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Witching Hour

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  1. #11
    Phoenyx's Avatar
    Presence (Focused)
    Trained Observer
    Dexterity (Lithe)
    Spells and Gear

    Monthly rits (cloaked):
    Supernal Vision (Pot 6)
    2E Life Shield (Pot 5)

    Gear: Smartphone, Pistol (Beretta M92, +2 lethal), pair of daggers, tonfa, Reinforced Leather trenchcoat (1/0), motorcycle (street bike)

    Nimbus: a pair of fiery scarlet wings unfurl her with an eagle's screech.
    Plot Stats

    Def - 6 (4 Dex+Life/2)
    Armour - 3/2 (Life/2, Trenchcoat)
    Health: Matriarch - 1B/7
    Willpower 3/3
    Mana: 9/9
    Vulgars Cast: 0
    Personal Spells 2/3
    [6] Supernal Vision (Monthly Ritual)
    [5$] 2E Life Shield (Monthly Ritual)
    Active spells: 3/7
    [3$] Complex Transmission

    Gear: Smartphone, Pistol (Beretta M92, +2 lethal), 2 spare clips, pair of daggers (one is magical focus), Reinforced Leather trenchcoat (1/0), Purse ($57, gun permit, driving license)


    There was another smile. "That would be appreciated." It remained to be seen if it would come to anything. So much never seemed to.

    Phoenyx sipped her tea. It was easy to see who was in certain alignments there. "I couldn't say. Corn was an idealist, expecting everyone to want to work together and build the Concillium up. I beleive he saw giving duties to people a way of assigning responsibility and investing people into the Concillium. I do not believe that can be done. In reality we are just people forced together by dint of our Awakenings, for mutual protection. It does not guarantee cooperation or like-mindedness. We have our own Paths to follow."

    She nods in agreement. "At this point, I would agree not. When a council was proposed, our numbers were much larger, and previous gatherings had four or five in the Obrimos or Thrysus, which made it a little better to have a point of contact for those paths. But now it simply seems a title for title's sake." The Obrimos looks at her cup. Perhaps it would be better to disband the council? When the council was basically all there was, there were no people to govern in the first place. But would people be able to let go of their crowns so easily?

    No, you are right," the little Arrow agreed. No point getting concerned. The wheel would turn as it always had.

    "I suppose it would be," came the agreeing reply. Phoenyx frowned a little. She always found this part hard. Inquiring without being prying. What did she like to talk to others about? That seemed a sensible place to start. What did Aurora usually ask people? Dark eyes glance up inquisitively at her guest. "Do you have any activates you enjoy, or Arcana that particularly fascinate you?"

    Nailed it.
    Obrimos Adamantine Arrow, Cloaked Monthly Rits (in minisheet)

  2. #12
    Witch's Avatar

    The warmth of a campfire, shadows softening at their edges, the smell of woodsmoke in the air.

    When vulgar, it's the heat of a pyre, the air darkening with ash, the smell of burning flesh.

    Armor 0
    Defense 3

    Active Spells: 1/4
    Personal Spells: 1

    PRPYLF - Grim Sight
    Witch Scenes


    Witch let out a small huff, her lip curled at one corner in a wry smile. "As group projects prove time and time again - such tactics are ineffective."

    Sipping at her tea she nods, glad to hear that Phoenyx saw similarly. Or at least was willing to see similarly.

    "I do not," she began slowly, picking her words with care, her gaze focused on her tea, "have the same beliefs as Corn did. A title for titles sake is not a path to responsibility but rather to Hubris. Those who are Wise will see when it is needed and assume the position, but until there is a need..." She trailed off, risking a glance up at the other.

    She would not be Councilor of herself. All Thrones were false, and this one reeked of plywood and cheap paint.

    Looking back down she took another swallow of tea, her cup a bit over halfway gone now, to settle herself. Setting the tea down she smiled a bit self depreciatingly, "I will admit to still being fairly ... young in my studies. Matter is my strongest Arcana at the moment. Yourself?" She heard the question about activities but there were only so many risks she was willing to take in the span of 5 minutes.

