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  1. #1
    Edward Heinrich's Avatar

    Edward Heinrich

    Daeva Vice: Wrath
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    Edward knocked on Helen's office door. He was early, a fact he felt only slightly uncomfortable about. He had reached out to the other investigators and invited them to confer after receiving the go-ahead from the Reeve. It was, therefore was only proper he be the first to arrive.

    He looked around Elysium, especially behind him on the stairs, in case another investigator was also early.
    Helen Kingsley Conner Wells Jennifer Hazelton Albert Baker

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  3. #2
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise
    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes

    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes


    Jennifer arrived and paused at check in to check in an item wrapped in blue linen, obscuring the long item. Members of the Invictus who attended a certain party might recall a certain gift from the Duchess. That stored, she looks to Liam and strides towards the office. Liam stands just within the door of the office. He keeps an eye on the hall, looking for any eavesdroppers. Jennifer wears an asymmetrical green dress that bares one shoulder. The champagne-colored silk scarf that she wears is pinned carefully to conceal her neck and the other shoulder.

    Jennifer wears the one ring that she had made at the formation of the coterie that symbolized the coterie for Jennifer – white and chocolate diamonds. Jennifer also wears a green emerald ring. Jennifer wears a garnet bracelet, one of three that were made for the women of the Nosferatu.

    Jennifer carries a professional briefcase. Inside is an empty leather notebook and several fine pens. “Mr. Heinrich.” A slight pause. “Unless you wish a different title, as the Priscus of your Clan has departed the Domain.” A pause here, her expression somber. She had been growing closer to the Duchess, and her loss was a blow.
    Jennifer nods to the Daeva, approariately according to how he was viewed in the Domain.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

  4. #3
    Edward Heinrich's Avatar

    Edward Heinrich

    Daeva Vice: Wrath
    Edward Heinrich Scenes


    Edward's look back yielded fruit. He gave a shallow bow to Jennifer as she approached.
    "Good evening, Priscus Hazelton."

    Edward's face fell at the reminder. "I... Yes, it is only proper. However much I loathe the presumption inherent in attempting to fill her Grace's shoes, to discard my responsiblity would be more intolerable." He remembered when Twist had raised the matter of which of them should be Priscus. He remembered the disapointment in her eyes when he found it obvious that it should be her.

    "In formal settings, I wish for the title of Priscus. Thank you for asking, Priscus Hazelton."
    He glanced down at her bag. "I don't suppose the Seneschal has reached out regarding my oath? My meeting with him did not end with a signing. Delayed once more." Edward didn't sound bothered by the fact, mostly he was updating Jennifer as she was peripherially involved. Plus Helen was either busy inside her office, or hadn't arrived yet, so there was time to kill with small talk.

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  6. #4
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise
    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes

    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes


    That is good. That is appropriate. Jennifer thought.
    "It will not be easy. It might even be difficult. The Duchess cast a wide shadow. There is a reason I always said that she was an institution in the Domain of Sacramento."

    Jennifer evaluated Edward for a moment.

    Seneschal Jack does have many duties." Jennifer states solemnly. Many presses on the Judex's time. Yet no complaints. Simply informing me of the fact. A new Mr Heinrich? No. A new Priscus.
    Ach, still feels strange.

    "The Seneschal and I do have a meeting on the books that shall be occuring as soon as I wrap up here. Do you believe your meeting with the Seneschal went well?"
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

  7. #5
    Edward Heinrich's Avatar

    Edward Heinrich

    Daeva Vice: Wrath
    Edward Heinrich Scenes


    Edward nodded in agreement and privately wondered how the peace Sacramento would endure in Twist's absence. In the end, the heaviest weight would fall upon the Prince. It would be sensible to delegate, but only if there was sufficient trust in members of the Domain. His thoughts turned briefly to Helen, the latest recipient of delegated power.

    "Ah, that is a good question." Edward smiled like he was laughing at himself, "the Seneschal plays with his cards close to his chest. He expressed curiosity on some points, and I did my utmost to give answers." Edward was tempted to add on platitudes like 'time will tell,' but felt silence was best.

    "I do hope we can get started shortly," Edward checked his watch as the minute hand crossed the meeting time.

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  9. #6
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    Helen comes around the corridor corner with a cardboard box under her arm.

    "Good evening, I take it the rest hasn't arrived yet ?"

    Dumb question, it's pretty obvious, but hey, so much for ice-breakers, really... The inside of the office has the dark decor that her predecessor put into the office. So far, helen hasn't changed a lot, either due to time constraints or because she hasn't seen the need to. A small table and a number of chairs is in front of the desk, one wall holds what looks like a cross between a bulletin board and a whiteboard and somebody has plastered most walls with maps of Sacramento and the greater city area. Some of those maps have needles with heads in different colours sticking in them.

