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  1. #191
    Xander's Avatar

    Once I get a stamp of approval from Shane I can go ahead and set up the scene at Puck's sanctum. I figure we'll do the info dump and then start rolling for research.

    As a side note, if Guru is going back to the theater Puck is going to either want to tag along or tell him to look for blood or clothes or literally anything tied to Malcolm and the other sleeper that didn't 'wake up'.
    Just your friendly neighborhood gulmoth!

  2. Likes Ruach, Shane, Xadun, Aeolus liked this post
  3. #192
    Shane's Avatar

    Yea that sounds good to me. I'm going to be MIA for a bit though.

  4. Likes Ruach liked this post
  5. #193
    Fedup's Avatar

    Twist Scenes

    Aurora Zeromancer Crystal Guru Belle

    Corn is picking up some books from the Mysterium order. Meet a mystagogue from a different consilium in pit stop 1 hour drive from the city, and then drive back to Sacramento. Corn would like another Mystagogue in the car since books about magic are involved.

    It is an excuse for me the player to have a social scene with one or more Mystagogues, talking about this and that on the way back. I was planning of starting the scene after we have the flash drive and heading back to Sacramento.
    It is not a plot, it is a social scene in a car that drives back to Sacramento, with a few valuable books in a USB stick. (I am buying the library merit so that the Athenaum would have a library).
    I will totally find something cool to put here - eventually.

  6. Likes liked this post
  7. #194
    BoxingUnicorn's Avatar

    Belle would be up for a road trip!

  8. Likes liked this post
  9. #195
    Shane's Avatar

    Guru's in, he's fine being wheelman for the endeavor.

  10. Likes , BoxingUnicorn liked this post
  11. #196
    Xander's Avatar


    Quick questions about the research rolls.

    Does the -1 penalty for consulting the internet apply to all three rolls or just the extra roll? Also do we all need to roll the same dice pool (All Int+Academics or all Int+investigation) or can each of us pick our own dice pool?
    Just your friendly neighborhood gulmoth!

  12. #197
    Aeolus's Avatar

    Each of you has to take the worse pool - (Int + Academics) or (Int + Investigation), whatever is lower.

    The -1 only applies to the roll not using the library.

  13. Likes Ruach liked this post
  14. #198
    ragnarokxg's Avatar

    Twist Scenes

    Zeromancer would like to go if you are still taking players.

  15. #199
    Fedup's Avatar

    Twist Scenes

    Sorry buddy, I saw this a bit too late. However, if everyone agrees, we can "Retcon" you being there. I honestly have no problem with that.
    Unless someone has an issue with that, IMO the best approach could be Zero following us in his own car as "extra precaution" and stopping at that shop we stopped.
    I will totally find something cool to put here - eventually.

  16. Likes Shane, BoxingUnicorn, Aeolus liked this post
  17. #200
    Aeolus's Avatar

    Hello everybody!

    A few months have passed, a few players have entered the fray. In the next week I'm planning on starting one more plot, giving new arrivals the priority. Plot participation is not mandatory, so if the suggested plot doesn't do it for you, maybe the next round is more promising. Apollo Moira Rails . If either one of the new characters doesn't want to join that plot right now, it's open for others (giving priority to people not in plots/in less plots).

    Monkey off Their Backs: a new promising way to get clean makes its rounds through Sacramento through word-to-mouth. Apparently it's some esoteric teachings, Peyote cleanses and group therapy all rolled into one. People seem to be getting better, but rumors of the staff "harvesting the attendees" have popped up more often than once could chalk it up to coincidence.
    What is being harvested? Can an easy way out of addiction even work without hooks attached?

    Social/investigative for 3 players.


    The Death Positivity plot is not forgotten and I will wait a few more days before deciding how to move on, depending on player availability and wishes. Corn Zeromancer


    Also, Corn has dropped the hint several times by now: he is suspecting Banisher activity or wants some lose lips dealt with before they cause any damage. I am usually all for taking your (the players') ideas and run with them, so if something like this comes up and people are interested go for it! I will gladly narrate things that need ST involvement
    I just can't read minds - so I can't know who wants to be involved, what your characters are trying to attempt (for the 'Banisher' alone you could use Space with the items Belle had pocketed, you could visit the location again, you could yell 'SHOW YOURSELF!' from the rooftops...), and what they are trying to achieve. Organize/post in OOC or straight up start a scene after giving me a heads-up and I won't leave you hanging.
    And if you're worried about me being burnt out or swamped: I'm a grown man, I will tell you if things are not currently possible for me to watch over.


    One last point: the idea of a slower moving plot was sound in theory, but at this point I'm willing to admit it was a mistake. I would like to move Doomsayer to a normal pace again: either someone is really not able to post (which is understandable and the plot will wait) or I see them posting in other scenes and procrastinating on the plot, which is a pity.
    Since people have signed up for this plot under the assumption that it is lower maintenance I will be more lenient, but I'll ask you to pick up the pace from now on. Belle Viggo Winter .

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