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  4. #13
    Phoenyx's Avatar
    Presence (Focused)
    Trained Observer
    Dexterity (Lithe)
    Spells and Gear

    Monthly rits (cloaked):
    Supernal Vision (Pot 6)
    2E Life Shield (Pot 5)

    Gear: Smartphone, Pistol (Beretta M92, +2 lethal), pair of daggers, tonfa, Reinforced Leather trenchcoat (1/0), motorcycle (street bike)

    Nimbus: a pair of fiery scarlet wings unfurl her with an eagle's screech.
    Plot Stats

    Def - 6 (4 Dex+Life/2)
    Armour - 3/2 (Life/2, Trenchcoat)
    Health: Matriarch - 1B/7
    Willpower 3/3
    Mana: 9/9
    Vulgars Cast: 0
    Personal Spells 2/3
    [6] Supernal Vision (Monthly Ritual)
    [5$] 2E Life Shield (Monthly Ritual)
    Active spells: 3/7
    [3$] Complex Transmission

    Gear: Smartphone, Pistol (Beretta M92, +2 lethal), 2 spare clips, pair of daggers (one is magical focus), Reinforced Leather trenchcoat (1/0), Purse ($57, gun permit, driving license)


    Phoenyx nodded silently. There needed to be no words when agreement seemed to be strong. She sipped her tea again and set her cup down gently, meeting her guest's glance.

    "The Arrow has a mantra - one of our Philosophical Precepts - that Adaptability is Strength. I had been considering a proposal to end the council until such a time as it becomes necessary. Having all as equals might help people remember that a Council is a position of service, not power. It does cause confusion to new arrivals as to the lack of formal structure, but as you have seen attempting to enforce a structure does not mean effectiveness if the method no longer suits the situation." It had been a tough thought. She didn't want to have to face defending a position again all over pragmatism, but if Existance was truly War sometimes it took the level mind to point these things out to the self-important.

    The comment about Hubris shruck a discomforting chord. The Arrows had another precept - A Throne was a warrior's prison. Perhaps it was time to give hers up regardless of the views of the "masses".

    The Arrow nodded again. Matter was a neglected study of hers. It just seemed so mundane - but it was good to know that there was someone in the Concillium with it as a specialty. The Guardian was understandably protective of her skills, she could appreciate that. "I have extensive study in Life, Prime and Force Arcana. I have had to balance my mystical studies alongside physical training, where I specialize in Martial Arts. Though I have working more on my weapons of late. I also enjoy Calligraphy."
    Obrimos Adamantine Arrow, Cloaked Monthly Rits (in minisheet)

  5. #14
    Witch's Avatar

    The warmth of a campfire, shadows softening at their edges, the smell of woodsmoke in the air.

    When vulgar, it's the heat of a pyre, the air darkening with ash, the smell of burning flesh.

    Armor 0
    Defense 3

    Active Spells: 1/4
    Personal Spells: 1

    PRPYLF - Grim Sight
    Witch Scenes


    "Adaptability is Strength. It's a solid precept."

    Witch gave a wry laugh and twisted her cup on the table, "I imagine it would be a suggestion well received by those of the Free Council." Who may actually have the majority at this point... and if they did, did it matter what Phoenyx did or did not do?

    "Prime you say?" she said, interest clear in her voice. "I have started some work in Prime but only the most very basics. Perhaps if you would be willing, when I am able to learn more, I might speak with you on it?"

    "Is that what you cover in your classes? I heard hints about the fact that you teach defense stuff. The martial arts that is, not the calligraphy. Which is super cool by the way."
    Her voice was genuine, no false appreciation here for the art of writing.

  6. #15
    Phoenyx's Avatar
    Presence (Focused)
    Trained Observer
    Dexterity (Lithe)
    Spells and Gear

    Monthly rits (cloaked):
    Supernal Vision (Pot 6)
    2E Life Shield (Pot 5)

    Gear: Smartphone, Pistol (Beretta M92, +2 lethal), pair of daggers, tonfa, Reinforced Leather trenchcoat (1/0), motorcycle (street bike)

    Nimbus: a pair of fiery scarlet wings unfurl her with an eagle's screech.
    Plot Stats

    Def - 6 (4 Dex+Life/2)
    Armour - 3/2 (Life/2, Trenchcoat)
    Health: Matriarch - 1B/7
    Willpower 3/3
    Mana: 9/9
    Vulgars Cast: 0
    Personal Spells 2/3
    [6] Supernal Vision (Monthly Ritual)
    [5$] 2E Life Shield (Monthly Ritual)
    Active spells: 3/7
    [3$] Complex Transmission

    Gear: Smartphone, Pistol (Beretta M92, +2 lethal), 2 spare clips, pair of daggers (one is magical focus), Reinforced Leather trenchcoat (1/0), Purse ($57, gun permit, driving license)


    The Obrimos nods. "The Adamantine Arrow's philosophy has been molded over the centuries, drawing upon methods of militaries from around the world. I imagine the Guardians have something similar, based on your core duties?"

