already fair skin tone. Something that is only really visible when she blushes as her face remains rather pale.

    All her nails are painted a glossy Jet black.

    Stylishly messy Auburn hair past her shoulders.
    Verity Carmen Scenes
     Blush, Imbibe
      Blush (forgot to track from last post)


    The rap on the door causes misty green eyes to stop dead on the line of text she had been reading. And perseverance pays off. Now the person at the door might not be her expected guest but in case she takes firm hold of her beast, it would not do well be sent fleeing from her own haven and she had felt his from a distance at court.

    Rising from the sofa Verity pushes false life through her body, a precaution in case this is not who she thinks, and makes her way over to the door hitting play on the sound system as she passes. The background ambience fills with The best of Queen Then with the flicker of muted excitement rekindled she opens the door to see exactly what she hopes for.

    ''Hey there.'' She stands aside. ''Come on in.'' She is aware enough of popular culture to find amusement in the invitation and with the blush her smile conveys what seems to be genuine warmth as she smirks at the jest only he would stand a chance of truly understanding.
    Daeva Vice: Pride. BP: 1 Dollface

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  6. #4
    Raul's Avatar


    Raúl cracks a soft smile as the familiar face opens the door. "Evening," he says. He hears the growls of his Beast as it sees this weaker Beast and believes that the walls could use a fresh coat of crimson paint, and he ignores the growls. He spots that smirk, lifting an eyebrow for a moment before his smile widens even more. "Thank you for the invitation.." he says before stepping in.

    He looks around as he steps in and chuckles slightly. "Nice choice on music, Verity." He looks around, taking a few steps into the room, letting his gaze take in everything. He turns as he steps in, never turning his back to the Daeva. His Beast agrees that he shouldn't worry about her taking him, but he's also not stupid. Keeping one still animate is something you have to keep tabs on at all times.
    Aspect of the Predator ​● BP 2

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  8. #5
    Verity Carmen's Avatar
    Striking Looks:
    (Your Dream Rocker Girl)
    Distinctive Voice:
    Cacophony Listener
    Cacophony Whisperer
    Verity Carmen

    Daeva vice: Pride

    Her flawless form curves where is should, is thick where it needs to be and thinner likewise.

    Perfectly symmetrical, Mistry Green eyes offer ready temptations from beneath the sculpted messy waves of Auburn hair.

    The rocker girl assemble of fishnets, ripped shirts and leather show off just the right amount, to pull every eye to her and ensnare imaginations, without being considered indecent.
    Doll Face

    Doll face:
    Dark purple eye shadow, with black eyeliner. Just enough Mascara to make her eye lashes look jet black against the purple.

    Matching Purple lipstick over full lips, to which a clear lip gloss gives a lustrous shine.

    Foundations 3 shades lighter than her already fair skin tone. Something that is only really visible when she blushes as her face remains rather pale.

    All her nails are painted a glossy Jet black.

    Stylishly messy Auburn hair past her shoulders.
    Verity Carmen Scenes
     Blush, Imbibe
      Blush (forgot to track from last post)


    Her own smirk widens when he makes it clear he got the jest.

    Once Raul is inside Verity will close the door. The lock turns and clicks. She looks to Raul. ''Just so we are not disturbed. A good number of people live here.'' It would not do well to have an over enthusiastic and unwanted guest come bursting in. Even if her beast whines at being locked in with something more powerful and assertive as Raul's came across as. ''Thanks. I mean if I dressed as I do and poor choice in music .. come on can you imagine.'' All smiles and jests for the moment.

    ''Please grab a seat.'' Gesturing to the Sofa at the end of long narrow room. ''Do you want anything.'' Now gesturing to the kitchenette at the other end of the room. ''I know some of us like to keep up with that. I got Beer, something fizzy, Coffee.'' What do I have? ''And something to eat I'm sure but I'd have to check the fridge.'' I have enough people over there must be something.
    Daeva Vice: Pride. BP: 1 Dollface

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  10. #6
    Raul's Avatar


    Raúl tenses ever so slightly at that click of the deadbolt sliding home. When she turns to explain, he gives a small nod of agreement while his Beast looks at this prey with hungry eyes. He mentally tugs on Beast's leash and he smiles. "Good idea.." he says. "Queen's always a classic."

    He moves towards the sofa, looking around as he does, taking the seat furthest away so he can keep on eye on as much of the room as he can. He chuckles slightly at the question and gives a shake of his head. "No, thank you though. I.. uh... had a bite to eat before coming over here. Didn't want to impose upon you for refreshments." Even if the thought of a beer is somewhat enticing. It's been too long and he's not really looking to throw up some of who he consumed earlier that night.
    Aspect of the Predator ​● BP 2

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  12. #7
    Verity Carmen's Avatar
    Striking Looks:
    (Your Dream Rocker Girl)
    Distinctive Voice:
    Cacophony Listener
    Cacophony Whisperer
    Verity Carmen

    Daeva vice: Pride

    Her flawless form curves where is should, is thick where it needs to be and thinner likewise.

    Perfectly symmetrical, Mistry Green eyes offer ready temptations from beneath the sculpted messy waves of Auburn hair.

    The rocker girl assemble of fishnets, ripped shirts and leather show off just the right amount, to pull every eye to her and ensnare imaginations, without being considered indecent.
    Doll Face

    Doll face:
    Dark purple eye shadow, with black eyeliner. Just enough Mascara to make her eye lashes look jet black against the purple.

    Matching Purple lipstick over full lips, to which a clear lip gloss gives a lustrous shine.

    Foundations 3 shades lighter than her already fair skin tone. Something that is only really visible when she blushes as her face remains rather pale.

    All her nails are painted a glossy Jet black.

