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  1. #1
    Matt's Avatar

    Club Raven is the gathering hub for the Werewolves of Sacramento, it is considered neutral ground and is a place for wolves to meet and socialise.

    Located in Midtown Club Raven awaits the Werewolves of Sacramento. Club Raven is owned by The Guardians of the Golden Chain Pack (NPC Pack). The packs territory is open for wolves to travel in, socialise, work and live in just as long as they are respectful. Club Raven is considered Neutral Ground and is a place to socialise and do business with other packs. Here new wolves can get to know the packs of Sacramento and the Upon first entering the bar one of the bar staff ushers you over. He slides a shot of Everclear laced vodka over the counter and tells you that you will be more comfortable in the back room. He gestures to a door that says "VIP access Only". The Backroom is another bar around the same size as the public bar you just walked through. To the left sits a private meeting room. To the right sits the bar and behind it is a Staff only door.
    This is the opening post for the Tur. The Tur represents a random day in the month where Werewolves come to socialise

    Matt - Werewolf Storyteller
    Pronouns: He/ Him

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  3. #2
    Elizabeth Wade's Avatar
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    Elizabeth's ride roared into the parking lot blaring 'Rock you like a hurricane,' from the interior of her black 1967 Chevy Impala. She was in the social mood tonight. When she was in that state, she wanted to take advantage and come and mingle with the locals. To shed the lie and be who she truly was. Uratha. One of the People. Forsaken, but not forgotten. It was quite a shock and the learning curve had been steep, but she found stability and way forward through Skolis-Ur. Now she needed a pack. In order to get one of those though, you had to get out there and kick over some rocks, or in this case knock back some shots!

    Elizabeth slipped through the entrance wearing a leather studded jacket, form fitting black pants with a wide black belt with a buckle that said 'suck it.' You know, in case the fuck off stamped on her forehead wasn't clear enough. When the shot was passed to her, her expression softened some, and elevator eyes began. Hubba hubba. Sexy motherfucker.....oh wait.. he's probably a brother you fucking pervert. She took the shot and nodded once in response to his helpful instruction and went to the back, posting herself at a table after ordering a gin and tonic at the bar. Now she'd wait and see who drifted in....

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  5. #3
    Emily Makerith's Avatar
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    Emily Makerith

    Emily Makerith Scenes

    Emily has several tattoos:
    - a sleeve of vines and flowers starting on her right shoulder and ending at her wrist
    - a collection of stars on her left wrist, tapering up her arm
    - flowers on her right foot around her ankle
    - A crescent moon on her left shoulderblade


    Thre las tyear had been a whirl of changes. Mable had moved away, and the weeks following that were a blur of takeaways and passing out drunk - which took a hell of a lot of doing with a werewolf's metabolism, but Emily had found a way. Still, she'd got through it. But then, one by one, the members of Clarion Call had moved on and the Pure had kept quiet. But Sacramento was her home, always would be. The area around her garage was still protected fiercely, markers both in the material and Hisil for a block around the garage and minor parking lot she called home. Listening to the Spirits, the Ithaeur had heard about new wolves moving in.

    They hadn't come to her, so the time was ripe to go to them.

    The Crescent pulled up into the parking lot in her Mustang. Having spent a few solid minutes eyeing up the rather tasty Chevvy in the parking lot, a short blue-haired punk slouched into the bar, giving the barman a nod. Emily tucked a rolled cigarette behind her ear and downed the shot in a well-practiced motion, saluting the barman with the empty glass before setting it back on the bar and ambling in the indicated direction.

    She reponded to the nod from the old woman with one of her own and a small smile. Huh. Not many of us live to that age. The kid behind the bar - Woah, when did I start thinking that way? - is given a similar nod. "Double vodka and coke please." As the drink is being made, she takes a scan of the room. Rawr. Rugged. A little battle worn. Probably more than a thug with that book. And.... there's the babe who looks like she's been taking from my wardrobe and her come-to-bed eyes.

    The drink is sipped easily and the Punk smirks a little. "So, I heard from a few friends some new People had moved in. How long have you all been here?" A general question. Someone had to break the ice.
    Ithaeur Iron Master, Primal Urge 2

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  7. #4
    Elizabeth Wade's Avatar
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    Elizabeth Wade
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    And just when she was about to ask Granny to tell her a story because lets face it, Cahalith live for good tales and stories, Emily walked in. She grinned slightly, sitting forward and leaning on her forearms. Her gin and tonic forgotten for now as the Iminir took her measure. Elevator eyes were certainly there, but with a far more genuine intent than what was shown to the bartender. A lot more serious. This was what she had been waiting for. Not to say the others were not compelling, they were, but they also looked like they belonged together. Were already spoken for in a pack. She was packless. A fate that she intended to change.

    She grinned slightly at the open question, and never being one to back down from 'going first' so to speak, Elizabeth piped up. "Only a few months. It took that long to buy something that was good for me. The landscaping alone costed a fortune, but I don't like urban hellscape, I need the green, ya know?" She explained with a grin. "I thought I'd come out tonight and see who was what around here, and see if there were any other unattached wolves like myself to start running with." She was a bold creature by nature. This was the one place she didn't have to fall in line with human moors. She didn't have to go round and round the mulberry bush. She could be direct and to the point.

