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  1. #21
    Aiko Hamura's Avatar

    Aiko Hamura

    5' 3", dark eyes, black hair. Dresses in a suit and tie, trench coat, and fedora. Has an all-but-permanent lifeless look about her face.


    Aiko watches as Quartermain departs. It seems the doctor was correct about Murphy's Law, and it had occurred even sooner than expected. Even still, while Hamura agreed with some of Baker's points, she still feels a small flare of anger when he begins using a less-than-respectful manner of speech to the Priscus.

    "...I do agree, perhaps I have been getting ahead of the immediate. A simple plan just for recon should suffice, with only a single contingency: What do we do if our target spots us? And no one seems to have issue with the prospect of trying to block off as many avenues of escape as we are aware off, and either trapping or funneling them into a single route. For any other attention, the honorable Lady Notary is correct... each individual can be trusted to come up with their own alibi."

    "That said, a clear chain of command is more efficient than simply leaving all the scouts to chaotically act out their whims. And if Lady Priscus Hazelton sees Ms. Kingsley as a suitable commander, I am inclined to agree. The time it takes of one of us to send a simple text or open a radio channel is a small price to pay to ensure at least one of us is aware of all the moving parts at any given time."
    Aiko turns to Helen, in her own mind already considering the matter of leadership settled.

    "I have some Auspex training, but my combat training is outdated and unpracticed. Nor have I even bothered to carry a firearm for some time. That said, if I can get the drop on our target, I'm still proficient with some rapid restraint techniques. I could purchase some handcuffs or zip ties on the way to the warehouse... although if our target is trained in Vigor, neither may prove permanent bindings."

  2. #22
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    And with Bobby leaving it looks like Helen's the odd one out again, the only one without any sort of Auspex...

    Hoorah, good times !

    What else is there to keep in mind ? Jennifer ? Some self-defense, but not very well-versed. Wells ? Some training. Aiko ? outdated and unpracticed. Doc Bakey ? No idea, she's just going to go with 'no' here. it's stuff like this that makes her appreciate a whole bunch of assholes in her past way more in hindsight. But hey, when's it ever going to be easy anyway ?

    "Nope no ghoul here." Not that thats likely to change anyway... Helen ponders what she's heard. "I can offer some tutoring on that, if anyone wants some. I'm pretty good at that sort of stuff." She frowns. "Shit hits the fan, we're lucky if we notice cops before they're on the scene. Best to travel light and make sure what we take there is disposable, I guess. Diabling transports and keeping tabs on where they're going are good ideas." she acknowledges Jennifers input.

    "That'd be great, maybe the Reeve left some valuables there for us." After all, Quinn might have some good stuffs pulled from Jacobs, would be good to know. As Albert speaks, she just taps her chin, but doesn't say anything for the time being. "Handcuffs and restraints might be good in case there's more than just two fangers there. We might also bring some stuff to move some bodies, unless anyone thinks those two and whoever's with them will fold as easily as Jacobs...Me, I don't think they will." Not that Jacobs immediately did so, but the systematic way the other guys were doing stuff didn't really sound like they'd be coming along quietly.

    Leaves the elephant in the room. Field decisions. What a shitshow, Helen once again remembers why she likes being on the lower rungs of the ladder. Used to get her around that sort of crap for the most time. As much as she'd agree with Baker normally and as much as she hates to admit that Aiko and Jennifer have a valid point... Well, she really would and they really do.

    "Normally I'd agree with the field decisions. I'm not a big fan of micromanagement, deciding stuff on second-hand info from som,e green table far away, taking initiative away from the folks on site or letting people hide behind decisions made for them from above. However, keeping the bigger picture in mind and making sure all the available info is taken into account is a pretty important point, as much as I don't like it.

    So what we have so far is four people with some skills in Auspex, who'd do well at surveillance. I'm really shit at the sneaky stuff, so as long as we're not going hot, I guess I'll hang back and do some mission control." She sounds a little resigned as she says that. "We have some surveillance during the day and enough people to watch the place at night, maybe from different angles, like Ms Hamura has offered up. We should also see who we could talk about. Ms Hazelton has already mentioned homeles, but also some other folks may come to mind, also people outside who might have heard about Corvinus.

    We see what we can find out, meet to put everything together and see what we can do with it. Someone gets cops involved, we withdraw until the coast is clear. Someone thinks they've been spotted, they withdraw and we regroup. For the time being, lets avoid direct confrontation unless the odds are heavily in our favour or the situation calls for it.

    Anything else anyone would like to add ?"

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

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