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Another new Shadow

  1. #1
    Albert Baker's Avatar
    Albert Baker


    The address given turned out to be in Land Park and further looking lead to a detached plain gablefront house in yellow brick, red roof tiles and the windows and doors as well as the fence and porch painted in white. Passing through the fence and over the white cobblestones leading through the small lawn some steps could be taken on the porch and upon ringing the door bell the door would open.

    Inside the path lead through a small room with an iron wardrobe and wallpaper with white roses on blue to the living room where an oval wooden table stood and two places at it being prepared with notebooks and various writing implements. On the wall were the same 70s-wallpaper and some paintings, framed and under glass. Finally the door to another room opened and the host appeared, sitting down and gesturing for the guest to do the same.

  2. #2
    Losh's Avatar
    Lindsey Ravenwood
    Striking Looks
    New Identity
    (Lindsey Ravenwood)


    Losh sits down and offers Albert a weary smile,"We're really cutting it close aren't we? I guess unlife kinda got in the way for both of us. It's funny, today, or I guess tonight, is my birthday actually, didn't even realize it when I woke up." For the smallest moment, there's a shift in his demeanor, a twitch, an error that's quickly squashed and corrected. If anyone were free to guess, they'd sense sorrow, nostalgia, a welling of emotions so dense and thick it'd be impossible to pierce for an untrained eye.

    "Where are my manners?" Losh snaps backs to attention like a solider being called to service, his grin friendly and personable, "I'm Losh, it's a pleasure to meet you in person Doctor Baker, You can call me Lindsey or even Mr. Ravenwood if you want to keep this professional, though, I'll admit, it feels a bit too fancy for me." He chuckles.

  3. #3
    Albert Baker's Avatar
    Albert Baker


    Al had dressed as he usually did at home: ash grey dress trousers, a white dress shirt with a purple tie, red slippers with silverwork floral embroidery and a red cardigan with the words of the four Purusuthas (goals in life in Hinduism) repeatedly embroidered in white. As an accent he wore a silver medaillion with the depiction of a woman with three bodies. At the remark about 'cutting it close' he raised an eyebrow quizzically.

    "I'm not quite sure what you mean, Mr. Ravenwood. We seem to be cutting it close to what exactly ?"

    Observing the well of emotions he nodded.

    "I see. I'd offer you a drink to celebrate but I happen to not keep any commodities here, I'm afraid."

    Al nodded to the pleasantries with a small smile.

    "My pleasure, Mr. Ravenwood. Indeed I do prefer a last name basis with most people."

    He tented his hands and focused his attention on the newest member of the family.

    "Now, why don't you tell me a bit about yourself, so that I can form an impression of you and your talents ? Afterwards, any questions you have will be answered and finally we get to the Acknowledgement."

  4. #4
    Losh's Avatar
    Lindsey Ravenwood
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    (Lindsey Ravenwood)


    "Oh I'm sorry, I thought the Gathering was really close. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply anything." He looks around clearly embarrassed.

    "Anyways, I'll keep this part short. I'm from the Ordo Dracul, and with that comes secrets. Stuff that I've been bound by oath to never repeat to someone not of the
    covenant. It's nothing personal, and I don't mean to disrespect you in anyway Doctor Baker, I just know that some members of our kind get itchy when they hear that sort of news." Losh looks back up at the good doctor and quickly adds, "But just know for as long as I'm here, and as long as I'm not forced me to go against the Ordo, I'll put the family first."

    "I've also learned a number of skills over the years, I consider myself a bit of a private eye for Kindred. I'm good at getting to the bottom of things, really good. If you need someone trailed and
    documented, I'm your man. If you need someone with two feet on the ground to do some investigating, I've got the skills. And-" He pauses and lowers the tone of his voice to a hushed whisper, as if expecting an attacker to suddenly materialize as soon as the words leave him "If you need someone taken care of, I'm right here."

  5. #5
    Albert Baker's Avatar
    Albert Baker


    Al smiled upon the clarification.

    "It is indeed. Nonetheless this meeting is a necessity."

    "You aren't disrespecting me. Covenant secrets are secret for a reason and I do not wish to pry them out of you."

