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(PRP TH) - Treasure Hunt!

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  1. #101
    Aurora's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Madison Cross
    (Sleeper ID)

    Dedicated Magical Tool

    Multicolored copper bracelet with intricate loops winding around her right wrist.

    The sweet, fragrant smells of roses mixed with lilacs emanate from her as she casts magic. The scent intensifies, bordering on intoxicating, when Life magic is cast. When Aurora casts Vulgar magic, the scent takes a nasty turn, to the putrid, nauseating odor of a rotting corpse. The stronger the magic, the more those around want to retch at the smell.
    Monthly Spells

    Monthly spells done on character sheet.

    Pulse of the Living World[POT 6]
    Organic Resilience[POT 6]
    (PrP Treasure Hunt)

    Active Spells: 1/6
    [Detect Substance]Bone
    Personal Spells: 2/3


    She hears the words, an unfamiliar voice, and her friends. But she had a purpose now that the supernatural had heard her call.

    Get up there, find the choker, then deal with whoever the joker was.

    Aurora will use her turn to fly up to the ledge that the broken bridge lead up to.


  2. Likes Ruach, Aeolus liked this post
  3. #102

    Aurora easily flies through the dark cave, the light of the cellphones just enough for her eyes to give her an idea of her surroundings. Once on the ledge she finds herself in a small alcove, barely high enough for a person to stand upright and roughly 8 feet wide, 5 feet deep. It was just as featureless as the rest of the tomb, safe for a smooth stone sarcophagus. It was big enough for a human body, but there wasn't enough light for her to properly look into it, even with her enhanced eyes. First glances upon arrival only confirmed that there was a pane of glass covering the structure - it looked to smooth and seamlessly worked into the stone to be mundane.
    If she still had hairs on her neck, they would definitely be standing up right now: her unseen senses were picking something up here, although none of her other, more mundane senses confirmed this. Could here be really a ghost guarding a treasure?

    Corn and Belle meanwhile felt the air charge as the man seemed to focus on something else. The scent of incense spread, mixing with what remained of Aurora's Nimbus to a sickening stench and the deep ringing of large bells could be heard in the distance. Orange runes blossomed from his right hand (visible only to Corn at the moment), grew bigger and more intricate and finally wove themselves into his pattern. The Mystagogues also could feel something wrong, like a metallic taste in the back of their throats, like light focused by a magnifying glass pointed at the spot between their eyes. They could feel the Abyss answering the other Awakened's call and they could feel the otherworldly madness trying to take hold in their minds, but their Souls remained steadfast.


    Follow up


    Suddenly the guy's eyes went wide, his face turning into a grimace of ecstatic joy. He stumbled another step forward and caught himself. "The Lord acts through me. He heeded my call!" His voice no longer sounded composed - it swell to a jubilant yell.

    Turn order: (14)Aurora - (13)Intruder - (10)Belle - (9)Corn
    Belle is up.

  4. Likes Ruach, BoxingUnicorn liked this post
  5. #103
    Belle's Avatar
    Rose Among Thorns
    Direction Sense
    (I Know The Way)
    Danger Sense
    (Spidey Adjacent)
    (Blinded by Thorns)

    Nimbus: Cracks in space appear just over her skin, shaped like toothy, hellish maws. If she's extra and especially angry, those maws will speak.
    PRP Stats

    2/5 Personal Spells
    *Incognito Presence (1 suxx)
    1/3 Vulgar Spells
    Mana: 9/9
    WP: 2/3

    Equipment: Knife, Minivan, Shoulder Bag (magnifying glass, flashlight, plastic gloves), Smartphone, Wallet ($50), Artifact (see minisheet)
    Combat Stats

    Defense: 2 (Wits/Dex)
    Initiative: 4
    Speed: 9

    (Improv Casting: Counterspell Prime +WP)Mana 1 Willpower Spent

    Belle hears the bells go off, smells the sickly sweet incense, hears the old guy's voice crest into a manic frenzy. Before she was just annoyed, now she's angry.

    And it was time to let Pandemonium loose.

    2 successes

    Belle calls to her Artifact and the required mana bleeds through her finger, coalescesing with her will, and she tries to shatter her opponent's spell before it can enhance his own form. She has her knife ready for if that should fail.

    All yours Corn !


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  7. #104

    Sorry, but Belle currently doesn't have any Mage Sight on and therefore can't see the spell/counter it. Belle is up again.

