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  1. #1
    Drakken's Avatar

    The night has come.

    Our Kindred find themselves walking down the halls of an apartment building; the sounds of Kine activity flood the air to the left and right of you all. The smells of different cultures cooking waft in and out of olfactory range. All of it combined seems to make it difficult to find the address given by Conner Wells and each and every one of the others nearly walk by without a second thought. Nearly. The door to Conner's haven is a single instance of the cookie cutter doors that you've all been passing as you walked the halls in search of tonight's meeting place. Yet, in conjunction with all of the sounds and smells, this is the only door that was nearly missed.

    Once inside, the Kindred are met with a Studio apartment. Its most notable features for the present task are a standard dining table with chairs that are rearranged for a meeting, and a writing desk against one wall.

    I'm going to let Conner describe his haven in detail in his first post, just so it gets proper justice done to it.

    Quinn Durant Milton Helen Kingsley

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  3. #2
    Conner Wells's Avatar
    Blood & Faith
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Eidectic Memory
    Conner Wells
    PRP Stats

    HP: 0/7 [7 Bash]
    WP: 0/2
    Vitae: 2/6

    Equipment: Reinforced Jacket, Broadsword, Messenger Bag (flashlight, pen, notepad, binoculars, duct tape), Phone, Wallet ($50 cash)
    Combat Stats

    Def: 3 (Dex; Tonfa +1)
    Armor: 1/0 (Reinforced Clothing)
    Initiative: 4
    Speed: 9

    (Vitae Reliquary)Vitae 1 Willpower Spent


    Conner takes a moment of silence to pray before the evening's events. Before the peace of his Haven he's tried so hard to craft is interrupted by invading bodies. Allies. Interlopers and criminals! And Quinn. The predator grumbles internally; he's tried to slake his thirst tonight, but his heart isn't in it. He doesn't like the idea of feeding for the sake of it. But there is still blood to be spilt tonight, though this would be for the purpose of restoration...

    1 success

    Conner holds a notepad; fairly simple, the kind you could find at a Dollar Tree or similar convenience store. But this mundane item has been fused with live-giving Vitae from Conner's own body, at cost. The carrot for Mr. Jacobs' horse.

    Conner stands at the doorway, awaiting the arrival of his compatriots in advance of his meeting with Mr. Jacobs. Upon entry, the Kindred see a fairly humble setup that is easily viewed from one end of the space to the other. The dining room table has several chairs set around it facing towards the door, so that nobody would have their backs to potential new arrivals. The writing desk on the wall has a number of books stacked there as well, with a copy of the Testament of Longinus opened to the passage Mr. Jacobs had quoted. The desk is tidied with cups holding pens, pencils, and other writing accessories. The kitchen looks recently cleaned as well, with the sink in particular showing signs of recent use.

    As each Kindred enters, Conner welcomes them in. "Excellent! Come in." He's un-Blushed. Perhaps as a sign of solidarity with their eventual guest, new to the Kindred condition? Or perhaps because his own blood is near spent. At any rate, Conner tries to be a good, if not business-minded host.

    PRP Stats: In Minisheet

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  5. #3
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar
    Helen Kingsley


    After a liottle extra detour to get a little fill for the remainder of tonight, Helen is early. Not too much that it means she'll be standing around needlessly or disturb any prep work, just early enough to take a good look around the place from outside. general surroundings and folks living around, see iof there's a fire evacuation plan or something. She doesn't like to go in blind if she can help it, especially if that means having some advantage over Jacobs, even if she'll probaby not need it. Provided Jacobs turns up...

    "Thank you, nice place by the way."

    Helen enters and gets out of her shoes, lining them up next to the door or under some wardrobe in a neat and orderly fashion. She's complementing her jeans with a dark blue t-shirt and a messenger bag. No jacket, no cap, no visible weapons. For a moment she wonders if it's always this way or just supposed to look like that for the task at hand. Not that it matters a lot at the moment, just for later reference... She approaches the table and unpacks the bag.

    Notepad and pen go in front of her, as does the ball of wool and something that looks like a about-halfway finished dark grey sock with some knitting needles in it. Last but not least, she fishes out two bottles she either hands to Conner directly or just puts in the kitchen: Vodka and what looks like coffee liquor.

