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The Blue Cue

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  1. #11
    Moira's Avatar
    Public Effects
    Alt Identity
    (Allegra Cole)
    Striking Looks


    From the ground mists rise, billowing thickly, and a thousand ethereal voices chorus eerily, sounding far away, the seasons spring to life going through time rapidly from verdant spring, to scorching summer, and the first leaves of Autumn, and the deep silent cold of winter.


    The look on Moira's face as Phoenyx not only makes the shot but nails that motherfucker right into the pocket was camera worthy. She slowly recovered from the shock with a grin. "Oh wow! Alice! That was amazing! Niiiiice shot." She drawled out the word for maximum praise effect. She made a gesture as if brushing dust off her opposite shoulder with a laugh. If she played that good tipsy... she wondered how much of a shark Phoenyx could be?!

    Moira grinned at Belle for a second when she mentioned luck. Never a good thing to do! Tempting Fate wasn't your best bet. She was capricious with her blessings.

    "Shouldn't have involved the L word!" She pointed out with a grin, chalking the top of pool cue and gently blowing on it. The only thing that really helped with was so you didn't slip on the cue instead of tapping it on shots that required a gentle touch rather than power.

    She lined up her shot and took it.

    2 successes

    "Well there it is!" She paused with finger guns in Witch's direction. "You are up Morgan!"

  2. #12
    Witch's Avatar

    The warmth of a campfire, shadows softening at their edges, the smell of woodsmoke in the air.

    When vulgar, it's the heat of a pyre, the air darkening with ash, the smell of burning flesh.

    Armor 0
    Defense 3

    Active Spells: 1/4
    Personal Spells: 1

    PRPYLF - Grim Sight
    Witch Scenes


    Witch noted the new names silently. Watching Belle’s shot go wild she laughs and waves away any concern over the matter. She considers asking her to grab her one as well but the considering takes too long and the sound of Moira’s success draws her attention back to the table.

    ”So it seems…” she says dryly but with a grin. Stepping up she settles the cue the way she recalls being shown and then with a quick motion, punches it toward the ball. Standing she watches with pleasure and a bit of surprise as the ball she hit actually goes where she wants it to. Sending other balls similarly in desired directions.

    ”Well- I’ll take it.” She grins looking to Phoenyx .

    4 successes

  3. #13
    Phoenyx's Avatar
    Presence (Focused)
    Trained Observer
    Dexterity (Lithe)
    Spells and Gear

    Monthly rits (cloaked):
    Supernal Vision (Pot 6)
    2E Life Shield (Pot 5)

    Gear: Smartphone, Pistol (Beretta M92, +2 lethal), pair of daggers, tonfa, Reinforced Leather trenchcoat (1/0), motorcycle (street bike)

    Nimbus: a pair of fiery scarlet wings unfurl her with an eagle's screech.
    Plot Stats

    Def - 6 (4 Dex+Life/2)
    Armour - 3/2 (Life/2, Trenchcoat)
    Health: Matriarch - 1B/7
    Willpower 3/3
    Mana: 9/9
    Vulgars Cast: 0
    Personal Spells 2/3
    [6] Supernal Vision (Monthly Ritual)
    [5$] 2E Life Shield (Monthly Ritual)
    Active spells: 3/7
    [3$] Complex Transmission

    Gear: Smartphone, Pistol (Beretta M92, +2 lethal), 2 spare clips, pair of daggers (one is magical focus), Reinforced Leather trenchcoat (1/0), Purse ($57, gun permit, driving license)


    Phoenyx sucks on her straw, giving Belle a smile as she takes her shot. As the Mastigos heads to the bar, dark eyes follwo her.

    She's so nice. I really need to talk to her about that kiss.

    The Arrow giggles shyly. "Thanks! I don't think I've ever managed to do that well before!" She grins, sucking on the cocktail staw. "Hey, you're petty good too!" Maybe They might win this game!

    She says, watching Witch's catch-up. "You're really good! This is like when Madison would play!" She sighs - all the bounce seems to go out of her. "I miss her. I wish I knew if she was coming back." It had been hard. She'd tried to put it out of her mind, but it still sucked loosing her friend.

    Phoenyx wanders to the end of the table for her shot.

    2 successes

    There's a small smile, and she wanders over to Belle resting her head on the Mastigos' shoulder. "I miss Madison," she says softly. "Do you think she'll ever come back?"
    Obrimos Adamantine Arrow, Cloaked Monthly Rits (in minisheet)

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  5. #14
    Belle's Avatar
    Rose Among Thorns
    Direction Sense
    (I Know The Way)
    Danger Sense
    (Spidey Adjacent)
    (Blinded by Thorns)

    Nimbus: Cracks in space appear just over her skin, shaped like toothy, hellish maws. If she's extra and especially angry, those maws will speak.
    PRP Stats

    2/5 Personal Spells
    *Incognito Presence (1 suxx)
    1/3 Vulgar Spells
    Mana: 9/9
    WP: 2/3

    Equipment: Knife, Minivan, Shoulder Bag (magnifying glass, flashlight, plastic gloves), Smartphone, Wallet ($50), Artifact (see minisheet)
    Combat Stats

    Defense: 2 (Wits/Dex)
    Initiative: 4
    Speed: 9


    Belle looks over her drink at Moira as she takes a sip, as if daring the Acanthus to carry out her bluff. "Oh, I got a few other words I'll probably throw out before the night is up. They might not be L-words though." The liquid courage actually seems to focus the Mastigos' efforts. She lines up her shot and it the resounding crack sends Belle's arms up in a fist pump.

