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  1. #11
    Quinn Durant's Avatar

    Quinn Durant
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    She thought about that question for the moment. She wasn't sure she even knew how to quantify some of it into words. "It's become almost common for Mr. Smith and I to communicate through Telepathy. I mean, we are always investigating together, and as you have seen for yourself its a very convenient method of communication to keep things secret. I'm helping him train his mind so only his thoughts come through and not every tiny thing in his head. I'm hoping this control will help him also control the personalities. Then I am going to attempt to influence his mind to further control them. I will let you know the results of my experiment."

    She nodded earnestly to his question about her still wanting to pursue the domain position of Reeve. She did still want it. "I don't know if its rooted in ambition or just my arrogance in truly believing no one else could do the job better than I can. I think every Kindred who wants such positions probably thinks the same. Yet when I say it out loud, I am cringing inside." She confessed softly, finding herself smiling back at his grin.

    "It's almost impossible to have any real perspective on all of this. When vinculum is established it colors everything differently. You go through mental gymnastics to make everything they say and do completely justified. Even after that bond is broken, you still feel the same, even as your mind and heart are free again to think and feel as you choose. It stays with you. It's not like flipping a switch."

    Quinn nodded serenely at the Seneschal's decision. She understood. The masquerade was all. "He needs to grow. Young plants thrive after being exposed to some adversity. So it goes with Kindred as well." She smiled again, chuckling a little to herself.

    Quinn merely nodded in acknowledgement of his words regarding Mr. Heinrich.

    Quinn raised her brows and nodded. "Mr. Northbridge approached me with a peace offering you could say. We came to an agreement that we both find equitable." She paused a moment to study Jack. "Why do I have the feeling I have you to thank for that." She said softly. "In fact we even decided when Mr. Wells holds his first Mass we will attend together."

  2. #12
    Jacque's Avatar
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    Goes by Jack.

    Educated, scholarly, lawyer, scientist.
    Jack's outward demeanor and tone are a baseline of respectful and calculated.

    He actively debates, persuades, negotiates and even at time tries to intimidate, as core skills of any lawyer worth his salt.
    Jacque Scenes


    "How bold," he remarked. "You seemed quite put off by the idea last time, so I'm glad to see you push through for what could be a successful journey in helping Mister Smith remain an asset to the Domain."

    Shrugging lightly, "It can always be a delicate thing to speak plainly in line with passion." He considers her point carefully, "For what it is worth, I'd rather have someone that brings that kind of fervor to the job, but alas it is not my decision." A brief smile for the vote of confidence that it was.

    Blood addiction. He almost felt sorry for her in hearing her describe the struggle. "It is always a challenge, I imagine. I know many of the Domain can be eager to recruit to their covenants. I've even seen the some extend an invitation before acknowledgement was even offered." He chuckled, "The Invictus is not so desperate but most importantly, it is not a decision that should be rushed or compelled on you. If you should ever decide you are ready and interested, I do hope you'll let me know." She seemed to be finally coming into her own and getting away from the theatrics of politics.

    He nodded, "Still, even through his mistakes he's shown some promise. I will be interested in what the future holds for him."

    He chuckled, "Perhaps you do." He coyly remarked. "I'm looking forward to that as well. I must confess though that I have more interest in what faith inspires in others than the faith itself."

    Blood Hunt:

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  4. #13
    Quinn Durant's Avatar

    Quinn Durant
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    Quinn Durant


    She nodded. "If there is something a notable member of the domain is struggling with, I want to assist if I can. We sometimes forget all people have done for us over the years, but we never forget the way someone behaved towards us during a low point." She mentioned.

    Quinn smirked ever so slightly, which turned into a self deprecating smile. "Thank you, Seneschal Jack. I appreciate your vote of confidence more than you might guess. I know its not your decision, but your belief in my drive gives me hope that others see that same energy and wish to see my star rise as far as my ambition will take me."

    She watched him a moment, agreeing with him with a slow nod. She hesitated for a few heartbeats. Quinn wasn't exactly the type to hesitate. Especially with how calculating she is. "You are not the first from the First Estate to approach me. Mr. OBrien expressed an interest in sponsoring me when and if I wished. Is that your intention Seneschal?" She asked him plainly. Quinn was a huge believer in asking questions rather than making assumptions.

    She smiled softly on the topic of Conner Wells. "He's not the type to give up, Seneschal. He does rely on his wits a little to much I think, but that can be remedied with some solid experience and focus on his Covenant and being a spiritual leader." She smiled softly. "My watch on him has not ended."

    Annnnd he quickly moved to something else. He may just let you squirm for awhile before he decides to collect. Jack certainly fit the bill for a patient Ventrue. She chuckled a little bit, at his coy reply. "Hard to pay back someone who has everything they want or need. I am sure you will think of something for me to assist you with." Quinn refused to offer blindly. That was a foolish position to take. "I agree completely. If its anything like what happens with the Kine, we would all be better off without it. I find it so hard to swallow that something that tends to be so unhealthy in the human mind could be any better for ours." She shrugged gently.