    "Little token for the hospitality. Or for when shit gets too frustrating, depends on how it goes tonight."

    She takes one of the seats and starts working on the sock, waiting for the rest and Jacobs to arrive.

    2 successes

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

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  7. #4
    Milton's Avatar

    Time is Money
    Status, Allies
    (City Hall)
    Status, Allies
    Bureaucratic Navigator


    Milton arrives shortly after Helen. Unblushed and wearing a completely forgettable brown suit.

    Touch of Shadow (Gun), 2 successes

    Tucked into the waist band of his pants at the small of his back, under his suit jacket, is the gun lent to him by Connor on another occasion. Safely wrapped in shadows. He's got to remember to return the thing. But it's good to have at this moment, should anything go wrong.

    He knocks politely, discreetly. Upon being let in, he offers both Conner and Helen a nod. Inwardly cringing at the Beast's howls for the Haunt's blood. Despite this, when he speaks, his voice is calm. Even placid.

    "Good evening to you both." To Conner: "Thank you for having us in your...home."

    Unremarkable brown eyes sweep the space. Ah, the proverbial monk's cell.

    He idly ambles to the writing desk, looking over the orderly surface. His gaze lingers on the open copy of the Testament. Some day, he'll have to read the thing...

    "So, when can we expect our guest?" Milton asks over his shoulder.

    Equipment: Notepad and pen, smart phone, wallet with cash, full-sized car (parked downstairs), Generic .40 S&W +2L 9 again (Obfuscated).
    Health: Vitae: WP: BP: 1

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  9. #5
    Quinn Durant's Avatar

    Quinn Durant
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Striking Looks
    (Velvet Rope Jockey)
    Good Breeding
    City Status
    Quinn Durant


    Quinn arrived in a Range Rover. Trying out yet another vehicle type this evening. Fully tinted out windows, and of course fully loaded. She wasn't sure she liked this one. It didn't feel off road safe even though there were claims of it. She could tell the difference in the all wheel drive though and the handling. It was okay. Not sure it would work if she ever needed it in rough terrain though. Hmmm.

    She was dressed simply in something that could easily transition to a night out if she desired. Though her nights were filling up quicker than even she could have anticipated. So many to meet with, so little time. Spring was painfully close as well. While it made hunting easier, it also made the nights shorter. The wheel keeps turning. Her black messenger back was on her shoulder and she set it down at her side.

    This was her first time to Conner's place. Upon arrival she made herself at home, greeting the others cordially.
    Quinn smiled to Conner and drew him down to kiss his cheek gently. "Blood of my blood." She murmured softly to him, as a more personal hello.

    She nodded to Whip Northbridge, and then to Helen. "Good evening Whip Northbridge, Ms. Kingsley." She was smiling while picturing ripping them apart with her teeth, but you know, the urges pass. She had been around both enough that those desires were weaker and weaker, and with the mystical chains that restrained her Beast she had less to worry about than most.

    [VTR]Special EQ:Tracking Device Durability 1, Size 1, Structure 2, Cost ••• pg WoD Armory pg 169
    High Performance Lap Top +1-3 bonus potentially pg WoD Core pg 57 [/ VTR]

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  11. #6
    Conner Wells's Avatar
    Blood & Faith
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Eidectic Memory
    Conner Wells
    PRP Stats

    HP: 0/7 [7 Bash]
    WP: 0/2
    Vitae: 2/6

    Equipment: Reinforced Jacket, Broadsword, Messenger Bag (flashlight, pen, notepad, binoculars, duct tape), Phone, Wallet ($50 cash)
    Combat Stats

    Def: 3 (Dex; Tonfa +1)
    Armor: 1/0 (Reinforced Clothing)
    Initiative: 4
    Speed: 9


    The players enter at their various stages, each bringing their own auras and annoyances that make that sinister side of Conner doubt this entire enterprise. But he swallows that doubt in place of precious Vitae; lets stubbornness and anticipation carry him. Conner accepts the alcohol directly from Helen, setting both drinks on the table before searching one of the kitchen cabinets for a few shot glasses. "I wish it was under better circumstances, Ms. Kingsley. But I do appreciate it." Poison? Not likely; we can't be poisoned that easily. ​Conner leaves the drinks unpaired for the moment, perhaps to wait and see if their eventual guest would want some more human amenities.