    1 success

    "YESSSSSSS! Bookwyrm's got game!" ​She sees Witch land her own impressive shot and and nods in approval. "Nice coordination, Morgan. You play games like this often?" ​Then Phoenyx starts to deflate and Belle's expression shifts just a bit to worry. She's seen Phoenyx become more vulnerable around alcohol, and Aurora had been there to steady her.

    Now she's not.

    The Arrow slumps onto Belle's shoulder and for a moment Belle actually looks lost for words. But she slides an arm around Phoenyx and rubs the other woman's back in a comforting pattern. "I don't know for sure..." There's a strange surge in her as she wishes in that moment that she did know the answer. "...but wherever she is right now, I'm sure she's thinking about you. You guys were like this." She twists two fingers around each other. It takes her a few seconds to get the gesture right, causing her to giggle. "And if and when she does come back, this will be a great chance to prep for a rematch."

    God, why do those eyes have to be so damn sexy!

    Belle lingers on Phoenyx for a few stray seconds more than is maybe prudent for a platonic game night, but doesn't remove herself from the Arrow even as she refocuses on the pool table in front of her.

  6. #15
    Moira's Avatar
    Public Effects
    Alt Identity
    (Allegra Cole)
    Striking Looks


    From the ground mists rise, billowing thickly, and a thousand ethereal voices chorus eerily, sounding far away, the seasons spring to life going through time rapidly from verdant spring, to scorching summer, and the first leaves of Autumn, and the deep silent cold of winter.


    She laced her fingers around the cue, lowering her chin atop them, steadying the stick as she watched Morgan take the shot and get a solid thunk! "Niice one Morgan!" She said with a grin. She was a good sport about friendly competition. She was not a good sport with gambling tho. Which is why she steered clear of it.

    She looked over at Phoenyx as she bemoaned the loss of Madison, and while Moira didn't share her grief, she could empathze with losing a friend. It was never pleasant. Especially with the abruptness of it all, she could understand Phoenyx's plight.
    It looked like Belle was stepping up and in there though....

    She chuckles a little at Belle. "I can see that happening Maya!" Just like she could see something else happening too, but Moira wouldn't comment on it, though it made her feel warm and fuzzy to notice it.

    "Okay! I'm up..."

    1 success

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  8. #16
    Witch's Avatar

    The warmth of a campfire, shadows softening at their edges, the smell of woodsmoke in the air.

    When vulgar, it's the heat of a pyre, the air darkening with ash, the smell of burning flesh.

    Armor 0
    Defense 3

    Active Spells: 1/4
    Personal Spells: 1

    PRPYLF - Grim Sight
    Witch Scenes


    Witch laughs and shakes her head in the negative.

    "No- but I hear that it's generous to beginners in a way Poker isn't."

    And then there were names she didn't recognize, quieter words, and human contact. Turning away she studied the balls remaining on the table.

    2 successes

    She was still able to get some of them, but with so many of them missingin the pockets it wasn't as many as the first time.

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  10. #17
    Phoenyx's Avatar
    Presence (Focused)
    Trained Observer
    Dexterity (Lithe)
    Spells and Gear

    Monthly rits (cloaked):
    Supernal Vision (Pot 6)
    2E Life Shield (Pot 5)

    Gear: Smartphone, Pistol (Beretta M92, +2 lethal), pair of daggers, tonfa, Reinforced Leather trenchcoat (1/0), motorcycle (street bike)

    Nimbus: a pair of fiery scarlet wings unfurl her with an eagle's screech.
    Plot Stats

    Def - 6 (4 Dex+Life/2)
    Armour - 3/2 (Life/2, Trenchcoat)
    Health: Matriarch - 1B/7
    Willpower 3/3
    Mana: 9/9
    Vulgars Cast: 0
    Personal Spells 2/3
    [6] Supernal Vision (Monthly Ritual)
    [5$] 2E Life Shield (Monthly Ritual)
    Active spells: 3/7
    [3$] Complex Transmission

    Gear: Smartphone, Pistol (Beretta M92, +2 lethal), 2 spare clips, pair of daggers (one is magical focus), Reinforced Leather trenchcoat (1/0), Purse ($57, gun permit, driving license)


    The Arrow spent a few moments relaxing against Belle. It felt different drinking this time. Less happy, more meloncholy. Having Belle close was... steadying.