    Helen puts the cardboard box down behind the pretty empty desk and sits on the edge of the desk and lays out some papers.

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

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  11. #7
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise
    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes

    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes


    Did you, now. Jennifer looks at Edward - no, Priscus Heinrich for a long moment. She was tempted to press. To try to manipulate information from him. Yet this was not more important than the task at hand. Domain stability and security came first over her lust for knowledge. Even if it dangled in front of her so enticingly.
    "The Seneschal is a master of etiquette." A genuine smile. "Yes, I was hoping to hear from the others..."

    Who is taking the initiative in investigating, now that I no longer can?

    "Good evening, Reeve." An appropriate nod for the Reeve. Jennifer follows the Reeve into the office and takes a seat across from the Reeve.
    "Who did you invite, Priscus Heinrich?"
    Jennifer looks to the new Daeva Priscus. It was still uncomfortable to use that term with anyone than the Daeva Jennifer has seen hold the responsibility for over a decade.

    A look to Helen. "Reeve Kingsley, has Whip Wells contacted you about his rather creative plan and how he might have lured a player in Forten's band into Whip Well's web?"

  12. #8
    Conner Wells's Avatar
    Blood & Faith
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Eidectic Memory
    Conner Wells
    PRP Stats

    HP: 0/7 [7 Bash]
    WP: 0/2
    Vitae: 2/6

    Equipment: Reinforced Jacket, Broadsword, Messenger Bag (flashlight, pen, notepad, binoculars, duct tape), Phone, Wallet ($50 cash)
    Combat Stats

    Def: 3 (Dex; Tonfa +1)
    Armor: 1/0 (Reinforced Clothing)
    Initiative: 4
    Speed: 9


    Speak of the devil...

    Conner descends into Elysium, his approach purposefully quick but not informally so. He looks like he's just recently come in out of the cold, or as cold as winter Sacramento can be. "Reeve. Priscus. Edward. Apologies for my late arrival." He gives each nods of acknowledgement as per their station, as quickly as can be managed. If he had working lungs he might've been catching his breath. He's holding a messenger bag over one shoulder.

    Conner looks from Jennifer to the rest assembled.
    ​"I just finished work on securing us an inside source for this case. I've interviewed a woman named Lottie..." He hands out folders to Jennifer, Edward, and Helen. Each folder is a dossier on Lottie, including photos of the woman; dark-skinned, tall, confident. "...she works in a non-profit alongside a man named Maschio, who I've discerned..." He nods gratefully to Jennifer. "...to be an alias of Forten. He's currently hosting events at the Rapture nightclub for the homeless, luring them in with offers of job placement and free meals. I believe he's using these events as a means of supplying himself with food. I've convinced Lottie that Maschio/Forten is involved with these murders, and have given her Masquerade-proofed copies of our reports so she can pursue her own investigation against him of her own accord." He looks around the room. "So...does that all make sense?"

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  14. #9
    Edward Heinrich's Avatar

    Edward Heinrich

    Daeva Vice: Wrath
    Edward Heinrich Scenes


    "Indeed, Reeve Kingsley. A good evening to you as well."
    They trickled into the office, Edward's eyes washing over the walls briefly before sitting in a chair next to Jennifer.
    "We await Mr. Wells and Priscus Baker." Edward answered Jennifer.

    Jennifer asked her question, and the Shadow arrived. Edward's eyes flicked to Conner briefly as the latecomer informally addressed him. A twitch of anger was repressed. He wasn't expecting 'Priscus,' but he was expecting a 'Mr. Heinrich' given they were conducting formal business in the Reeve's office.
    "Mr. Wells." He greeted in return, emotionlessly polite.

    The Conner launched into his explanation, and Edward didn't bother interrupting to insist that Albert be waited on. Edward accepted the folder and placed it on the table before him.

    "Fascinating. This helps close out a potentially useless line of investigation. I, too, had come across the name 'Maschio.' How quickly do you believe Lottie will get back to you?"

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  16. #10
    Albert Baker's Avatar
    Albert Baker


    Finally Al entered the building wearing black trousers, a blue Gingham shirt and an grey tweed sports coat. Carrying his briefcase as usually he didn't seem to be in a hurry, but walked rather briskly to the office. Having reached it he greeted the others before sitting down.

    "Reeve. Priscus Hazelton. Mr. Heinrich. Mr. Wells. Good evening."

    After being done with that he took a notepad and a pen out of his briefcase and gave Mr. Heinrich a questioning glance, as if asking 'what's all this, then.'

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