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(2208) Formal Court

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  1. #1
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    The Nox Populi is an upscale experience that will take Sacramento nightlife to a whole new level.

    In the heart of downtown Sacramento there is a place of intrigue, excitement and entertainment. The modern flare of this venue is host to exclusive parties. The seduction of this establishment may take you away as you drink, dance and socialize. There are private services available upon request. The best DJ’s in town are in line to play a wide variety of music. Some of you may dine…as long as you have your VIP pass.

    However the Kindred arrive they are discreetly met and led to the back of the club. The space downstairs is decorated in dark, rich woods and expensive furniture. There's a coat room that will also hold one's 'unmentionables'; namely, weapons, at the foot of the stairs. There are also private areas, dark, and furnished with soft couches, as well as meeting rooms with conference tables and chairs, and an area with several televisions. The Court area is decorated with long black and brown silken drapes cascading from floor to ceiling. Draped in elegant bunches and gathered into valances across door frames and between supporting pillars; the lighting is intentionally low, but without the pulse of the music from above, the place has the feel of a sepulchre.

    The common area circles the Court proper, and it becomes apparent that this is not decorated for a single evening. Small symbols note areas for Kindred only that branch off of the Commons, which will be necessary once those Kine privileged enough to see behind the Masquerade filter in: ghouls, herd members, or even devotees. The furniture setting is familiar now: a set of elegant chairs, all dark wood and red leather, arranged in a circle. The baroque lighting leaves the corners of the Elysium commons in deep shadow.

    With the permanent fixture that the chess table had become, there was yet another new item. A Steinway concert piano, its cover in an upright position, revealing stunning inner strings strings. The lid was closed on the keyboard, the bench not with it.

    Another evening; another Danse. For some it will their first, for some it shall be their last. After all, this is the Prince's Elysium, and subject to the Laws of the Domain.

    Formal Court has now begun...

    Please remember that Predator's Taint is in effect and role-play is expected, or rolls will be asked for!

    This is a great place to get Acknowledged

    You now have 1 Week to enter Court before the Doors Close.

    Formal Court a specific event. Announced to the Domain, you are expected to attend or you will find your Acknowledgement revoked. After 1 Week, the doors to Court close (no new entries into the thread). Once you have left Court, you are not permitted to return. Court is never truly empty: this can include 'faceless masses' of Kindred beneath notice, ghouls, herd members, devotees, or even officials in their offices.

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  3. #2
    Aiko Hamura's Avatar

    Aiko Hamura

    5' 3", dark eyes, black hair. Dresses in a suit and tie, trench coat, and fedora. Has an all-but-permanent lifeless look about her face.


    As fitting for one perpetually lamenting that she doesn't have enough work, Aiko arrives early. She is dressed in yet another suit, although this one is a bit brighter than usual, with a steel blue coat and pants and a navy tie over a white shirt. She deposits her heavy chain and her hat in the coat room, steels herself for the Predator's Taint, and makes her way to the Court proper.

    Finding no one she has interest in speaking to, she instead takes a moment to look at the Steinway, even rising on her toes to get a better view inside at the strings. Unfortunately, Aiko knows little about pianos or music, and loses interest, making her way to the chess table. She takes a seat, and removes the white queen from the board, before beginning a game among herself, playing both sides.

  4. #3
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    Two new kindred enter Elysium. Rufus is BP 2. Jackson is BP 3. These two were white men. The skinny sort, who lifted weights but in life had eaten nothing but cheap food. The clothes were brand new. An off the rack suit in grey with green dress suit for the first man to walk in. Rufus wears a black suit and dark green dress shirt. Jackson wears a charcoal grey suit, Kelly green dress shirt and pocket square.
    Both men scan the room for a moment. Upon seeing Aiko Hamura, both men give her nods of acknowledgement.
    Standing in the same room with these two, you get a sense of their Curse. Jackson has an aura of dread about him. Rufus appears to have a sick, cloying smell about him, the smell of decay.

    The coterie of Clarke, Jake and Sanchez enter together as a knot. Ms. Clark wore a rose-colored calf length gown with 3/4 length sleeves, her blonde hair swept into a high bun. The style is far from the usual elaborate hairstyle. Her fair light skin was carefully made up with peach lipstick and light brown eyeshadow, bringing out her blue eyes. Her Beast is cloaked.
    Mr. Eddison Jake was a skinny, unobtrusive man who held his Beast Cloaked. He is African American, around 5'11'' with a closely cropped hairstyle. He has an unobtrusive air. You likely would look right past him, unless searching for him, specifically. He wears a grey off the rack suit with a violet pocket square. The tie is grey, not flashy. His Beast is cloaked.
    Mariposa is Mexican American and wears a midnight blue a line dress over her plus size figure. One might notice that the bracelet that she normally wears is absent. Ms. Sánchez accented her dark skin with shimmering gold eyeshadow that looked fetching. Her beast is Cloaked.
    The three Kindred look about the room, likely checking for their elders.