    The hand on her back felt nice. The feelings were fluttering again.

    She needed to focus on something else. "So, what else do you all do for fun?" Phoenyx asked, looking between Moira and Witch. She watched her Acanthus partner knock in another ball, and clapped a little.

    Phoenyx finally steps away from Belle, taking her cue again. She trips a little on her way round to making her shot.

    1 success

    She manages to keep the run going, but it's far from her early success.
    Obrimos Adamantine Arrow, Cloaked Monthly Rits (in minisheet)

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  12. #18
    Belle's Avatar
    Rose Among Thorns
    Direction Sense
    (I Know The Way)
    Danger Sense
    (Spidey Adjacent)
    (Blinded by Thorns)

    Nimbus: Cracks in space appear just over her skin, shaped like toothy, hellish maws. If she's extra and especially angry, those maws will speak.
    PRP Stats

    2/5 Personal Spells
    *Incognito Presence (1 suxx)
    1/3 Vulgar Spells
    Mana: 9/9
    WP: 2/3

    Equipment: Knife, Minivan, Shoulder Bag (magnifying glass, flashlight, plastic gloves), Smartphone, Wallet ($50), Artifact (see minisheet)
    Combat Stats

    Defense: 2 (Wits/Dex)
    Initiative: 4
    Speed: 9


    It feels weird to Belle, being more familiar with these names than some of the others at the table. She'd come in at a time of change in the Consilium; a revolving of the guard. Had she been a part of those changes? Were they for the better? She thought so. Even if there were parts of that past time that she missed. Madison's instruction and friendship being one of them.

    Belle chuckles at the poker reference from Witch. ​"Yeah, poker's never really been my game either. I never had the patience for the whole 'poker face' thing." She punctuates with air quotes using her free hand.

    She almost makes a dive for Phoenyx as she stumbles, forgetting for a moment that the tipsy woman in front of her is a formidable warrior. "Whoah there! Big girl! Pool isn't a contact sport." She cringes a bit. Except we were just contacting.
    1 success

    Belle's quick to follow up with her own shot; on par with her previous efforts. Though she's clearly in thought. We really should chat about what happened.

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  14. #19
    Moira's Avatar
    Public Effects
    Alt Identity
    (Allegra Cole)
    Striking Looks


    From the ground mists rise, billowing thickly, and a thousand ethereal voices chorus eerily, sounding far away, the seasons spring to life going through time rapidly from verdant spring, to scorching summer, and the first leaves of Autumn, and the deep silent cold of winter.


    For Moira's part she seemed to take note of Belle and Phoenyx being careful/notcareful around each other, and found herself smiling a bit. It reminded her of when she saw some initial sparks fly between Puck and Apollo. Two folks she missed a lot, but looking at things now... it was a calmer Consillium. More focus, and based in working on trust and solutions.

    Her gaze flicked to Witch a moment, as she lined up another shot, and answered the question that Phoenyx posed to the group. "I paint in my spare time, when I'm not designing games for my corporate overlords. My paintings are meh at best." She paused a moment and looked thoughtful, relaxing her arm before adding something to that. "My subject matter is good, but I really gotta tighten up on technique and perspective etc. Objectively they aren't good... art wise. If they were critiqued they aren't strong enough for an art show on their own." The Acanthus was not bashing herself, but more sounding like she was stating facts, facts that could be improved upon with much work and dedication.

    2 successes

    She pocketed another ball, and grinned at Phoenyx and Belle. "I love gambling. To much. Its a real problem for me. I get in that environment and it's like I become Mr. Hyde. It's just not great for me. That and I may have a small.. umm..." And there it was. The one thing she needed help with that she was afraid to ask for. "I may have a bit of a struggle with drugs..." She took her hand and made a wavy motion. "It comes and goes with stress and trying to wring creativity out of myself on a daily basis."

  15. #20
    Witch's Avatar

    The warmth of a campfire, shadows softening at their edges, the smell of woodsmoke in the air.

    When vulgar, it's the heat of a pyre, the air darkening with ash, the smell of burning flesh.

    Armor 0
    Defense 3

    Active Spells: 1/4
    Personal Spells: 1

    PRPYLF - Grim Sight
    Witch Scenes


    "Considering how tonight has been going, I'm thinking about picking this up for fun" Witch replied hefting her pool cue with a grin toward Phoenyx . Which meant that she saw the stumble, and then the subsequent knee jerk almost movement of Belle.

    She may be considering picking up pool as a new hobby but something told her that it wouldn't be tonight. Unless there was a pool game you could play with just two players.

    Watching Moira's shot she raised an eyebrow, "Art has to be critiqued to get into a show?" She sounded surprised. Though as Moira continued with a bigger confession her second eyebrow rose to join the first.

    What do you say to that?

    Turns out in Witch's case she didn't. Not right away. She panicked and lined up her shot.


    Which of course went wild. Maybe she wouldn't be picking up pool after all.

    "That is a brave thing to say," she said as she watched zero balls go in zero holespockets.

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