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  9. #105
    Belle's Avatar
    Rose Among Thorns
    Direction Sense
    (I Know The Way)
    Danger Sense
    (Spidey Adjacent)
    (Blinded by Thorns)

    Nimbus: Cracks in space appear just over her skin, shaped like toothy, hellish maws. If she's extra and especially angry, those maws will speak.
    PRP Stats

    2/5 Personal Spells
    *Incognito Presence (1 suxx)
    1/3 Vulgar Spells
    Mana: 9/9
    WP: 2/3

    Equipment: Knife, Minivan, Shoulder Bag (magnifying glass, flashlight, plastic gloves), Smartphone, Wallet ($50), Artifact (see minisheet)
    Combat Stats

    Defense: 2 (Wits/Dex)
    Initiative: 4
    Speed: 9

    (Mana/WP replicated from last attempt)Mana 0 Spent

    Belle hears the bells go off, smells the sickly sweet incense, sees the old man go from vaguely annoying intruder to manic menace. Before she was annoyed, now she's angry. And she wants to let Pandemonium loose.

    2 successes


    Belle twists Space, her Nimbus denied its true visage as thrusts her knife forward. With her Space magic at her side, her attack bursts across the distance between herself and the old man...

    1 success

    The knife defies distance and her target suffers the slashing attack. The Warlock grits her teeth, hoping to draw blood.

    Apologies for the confusion. I think I've calculated the penalties correctly here with the exception of the negative to casting an additional Pattern spell (subtract suxx from right of casting roll). Aeolus please let me know if this all tracks


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  11. #106
    Corn's Avatar
    Status (academic)

    Nimbus: Light purple aura and a scent of freshly dug earth after a rain.
    Status (Academics) 1.

    (reducing paradox dice)Mana 1 Spent

    With that lunatic charging up his spells, Corn thought that drastic measures are required to end this battle. He has seen it in youtube news clips from 2002 and he has casually read about it here and there.
    Yes, this is what we needed, he told himself confidently.

    Corn moved back from the enemy mage putting a few yards between him, Belle and the intruder. In his mind he formed the imago to match what he seen and called on his new, adept of matter powers trying to get past the Abyss and bring forth his imago in this reality, using his soul as a conduit - with a bit of mana to ease the passing of the spell.


    His imago brought to reality, Corn changed the air surrounding the immediate vicinity of their enemy to the powerful, knockout gas that has been used by the Russian Special forces and the KGB in the past. Kolokov was tested on the unsuspecting Moscow population in the past. Corn was mostly confident that the redditors and other enthusiasts in the various internet pages were exaggerating the agent's power - it would probably take down that asshole but by the time it reaches Corn and Belle it would have been dispersed and harmless.
    Nothing would go wrong with this plan... right?

    6 successes

    Corn could feel his awakened will work its way to reality ... a bit too well. But still, the roof was hiiiiigh above them and they were several yards from the mage as the air turned to powerful knockout gas. It would be all good.

    If Corn knocks out everyone, I apologize. I declared my action to the ST before checking armory to see how powerful that thing is.

    For scene effects, see Minisheet. No monthly rituals at this time.
    Occult 4 because Mysterium is about the knowledge!

  12. Likes Ruach, Aeolus, BoxingUnicorn liked this post
  13. #107
    Aurora's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Madison Cross
    (Sleeper ID)

    Dedicated Magical Tool

    Multicolored copper bracelet with intricate loops winding around her right wrist.

    The sweet, fragrant smells of roses mixed with lilacs emanate from her as she casts magic. The scent intensifies, bordering on intoxicating, when Life magic is cast. When Aurora casts Vulgar magic, the scent takes a nasty turn, to the putrid, nauseating odor of a rotting corpse. The stronger the magic, the more those around want to retch at the smell.
    Monthly Spells

    Monthly spells done on character sheet.

    Pulse of the Living World[POT 6]
    Organic Resilience[POT 6]
    (PrP Treasure Hunt)

    Active Spells: 1/6
    [Detect Substance]Bone
    Personal Spells: 2/3


    Well this was something.

    Was the choker on a body in this coffin type thing? If so, ew.

    And also, did they really want to grave rob?

    It was an interesting dilemma; one she wasn’t sure how to work out. Especially not in her current form with a whole bunch of spellcasting going on below her.

    Surprisingly, she could fit in up in her regular form. Being a contortionist had it’s benefits sometimes. But did she want to change form? It would help her interact with whatever was up here, and give her the chance to get more mana.

    She hated how under-prepared she was. But, she would make it work. She had to. Her friends were depending on her.

    Aurora will 'transform' back into her human form, '
    The mage can change shape without the possibility of becoming “lost” in her new form.'


