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  1. #521
    Xander's Avatar

    Sorry for the delay, I assumed Youngblood was asking me questions because he was planning to actually say something.

    One thread in Heralds sounds like a good idea.
    Xisdor - Happy to help with plot and already responded to your DM about it. As calls and such, plot calls are usually just you put a notice somewhere with a date and meeting place and cross your fingers someone shows up.
    Just your friendly neighborhood gulmoth!

  2. #522
    Youngblood's Avatar

    Twist Scenes

    I'm glad that it appears that the info you shared was taken into consideration and all of you as players were able to agree on how to approach this going forward for clarity and consistency.

    I asked you, and others, questions to understand more of the gravity of the issue at hand- the issue suggesting a better and more appropriate way of posting consilium communications for ease of access and historical reference. In the end this issue didn't really need admin or storyteller (if there was one) intervention. I think the conversation started off with everyone defensive so it was counterproductive to each participant hearing and understanding each other's perspectives until a little time passed for people to step back and think about it.

    I've provided more specific feedback privately as needed. Do let me know if any other issues arise that need an 'official' site ruling.

    The only thing I would add at this point is to consider one last time this part before finalizing:

    Quote Originally posted by Xander:
    My honest two cents? Burn the board and stop splitting hairs over how information is disseminated. If Reuban wants to compile everything and post it then say Chambers took notes and passed them along in letters so IC credit goes where it's rightfully due. Same with anyone else who wants to do the same. When someone takes initiative they should get credit for the work that they contribute, and this corkboard is clearly not doing that if everyone is posting about writing on it but Reuban is the only one to compile the information. If other people want to leave IC notes they can stick a post it note on the other person's order HQ front door or leave it in the sanctuary. The board itself doesn't add anything the players didn't already have as options except there's now a board in the sanctuary, and it's taking credit for work Reuban is putting into it. I don't doubt it was a good idea in theory, but the more you explain it to me the more wrong I think it sounds in execution.
    It takes player effort and engagement to maintain what you're doing. It helps on a lot of levels IC and if Reuban stopped playing tomorrow I doubt very much anyone would pick up what Chambers was doing. Putting in the effort of doing something should be recognized IC by the character putting in the work and a general bulletin board takes most of the credit for that work. Having systems in place that reward characters with recognition from work they put into doing things like this helps encourage other/future players to do the same. In venues/forums like this it helps improve character engagement and gives another avenue of growth.

  3. Likes Ruach, liked this post
  4. #523
    ReubanBrightwood's Avatar

    I can put in the monthly maintience posts that Chambers is actively maintaining the corkboard if that solves the issue of assigning credit.

    Regarding the plot: Yes all approved for Philip to invite others after the scene in his Sanctum has finished If he wants specific people he will need to contact them IC and hope they agree, or as Xander says put out a general notice somewhere all mages would have access to that says when and where they would need to be


    I have two questions regarding the Aethernet:

    (I am not objecting to it's use in anyway, I just have two things I would like some clarity on):

    1. Regarding what is already posted to it. I am aware there have been events and plots that have altered timelines and changed memories --- Is the information on the Aethernet still valid for us to know or is it from a different time line most characters will not have access to?

    2. Xander that is a great point you made about it being global and used by Consilium's and orders all around the world and might well a very easy solution to another idea I had. --- Given that it is a database of electronic and physical information, (not all of which we can post up because representing a global network would be way to big of task) would it be worth someone paying for a point of library to represent the nebulous bulk of the information so it can be used for research purposes? (If yes I am happy to pay as I suggested it). --- If people have appropriate allies/contacts those could even help on research rolls when using it. ---- thoughts?
    Reuban Brigh

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  6. #524

    Twist Scenes

    So this question has been bugging me for a while. I assume that improved stats, such as from new abilities or arcana, take effect the moment the storyteller has modified the character sheet to show the updated stats. Can these then be used immediately from that point on, freely in all scenes the character is a part in, including those that started before those new changes were purchased, and then accepted, or do they first take effect at the start of the following scene next month? I know what I said seems like a contradiction, but I still wanted to ask because of continuity. I asked for upgrades to his arcana mid-story which have been approved. Can these upgrades be used immediately?

    EDIT: Stupid question, they cant. SOrry.

  7. #525

    Twist Scenes

    Sorry about that everyone. My question was resolved few minutes after I posted that, hence the hasty EDIT at 4 minutes. My mistake. And yes it was a stupid question, I know. So disregard that post, everyone.

  8. #526

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  10. #527

    Twist Scenes

    It seems I made a pretty severe mistake in my latest post for shards, where I for some reason (dont ask me why) failed to take into account the number one rule for shards, and had Philip roll for Fortunes Protection twice. Nothing happened, but it was still a massive fail nevertheless. Don`t know how failures of this nature are handled.

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  12. #528
    ReubanBrightwood's Avatar


    As my first act as ST! (drum roll please)

    Your March XPRs have been marked
    Reuban Brigh

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  14. #529
    Fedup's Avatar

    Twist Scenes

    I will totally find something cool to put here - eventually.

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  16. #530

    Twist Scenes

    Sorry about that fauxpas in the DYLF plot. First post I really screwed up in in a long time it seems. Was my first ever combat post. Or rather, try at the same.

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