    She seemed to remember something. Like you know, her name. She cleared her throat slightly. I mean it was kinda the wolf equivalent of shoving your nose in someones crotch for a sniff, without a little posturing first at least, but Elizabeth could get excited at times. "I have no manners tonight apparently. I'm Elizabeth Wade. Storm Lord Cahalith." She made a little salute gesture with a giggle, recovering from her social gaffe with a slightly self depricating smile for a moment, acknowleding it, and moving on.

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  9. #5
    Emily Makerith's Avatar
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    Emily Makerith

    Emily Makerith Scenes

    Emily has several tattoos:
    - a sleeve of vines and flowers starting on her right shoulder and ending at her wrist
    - a collection of stars on her left wrist, tapering up her arm
    - flowers on her right foot around her ankle
    - A crescent moon on her left shoulderblade


    The Crescent moon gulped her drink half-way down in an easy motion. "Cityscape's been most of my life. Sure it's nice to have the trees and whatever, but I've always been an urban girl at heart." The smell of oil not-quite washed out was matted in her scent, alongside traces of smoke and gas. She glances from side to side and gives a half-shrug. "Guess that's me, since the old crowd moved on."

    Storms Lord? Well, can't all be good. Emily laughed a little. "Forget it, I've never been much for manners. Emily. Emily Makerith." She strutted over to the table, spun the chair backwards and leant her arms on the back of it, looking at the new girl. "Crescent of the Iron Masters. Been through a pack or two here, but it's only in the last few weeks news from the Spirits reached about a few new folks in town." She waves a hand around towards their hosts. They'd join in if they cared. "Was lucky we both came through today." She offers an easy, if tired, smile.

    "So, what do you like to do, Lizzy Wade Storm Lord? What's a good night out for a landscaping land owner?" Emily knocks back her drink - the vodka-coke nearly gone.
    Ithaeur Iron Master, Primal Urge 2

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  11. #6
    Elizabeth Wade's Avatar
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    Elizabeth Wade
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    "I don't think you'd be much of an Iron Master if it wasn't your schtick!" She exclaimed with an easy laugh, her face brightening. "Don't get me wrong, I refuse to be one of those wolves living on the edge of civilization. I like all the big bad city has to offer, but I want some dirt and at least some thick bushes and greenery around where I hang my hat. I blame it on spending the last three years in Alaska. Anchorage is not much city and a whole lotta wilderness. I took a break from San Francisco based life to spend some time with my tribe after I retired from Ballet."

    "I don't believe in luck. I think we make our own destiny. More or less..." She said and took a drink of her gin and tonic, suddenly remembering she had one sitting there. "My pack was temporary up there, so I get what your saying about being through a few." She could commiserate with that. "I was more an indentured guest." She shrugged, it was what it was.

    "I like to get drinks and people watch, eat my weight in street food now that I have the metabolism of a 10 year old, and I still love to dance, though I don't do performances much anymore, I still keep in shape and practice. I like picking up strange hot men too. Clubs are good for that, coffee shops, and when I want some dirty talk... the book store."

    "What about you punk rock?"

  12. #7
    Emily Makerith's Avatar
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    Emily Makerith

    Emily Makerith Scenes

    Emily has several tattoos:
    - a sleeve of vines and flowers starting on her right shoulder and ending at her wrist
    - a collection of stars on her left wrist, tapering up her arm
    - flowers on her right foot around her ankle
    - A crescent moon on her left shoulderblade


    The Ithaeur smiles. "It's kinda family thing. My Dad was in the Masters, and I'm very much his girl. Though from what I hear, so much of Alaska is wild its a lot easier there." Eyebrows jump up. "Ballet?" Explains the physique, I guess. "Not a thing I know much about. Were you any good?"

    There's a shake of the head. "I've seen too many things be down to luck. You can train and practice and put as much effort into your goals as you can, but sometimes there is just the right place at the right time with no intent or planning." Emily's face twists inot a smirk. "If you're a guest, I'm the lasting host. I've survived here longer than I should and keep finding new people, so I must be doing something right." She drains the glass and sets it on the table.

    Emily nods along to the list, smiling at the food thing. She'd really pushed that metabolism past it's limits in her more depressive fads, but the body recovered as her mental state did. An eyebrow raises with a smirk as Lizzy ends on the book store, and she can'ty help a slow glance to the book-reading older guy sat off to the side, grinning. "Smooth."

    "Depends how I feel. Drinks and dancing with the girls tends to be up there. Though I hear you about the guys - though my luck with guys has been abysmal. I tend to do better with girls." She turns back to towards the bar and waves the glass at the young guy tending bar. "Hey, buddy. Same again?" Emily turns back around and scratches her elbow. "If I want a night in, I like to work in the shop. I'm a mechanic. I loooove cars." Her phone comes out and she shows the picture. "This is my baby. Restored and repainted her myself." The pride in the work is clear.