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  6. #14
    Jacque's Avatar
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    Goes by Jack.

    Educated, scholarly, lawyer, scientist.
    Jack's outward demeanor and tone are a baseline of respectful and calculated.

    He actively debates, persuades, negotiates and even at time tries to intimidate, as core skills of any lawyer worth his salt.
    Jacque Scenes


    "That's true," he nodded. "And a sometimes unfortunate side effect of our longevity is the capacity to hold on to those feelings for a very long time." He was at least glad she was on the positive end of that spectrum with JC.

    The Lord nodded, taking in the information for what it was. "I've been observing you with great interest even before being named as Seneschal. Most didn't pick up on the little things that you do, but as I mentioned before your execution was far from flawless." His fingers folded together, his thumbs flitting gently, "It would be to assess the potential of you making it through manumission and if favorable yes," he nodded, "I would consider sponsoring you. I've witness failures caused by poor sponsors and as you've said yourself- I do not believe anyone can do it as well as I can." His head tilted gently, "I am curious about Mister O'Brien's approach though. I would hope he's not simply recruiting based on you being freshly unaligned."

    "Good," it wasn't a bad thing with enough experience, and having at least two sets of eyes on him should keep him out of permanent trouble.

    A grin at her comment, "How true," he shrugged as he mused for a moment, "We find ourselves often with that challenge with the exchange of gifts in the Invictus. By the way," his eyes returned focus to his guest, "Your gift was quite lovely, thank you."

    "Old habits die hard," he nodded. "Some feel a void with the uncertainty of the unknown. Some feel a lack of purpose removing mortality from the equation. The Sanctum and its mortal counterparts tries to address those things for better or worse." His eyes drifted up towards the book laying on its side before returning to Quinn with a quote, "I knew that I must become the master of the Blood or forever be its slave."

    Blood Hunt:

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  8. #15
    Quinn Durant's Avatar

    Quinn Durant
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    Quinn Durant


    "I try to keep myself busy." She said with a soft chuckle. "Idle hands lead to theatrical politics, which is not my strong suit. As you have already mentioned." She paused a moment before continuing considering his words and didn't feel much of a need to elaborate on them. "Understood." To the last question she chuckled a little bit because that went further than he could guess, and in many more ways than one. "No, it wasn't simply because I am unaligned. We already had an alliance and I am sure Mr. O'Brien see's it as merely a way of helping me distinguish a path foreword that would guarantee more political success for my future. He said himself he had honestly every intention of attempting to poach me from the Dragons, but with the convenient timing of my departure opened the avenue for the subject to be broached openly." Quinn chuckled a little bit. "His approach was casual in a relaxed moment, nothing overwhelming. When he pressed for a timetable I told him the spring was a better time for such discussions." A nice way of saying she put him off until she was in a better headspace than a kneejerk reaction. "His other motivation I am sure is a desire to keep me closer than what would otherwise be possible if I were to join a different covenant."

    Quinn laughed aloud at that, giving in to the mirth of shopping for other Kindred. It was daunting, and Quinn always secretly felt like an asshole doing it. "You know that is designed for moonlight specifically? I truly hope you didn't think I had given you a sun catcher." She said with a warm smile. "It's been a long time since I saw one like it, and I immediately thought of you." She confessed softly. "I am glad you found it to your liking."

    Quinn nodded agreeing with him completely, she found herself leaning forward a bit, and she grinned when he got to the quote and quoted back. " 'And I rejoiced, for I knew I was Damned, and that God willed it so.' "

  9. #16
    Jacque's Avatar
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    (Alexander Krait)

    Goes by Jack.

    Educated, scholarly, lawyer, scientist.
    Jack's outward demeanor and tone are a baseline of respectful and calculated.

    He actively debates, persuades, negotiates and even at time tries to intimidate, as core skills of any lawyer worth his salt.
    Jacque Scenes


    "That is reassuring," he smiled, now knowing that the scenario that had played out did not reek of desperation for membership. There was always an attraction for quality, and behaviors lending to the contrary would simply not do. "Closer?" he keyed in on the phrasing. A coterie perhaps?

    "It did not take long to discover that myself," he grinned. "Though truly I wasn't offended in thinking it was originally an ironic gift. It provoked some thought, but once the reality set in it simply added another layer."

    "You never cease to interest me, Miss Durant." he mused at her responding quote. "You know I was once labeled a chameleon..." he paused, recalling a conversation with another shadow, "...in a not so kind implication. There are many who do not view taking an interest in or time to understand other covenants as a positive." He shrugged, "I can't hardly blame them I suppose, given our nature. At the end of the night, knowledge is power."