    Al nodded when the topic of people getting itchy about the Ordo came up, as if he very well knew similar situations.

    "Some people get itchy about the Circle or the Lancea. I suppose it is 'part of the package' with the more occult covenants."

    When the question about talents was answered he started taking notes.

    "That is good to know, Mr. Ravenwood. Some martial talent is good to have. You might want to have a talk with the Reeve about putting that talent to good use."

    After sliding a piece of paper with the name and telephone number of the Reeve to Mr. Ravenwood he tented his hands again.

    "There is indeed a rule about covenant business: It stays out of our family gatherings."

    He slied the note about Mr. Ravenwood into a folder and focused his attention on him again.

    "Now is the time for questions on your part. As it is written: ask and you shall receive."

  6. #6
    Losh's Avatar
    Lindsey Ravenwood
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    (Lindsey Ravenwood)


    Losh thinks for a moment about what to ask, "I guess my first question is, what's the Prince of this city like? I know her name and her general modus operandi. I did my legwork before coming to the city. But those were all either sourced from third hand accounts or from Kindred with very spotty memories. I guess the heart of what I'm asking is, Is there anything that's going to get my head chopped off? You know, songs I shouldn't request, kindred that are best left unmentioned, and matters I don't belong anywhere near. I'm a team player Doctor Baker, and I believe our kind is greater than the sum of its parts. When we work together and everyone's understands everyone, we can do some pretty awesome things."

    Losh strokes his chin inquisitively with the back of his hand as he leans on the armrest, "But that's wishful thinking on my part, there's always going to be bad apples, rotten eggs so to speak. Kindred who'd rather tear down than build up. Now, I ain't saying I'm a Bolshevik. But you have to admit there's a certain camaraderie to unity."

    "So my next question is, are there any troublemakers I should be aware of? Kindred that really earned their spot on the Prince's hitlist. Now I'm not saying I'm going to strap a bandanna to my head and go on a rampage, but it's nice to know who's willing to set aside their differences for the betterment of the family, and the wider Kindred community."

  7. #7
    Albert Baker's Avatar
    Albert Baker


    "She is a believer in second chances, provided the proper humility. From what I heard for severe punishment it is necessary to either commit a serious mistake or the same one repeatedly despite warning. And the usual: Mind your manners around her, as she's Invictus. I don't know of names that should be left unsaid, I'm afraid."

    Al thought about that for a longer while before shrugging.

    "At the moment there are no rotten apples or at least we seem to be few enough that disruptive elements are easy to spot and to weed out. I'd advise you to ask the Reeve, she would know more about that."

    On a further thought he seemed to have a sudden inspiration.

    "There might be someone having the potential to be disruptive, though. In case she still is in the area and I re-acknowledge her you might meet her at the gathering."

  8. #8
    Losh's Avatar
    Lindsey Ravenwood
    Striking Looks
    New Identity
    (Lindsey Ravenwood)


    ​"You strike me as a purposeful man Doctor Baker, so I'll avoid asking her name. Whatever happens, happens. It's ironic, what our kind does rarely stays in the dark forever."
    Losh mulls over his options for a moment, "So, this....Reeve," he says slowly, as if testing the word, "Her name is Helen, right? How does she enforce the Prince's...business, if you get what I mean. Also, and forgive my ignorance, but I thought the title was normally Sheriff. Is there a story there? or is it just our Prince's personal taste?"

  9. #9
    Albert Baker's Avatar
    Albert Baker


    Al nodded at the choice of words.

    "Yes, those are the ironies that can make our existence... interesting."

    Upon the difference of title he thought a while, though he was sure it was an Invictus word, as they had had a Reeve in Victoria as well.

    "It is Invictus for Sheriff, I think. You see, most of the leadership are Invictus, though they don't force people outside of it to use their covenant titles and insist this domain is merely guided by them. That difference might have a deeper meaning for them, so I should warn you to use the 'less preferred' choice of words in public."

    He took a moment to think about how to describe her style. Sure, he had comparisons on hand, though he was sure Losh wouldn't know any of them.

    "Efficiently, meticulously and if it is necessary quite violently. My father would say she'd be an excellent policeman."

  10. #10
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    There has been no activity since October 12th. I am closing this

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