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William & Helen

21 - 27
Apr 1, 2022 : 2204 Eternal Court
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  1. #21
    William Walker's Avatar

    William Walker
    Striking Looks
    William Walker

    English Accent


    "I own a nightclub back in the UK, some stocks and shares. Besides my business interests I am also a Hymenopterologist. I am going to be teaching a night class at Sac State and I also act as a consultant in the field." He was not your standard multi millionaire Ventrue, some day... just not yet.

    "How about yourself?"
    William Walker
    Active Powers: None

  2. #22
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    "Nightclubs seem to be pretty popular with folks, I guess. Wannna go that route over here as well ?"

    Not that that's a big surprise, but then, it'd be more fun if there was less people and more direct competition so they would have to make an effort to play nice for their investments... Ah, well... She restrains herself from the obvious joke leaning towards gynaecologists and takes some time to pick her brain, if she can actually come up with what that field of study means...

    1 success

    Hm, well... Something with insects, but thats about all that comes to mind.

    "So you're some sort of entomologist, right ? Fancy, we don't see those folks here often, I guess." She shrugs as the matter comes back to her. "I'm mostly working as a sort of private investigator and security detail these days. I used to have an MD back in the day, but feels like its been decades since I sliced the last guy open on a table, so I'm a bit rusty there. I'm looking into brushing that up at the moment. Teaching some classes sounds fun, though. I've been thinking of doing something like that myself a few times. What sort of consultant work is that ? Forensic entomologist ?"

    Uh, that one gives her the good kind of CSI vibes ! Even if William is definitely not Gil Grissom.

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  3. #23
    William Walker's Avatar

    William Walker
    Striking Looks
    William Walker

    English Accent


    William smiled at Helen "Why yes, there are over 150,000 types of Insect that comes into the field. But the most commonly known ones that fall into that category are Bees, Wasps, Hornets, Ants and some Flys."

    "I mostly work with government and state departments, charities, local organisations and provide information, opinions or identifying certain insects such as what is commonly known as the Asian Murder Hornet." William paused for a brief moment "It is not glamourous work but its interesting."

    "Forensic entomology... now that is something I will have to add to my study list."
    William Walker
    Active Powers: None

  4. #24
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    "Well, yeah, if there's anything there's a boatload of, it's Insects. Especially the pests, I guess."

    Helen doesn't mind most of the things William mentions, even though some of those are more annoying than others. She nods, but makes a face anyway.

    "Ech, it does sound like a lot of paperwork. So basically they call you if they come across something with six legs they have no idea about or you to some consulting when those bugs invade places? It does sound interesting.

    Yeah, using insects found on or in corpses to date bodies and things like that. I only know it from TV, but it's pretty cool.

    What got you interested in the crawlies in the first place?"

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  5. #25
    William Walker's Avatar

    William Walker
    Striking Looks
    William Walker

    English Accent


    William smiled at Helen "The honest answer is that when I was still alive I used to keep bees. I went into torpor and woke in the 1980's, I decided to learn something new and as keeping bees was an interest of mine I decided to study it."

    He paused for a moment "So what classes would you look at teaching?" He was genuinely curious about Helen as a person, and wasn't even attempting to hide it. If he was interested she could find herself with her first student.
    William Walker
    Active Powers: None

  6. #26
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    "Basically the scientific expansion of the hobby... That's an interesting way to go at it. But then, you don't look the be-keeping type, really."

    If he isn't smokescreening, that is. Helen raises the eyebrows a little as William goes back to her earlier comment.

    "Me ? Basics of Medicine and investigative tradecraft, if you want to call it that." She grins. "There's also stuff like how to break some guy's nose in about a dozen ways or some things that might com handy in a scrap. I mean, I guess I could do some Academia 101, but we already have folks who are way better at that than me."

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  7. #27
    William Walker's Avatar

    William Walker
    Striking Looks
    William Walker

    English Accent


    "Ahh the embrace changed me a lot as did time. Those topics are all interesting and practical skills are always needed, if you do run a session on any of those though please let me know. I would be interested in attending" He looked at his watch, noticing Albert had approached them. He looked apologetically to Albert and Helen.

    "I must apologise profusely. I am afraid it is that time of the night I need to retire for the evening. I have this very real fear of sunlight" He hoped they would get his humour. "I hope you will both forgive me but I must take my leave." he gave an apologetic smile "Helen, it has been a true pleasure and I hope we can get to know each other better as time goes on." His head turns to Albert "I hope that next time we are both at Elysium I can have that opportunity to speak with you"

    William Walker
    Active Powers: None

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