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Character Creation (Info in 1st Post)

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  1. #91
    Origins's Avatar

    Sorry to add a third option to the possible second kiths, making things worse

    The Elemental Kith of Blightbent is another option, given their Caustic Caress. That power does mesh well with the poisonous touch via bladed fingers. The lack of variety in what your 'ling can do now could be due to escaping. If your 'ling was creating the drugs, not generating them, then the Wizened options are better thematically.

    Was your 'ling also involved in the operations or just the abductions? The former could lean towards Chirugeon. Latter I could see working with Brewer of Blightbent.

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  3. #92
    Matt's Avatar

    Hello everyone!

    I just wanted to run my character concept by the group, see what you think and if you have an ideas before I start to put dots down on the page. It is only basic at the moment but hoping that some of you may have some good ideas I could incorporate or at the very least shelve for character development.

    Name: Talia (It means dew of god)
    Seeming: Elemental
    Kith: Waterborn / Fireheart
    Court: Summer

    Lady of the Volcanic Spring

    Brief History
    She had everything she had ever wanted, a good job, the perfect fiancιe' and that was cruelly ripped away from her when her keeper took her (Nimue - The Lady of the Lake). She was warped to "power" one of her keepers volcanic pools. She escaped, finding that her finance' had married her fetch, they had kids etc and naturally she is angry about this.

    Before she was taken she was a Mediator, negotiating deals. So I am thinking of taking Market Sense, maybe later on she will work towards being a pledgesmith.

    She won't be built for heavy combat, maybe just enough to defend herself / help. If there turns out to be combat in game those skills may go up with XP.

    Skills Merits etc
    Duel Kith ••
    Wryd ••
    Market Sense •

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  5. #93
    Leham's Avatar

    Hey there everyone, I have an idea about making my character "Occult Leader Humbled" and was thinking of four different kiths, one an elemental possibly Dirt,him being a rodent, him being an ant, and one were he is a butler, but can't ultimately decide.

    And is there a list of gentry for this site or is that left for the player's decision?

  6. #94
    Orianna's Avatar

    I would 100% recommend reading over the Wiki on Changeling Character Creation, it has a lot of great info and links. As to the Kith? Go with what fits the character concept the best

  7. #95
    Abyssalstar's Avatar

    Twist Scenes

    No list of Gentry that I'm aware of. People either use one from the books or make one up. Whatever serves your backstory best.

  8. #96
    Saber Sloth's Avatar

    0 Scenes

    Sounds like a cool idea! What Court are you thinking? Autumn for the Occult stuff, or are you thinking of coming in Courtless?

  9. #97
    Leham's Avatar

    I was thinking Autumn because from both experience as a corrupt occult Leader and his time with the Gentry, he knows fear is an excellent motivator (plus desire got him into his situation so he tries to avoid it as much as possible)