    "So, what brings you back down to California? I'm guessing it's not our amazing dance culture."
    Ithaeur Iron Master, Primal Urge 2

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  14. #8
    Matt's Avatar

    The Barman pours Emily another drink. "Shall I just open a tab or..." he was cut off by a cough from the old woman who sat currently doing her knitting. "Jake... for tonight these ladies do not pay."

    The two guys and the old woman looked familiar to Emily, like she had seen them before. It took a while, but she remembered them vaguely. They were part that pack that rolled in when things went bad. Jake grinned at Elizabeth and Emily "Guess the boss lady has spoken. I will keep 'em coming! I'm Jake by the way, that is Jordan our pack leader and that is..." the old woman glared at him. "Just call me Granny... everyone does." she completed another Stitch in her knitting. "Now, stop bothering these two lovely ladies." Granny looked apologetically towards Emily and Elizabeth "You mention cars and he suddenly gets excited."
    Matt - Werewolf Storyteller
    Pronouns: He/ Him

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  16. #9
    Elizabeth Wade's Avatar
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    Elizabeth Wade
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    "That sounds like an amazing Legacy, Emily." She said softly, respect weaving its way through her tone. Also a lot of pressure.She nodded once in response to it being wild. "Yes, but there are a lot of negative influences trying to end the indigineous there, and the humans that are there aren't what you would call benign. Big oil is also a huge issue." She chuckled at the question and pulled out her own phone and put in her own name on google. "According to google I kinda was/am." She said with a small shrug. She showed her the hits of the search results. Elizabeth Meribeth Wade, and there was at least 3k websites that either featured her directly or mentioned her. One hit stood out though. A newspaper reporting something, but she put her phone down to quickly to get a good look.

    She shrugged once. "I do believe in destiny and fate, but not much in luck. Or maybe that's because I don't have any?!" She said with a grin. "I more meant I was a guest in Anchorage. They knew I was going to go on and find my own pack here in the lower 48. I didn't really want to go back to San Francisco and I heard about the trouble here, so I figured this would be the place I could have the most impact." To the 'smooth' comment she gave Emily a devilish grin wiggling her brows up and down a bit. "I am a hell of a wing man!" She said with a laugh.

    She looked at Emily quizzically, like she couldn't believe what she was hearing. "You are very very atrractive, you seem fun and engaging, what's there not to like?!" She exclaimed. And she was off talking about her nights in and that made Elizabeth cackle and slap the table top. "Shut the front door!" She pulled out her phone again and showed Emily the picture of her 1967 Impala. "I love American Muscle cars! Here's mine!"

    Then Jake, and yes definitely confirmed at family, butt in for a second, and then the Granny spoke. One thing that Elizabeth did understand was that the low respect the high. Any wolf living to that age not only would be brimming with knoweldge but also stories and information. "Thank you Granny. I appreciate that. Soo what's been going on around here? What's the 411?"

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  18. #10
    Emily Makerith's Avatar
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    Emily Makerith

    Emily Makerith Scenes

    Emily has several tattoos:
    - a sleeve of vines and flowers starting on her right shoulder and ending at her wrist
    - a collection of stars on her left wrist, tapering up her arm
    - flowers on her right foot around her ankle
    - A crescent moon on her left shoulderblade


    Emily tries not to look too excited at the prospect of an open bar, but it doesn't last. "Well, uh... thanks!" she replies brightly. "That's real sweet, Granny." She throws Jordan a lazy salute before she looks back over her shoulder. "Please do, Jake. Same again? I'll try not to abuse that hospitality tooooo much." The Ithauer is grinning cheekily. "Nice to actually meet you all. Think I remember seeing you around when things were getting a bit dicey, but never realised you settled down here. Still, if he likes cars he can always come over and see some of my boys work."

    The Crescent waves away the legacy talk. "Ehhh. Don't get all suckered into that stuff. I just tried to stay sane. I don't like doing the alone thing, and if more people are coming in I'd be way happier gathering up a new Pack if anyone was looking to stay." She whistles as the phone shows Elizabeth's name and picture listing dozens upon dozens of results. "Oooo. Fancy. Not many of us go for the fame route. Is it as risky as folks say?"

    There's a shake of the head and her blue trusses forma blur of colour. "Trouble? I guess so. Never realised the city was getting that much of a rep. We-elll..... Sac's never had a thriving number of people keeping lids on things, so it got a bit wild - Azlu especially. Not gonna lie, I haven't been looking much further than my own block for a good few months so it could look pretty different now." She looks over to their hosts. "Don't suppose any of you folks know any better? Or have you been focused on clearing this place out?"

    There's a bark of laughter and Emily seems to fully relax as she gestures to herself. "Bitch, please. Do I look like I need a wing-woman? I get my kicks - they never stick around. Though to be honest that suits me just fine." She gulps her new drink quickly and looks back to the picture. "No way! Wait, was that yours out front? That is nice! I did spend a few minutes admiring the detailing."
    Ithaeur Iron Master, Primal Urge 2

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