    An unassuming Latino woman known as Simone Perez enters Court. Her Beast rolls out to greet the others BP 3. Her stocky body is well-muscled, and scarred. Her short, straight black hair is brushed back and pinned with a small clip into some more passable style for Formal Court. She presented herself in a modest blue calf length dress with 3/4 sleeves. A scar at her collarbone peeked out, three lines that resembled claw marks. Madame Perez gives Aiko Hamura a nod.

    face claim

  5. #4
    Connor OBrien's Avatar

    Striking Looks
    (Boxer's Build)
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Connor OBrien


    The Whip of Haunts arrives to court fashionably late, or just on time if someone of lower status asks, wearing a charcoal on black 3 piece suit with a green tie. His tie is held in place by a black, emerald studded clip. On his right hand, he wears a gold ring studded with emeralds and diamonds. Every so often, when the cuffs of his shirt stick out from under his jacket, one would be able to see silver and agate cufflinks in the place of buttons.

    After making a pitstop at the coat check to drop off his knife, the haunt makes the initial rounds, visibly tensing up every now and again as he meets the presence of a stronger beast. A nod of the head his offered to Madame Hamura, but he continues on to engage with Rufus and Jackson. "I'm glad to see that you both could make it, and I would like to sincerely offer apologies for my demeanor when we first met. Please, let me know if there's anything I can do to repair any damage to the familial bond we share."
    Nosferatu Curse: An Aura of Danger, like the feeling that causes the hair to stand up on the back of your neck.
    The Vanishing:

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  7. #5
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise


    The Lady held herself with dignity and respect as she walks into Elysium. Jennifer wore a mermaid style dress in deep green. On her ring finger, she wore a ring that she has worn for some time with an emerald stone. A deep black silk scarf is artfully draped and pinned in place to conceal one side of her neck and shoulder.

    Dark brown eyes look over the Kindred drifting in, noting her Grace had not yet arrived. Honestly, the absence of that powerful Beast that prowled out from the Prime Predator like a crashing wave was the clue that she needed. Assured that she was not slighting her betters, her eyes focused on the Kindred who were present. A nod was given to Whip O’Brien, suitable for a Kindred recognized by the domain. A slightly lesser nod to Madame Hamura.
    She gives the same lesser nod to Jackson and Rufus, although she does not engage with the two. Brown eyes move around Elysium and note that only two Kindred of note were present. It was not as though Jennifer had arrived early.

    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

  8. #6
    Aiko Hamura's Avatar

    Aiko Hamura

    5' 3", dark eyes, black hair. Dresses in a suit and tie, trench coat, and fedora. Has an all-but-permanent lifeless look about her face.


    Aiko nods to all the new arrivals - Rufus, Jackson, Clarke, Jake, Sanchez, Perez - some she has seen, none she knows personally. There are a series of flavors of bestial hackles, from fear to anger to competition, which the detective savors individually to mentally note which ones were stronger or weaker. Aiko extends a longer, slightly deeper bow to Connor, less out of etiquette and simply out of a small amount of rapport for the whip. For Jennifer, Aiko takes the time to stand up from the table she is sitting in and offer a proper bow, before returning to her seat. Though she continues to play chess among herself, her mind is now focused on the interactions at play... particularly among those vampires she does not know and the Nosferatu Whip.

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  10. #7
    Edward Heinrich's Avatar

    Edward Heinrich

    Daeva Vice: Wrath
    Edward Heinrich Scenes


    Edward had wanted to enter when conversations were already in full swing. To not be late, certainly not, but to be among the last who were not late. No such luck.

    He idly plucked at the gold leaves in his suit pocket, focusing on being gentle, concentrating on putting them in just the right place, a small exercise to outlast the Beast's screams. Edward entered Court, and offered a modest bow to Jennifer, who strangely was the closest thing to an official present.

    The other Haunts held little interest for Edward, but there was no time like the present to circulate with the new faces.

    "That's quite the expression of focus," Edward commented on the lifeless look on Aiko's face. "If I am not interrupting preparation, I should hope to make your acquaintance, Ms. ?"

  11. #8
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    Next to enter Court is Vincenzo. Vincenzo’s face is pockmarked from life. His head is buzzed to nearly bald; his face is all lines. His hands are rough and calloused, although carefully manicured for the evening. He wears a brown suit with a purple pocket corner, silver pin on his lapel in the insignia of the Lancea Sanctum. He gives an appropriate nod to Priscus Hazelton, and then a lesser nod to Connor. Aiko and Edward recieve small acknolwedgements.

    The Nosferatu give Connor the appropriate nod as he approaches them. The two look over Connor as he addresses them.
    "It was an eventful night, Whip o'Brien." Jackson replies. "My kin were inhospitable, which I accept."
    "Although it is good you accept your part," Rufus replies, looking to Connor. "- the bit with the sword was quite exciting."
    "Madame Kingsley and Priscus Hazelton have visited our area," Jackson states. "- and we continue to have discussions with the Priscus on proper ettiquette. Perhaps we could also socialize some time, Whip O'Brien?

