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L... eh ?

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  1. #21
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar
    Helen Kingsley
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     Blush !, 


    "Most dances I am part of are pretty one-sided things. never got the hang of that kind of stuff."

    Helen smirks at the gym and frowns a little as Marilyn sets the wager for a minor boon. She'd have takenit a level lower, but what the hell, mostly shows how sure Marilyn is she'll win, is all.

    "Minor it is, then. Just don't think you've won just yet."

    She remembers something else, though...

    "I'll hit you up once I know when the next covenant meeting is up about all the important covenant stuffs. Also, you know where the Reeve's office is ? Just in case you want to go and visit. Heard there's few appointments, just show up and ask politely, they love that."

    She chuckles and writes a little route for Marilyn so she'll find the office.

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  2. #22
    Marilyn's Avatar

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    Marilyn nodded, recognizing the intricate nature of boons. They were, indeed, a reciprocal path. To be indebted to the right person meant not only the enjoyment of their favor but also the safeguarding of one's own worth. A symbiotic arrangement, truly, for the newly arrived Mekhet who sought allies and leverage within this unfamiliar city – win or loss was a win for her.

    "I wouldn’t dare to count you out just yet," she affirmed.

    As the conversation pivoted back to matters of business, her attention sharpened once more upon Helen. "Yes, once I have settled, I will make a visit to the Reeve's office," she stated, her words carrying the weight of obligation. Such an endeavor would undoubtedly prove essential in the nights to come. Familiarizing herself with the Reeve and the Archon would hopefully help her from being mistaken as a poacher.

    Sensing the encroaching dawn and the inevitable waning of the night, Marilyn shifted slightly in her chair, signaling her impending departure. Yet, before bidding her farewell, she offered one final inquiry,

    "I suppose it is time for me to go... any other tip for these first few nights?"
    Vitae: | Willpower: | Health:

  3. #23
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar
    Helen Kingsley
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     Blush !, 


    "Watch your back and go by your gut. Something feels fishy, get the fuck out of the place.Stay away from the industrial district for the time being. Also there's a warehouse at (addfress). Reeve's forbidden anyone to go anywhere near there, it's part of an investigation and too dangerous for casual visitors right now. Stay away or get your tits ripped off and stuffed into an orifice of the Reeve's choosing. Reeve's words, not mine."

    Pretty self-evident and probably nothing Marilyn didn't already know, but hey, it's the thought that counts.

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  4. #24
    Marilyn's Avatar

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    Marilyn bestowed her undivided attention as Helen expanded upon places to avoid, tracing its course with a keen eye. Staying at large from the clamor of the industrial district and the cavernous warehouse, least the Reeve made an example of her. Perchance, she ruminated, it shall not prove too arduous a task – her favorite hunting grounds held different appeal. With a reflective pause, she gestured to rise from her seat.

    "Very well, thank you for this."

    "Let’s stay in touch, I think we can help each other out, you seem to know a lot of what’s going on but I’m sure together we can do much more."

    At last, the opulent Mekhet gracefully rose and signaled toward the threshold.

    "and thank you for the welcome!" the Shadow finally offered as a way of a goodbye.

    "I’ll keep you informed on that night out with drinks." And unless hindered, Marilyn departed the scene to search for a suitable hole to hide away from the merciless rays of the day star.

    OOC: Thank you for the scene.
    Vitae: | Willpower: | Health:

  5. #25
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar
    Helen Kingsley
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     Blush !, 


    "Anytime. I mean, it's not like you know where my place is." Shje flashes a grin and gives Marilyn a piece of paper. "Here's my phone number. You got the asshole one that everyone gets already, this is the other. You use it, I'll assume the tree is on fire." She punctuates that with a piercing look. "And God help you if it ain't. Now, I'm scheduling a covenant meet about the covenant stuff for September, if you got time, we can do before that, of course."

    Helen looks aa the new shiny prepares to leave. This could get mighty interesting...

    "You do that. My regards to Dr Baker."

    You're welcome ! Thanks for the nice scene !

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

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