  14. Likes Ruach, Aeolus liked this post
  15. #108

    Aurora changed back and took another look around. Her new perspective didn't show any new details or information, and because she left her clothes and potentially helpful equipment down where the others are she would have to rely on her natural talents.
    If she were to touch the cover of the tomb, she'd get her first impression confirmed: it certainly felt like glass, although she couldn't tell how thick or durable it was.. if the Mystagogues decided to desecrate this potential resting place.

    Her Unseen Senses - although already ringing with the Supernal exertions down below - were picking something up again and moments after that she hear a faint humming echo through the small alcove. It was a woman's voice, full of longing and melancholy and hearing that melody another piece of the big picture started to set in Aurora's mind: much like the energy beneath the willow's branches or the Twilight's mirror of this cave this seemed to be a remnant of two people's undying love for each other.

    Which didn't exactly make the question about grave robbing any easier.

    Belle overloaded her pattern with another spell, the brimming of the Realms Supernal tearing at her focus some more. But she was a pro, she could deal with this! She focused her will and tried to make out the other man's form in the dim and chaotic light. Space folded within itself and she thought she connected with his flank - just like Phoenyx had struck her once during their training session - but it didn't seem to do any damage. Was he using Magic to protect himself? Maybe it was mundane armor? No matter the reason, the Warlock was denied her satisfactory conclusion of that attempt.

    Some people might say Corn had enthusiasm for the dramatic, but the Moros was simply thinking big. Despite reading mostly second- or third-hand accounts, he could imagine the desired effect well enough to force his will onto the Lie.


    They couldn't see anything happening, but as soon as Corn was done casting, there was a hissing sound and a slight draft of the gas expanding to fill the room. Seconds later the gay was struggling, coughing and only managed to blurt out a profoundly confused "What?!" before collapsing onto the ground.
    Moments after that, the treasure hunters could smell a slightly acidic smell, adding to the already odor-heavy air of the cave. Corn had the right idea - the large space would dilute the knockout-gas to some extend - but unfortunately thinking big sometimes meant taking some risks.

    Everybody make a (Stamina + Resolve) roll to stay conscious. The penalty to this roll depends on how close each Mage was at the point of the transformation:
    Belle gets the full -6
    Corn created some distance and gets -4
    Aurora gets -2 to this roll.

    Failing this rolls means falling unconscious for 4 turns.

    Belle is up.

  16. Likes Ruach, BoxingUnicorn liked this post
  17. #109
    Belle's Avatar
    Rose Among Thorns
    Direction Sense
    (I Know The Way)
    Danger Sense
    (Spidey Adjacent)
    (Blinded by Thorns)

    Nimbus: Cracks in space appear just over her skin, shaped like toothy, hellish maws. If she's extra and especially angry, those maws will speak.
    PRP Stats

    2/5 Personal Spells
    *Incognito Presence (1 suxx)
    1/3 Vulgar Spells
    Mana: 9/9
    WP: 2/3

    Equipment: Knife, Minivan, Shoulder Bag (magnifying glass, flashlight, plastic gloves), Smartphone, Wallet ($50), Artifact (see minisheet)
    Combat Stats

    Defense: 2 (Wits/Dex)
    Initiative: 4
    Speed: 9

    (WP to Stay Conscious)Willpower 1 Spent

    Belle grits her teeth as her frustrations continue to mount. She was excited that her technique had worked, but it looks like the old man had some defenses on him. She's about ready to just pool her resources towards porting this sucker to the next county when...
    What's that smell?

    The old guy goes down, and Belle can't help but grin at the anti-climax of it all. Of course! Why not? We're a badass trio of...



    Belle turns at the edge of consciousness towards Corn. "Hey...hope that was you...'cause..."

    Belle's knife clatters to the ground, followed by the dull 'thump' of her own sleeping form.

    Belle's out swinging!


  18. Likes Ruach, Aeolus liked this post
  19. #110
    Corn's Avatar
    Status (academic)

    Nimbus: Light purple aura and a scent of freshly dug earth after a rain.
    Status (Academics) 1.


    His own poison threatened to disable him too! Corn jumped back blocking his air passages. Still, the poison was ... damn strong. As he teetered between consciousness and unconsciousness, Corn manages to stay awake and drops the spell the moment he hears the two thuds.

    1 success

    Corn drops the spell, the poison gas disappears.
    For scene effects, see Minisheet. No monthly rituals at this time.
    Occult 4 because Mysterium is about the knowledge!

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