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(2202) Formal Court

31 - 39
(2202) Parley around the Bireme
Feb 6, 2022 - Feb 27, 2022
(2202) Jack and Mable
Feb 7, 2022 - Mar 1, 2022
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  1. #31
    R Quartermain's Avatar
    Blood Potency
    R Quartermain

    Monthly Avg. Vitae: 5
    Current Vitae:
    Armor: 1/2
    Defense: 3
    Initiative: 8
    Speed: 9

    R Quartermain Scenes


    “We have not been introduced. I am Reeve Durant, Priscus of Mehket, Unaligned, Mr. Quartermain. The next opening I have in my schedule I will send word for you to come to my office for a discussion. There is much going on, and possibilities for a Kindred of your expertise as a Soldier of the First Estate.”
    The soldier rose as the Reeve approached him – inclining his head in a polite and respectful manner, despite the sudden climbing claws of the beast inside him latching onto his ramrod-straight back at the use of the word mister. He knew, some part of him, that as an unaligned there was no expectation for her to use the correct form of address, if she even knew it, and yet she knew he was a soldier. Still, it was not the first time he’d been sought for employment as a soldier from the Reeve of a Domain and if this was an inroad into establishing himself in said domain.. well, he was resilient if nothing else.

    “Reeve,” he intoned gravely. “We are well met.”

    As she shot him an apologetic glance, the flaming claws of his beast along his skin lessened; such was the nature of a role like hers. The work was ever present and would always continue – in a way, he understood that idea wholly, and a non-verbal apology for the misstep and the demands of introduction was an apology none the less.

    “Mr. Quartermain, of Line Ventrue, of the First Estate, I would like to present Mr. Conner Wells, Line Mehket, Head Pastor of the Lancea Sanctum, and Dr. Albert Baker, Line Mehket, Circle of the Crone.” Yes. He heard that right. Quite the mixed family she had.
    Each of them in turn gets a nod of greeting, though he managed to catch the implication of her introduction. Quite the busy kindred, he mused, managing the Reeve’s office and such a possibly fractious set of clanmates.

    Conner takes the opportunity to address the other newer member of the Domain, Quartermain, per their introduction. "Greetings, Mr. Quartermain. I trust Sacramento as treated you well?"
    Mister again, some part of him noted, and the saner aspects of his mind rallied. Unbidden, a memory flooded into his mind – something from Henry’s Court, though he couldn’t tell if it was before his embrace or not; some half remembered saying about introductions and titles and rank. That quality was shown, not told – and if his pride rankled at such a low address from those outside the First Estate, that simply meant it would be time to show that quality.

    “It has,” he agreed. “I have found the Prince’s domain to be a bastion of the First Estate and a welcoming new home. Have you been here long? I am finding there are many more faces this court than there was at the first I attended.”

    He felt, more than saw, the Prince enter and turned on heel in perfect soldier’s timing, lowering himself into a bow. The soldier, as he always did in those moments, drew mental sword and shield against the beast and other vagaries of his mind as they spun every wicked thought into dark blades of their own. Others might count the breaths of time they remained bowed out of the sheer form of the thing, but for him it was almost a ritual, as much as any other magic he might know, to remain bowed to one greater within the Estate and a greater predator even as his pride and beast sharpened knives of bitter reproach. He rose, slowly, as he felt those bitter knives recede and, if nothing else, he knew he’d won out for another night.

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  3. #32
    Albert Baker's Avatar
    Albert Baker


    Albert nodded upon the question, even though 'recently' wasn't quite the right word for it and a slight sad twist appeared in his smile upon remembering.<br><br><span style="color:#008000;">"Indeed I have been active there until a quite unfortunate meeting with some people holding old grudges forced me into learning and travelling South, once I reawakened from Torpor. But that is a long story, which I don't wish to bore you with at this time. St. Louis is said to be a beautiful city, though I haven't been there personally."<br><br><br></span>Upon Jennifer moving on, he gave her a respectful nod and stayed, as there were more of the important officers around here and meeting them was the purpose of this after all. So he thought about, who to talk to next.

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  5. #33
    Milton's Avatar

    Time is Money
    Status, Allies
    (City Hall)
    Status, Allies
    Bureaucratic Navigator


    Court, as always, is a whirlwind. Or a rushing river. Milton watches the Danse whirl, eddy, pool. Kindred meet an obstacle, flow around or get stuck. Some might be sucked down, never to be seen again.

