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Expected meeting of Haunt and Shadow

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  1. #11
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
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    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise


    Jennifer gives a small nod as Quinn remarks excellent plan. The Nosferatu focussed on the Mekhet's words as the conversation continues.
    "He's had several months." She remarks, wry. "Perhaps you are right." It was possible JC wasn't used to Jack. It wouldn't protect him from retribution from herself as Jack's ally, if words caused any damage. So far, Jennifer had not seen any.

    "I like him, as well." Jennifer paused, recognizing that she relaxed somewhat in Quinn's presence. It took her by surprise for a moment, revealing truths without tit for tat. Allies were nice, she reflected in the moment.
    "His - Mr. O'Brien's - Curse is difficult. I was uncertain if it would bite him. I know I am ambivalent about Addy due to his Curse - he is of my Blood, so he is entitled to my protection. Yet Addy's twist of the Embrace makes him seem distrustful. This makes the simplest things difficult.

    "Or perhaps Kindred in Sacramento are less gun shy than others."
    Jennifer considered. She had witnessed Kindred stepping into investigations without promise of reward. Or a sense of duty from holding a Domain position. Simply because it had to be done. A glance to Quinn as she recognized Quinn had risked her own Danse, stepping between the Poacher and Jennifer.
    "I have sponsored Mr. O'Brien in the First Estate, so I am mentoring him. There was a touch of drama with the departed Mr. van Zon, but I rather enjoyed Mr. O'Brien's response. He bites back when poked - if it is appropriate. I like him more than Edward's quiet stare. Much more ... to work with."

    "Steel is fun." Jennifer flashed an impish grin. "Especially those of us who don't look like bruisers. Knowing how to apply a bit of fear can keep someone from pushing their physical advantage. I know veiled threats were something that my Sire - and his Sire - used with great effect. Dropping in tidbits about someone's herd or orchestra is a lovely way of reminding someone how they are not an island... that they are tied to something.
    You have noticed that my go to in uncertain situations is to cloak myself... the second is to snarl someone's soul out of their body."
    A pause. "Well, that makes it sound more than it is. Yet it is a strong skill. Do you have any questions for me?"
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

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  3. #12
    Quinn Durant's Avatar

    Quinn Durant
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    "Yes, he has." Quinn acknowledged Jennifer's point. It was valid, frankly. "Yet how many conversations with the Seneschal has he had? How many interactions? I think he will feel differently if he could experience Seneschal Jack in a non formal setting." Quinn smiled and winked at Jennifer. Giving her the ammunition she would need to tackle this if she saw the need for it. "That is how things got better between myself and Mr. Smith."

    Quinn nodded in understanding. "Janos had a similar curse to Mr. OBrien. I feel it, but I know how to manage my emotions around it. I had to learn that a long time ago. From my embrace I was placed in his care more often than not. It was so hard to, not respond solely on that basis. Over time I learned to pay closer attention to words, emphasis, body language to help me through it. You always feel it though. Like the hair on the back of my neck are standing on end. Some will have the resolve to withstand that, others will not." Quinn brought Janos up again. She had before. When Quinn gave gave Jennifer some instruction on how to grow her understanding of Auspex, and sharpen it enough to use it as effectively. Quinn had said she had trusted the Nosferatu Janos with her life, and she trusted his clan more because of her experiences with him.

    Quinn smiled softly. "I am happy you have chosen to sponsor him. I find Mr. OBrien....worthy of such attentions. He will attack and defend his own, as it should be. I am happy for you that you found another of your line worthy of your attention. Someone you can groom to be what is needed."

    "I was chosen by the Kindred to be whatever was needed. A chameleon. An ambush assassin." Quinn shook her head. "It's smart to cloak yourself. It's not a go to. It's just intelligent. You are being pragmatic. We are not natural fighters like the Gangrel. Our skill set is completely different than other clans. I think its time we stop apologizing and start reminding of what we are. Together, you and I, can make them remember to fear the dark."

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  5. #13
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
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    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise


    " Does the Seneschal need to be in talks with every acknowledged Kindred in town to avoid being talked about?" Jennifer countered calmly. " I don't recall Mr. Smith in conversation with former Seneschal Hart. The seneschal shouldn't be expected to mingle at every Court. Especially if Mr. Smith isn't making the effort himself to reach out.

    My mentor had a similar situation. An aura about her. It wasn't her Nosferatu Curse, yet it was a difficult burden.

    I do intend to assist him with whatever he needs."
    Jennifer continues, conversational.
    " What is your overall opinion on Mr. O'Brien?
    Oh. Have you an opinion on my cousin, Madame Kingsley?

    I'm trying to get a sense on what she is doing in the domain.