    Milton enters and Conner is impressed by the Ventrue's calm demeanor. Perhaps he'd doubted the man's resolve. Or he knows he has plenty of people to carry for him. "A man's castle should be open for anything, even an ambush." ​He engages the man's wit, hoping to make him more at ease. No use having a diplomat who doesn't feel safe. "Considering Mr Jacob's hasn't jumped the gun yet, he should be arriving in the next 10-15 minutes. Enough time for some quick discussion."

    Then his Hail Mary arrives: Quinn the Reeve, the Priscus, the One-Winged Dragon. Conner accepts the familial greeting warmly. There's a darker side of him that revels in the attention that he's certain the other two don't get from their Priscii. "Thank you for being here, Reeve Durant." He gives her a low nod of respect, despite the semi-informal setting.

    The party assembled, Conner takes a moment to duck into the bedroom area and secure his own weapon, weaving shadows around it to keep it obscured until necessary.
    1 success

    Returning, his weapon is set on the table flat, with the Vitae Reliquary just before it. He looks around those assembled. Alright, time to lay out the strategy. "Mr. Jacobs will be arriving in about 10-12 minutes..." Trying to account for the time everyone took to get in. "When he arrives, I think it would be best if Mr. Northbridge or Reeve Durant opens the door to let him in. He's seen Helen and I when we tried to chase him at the Babylon, and I want to make sure he's in the room before he decides to bolt." Should give us a chance to react. "I've prepared a Vitae Reliquary for Mr. Jacobs as a gift..." He gestures to the notebook. "...So my goal is to have him seated for when we talk terms. Right now I believe our main goal is to solidify Mr. Jacob's involvement in the killings, and identify any other parties we may need to oppose." He looks between Milton and Helen, giving them the floor to inform Quinn or to clarify the plan further. ​"Clear as mud?"

    PRP Stats: In Minisheet

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  13. #7
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar
    Helen Kingsley


    Helen shortly looks up from her needlework as Milton enters and offers a nod. Apart from the clicking of the needles, there's little else she's to contribute for the moment. Also, its not her party after all, Conner's the host. And, it helps taking her mind off the way too attractive impulse to bury one of those long and more-pointy-than-they-technically-need-to-be knitting needles in Milton's shoulder or neck...

    "Good evening, Whip Northbridge."

    The same sorta goes for Quinn, even she's cheating and makes it a little easier to be around. But hey, why not ? Same with the dress. She gives Quinn a deeper nod.

    "Good evening, Reeve Durant."

    She remains focused on the piece of wool as Conner lays out the plan.


    "Best to let Reeve Durant do it. Helps with him not getting handsy when he meets someone he doesn't know." Becasue things go ugly and Jacobs tries to fight Milton, there could be a lot of folks wondering what the hell is happening out there. She's not going into stuff like vita reliquary that she only has little if any familiarity with. "So, how formal do we want to make stuff with addressing each other during the whole investigation ?" She interrupts her work to fish for her bag and gets out a mauve envelope she slides over to Quinn as soon as the Reeve is seated. "I've put together a few things in writing a bit back. Don't know how many details you got already, it might be helpful."

    After that, she picks up where she left.

    Content of the envelope

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

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  15. #8
    Milton's Avatar

    Time is Money
    Status, Allies
    (City Hall)
    Status, Allies
    Bureaucratic Navigator


    Milton turns away from the desk when Quinn enters, offering her a cordial and respectful nod. Relieved that she’s here. Another adult in the room.

    “Good evening, Reeve Durant. Thank you for making yourself available for this...occasion,” knowing that Quinn’s nights must be very busy as of late. He catches the intimate form of address between the Shadows, but does not remark on it. Verbally or otherwise. Still, an interesting bit of information to mull over at a later date.

    Castle?! Milton offers Conner an understanding smile, stifling his indignity. "One hopes an ambush isn't in order, Pastor Wells. That would be very poor form," he replies. "In any event, I appreciate your hospitality."

    Vitae reliquary...Milton has no idea. He's curious, of course. But now's not the time.