    There is a shrug. "I cannot say. I met few members of the Free Council before living here, and the once I have meant since have been a wide range of characters and philosophies. All I know is it feels like the right thing to do."

    A smile reaches the dark eyes of Phoenyx as Witch shows her interest in Prime. "Certainly. I find it is excellent for supplementing one's grasp of magic as a whole, allowing manipulations of other Arcana and illusion within the Lie. If you let me know when you wish to focus on this teaching, I would be happy to provide it."

    There was a small nod, but the Arrow smiled, pleased. "Thank you, that is most kind. I find it relaxing." She gestures to the wall where there is a small hanging of a Mandarin poem, and a graphic of a stylized woman overseeing a setting sun by a lake. "It was a part of my training - to set the mind apart while focusing on dexterity and precision. Have you tried it?" She looks inside the pot and pours herself a little more tea, offering to do the same for Witch. "As for the training, i can cover many facets. Martial Arts, physical training, self defense - but also meditation and mental focus. I have taught weapons before, but I was unaware people are not always familiar with the rigors of Arrow training. I am... cautious of teaching weapons without the student being fully aware of what the risks are." She certainly didn't want another incident like with Belle - few were likely to take it in their stride as the Mastigos did. There was no shame in learning from experience.
    Obrimos Adamantine Arrow, Cloaked Monthly Rits (in minisheet)

  7. #16
    Witch's Avatar

    The warmth of a campfire, shadows softening at their edges, the smell of woodsmoke in the air.

    When vulgar, it's the heat of a pyre, the air darkening with ash, the smell of burning flesh.

    Armor 0
    Defense 3

    Active Spells: 1/4
    Personal Spells: 1

    PRPYLF - Grim Sight
    Witch Scenes


    Witch nodded, "A few." She considered for a moment, "I imagine the one that most associate with us is that sins for a just end grant wisdom to the Awakened."

    A nod, "I can see that. And thank you, I will."

    Following the gesture, Witch saw the hanging. Standing she moved to look at it more closely as she listened to Phoenyx talk. A small laugh as she turned back, shaking her head, "Unless you count learning cursive in the fourth grade, no. Returning she nods, accepting the tea and resumes her seat. "It's beautiful," she commented, clearly indicating the hanging.

    A tilt of her head, curiosity waring for a second with politeness. It seemed there was a story there, but she couldn't tell if it was one Phoenyx wanted to tell or not. "I do work with some rather sharp knives- you are right about risks with such tools." There. That was a safe middle ground. Hopefully.

  8. #17
    Phoenyx's Avatar
    Presence (Focused)
    Trained Observer
    Dexterity (Lithe)
    Spells and Gear

    Monthly rits (cloaked):
    Supernal Vision (Pot 6)
    2E Life Shield (Pot 5)

    Gear: Smartphone, Pistol (Beretta M92, +2 lethal), pair of daggers, tonfa, Reinforced Leather trenchcoat (1/0), motorcycle (street bike)

    Nimbus: a pair of fiery scarlet wings unfurl her with an eagle's screech.
    Plot Stats

    Def - 6 (4 Dex+Life/2)
    Armour - 3/2 (Life/2, Trenchcoat)
    Health: Matriarch - 1B/7
    Willpower 3/3
    Mana: 9/9
    Vulgars Cast: 0
    Personal Spells 2/3
    [6] Supernal Vision (Monthly Ritual)
    [5$] 2E Life Shield (Monthly Ritual)
    Active spells: 3/7
    [3$] Complex Transmission

    Gear: Smartphone, Pistol (Beretta M92, +2 lethal), 2 spare clips, pair of daggers (one is magical focus), Reinforced Leather trenchcoat (1/0), Purse ($57, gun permit, driving license)


    There was a small frown. She had never heard it, but it did make something click into place. "So... the Guardians adopt an end justifying the means for them so that all other mages are able to increase their own Wisdom? I was not familiar with the Guardians adopting such a practice. Winter told me once that he believed in the end justifying the means, but the why was hard to understand. The Order would not endure if such a philosophy was not, at least in part, necessary." She sounded troubled. The end justifying the means was an antithesis to how she felt, but evidently the Guardians of the Veil endured. She would have to think on that more.