    Stylishly messy Auburn hair past her shoulders.
    Verity Carmen Scenes
     Blush, Imbibe
      Blush (forgot to track from last post)

    (Blush)Vitae 1 Spent

    With the sofa at one end of the room it gives Raul an unimpeded view of everything. Maybe that's why Verity has it where she does. Looking around he would see the coffee table has several fashion magazines some older some newer all had bits circled, underlined or torn out. Other magazines include catalogues of metal and rock merchandise, along with a can of leather polish and a do rag. All of the furniture is well loved and has that feel of being second hand or from a charity shop. The boots and jackets that hang or are scattered around the front door are mostly in Verity's rocker girl ascetic but its seems some more moderate or fashionable pieces have crept in. A lone sock with the space invaders logo seems to be half lodged behind the tv unit. What is missing though ... the walls are bare no posters, no photos, no patterns, no windows in this room.

    Verity herself is at the far end of the room in the kitchenette. ''Suit yourself, I'm going to though.'' She opens the fridge. Huh maybe its a good thing he didn't want anything to eat. She pushes aside a half loaf of bread that despite the cold is on the turn, and pulls out a bottle of beer. And grabs a opener from the draw. First pushing false life through her system. Is she was going to drink it seems she wants to actually experience it as best she can, her hands feet take on the hue of a healthy living person, her face remains deathly pale virtue of her white foundation.

    Walking gracefully back down the room to her guest, bare feet making no attempt to mask the sound of foot fall on the carpet. She advertises where she is in the room constantly. ''Now I must confess. I had more or less given up hope that we would ever get to sit down and have a chat.'' It has been what five months of trying to chase your trail. ''But it seems good things come to those who persevere.'' Misty green eyes take in the site of Raul now sat on her sofa, a swell of pride, one the emotions she still feels most strongly. ''But before all of that.'' A small flurry of movement as she sits on the sofa, the only place to sit, next to him. ''How are you?'' I have waited months, I can wait long enough to do the pleasantries.
    Daeva Vice: Pride. BP: 1 Dollface

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  14. #8
    Raul's Avatar


    Raúl looks around the room while Verity is in the kitchen, shifting slightly to find a comfortable way of sitting, or at least a way that looks comfortable. The Succubus certainly knew how to do the Rocker Girl look, probably from years of experience. Exactly how many of them is a good question...

    He looks up at the movement of her coming back into the room, watching her tempting form as she strides barefoot across the carpet. "Yeah. I'm not always the easiest to catch up with, but I try to make time for chats. Sorry it took so long to arrange this once."

    He watches her grace-filled twirl before she sits on the sofa next to the Savage and he snorts ever so slightly at the question, "I'm as well as can be. Happy to be back in this city."
    Aspect of the Predator ​● BP 2

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  16. #9
    Verity Carmen's Avatar
    Striking Looks:
    (Your Dream Rocker Girl)
    Distinctive Voice:
    Cacophony Listener
    Cacophony Whisperer
    Verity Carmen

    Daeva vice: Pride

    Her flawless form curves where is should, is thick where it needs to be and thinner likewise.

    Perfectly symmetrical, Mistry Green eyes offer ready temptations from beneath the sculpted messy waves of Auburn hair.

    The rocker girl assemble of fishnets, ripped shirts and leather show off just the right amount, to pull every eye to her and ensnare imaginations, without being considered indecent.
    Doll Face

    Doll face:
    Dark purple eye shadow, with black eyeliner. Just enough Mascara to make her eye lashes look jet black against the purple.

    Matching Purple lipstick over full lips, to which a clear lip gloss gives a lustrous shine.

    Foundations 3 shades lighter than her already fair skin tone. Something that is only really visible when she blushes as her face remains rather pale.

    All her nails are painted a glossy Jet black.

    Stylishly messy Auburn hair past her shoulders.
    Verity Carmen Scenes
     Blush, Imbibe
      Blush (forgot to track from last post)

    (Imbibe)Vitae 1 Spent

    Hey eyes do not leave him now, as if he might suddenly disappear if she looks away. In truth she feels a muted thrill at having finally got to this moment and is savouring how close she is to achieving what she is after. ''Should I ask what your looking at?'' Noting that he watched her in turn. ''Or would it to better to ask what are your thinking about?'' A playful note to the musical voice. The question but seem plain as night but what temptation brought to mind for kindred was not always what might first be expected.

    Are you now. Her glance takes on something of a more knowing look. ''Are you now? well that's good.'' She smirks. ''Last I heard you had been rather rude to a very well respected member of our community.'' A situation she would not classify as good as can be. ''All of that taken care of then?'' It's almost habitual to dig for things like this, it is how she survives.

    Still that aside. ''Well your here now so.'' She tucks her feet in under herself the life coursing through her veins brings with it sensation and that means she can be comfortable. ''I do imagine Raúl, that you might be curious as to why I have been trying to talk with you so persistently?'' How clued in are you? As she plays her social games Vitae is focused into the digestive system the better to keep things down for the time being. Openly the beer, cap and opener go the table and she takes a drink.
    Daeva Vice: Pride. BP: 1 Dollface

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  18. #10
    Raul's Avatar


    Raúl chuckles ever so slightly as he gives a shake of his head. "Nothing specific," he says with what he hopes is a disarming smile.

    He winces slightly at the mention of that, giving a small nod. "Yes.. I'm working on dealing with that, actually. I'm hoping to make amends very soon."

    His gaze flicks down as her feet move under her, taking in that sight, but not staring. "Here I am," he says with another smile, shifting his own weight to lift one of his ankles up onto his knee, turning slightly to face Verity. "Honestly? Yes. I was curious why you wanted to meet so much. I have my theories, but let's see what you have to say about it first."
    Aspect of the Predator ​● BP 2

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