    Helen...knits. Milton's not one to begrudge someone their pastime. But does she have to do that now? The clicking alone is mildly torturous. Unbeknownst to him, his thoughts mirror the Haunt's. Except, he's picturing what it might be like to drive one of those needles through Helen's eye.

    Bloody fantasies aside, she's making sense. "I agree with Ms. Kingsley. Reeve Durant will not be as...irritating to our guest." Very important when Monsters first meet. "Where do you plan to seat him? I'd like to stand where I can catch his eye if necessary." So, somewhere over Conner's shoulder. He does not explain why he favors such a position. Some in the room might have an idea.

    Attention back to Helen: "I am fine with relaxing the rigors of formality for this occasion, given that we are all here as...believers." A wry smile. "Though I would think that calling one another 'Brother' or 'Sister' might be taking things a little far..." He glances at Conner for confirmation. After all, he's the expert.

    "Those seem like good places to start," he answers Pastor Wells, his eyes tracking Helen as she hands over her files to Quinn. "If we can get him comfortable, I can likely arrange for him to be as forthcoming as necessary..." Jacobs just needs to remain calm, relax a touch, and then the Lord can work his magic.
    Health: Vitae: WP: BP: 1

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  17. #9
    Quinn Durant's Avatar

    Quinn Durant
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Striking Looks
    (Velvet Rope Jockey)
    Good Breeding
    City Status
    Quinn Durant


    Quinn chuckled at the 'clear as mud' quip. As usual Conner showed off his wit and Quinn was here for it. Amusement showing in her eyes for a moment, along with the smile to go with it. She definitely had some thoughts, but she waited until she reviewed all the information from Helen had provided and got copies of it with her lap top, including the pictures. Let's hear it for modern technology and cameras built into lap tops! She then listened to Milton give his opinion, and contemplated silently for a few moments, a thoughtful expression on her face.

    "If you are all under the impression that Mr. Jacob's took part in these gruesome and frankly a near miss of a full Masquerade Breach, why would you think Mr. Jacob's would be more comfortable with literally the police amongst Kindred being who he sees first? Other than my ability to mask my beast? I would assume if I was involved in blatant criminal activity, that to find The Reeve opening the door might be a sign the jig was up and to either fight or run like hell." She paused looking around a bit because she felt like she was missing something here. "Or is Mr. Jacob's believed to only be a witness of it and not actually a perpetrator? I think that distinction needs to be drawn, or even if its unknown should be in excess caution."

    She paused a moment to regard Helen's concern over being formal through the investigation. "Ms. Kinsley if I was asking for full formality, I would be expecting you to get up and perform a bow as a Court officer. Which is expected in court, in case that was missed. The Prince, Seneschal Jack, Arcon Twist may give me nods, as they are above my station and also Officers of the Court, and a nod for having only a Priscus title is appropriate, but not a Court Officer, which Seneschal Jack mentioned to Mable in court in case that was missed. He wasn't merely stating it for Mable's benefit either." She paused a moment to let that sink in. "I haven't been that concerned as according to Prince Antinori's own law, we are all given a grace period to adjust with any Announcement's made, but that time period has expired as of the end of last court."

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  19. #10
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar
    Helen Kingsley


    "Are we ? The way I see it, he's our best lead." Because he's the only lead, really. "A witness ? Likely. But I don't think he's the one who put that graffiti up and we'll see what he knows about bodies being hauled through the area. If he's staked out the Babylon as much as Max suggested, he'll have seen something, so I don't think we should put him through the mangler just yet." A glance to Milton. "Also, this guy has been 'cured'" She actually interrupts her activity to mark the inverted commas with her fingers "from a pretty bad case of cancer. by being embraced, ironic as that is... Anyway, when he reappeared at the place he didn't blush, fed in the open and refused help to get educated while still returning to the place.

    Might be conjecture, but that doesn't sound like someone who keeps himself updated with the latest going-ons at court. If he even knows that exists and isn't just one lonely fanger getting by in his part of town with little interest in company, politics or other stuffs and knowing jack shit about everything outside that part of town. So let's assume there's a chance he doesn't know what the hell a Reeve is. Or who."

    She nods at Quinn's elaboration. Not what she was after, really, but she can work with that.

    "I'll keep it in mind, Ma'am. Thank you for the pointer and my sincere apologies in case you've been offended."

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

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