    The Obrimos was already sat straight, but there was a clear note of pride in her expression. "Thank you. I was particularly pleased with how that came out."

    Phoenyx sipped her tea. It was a fact, a lesson. Witch seemed as thoughtful as herself, so perhaps a little more was merited. "One student requested weapons training and wanted to be shown, as they described it, the 'full Arrow experience'. At that time I falsely assumed that they knew this meant what they were asking for. Within ten seconds they were bleeding heavily on the floor from severe stab wound." The delivery is clinical and neutral, though the Arrow's brow furrows a little at the memory. "I possessed the capacity for Life to restore health and was able to repair the damage, but it was an important lesson about my assumptions." She looked back to the Moros. "What work do you do with knives?" She asks curiously

    Nearing the month, we should wrap up. Shall we make this the last response and I'll close up afterwards?
    Obrimos Adamantine Arrow, Cloaked Monthly Rits (in minisheet)

  9. #18
    Witch's Avatar

    The warmth of a campfire, shadows softening at their edges, the smell of woodsmoke in the air.

    When vulgar, it's the heat of a pyre, the air darkening with ash, the smell of burning flesh.

    Armor 0
    Defense 3

    Active Spells: 1/4
    Personal Spells: 1

    PRPYLF - Grim Sight
    Witch Scenes


    Witch pursed her lips, making a humming noise, thinking for a moment. ”I suppose that could be one way to … apply the tenant. From her tone it was clear that while she didn’t want to dismiss the interpretation, or maybe the man who stated it, she herself wasn't immediately in love with it.

    "For me it is more a matter of being willing to do the dirty work so that other mages are able to increase their wisdom," a smile as she used Phoenyx's words. For a moment she considered expounding on that. But the words were sufficient, and Phoenyx had proven herself to not be slow. If the Arrow wanted to discuss it more, she would say so. No need to lecture.

    She couldn't help it, a laugh escaped, "Oh dear. I am glad that the story ended on a good note. And I will definitely keep that in mind if I get inspired myself."

    Ah. Oops. "I uh... I am a taxidermist."

    Sorry about the delay but yup, that sounds good!

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  11. #19
    Phoenyx's Avatar
    Presence (Focused)
    Trained Observer
    Dexterity (Lithe)
    Spells and Gear

    Monthly rits (cloaked):
    Supernal Vision (Pot 6)
    2E Life Shield (Pot 5)

    Gear: Smartphone, Pistol (Beretta M92, +2 lethal), pair of daggers, tonfa, Reinforced Leather trenchcoat (1/0), motorcycle (street bike)

    Nimbus: a pair of fiery scarlet wings unfurl her with an eagle's screech.
    Plot Stats

    Def - 6 (4 Dex+Life/2)
    Armour - 3/2 (Life/2, Trenchcoat)
    Health: Matriarch - 1B/7
    Willpower 3/3
    Mana: 9/9
    Vulgars Cast: 0
    Personal Spells 2/3
    [6] Supernal Vision (Monthly Ritual)
    [5$] 2E Life Shield (Monthly Ritual)
    Active spells: 3/7
    [3$] Complex Transmission

    Gear: Smartphone, Pistol (Beretta M92, +2 lethal), 2 spare clips, pair of daggers (one is magical focus), Reinforced Leather trenchcoat (1/0), Purse ($57, gun permit, driving license)


    Phoenyx nodded slowly. "I suppose it is the level of this dirty work that always requires some interpretation. The Adamantine Arrow protect the orders from more literal threats, while the Guardians protect the Orders from actions that would lead to more moral failings. A more.... spiritual form of Guardian." It sounded far better than Winter's Machiavellian philosophy.

    There is an awkward smile in response to the laugh. "I felt very concerned at the time. Fortunately my mentor stressed the usefulness of Life from early in my training. It has served me well."

    The Obrimos nodded. "You are not the first Moros I have met that seems to find a measure of comfort in working with the dead." She finished her tea and set down her cup. "My apologies, it is getting later than I thought. I have another patrol to do. Perhaps we could do this again some time - I have found our discussions most pleasent."

    She stood, ready to see her guest to the door.

    Closign up now as discussed. Thanks for an lovely scene!
    Obrimos Adamantine Arrow, Cloaked Monthly Rits (in minisheet)

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