    The two give appropriate nods to fellow acknowledged Aiko Hamura and Edward Heinrich.

    Mr. Hoyle enters Court. Mr. Anthony Hoyle is a gentleman who is white - haired, respectable looking. His cufflink jewels suggest his clan is Ventrue. He is BP 4 Mr. Hoyle waits for Vincenzo to move on and then nods to Priscus Hazelton, Whip O'Brien, Madame Hamura and Mr. Heinrich as appropriate for their stations.
    Mr. Royce Waldorf, an older gentleman with white hair, styled in a well-groomed fashion from the 40's, wore an expensive looking suit from the 20’s with amethyst jewels in his cufflinks and tie bar. He is BP 4
    He moves slower around the room. Once Mr. Hoyle has made his acknowledgements, Mr. Waldorf pays his respects to those present with appropriate nods.

    face claim

  12. #9
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    The thing with Ale? She arrived when she felt like it. If she decided to take a few extra minutes to sign some papers, she did. And that was what she was currently doing. Her business was on the cusp of opening, and last-minute details were being finalized.

    With that done, she stands and soothes out her dress for the evening. It was varying gold materials that wrapped around her slim waist, draping down her back to fan out when she walked. Her numerous tattoos stood out against the gold, and her dark hair was swept up into a low, messy bun. There was the glitter of a diamond encrusted decoration on her left hand.

    Gabriel stepped out of her office, moving to the side to hold the door open for the Savage to walk into Court. At her side was Cain, one hundred twenty-five pounds of muscle and hate. After a nod to her Ghoul, he steps back into her office and closes the door.

    Dark eyes then move about the room, making note of who was there and who wasn’t. But the night was still early. Her Beast stirred, anger and rage. The weakness. It demanded the demise of the weakness. Blood…ash…bone. But not tonight. It was banished to its corner, only to pace and continue to make its displeasure known.

    First nod of her head was to Jennifer Hazelton , a Lady and Priscus. From the look, the Haunt was welcome to approach if she wished. Then a more shallow nod to Connor OBrien , a Kindred of Quality and Whip of his Clan. Eyes then move to Aiko Hamura , a slight nod. Though playing chess alone? That was new. But wait, was Edward going to join her? Now that would be fun. He held no title, nor Covenant that she knew of, so the nod to him was even more shallow.

    The rest received nods as she sees them. Some she had spoken to, some not. Would tonight change that? Only time would tell.

    With Cain at her side, she elegantly makes her way to her usual chair, sitting.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  13. #10
    Conner Wells's Avatar
    Blood & Faith
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Eidectic Memory
    Conner Wells
    PRP Stats

    HP: 0/7 [7 Bash]
    WP: 0/2
    Vitae: 2/6

    Equipment: Reinforced Jacket, Broadsword, Messenger Bag (flashlight, pen, notepad, binoculars, duct tape), Phone, Wallet ($50 cash)
    Combat Stats

    Def: 3 (Dex; Tonfa +1)
    Armor: 1/0 (Reinforced Clothing)
    Initiative: 4
    Speed: 9

    (Blush)Vitae 1 Spent

    The time for Eternal Court comes around again, which calls Conner to the steps of Elysium.

    He hangs his coat and shadow-coated blade at the coat check and takes a moment to send a silent prayer up while he tightens the Lancea ring on his finger. He's dressed in greys today: charcoal dress pants and a muted dark shirt. His skin is colored with stolen life as he takes the first step down and feels the buffeting of monstrous influence all around the room. Some stronger than others. He gives a low bow to the Prince as he sees her sitting off to the side with her strange hound-beast. Someday I'll have to ask about that thing. He follows with a shallower bow of respect to Priscus Hazelton; there's a brief moment of...surprise? That dress almost looks like something Quinn would wear. The monster swallows the brief flicker of sadness as it denies wallowing in the past. It would do no good to look sentimental here.

    He sees O'Brien talking with some unfamiliar Nosferatu and gives the fellow Whip a nod of acknowledgement. What's that all about? It sounds like O'Brien has had to throw his weight around in the past. But he thought the man was a boxer.

    Nods are given to Hamura and Heinrich as they gather around the chess board. Conner smiles as he remembers his own chess match with Heinrich months ago before his brief departure. He's confident the two will have much to discuss. All the more to listen to. He makes a mental note to get in contact with Ms. Hamura to officially induct her into the Clan...and then waves it away. That was Priscus Baker's job now. Though we'll need to coordinate on some Haven to meet in.

    Making his way through the room, Conner spies Ms. Perez and her crew and approaches, offering his Clanmate a nod of respect.
    "Ms. Perez. Glad to see you here. I hope your nights have been well?" ​He's been meaning to pick the rugged woman's brain on some things.

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