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(2304)Eternal Court

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  1. #21
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    "Aw, shame."

    She looks over to Joshua. Looks like Gangrel is fashionable again, they'll see how well these ones will stick around. Her eyes move to Jennifer. Stealth now as well, eh ? Well, not a dealbreaker. As is, she gives Joshua the directions to her office.

    "My office is basically around the corner, just drop in when you have some spare time. So just hand-to-hand it is ?" Always fun, poking these guys, just to see what happens.

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  2. #22
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise
    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes

    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes


    Joshua would make a bow to each one, in a room full a beasts one tries to keep there own locked up. "I am quite new here and wanted to offer my personal greetings to each of the Covenant Leaders myself.
    Joshua would listen to the Seneschel and nod "I would love to enter the unarmed combat, gets blood pumping, where would I sign up" Joshua would pause and then ask "If I may of course"
    Jennifer gave a glance to Raul at this. Her expression was thoughtful.
    "Yes, all acknowledged Kindred are welcome to join the Tournament. You must write of your interest to the Priscus Jack by April 30th."

    Jennifer was comfortable in silence, listening to those gathered talk with one another. Her brown eyes flick to the Reeve for a moment and return to Mr. Gonzalez.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

  3. #23
    Joshua Gonzalez's Avatar

    Striking Looks
    Filipino Martial Arts
    Joshua Gonzalez

    Striking Looks 2

    Joshua is a handsome vampire from the Philippines, he thanks his family for good genes.

    Filipino Martial Arts 2

    Joshua always carries retractable Escrima Sticks

    ()Werewolf Spent

    Joshua gives a nod of respect to Raul "Much appreciated, I am happy to talk to anyone about their views on things" He was honestly just guessing he was a leader since he heard that Helen and Albert were the leaders of their covenant's from previous conversation with the Seneschel.

    He would turn and look at Albert, he would take the card and put it with his previous one he has already attained. "Thank you very much, I look forward to a conversation with you" There was a hint of something sad in his voice when he talked to Albert as if there was regret or at least something similar for a vampire.

    He would then turn to Helen and respectfully nod "Thank You Reeve Helen, I will keep note of that and inquire more about the Carthian's whenever you are available." he would smile "I haven't had a good brawl in awhile."

    Joshua would nod at Jennifer, then inquire. "Is are Lady Seneschel going to be joining the tournament as well?" Joshua thought it might be fun to fight the Seneschel but he kept that to himself.
    Aspect of the Predator ● [BP 3]

  4. #24
    Raul's Avatar


    Raúl nods over to the Shadow with a small but genuine smile. "Indeed it has and I plan to make it stronger and more lasting. Thank you, Priscus Baker."

    He watches Albert hand the new Savage a card and thinks he probably could stand to get a couple of those. For now, he pulls out a small notepad and pen, writing down his own number and tearing out the page before holding it, folded, out to Joshua. "At your convenience, Mr. Gonzalez."

    He lifts an eyebrow at the question about the Seneschal's possible participation in the tournament and he listens to the answer as he turns back to the chessboard and moves to sit at it again. Need to get some practice in before the big event.
    Aspect of the Predator ​● BP 2

  5. #25
    Albert Baker's Avatar
    Albert Baker


    Al nodded in turn with Joshua though raising an eyebrow at the hint of regret, but he chose not to comment on that in a public setting.

    "So do I. May I ask what brought you to this domain, Mr. Gonzales?"

    While seeing what the answer would be, he mentally began planning the location of that meeting.

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