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  1. #261
    Xander's Avatar

    ... Puck taking a more detailed magical view at the situation and will no doubt have an info dump for anyone joining...
    Actually, he won't.

    As I mentioned to you in dms, I was planning on shelving Puck after the new year. This is an excellent example of why you don't commit to running a story for people and then spontaneously stop posting without communicating with anyone for over a month. It'll be two full months tomorrow since you last posted to this plot, and Puck can't do anything from retirement.
    Just your friendly neighborhood gulmoth!

  2. #262
    Matt's Avatar

    Xander, you were aware there was a pause as mage had a mass exodus when you took over. Delta was aware of the pause. We spoke just after thanksgiving and as it was the festive period and things around here were slow and I had made a commitment to celebrating 7 out of 8 nights of Hanukkah it was best to start in the new year. I won't apologise for prioritising a real life event.

    When we spoke about Puck retiring you said you was hoping to retire him next month, so January and I got on with the sign up ASAP after christmas and was going to look to start the thread again in the next day or two. I will point out there is a big difference between hoping and doing. You had also said Puck had a scene to do with other People before that happened and that has also not started yet. But it sounds like your plans changed and you didn't communicate with anyone...

    It wasn't spontaneous, it stopped because half the characters left and you had just taken over mage and at the initial step was letting you get settled. I told you this. I also told you I was posting the interest check in new year on 19th December. If this was a problem you should have said something to me then and I'd have adjusted to work around you. I posted bang on 1st January so when I told you I would and actually earlier than I expected.

    I was planning on starting the actual plot in the next day or 2.

    In summary don't worry about it. I won't run it as clearly you don't want me to and if you don't want me to play mage either just send me a dm and it's done.

    To delta I honestly apologise.

  3. #263
    Xander's Avatar

    Don't bullshit me.

    I lack both the time and patience for gaslighting and laziness.

    Three of eight players left the venue but only one was in your plot and they were there with a player who stuck around. That wasn't a free ticket to just drop your plot without saying anything to anyone. You sat on your ass and didn't say anything in the IC or OOC threads and didn't DM me for 30 days until I DMed you for answers. Even after I asked you to post this interest check on 12/5 (After you stopped posting on 11/5) you wouldn't commit until 12/19 on a time to do so. Don't bullshit me about Hanukah when you stopped posting the first week of November.

    The excuses you made up in December and posted here after I asked for an explanation are nothing more then that. Excuses. Tangents unrelated to the issue at hand that you made up, I didn't ask for, and remain undeserving of further commentary.

    The scene I mentioned was to transfer information before Puck's retirement and it was a suggestion on 12/5 before you dragged your feet on finishing your plot. The fact that you didn't follow through in a timely manner is no ones issue but your own.

    That all being said, I didn't say in my last post you shouldn't continue, only that Puck wouldn't be involved and that you need to proceed in a timely manner. You putting words in my mouth about how I don't want you to run is just more bullshit excuses for you to weasel out of a commitment you've been procrastinating over for more then two months.

    I don't appreciate being your excuse. Add that to how you snapped at Orianna for closing a shard with Apollo early, and how you dragged your feet in posting to your plot while posting to Apollo and Talia with little noticeable delay outside of the actual week of Hanukah and I don't see any need for you to continue posting in the mage venue. I personally don't appreciate the gaslighting and broken promises you brought to Mage and took you up on your public offer to exit the venue.

    No need to do anything on your end. I've written Apollo's exits so you don't have to spend the next few months trying to do it yourself.
    Just your friendly neighborhood gulmoth!

  4. #264
    deltadream's Avatar

    Hound, Lady Viscount, Invictus
    Mask of Tranquility
    Striking Looks •• (Alluring)
    Public Identity (Myah Torsione)

    Striking Looks •• (Curvy)
    Twist Scenes

    Xander re: Matriarch

    I know that the mages can't hide from the cameras in the alley but is there a side of the dumpster that is out of frame? Say if a mage wanted to try and do Steel Windows? lol

    If a roll is needed to determine, let me know. Just trying to be ready to post on Witch's turn.

  5. Likes pisces liked this post
  6. #265
    Xander's Avatar

    Xander re: Matriarch

    I know that the mages can't hide from the cameras in the alley but is there a side of the dumpster that is out of frame? Say if a mage wanted to try and do Steel Windows? lol

    If a roll is needed to determine, let me know. Just trying to be ready to post on Witch's turn.
    Sort of.

    The cameras are setup about tenish feet on the four corners of the alley and anything that happens is on camera. The dumpster is next to the exit of one of the buildings. It's a few feet out from the side of the building, so Witch could fit in between the two and cast steel windows but it would still be on camera. The side of the dumpster facing the building would barely be visible though because of the angle and a mage could easily stand on both sides and block the view of the spell.

    Also remember that you don't need to cast the spell with the full 1 yard radius. She can cast it to be smaller if you note in the dice roller the dimensions you want in parenthesis ('X unit radius/diameter' for example) so it's noted before rolling.
    Just your friendly neighborhood gulmoth!

  7. Likes pisces liked this post
  8. #266
    pisces's Avatar

    + 5 = 8 Initiative

  9. #267
    BoxingUnicorn's Avatar


    Clarifying question on Incognito Presence: what’s the effect on cameras? Curious if Belle’s actions would read on camera or whether the spell’s effects carry over digitally. Or if Spellcasting would count as an ‘attention-grabbing’ action per the spell’s description.

  10. #268
    Xander's Avatar

    If the spells description doesn't explicitly say it extends to electronic surveillance it doesn't extend to electronic surveillance.

    As for whether spellcasting would count as attention grabbing it would be case by case depending on the spell, who it's cast on, and where it's cast. I'd say a spell cast on another creature that allows resistance automatically counts as attention grabbing for the purposes of Incognito Presence. Other then that, I'd say you need Common Sense to ask ahead of time if a spell is 'attention grabbing'.
    Just your friendly neighborhood gulmoth!

  11. Likes BoxingUnicorn liked this post
  12. #269
    BoxingUnicorn's Avatar

    Thanks so much for the info! I’ll keep that in mind going forward.

    If the spells description doesn't explicitly say it extends to electronic surveillance it doesn't extend to electronic surveillance.

    As for whether spellcasting would count as attention grabbing it would be case by case depending on the spell, who it's cast on, and where it's cast. I'd say a spell cast on another creature that allows resistance automatically counts as attention grabbing for the purposes of Incognito Presence. Other then that, I'd say you need Common Sense to ask ahead of time if a spell is 'attention grabbing'.

  13. Likes Xander liked this post
  14. #270
    Xander's Avatar

    Hey folks!

    With a new player coming in I figured I'd check if there's interest in a second plot. If so, what are some things you'd like to see? Antagonists, chances to use certain skills/powers, any other itch you want scratched?
    Just your friendly neighborhood gulmoth!

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