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(2302)Formal Court

21 - 26
Haunting Shadow at court
Feb 10, 2023 - Feb 22, 2023
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  1. #21
    Edward Heinrich's Avatar

    Edward Heinrich

    Daeva Vice: Wrath
    Edward Heinrich Scenes


    Jacque entered, and Edward bowed.
    "Unlife has been well." He replied to Helen, smiling.

    "Thankfully, the Domain thrives, and so there is no business that cannot wait." He had considered playing up the joke further, with some variation of 'it can wait for you, Ms. Martin,' but that didn't seem appropriate for Formal Court.

    "Given how lovely you ladies look tonight, I imagine I'd be frightfully impressed by what you consider your strengths." The humility was always amusing, even if Edward believed in its virtue.

    Edward laughed at Conner's joke and then nodded with a warm smile as the Shadow excused himself.

    Edward thought about Jennifer's question. "I'm afraid I've settled into something of a routine, but a couple months prior, at a Kine's recommendation, I visited the Dry Diggings Distillery in the El Dorado hills. Even if you don't favour Whiskey's taste, the tour is a joy in of itself, and the owners are quite the treat." Edward's enjoyment of his own double entendre reached his eyes even while his face kept a dignified expression.

  2. #22
    Albert Baker's Avatar
    Albert Baker


    Al bowed a bit.

    "My apologies, Reeve."

    He thought of something to say to connect with the others and their topics but for some reason he couldn't think of anything. So he stayed silent and stepped into the metaphorical background for now.

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  4. #23
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    The faceless kindred mill and move slowly into small groups. Some stand alone, watching. Listening. One can spot Mr. Waldorf speaking with Madame Mc Intyre in carefully polite tones. Mr. Hoyle speaks with Jackson and Rufus in another area. Every now and then, a face that you have seen before at Formal Court walks past you. Every character that has been present at a Formal Court before this, except for Ruby, is present tonight.
    Ruby is absent from court. Go ahead and skip Storyteller going forward.

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  6. #24
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    Helen gives a nod of recognitio to Bellmy. She is still divided on whether Adeline and her mean the same thing when they talk about 'fashion', but hey. Jennifer's addition to the topic makes her chuckle.

    "Interest and effort ain't always the same, I guess. At least one of the two goes in your outfits and makes them work."

    Might also be an Invictus thing, though. Strengths and weaknesses...

    "Maybe, or we never find out. Time will tell." She replies to Edward. Albert gets a short nod. "Apology accepted, Priscus Baker."

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  7. #25
    Adeline Martin's Avatar

    Alt Identity
    (Adeline Martin)
    Striking Looks
    Adeline Martin


    (In order of Dialogue)

    Adeline was grateful that Priscus Hazelton seemed to take well to her Invictus title being used. Jack had told her she preferred it even in non Invictus company. So she stuck with that, and it seemed to go well. Thank fucking God. “Oh no! I haven’t mentioned it at all. Too many places to count really, but that’s life on the road for you!” She said with a pleasant smile. She thought of her question of interesting places. True to form, as a Ventrue, she spent more time on business than anything else. Even though she had to go out to eat of course. “I found the orchestra to be quite a delight. One of my clients had tickets, and I tagged along.” The actual performance, rather than the practice she attended, was all the better since one of the players suddenly fell ill and couldn’t play. Too bad, so sad. “I have been wanting to do a tour of the historic buildings here in Sacramento. There are several in our fair city spanning back to the 19th century.” Which was impressive this far west.

    Mr. Heinrich never ceased to inspire good conversation, and she grinned at him and his suggestion. Hmmm. A distillery…
    “Thank you Mr. Heinrich, I take heart with your compliment.” Trying to buy clothing that was comfortable for her tastes was a challenge in the recent decades.
    “Now that sounds like a tour worth tasting..” She said with a smile, and a sly look in those blue’s of hers.

    Adeline smiled at Helen. It was good of her to note the Lady Notary’s tastes. She too had found her efforts to dress the part quite notable. “Nothing to add to the places, Reeve? If you find any hidden gems, be sure to let us know!”

  8. #26
    Jacque's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Mask of Tranquility
    New Identity
    (Alexander Krait)

    Goes by Jack.

    Educated, scholarly, lawyer, scientist.
    Jack's outward demeanor and tone are a baseline of respectful and calculated.

    He actively debates, persuades, negotiates and even at time tries to intimidate, as core skills of any lawyer worth his salt.


    Greetings made and respects shown, the Lord was content to observe the theatre that was formal court.

    The mingling was nice to see and it allowed him to pluck little glimpses of what each Kindred pursued in their personal time.

    "I'm afraid I haven't found much of anything new for a venue," he offered to the Lady Notary. "The Crocker Art Museum remains an old favorite though, if it might be new to you."

    He took a few careful steps towards the greater collective, but did not fully engage. The night was growing thin and it would soon be time for Sacramento's nightlife to fade.

    Blood Hunt:

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