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(Confidants) Spreading the word

  1. #1
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    "- No, I don't work at the hospital as such, that's not what I meant when I said I know Jimmy from wo-"
    "Hello ?"

    Fuck. Helen has heard Bonnie is the bad kind of jealous, but this is seriously overdoing it. Hopefully Jimmy won't be in too much hot water. She'd told him he needs to get rid of that woman, but noooo... They'll see. Or not. Now, who's next ?

    "... if I had a picture, I'd have passed it around already, don't you think ?"
    "Yes, I know that sounds fishy as fuck."
    "Just trust me on this. It's that serious."
    "No, it's a friend of a friend, I don't know them personally, that's the whole damn problem."
    "Just keep an eye open and drop a note if anything comes up."
    "I know, right ?"
    "Great, thank you ! Next one's on me."

    Well, that's something, at least !

    "... yes, Kingsley."
    "K-I-N-G-S-L-E-Y. From work."
    "Listen Ma'am, I'm not trying to talk anyone into extra shifts, I got nothing to do with schedules. I just wanted to ask-"
    "Yes, if McNally knew about the kid's birthday and still scheduled like that, she's a serious asshole, now if I-"
    "Alright, just ask Randy to call me back, please ? Thank you. Have a great evening."

    Stuff like this is exactly the reason she doesn't dig too far into other people's private lives under normal circumstances... But at least this guy will still speak to her tomorrow !

    "...Yes, name's Camp, might use another though."
    "No idea, all I know's they've been put through the wringer pretty good some time ago."
    "No. No. Noooononono. Hell no."
    "I know what I said. But it ain't about that."
    "Don't detain, don't question, don't investigate. Just give me a call, thats it. No thrilling moronics and stuff like that."
    "Sounds about right. Best to be careful."
    "Yah, thanks, I owe you."

    It's been a long evening and Helen#s found out a lot of stuff she could have lived without knowing about, but hey. At least some of the people she sort of trusts are aware now and while not all agree to her predicament, some will keep their eyes peeled... That's about all she can ask for, right ?

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

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  3. #2
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    Two evenings pass without Helen Kingsley hearing anything. Then a phone call comes in: "Nothing on my end."

    A text from another. "No one fitting that description has shown up."

    It looks to be quite possible that Camp is not coming to Sacramento.

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