

She heads home. Not a small piece of alley, but a small bachelor that she can afford with her own money. Strange-impossible-wild. Still dazed by her choice-home-belonging-trust.

Dazed-distance-unsure-but-certain she settles in for the night. For once, she doesn't need the worn-in-a-few-places-but-still-good-and-thick-blanket, Mantle warming her. She didn't think she would feel so warm-whole-happy

Thinking-feeling-smiling, she dreams-deeply-darkly.

It begins as it always does, black as ink-soot-stains, rhythm-repetition, thunk-thunk-thunk, round-and-round-and-down-down-dancing until, a split-flash-crack. Vibrance and violence-sound-colour-scent.

Dancing-hunting through grime-filth-Ruin
Secrets greedily gulped stolen motes, lost memories, ancient riddles,
...and Him. Taking motes-memories-riddles for Himself, caring her belly and gnawing on her insides.

Pinned-pierced. Fear-frozen. can'tmovecan'tmovecan'tmove and -
- wafting scent of gasoline sunbaked asphalt warmwarmwarm -
- lips pull back.

And. She. Snarls.

Snapping awake, alert. Scanning her surroundings methodically, heart palpitating and sweat making fur and nightwear stick, and it takes her a moment to realize, she's, she's...



You remember more when your Wyrd evolves.