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The Limo Service

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  1. #11
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    The woman's brow furrows as she thinks back over the distant past of her life. There is a deep sense of something heavy moving as Jack shifts within her mind.
    "My sister's behavior started this year. My aunts have behaved this way as long as I can remember. My aunt hired a wonderful Nanny who I love a great deal after my mother died in the accident, as the business kept them away for weeks at a time."

  2. #12
    Jacque's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Mask of Tranquility
    New Identity
    (Alexander Krait)

    Goes by Jack.

    Educated, scholarly, lawyer, scientist.
    Jack's outward demeanor and tone are a baseline of respectful and calculated.

    He actively debates, persuades, negotiates and even at time tries to intimidate, as core skills of any lawyer worth his salt.
    Jacque Scenes


    The Lord thought to himself and considered the next steps. These memories were tricky and she wasn't very forthcoming with information. There was nothing aside from the Nanny and the accident that was new information... but why would that be suppressed? He did not care to go through a therapy session this evening but he had nothing else to go on.

    "What accident?" with a quick follow up, "Do you see much of the Nanny since your move out here to help your family?"

    "Describe the shady looking gentleman you talked about earlier..."

    "Where can I find your Aunts and Sister?"

    Blood Hunt:

  3. #13
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    The woman replies quickly as Jack delved into her kind. There were some cracks over older memories. There was the lie. "Ah... Wait. Why did I think that? Mother was killed by Brangaine when I was one. I heard Brangaine say that Mother would too weak minded to be a good member of the Clan. She had already provided a servant and a protégé.
    My former Nanny, Sharleen, is waiting for me at the hotel. She is sort of a family friend, now.
    Oh, he’s a Black man. Dresses like a Grandpa, but like he doesn’t care that he’s out of style, you know? Has one of these old fashioned, expensive looking rings with a weird sigil in it.

    My Aunt Brangaine set up to meet me here once a week. I should have met her last week. I did not see her. She won’t answer the phone. My aunts Dindrane and Igraine are renting a house a few minutes from here. I went by yesterday and it does not look like they have been in for a while. It has gotten a bit musty.
    My sister should be at the office, now. I called her this evening to say I was looking for our aunts, and she was angry with me. Told me to go home and wait for her call. That its likely I won’t be seeing my aunts for a while, they are tied up with something.”

  4. #14
    Jacque's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Mask of Tranquility
    New Identity
    (Alexander Krait)

    Goes by Jack.

    Educated, scholarly, lawyer, scientist.
    Jack's outward demeanor and tone are a baseline of respectful and calculated.

    He actively debates, persuades, negotiates and even at time tries to intimidate, as core skills of any lawyer worth his salt.
    Jacque Scenes


    And there it was- the unobstructed truth.

    We really are such monsters, He thought to himself and of the teachings of Longinus.

    "What are the addresses of the rental house and the office?" He thought for a few moments more, "Do you know where your sister is staying?"

    "Tell me more of Sharleen... is she close to your aunts and sister?"

    Blood Hunt:

  5. #15
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    The woman leans in slightly as she gives the address to the house and to the office. There is not a pause as she replies. "No, my sister has always been so strange about that. She likes to brag only she has privacy, while Sharleen is always coming over to my place. I always hated that.
    Sharleen is employed by my sister as a personal assistant. I do not know how much time that they spend together. It seems Sharleen is always running errands all day."

  6. #16
    Jacque's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Mask of Tranquility
    New Identity
    (Alexander Krait)

    Goes by Jack.

    Educated, scholarly, lawyer, scientist.
    Jack's outward demeanor and tone are a baseline of respectful and calculated.

    He actively debates, persuades, negotiates and even at time tries to intimidate, as core skills of any lawyer worth his salt.
    Jacque Scenes


    With those final bits of information the Lord had what he needed to close in on the players at large.

    Still, he felt some semblance of pity for the girl. Over the next half hour he restored the false memories he had broken through. Brangeal would be left as she began the night, aside from an enjoyable memory of some light champagne, a little romance and getting to know each other a bit more- or at least the gentleman took a strong interest in getting to know her. None of the interrogating details about her family or nanny would remain.

    15 successes

    "Let's do this again sometime, my dear." he smiled as he signaled the end of the evening. "I can get your number if you'd like to. Where can we take you for the night?"

    I'm good to wrap if there's nothing else you'd like to add for this scene.

    Blood Hunt:

  7. #17
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    Brangeal was quite happy to have spent the evening in what she believed to be pleasant conversation. She was pleased to give Jack her phone number. The woman departed into the night, unaware of what she had divulged.

    I am good to wrap. Good scene

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