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Notary in pursuit of the Skeleton

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  1. #1
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise


    Jennifer sat deep in the bowels of the Necropolis, laid prone upon the floor atop of a wool blanket. Two journals were laid out in front of her. The words entered within these scholarly journals had been kept for nearly ten years, the dates going back to October of 2011 in some places. Much of the earlier pages were in code, requiring Jennifer to consult the second journal at times to decipher. She had not been quite so secure in her earlier Danse.
    The Nosferatu was closing in on an elusive knowledge, something she had pledged to do for a Prince, once. The Prince had moved on. She had moved to study under Lady Notary Chappelle. Yet the Oath that had been promised to be offered to the Invictus of Sacramento remained on her mind through out the years. Now she held in her hand a handwritten account of a historical event, an Invictus Prince swearing a vassal by a particular Oath. The very Oath she sought.
    Maddingly, to adhere to the Masquerade, the parcel had come through the hands of Hostewick Ghouls. The language had been flowered, at times imprecise. Certain parts were coyly incorrect to throw any ambitious Crone or Ordul seeking such knowledge down the wrong path. Yet it meant that passages of an entirely too sort document had to be discarded as deception. It annoyed Jennifer, even as she admired the foresight of the Notary of St. Louis.
    Jennifer plucked up a pen, from a set given to her by an ally at an important meeting. She drew out parallels, synonyms of similar language. She consulted a thesaurus, testing her skills as a wordsmith.

    "That is fascinating."…"There are many potential applications for such an oath."
    Jennifer paused in her study as a past conversation that occurred some twenty odd months ago arose, unbidden, in her memory. She set her pen down as she considered exactly how many applications there could be for this Oath.
    The most likely recipient of the Oath would be the very individual she had conversed with. Although she had not known it at the time. Invictus Princes often utilized this Oath to convey it’s benefits to vassals and denizens, while enjoying its’ rewards. Would the future events play out as she imagined?
    Jennifer tucked the historical document into her Oath study notebook, marked with the long purple ribbon. Royalty, it signaled in her mind. The skeleton of the Invictus. Not the Florentine code for Family, in this situation, or so Jennifer believes.
    As Jennifer had paused her study, a flash of inspiration flared across the Nosferatu’s mind, quite surprising her. She was seized with a sudden conviction. Jennifer’s tools tumbled unheeded from her hands, even the gift that she cared for. Her eyes closed as she laid down, her mind hurtling at what seemed like a thousand miles an hour. She strummed her veins, calling up the Gift of the Blood that an ally had taught her. The Gift of the Mekhet, alien at first, floated and descended over her mind. Opening avenues, although they were faded and translucent. As delicate and elusive as a wisp of smoke in twilight air. Jennifer threw herself into the work, traveling down strange and mysterious pathways. Invisible to mortals and even some Kindred, the ways known to the studious Shadows. The Nosferatu pursued the knowledge all through the night, only stopping to enter her sleeping chamber for the approach of the new day.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

  2. #2
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise


    April 29th, 2012
    St. Louis

    The terror thudded in her ribcage as her Beast scrabbled against the terrible Beast that approached her. The woman was dressed in an elegant blue business suit with a crisp white ruffled shirt. Her bone white hair was smoothed into a chignon at the base of her neck. Despite her hair, the woman's face didn't look older than mid - twenties. Yet she felt so terrible...

    The blonde woman standing beside the Kindred spoke first.

    "May I present Alder Lady Micha Chappelle, Notary of the First Estate. Childe of Alder Notary Ezra Rosietto; Childe of Councilor Notary Mariel Versaille; Chlde of Erland Aderes of the line Mekhet."

    "I am pleased to make your acquaintance, Alder Lady Notary Chappelle." Jennifer squeaked.

    The blonde woman spoke again, sharing what Jennifer had presented at the door.
    "Lady Notary, may I introduce Notary Jennifer Hazelton: Childe of Joshua Homan, childe of Lady Notary Gweneth Ward; childe of Libretist James Barlowe of the line Nosferatu."

    "Welcome to St. Louis, Notary Hazelton." Micha greeted. "Please, take a seat."

    The blonde woman pulled out a straight backed chair for the lady and then one for Jennifer. The two chairs were sitting across from one another at a fine mahogany table.

    "Thankyou, Lady Notary Chappelle. I am grateful for your hospitality. I heard of your service to the Invictus and had hoped to learn from your experience..." Her voice squeaked to a crescendo.

    "Ah, I see that you are unaccustomed to such Dread." The Lady replied, regret in her voice. "Long ago, some allies and I performed an exorcism. For vanquishing such a spirit, the Dread has latched onto me. I couldn't shield it if I wished to."

    "I understand, Lady Notary. Forgive a neonate's wonder."

    The white-haired Shade smiled, although it was fleeting. The terrible BP 4 Beast was obfuscated; although the Dread lingered in the air like acrid smoke. Jennifer relaxed somewhat and pulled the Cloak over her young Beast.

    "More comfortable?" The Lady inquired.
    "Yes. Thank you."

    "None required. We must not tax the Beast more than we must. Now, you brought the Oath book I requested? May I see it?"
    Jennifer sat at an empty building, deep in thought. Pouring through her memories of meeting a Mekhet who was also a Lady Notary of the Invictus. That Lady now lay in Sweet Torpor, cared for the Successor of her House. Jennifer brushed her fingers together, as though to open a book. Yet no journals or oath books documenting the Blood Oaths of the Invictus were present this night. Not on her person, even obfuscated. Such knowledge must be fiercely guarded, for it was the skeleton of the First Estate. Jennifer sat in the darkened building on the outskirts of the town proper, a commercial building that was for sale. People still walked by outside and from her perch, Jennifer could see them pass below her. Although they could not see her.
    For this elusive bone that composed the Skeleton of the First Estate, Jennifer had to push herself. To go against the nature that Cursed Nosferatu upon their Embrace. Two women, one slim and fair, one copper skinned and generous in proportions, walked beneath her window. Arm linked through arm. Perhaps lovers.
    Jennifer stared down and strummed the stolen blood in her dead veins. Coaxed the Blood Gift of the Mekhet to awaken, uncurl in her dead muscles. To stretch out and brush the minds of the mortals below. By peering into the aura of the copper skinned woman, the Kindred could glean information on the most complex feelings a mortal may have.

    2 successes

    As Jennifer hurtled through the alien sensation as auras swirled into view, she demanded discipline of herself. She stared into her target, studying the dizzying array of color. Humans were so fickle at times, she decided. After a few minutes, Jennifer found understanding. Swirls of yellow for idealistic, splotches of rose for generous. The women walk out of sight, yet Jennifer continues to press her Gift to search. She feels out the delicate, elusive auras of mortals skirting her eyesight.
    Jennifer presses herself deeper into the shadows of the empty building and looks inward, still holding the Gift. She strums her veins in the matter that she does when fulfilling mystical compacts. For many minutes, she simply meditates. The time stretches to an hour. Then, words arise. Words spoken to her many years ago, by another Lady Notary who was now laid in Sweet Torpor.
    “This is an important Oath, one that not ever Notary may learn. I travelled nearly two nights to perform this Oath in Las Vegas, although I am glad for what this Oath provides. The petitioner may…” The words fade and Jennifer remembers the white haired Mekhet showing her a journal entry of her own Oath chronicle. Now the words come together in her memory, sparked by the new knowledge she has gained in the years following this initial instruction.
    Jennifer opens her eyes and departs the darkened building, striving confidently forward. Ready to meet the future and eager to meet what February’s gather would bring.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

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