    Nods are dispensed or returned as necessary. The most cost-effective political currency: acknowledgement.

    New, or relatively new, players are observed, catalogued. Marked for further scrutiny.

    Jacque enters and Milton stops in mid-stream (as it were) to bow. Not as deep as the one he's just offered the Prince, but still substantial. Mable moves to intercept the Seneschal and Milton is momentarily absorbed by this development, then turns back to the broader currents. Churning, always churning.

    Case in point, Quinn is currently shopping around her newest Shadow. An Acolyte no less. Milton wonders what kind of doctor Baker is. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Dr. Baker." That fraudulent smile stays fixed on his bloodless face. I must find a quiet hour to speak with this one...Time enough for that. Time enough for anything, really.

    But then Jennifer is explaining the Pax Antinori to the Good Doctor and Milton watches silent, filled with his typical admiration for the Haunt. Though it is still leavened with the evening's earlier confusions.

    The Shadows move on and Milton monitors their interaction with the Alder Soldier for a moment. Content that nothing horrible is happening, he turns back to his conversation with Connor and Jennifer.

    Health: Vitae: WP: BP: 1

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  7. #34
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    The Savage watches the Court, observing how people are behaving and interacting.

    Dark eyes watch Mable as she enters and approaches Jacque.

    This was a conversation to be watched and listened to. For how it turned out, would decide how she proceeded. The Savage knew a sign needed to be sent, mistake after mistake and being her Cousin would only get her so far. And that line was reached.

    But she would let Jacque handle it for now, the punishment in her mind would only work once Mable knew where the errors were.

    One eye and ear would be kept on the evolving situation, waiting for the perfect time to step in.
    For now? Another matter.

    Walking over to Quinn, “It was disappointing that you made such a quick and early exit from Court last month. I do hope you will be able to stay for the duration of Court this evening.” Eyes hard, face expressionless.

    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  8. #35
    Bellemy's Avatar

    Bellemy Salem
    (Author (Pen Name))
    (News Media)
    (Mask of Tranquility)

    Nosferatu Curse:

    Phisically deformed head and mouth with shark-like teeth and a grotesquly emaciated body, too long nails and a palpable aura of inappropriateness.


    Bellemy stayed on the fringes of the court. Moving as a shadow. The haunt enjoyed being at a distance every so often. No one had their attention on the creature which gave Bellemy the opportunity to simply listen. And oh were there things a-brewing this evening.

    Curse: See Minisheet

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  10. #36
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    After a short deliberation period, Helen drifts over to Bellemy, because why the hell not ? It's been some time and it#s not like she currently has a lot of better things to do, right ?

    "Evening, cousin... How's your month been ?"

    Not the most elaborate way to get into things and also not much in the way of flowery prose, but hey, never change a winning team, or what did that saying go like ?

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  11. #37
    Bellemy's Avatar

    Bellemy Salem
    (Author (Pen Name))
    (News Media)
    (Mask of Tranquility)

    Nosferatu Curse:

    Phisically deformed head and mouth with shark-like teeth and a grotesquly emaciated body, too long nails and a palpable aura of inappropriateness.


    Bellemy watched without watching as the prince spoke to the reeve. This should be interesting. the haunt thought. Then the creature was approached by Helen and Bellemy smiled a sharp toothed grin. "Good evening to you. Cousin. My month has been slow going I am afraid." The haunt motioned ever so slightly in the direction of the Ale and Quinn. Bellemy wasn't sure that Helen would care about the exchange but the creature could not shake the feeling that if nothing else, it would be educational.

    Keeping the conversation going Bellemy asked "And yourself? have you had a month worth living?" monotony can be so boring.

    Curse: See Minisheet

  12. #38
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    Vincenzo and Simone give acknowledgements to Conner. The two remain apart, Simone holds herslef aloft, observing. Vincenzo circulates through the room, talking quietly with Mr. Hoyle. The other kindred do nothing noticeable.

  13. #39
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Well. That was…uneventful and a waste of her time. Not that she expected a whole lot.

    There were others she wished to speak with. Others who would have been happy to take the time and speak with the Savage.

    But perhaps those would be better done in private.

    Nods of respect are given to Jacque , Jennifer Hazelton before she heads back to her office.

    Ale exits Court
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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