  10. #98

    I'm trying to put together a character, but tend to be indecisive in character creation, so I thought I'd dump some of the bits and pieces of fragmentary character concept, neat abilities, and long-term goals (which I'm well-aware may not be achieved and may even not be attempted, depending on character evolution, but that give some sort of direction to choices in the interim), to see whether anyone has thoughts on which would fill a hole, would be hard to make work in interesting ways, would be hard to make work in boring ways, would immediately raise questions of "then why on earth did you come here!?", etc. Feel free to comment on some, all, or none. (Not that you need my permission.) (Also, if this counts as metagaming, just let me know. I'm not trying to angle for advantage here, just to figure out what's likely to work in terms of interesting narrative and challenges, which I don't think is the same as what is likely to work in terms of succeeding at character goals.):
    • Probably Autumn, but maybe Spring.
    • If Autumn (and maybe even if Spring), I'm leaning toward any of several loosely-related concepts involving encouragement of well-defined, recognized fears (whether overcome, confronted unsuccessfully, or acknowledged and then promptly fled from) over vague nameless dreads. Might be a mortal job (under some sort of legally undefined therapeutic or self help-y term or . . . otherwise), or not. Might also be a reason to have left a previous freehold, if Autumn royalty there had a different view of how mortal fears should be managed by the Ashen Court.
    • Ogre of some sort with a backstory involving Long-Arm Jack, because holy shit, did that snippet ever stick with me.
    • Telluric is a neat idea, though I'm not sure what I'd actually do with it.
    • Weaver, both of mundane goods and hedgespun.
    • Goblin fruit farmer, cross-breeder, and possibly fermenter and distiller.
    • Eventual Baron/ess of the Lesser Ones and/or goblin marketeer. (This seems potentially like a good source of plot, goals, and interesting social interactions, but I'm not sure if the current state of the local Hedge economy makes it realistic, interestingly unrealistic, or just a dead end. My brief browsing has turned up references to a destroyed-but-reinhabited "Fleshmarket"?)
    • Specialized oneiromancer, maybe eventually aiming for oneirophysic.
    • "Gravewight who leans in hard on the ghost thing" seems cool, but maybe too distant from the concerns of, well, virtually everyone else.
    • Any of several different kinds of Beast, probably either starting with or quickly aiming for Blessing of the Burrow, as that seems both cool and useful.
    • Dominatrix or possibly some other form of magically preceptive (and flexible, and resilient) sex worker, leaning heavily into the relevant Spring and/or Autumn powers (not to mention specializing in the relevant sort of glamour harvesting).
    Obviously, these are not all going to mesh into a single character (and I guarantee that there are a bunch that aren't coming to mine at the moment), so I'm trying to start ruling some in or out. Anyone have thoughts?

  11. #99
    Yumyumcrow's Avatar



    Just some thoughts on what I've seen 'work' before:-
    1) The Hedge Spun weaver and the Hob breeder (more the Hedge Spun weaver) are doable. However, if you go down that path be prepared for a very long slow burn character build who is going to be outshone at the start and might only ever reach parity with a couple of other established characters. I'm not trying to dissuade you here, I'm just letting you know what to be prepared for. The Hob Breeder, like the Hedgespun weaver, is going to take a lot of work (it will be a big XP sink) before you see any results. Also remember carrying Hob critters around may cause problems outside of the Hedge - again, you do what you wish as I'm just laying out what to expect.

    2) Oneiromancy is cool and it is always good to have another specialist . There will always be Dream plots for your character to shine in.

    3) Gravewright might be a little too specialist, depending on how you play them. You can always do some Glimpse scenes to show off the ghost side of them, and then focus on interacting with the rest of the Freehold as normal

    4) *ahem* Please, no sex workers. We have had similar characters before and they pretty much went down like lead balloons. It is a very thin line to tread and so easily to make a mess of it. Best to just avoid it, for this setting at least.

    5) Plot generator characters don't work really well in this setting unless you're willing to wait for your big pay off (when you earned the XP to set up what you need to 'make plots'). Most plots are generated by the resident ST Saber Sloth rather than by characters. You can, at a later date, offer to run what we call a PrP (Player Run Plot) but they are at the ST's discretion. So if that is your core concept, be prepared to wait for a while.

    Again, I stress I'm not trying to cramp your style or creativity. You asked for what 'works' best in terms of making an interesting and long term character. I've made enough characters in this sites various settings to know that some character concepts sound great on paper but don't work so well in an online forum such as this.

    Maybe think of a character first and game mechanics second. The setting is so small now your character will be useful no matter what. Start small and go from there.

    If Long Arm Jack gets your creative juices going, go for it!
    Just remember it is a collaborative game.


  12. #100
    Saber Sloth's Avatar

    0 Scenes

    Oh wow, that's a lot of words Prunus , but it looks like Yumyumcrow covered most of that, (which is amazingly awesome thanks yyc!! <3 ), if there's anything else that wasn't covered, or if you have more questions, feel free to ask me!

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