    Blood Hunt:

  10. #17
    Quinn Durant's Avatar

    Quinn Durant
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    Quinn Durant


    Quinn nodded a bit and elaborated more than she normally would. Especially considering this was an agreed upon stipulation in her agreement with Connor that things stay out of Elysia. "I am surprised you hadn't noticed already, but I suppose its good not to make assumptions. Mr. O'Brien hasn't made it a secret that his interest in me is not just politically inclined, and we have agreed to see each other romantically. I am sure some of his interest is in being able to share more with me and vice versa. Hence the word choice." She said with a small smile.

    Well that was a relief. Quinn chuckled a little at the mystery of the moonlight catcher. "That's good, cause the alternative wasn't one I was prepared for. I made sure I included a note so there wasn't any regard judging my intent or meaning behind the gift, at least. I didn't want you to think I meant something nefarious by it, that's for sure..."

    She listened to that first bit with a soft chuckle. "Hmmm...a Lord and a Shadow that have more in common than they thought." Quinn grinned and shook her head slightly. "Being able to get along and blend should not be derided. It's a tool of survival we should all have mastered. Though.." she paused and met his gaze directly. "some may have a mastery that others cannot reach. I am a Shadow though, our peers expect such things from me. I imagine if someone called you a chameleon they may have been jealous."

    She paused feeling the passage of time. The longer nights were such a blessing, but even they seemed to move incredibly fast when she had these meetings together. "The nights waning. If I was a betting woman I would say probably two hours before dawn. Time always seems to fly when we have our meetings. Regrettably." She said softly, though she did not move as she was not dismissed.

  11. #18
    Jacque's Avatar
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    Goes by Jack.

    Educated, scholarly, lawyer, scientist.
    Jack's outward demeanor and tone are a baseline of respectful and calculated.

    He actively debates, persuades, negotiates and even at time tries to intimidate, as core skills of any lawyer worth his salt.
    Jacque Scenes


    "It is far more challenging to notice it when there aren't such public theatrics surrounding the affection," he responded with half a shrug. "Or maybe my senses are dulling. Who knows? Nevertheless, congratulations. A former Seneschal, before your time here felt similarly. I took my time in learning more about each covenant but ultimately by the time I joined the First Estate she had left the city." He lingered for a moment in thought, his eyes drifted downward before returning to the room. "Regardless of your choice, I wish you both happiness." He considered offering another piece of advice, but decided against in the moment.

    He chuckled, "Well, I didn't think our first outing together was that bad."

    Matching her grin, "Perhaps jealousy is right. My Danse here has been riddled with challenges to my station. It has been nice to enjoy the peace for a bit, though it rarely lasts."

    "They do, don't they?" He mused at the thought. "I won't keep you then," motioning at her while standing himself. "I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening."

    Blood Hunt:

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  13. #19
    Quinn Durant's Avatar

    Quinn Durant
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    Quinn Durant


    "Ohhh I doubt its your senses." She paused a second and grinned, a light in her eyes suddenly. "Then again maybe we are becoming our recently acquired labels? Mr. Pretty and Miss Alert?" She said with a teasing tone, looking at him pointedly. The look died as he became more serious. There was something about his lack of eye contact that made her focus in more on the Lord. Like he was seeing this person in his minds eye. Quinn studied him hard, drawn in by the new expression. In this Quinn was a stereotype. Curiosity was hard to resist. It was even harder to hold back the full scope of Quinn's power. She held herself in check, barely.

    Empathy Roll

    The paltry insights from mere observation were unsatisfying to the Shadow, but simply had to do. Quinn looked thoughtful, watching Jack a moment. "I think its more prudent if I chose a sponsor I have had more experience with and was a senior member of the court than someone who came during Summer and still is learning the court and its members. I have put myself completely under your power and have not regretted the trust I placed in you."

    Quinn did not stand until Jack did. She found herself smiling a bit to herself, perhaps a bit disappointed at how quickly the time went. She bowed to the Seneschal then, and left his office, schooling her face to look neutral as she moved away from Jack's door and out of court.

  14. #20
    Jacque's Avatar
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    (Alexander Krait)

    Goes by Jack.

    Educated, scholarly, lawyer, scientist.
    Jack's outward demeanor and tone are a baseline of respectful and calculated.

    He actively debates, persuades, negotiates and even at time tries to intimidate, as core skills of any lawyer worth his salt.
    Jacque Scenes


    He chuckled quietly, "I really had thought you were the 'pretty' call sign." He shrugged, "I suppose either way is fair."

    Even though the conversation brushed across familiar feelings for the Lord, it was a vulnerability he was acutely aware of. The topic had triggered thought, though exactly what feelings Quinn could not quite discern.

    4 successes

    "All excellent points," he offered. She had clear wisdom about the potential ramifications, but truth be told he wasn't sure she'd even have a choice in the matter. Still, he was glad she was thinking about all the right aspects of the decision.

    "Please, enjoy the rest of your evening. We'll have to make a it a point to try and cross paths outside of business," a knowing grin of the unlikeliness of it.

    Blood Hunt:

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