    An ambush assassin?"
    Jennifer raised an eyebrow.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

  6. #14
    Quinn Durant's Avatar

    Quinn Durant
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    Quinn Durant


    Quinn chuckled softly watching Jennifer. "I disagree completely. If he wants to be an effective Seneschal, he does need to be in talks with people in the domain and make the effort to make himself available. That's the entire point of having the Seneschal position. He literally needs to have his fingers on the pulse of the domain and what's going on. How is he supposed to do that without talking with people in the domain? I do recall Mr. Smith in discussions with Seneschal Hart in Elysium, and that was just since I have been here. We were both in a drop in meeting, which Ms. Hart had made herself available for, and who knows what private appointments he may have had with Ms. Hart that we are not aware. Lastly, I have no idea what efforts Mr. Smith has or has not made, so I refuse to use my imagination." Quinn brightened momentarily. "Oh yes...and don't you remember hearing that Mr. Smith has a meeting soon with the Seneschal in fact? I'm sure whatever is there will clear itself up without any intervention on our part."

    Quinn considered her overall opinions of Mr. Obrien. "I think Mr. OBrien is like minded on dedication to the domain. I think he is also equally dedicated to the Invictus and wants to see prosperity there as well. I think he is martially capable, which will be helpful to the investigations going forward, and will help stabilize the domain against threats. Perhaps even offer a bit of a deterrent. I think we enjoy a bit of grace as far as malice in the domain goes thanks to the strength of our Prince, and the reputation of the Archon, but having more than that available to us is also important." She paused and then moved on to Helen.

    "As far as Helen. She's loyal to her family! I saw that first hand when it came to Edward. I did appreciate how she was able to still have discourse with him and still agree he was not acting in a manner appropriate for our court norms."
    Quinn didn't know her well enough to say anything else.

    Quinn nodded. "That's what I think my sire saw as his ultimate goal for me within his Coterie. That never will come to pass, but I think it explains some of the social conditioning he gave me. To help me blend in anywhere, but we never got to the latter part." She said with little shrug of her shoulder.

  7. #15
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
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    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise


    Jennifer shrugged.
    "Perhaps. You can disagree. I know that Seneschal Jack is meeting with many individuals.
    His time is valuable."
    She included that deliberately.

    Jennifer recalls that Seneschal Jack was also keeping himself available for coordination of resources, which was very important.

    "I'm not sure if I knew that he was meeting with mr. Smith. Likely about how Mr. Smith undermined your authority with your family in Elysium, perhaps?"
    A pointed look. That's certainly not wise, for a non priscus to try and correct other family members. Why would Seneschal be ineffective for seeing to his duties...
    "You care for Mr. Smith?" Jennifer inquired.

    Jennifer considered in silence for a bit.

    " Mr. O'Brien can be quite helpful. We do need martial kindred who can assist in investigations.
    Yes, I did enjoy Helen's response. Bellemy's as well.

    Edward certainly is playing up his grievance. It's almost a character trait at this point."
    A smile.

    Dark eyes view Quinn for a beat. Studying.

    "Curious. You have the time now, and the means." Jennifer was curious. A lot of talk about her Sire and those that formed her early tutelage.

    "Do you hear from them? Janos and..?

    On the topic of what you want to learn tonight. How do you think you will be effective?
    I've mentioned a few things. Shall we focus in on one for the remainder of the evening."

  8. #16
    Quinn Durant's Avatar

    Quinn Durant
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    Quinn Durant


    Quinn looked a little surprised that Jennifer thought Jack would want to talk to Mr. Smith about his faux pas in court, but it did stand to reason. The Seneschal did seem to take offense to Mr. Smith's move. She looked thoughtful. "Maybe, or maybe he just wanted to get some facetime with a Kindred he didn't know well and get a feel for what he can bring to the domain. If I were Jack...that's what I'd be working on. I would want an idea of what tools in the toolbox I have."

    Quinn smiled then at the direct question about Mr. Smith, and slowly Quinn nodded. "Yes, I do have kind feelings towards Mr. Smith. We have been through a lot together ever since Dirt Nap left the domain. He's been there for me in some ways I never expected to need anyone. We have developed a bond through all of that. I consider him one of my closest friends" She clarified what care meant in the context of Mr. Smith.

    Quinn frowned at the mention of Edward. "I will endeavor on your behalf quietly, but diligently to try to bring that chapter to a close. It has gone on long enough, and makes me incredibly uncomfortable." She paused a moment to sigh. "You know, I had a little spat with Mr. Northbridge, but we worked it out as one should in these situations. To watch Edward parade around like its a badge of honor or something to keep this feud going is unbecoming a self professed gentleman."

    Quinn smiled wryly, and shrugged her shoulders. "I want to be more martially capable, but I don't know about to that level. I know every clan needs mercenaries, but I just never saw myself as being that devoted to a niche." Quinn waved a hand. "Knowing my luck that's exactly what I will pan out as. Lord knows everything else he wanted me to be has come to pass."

    She nodded to the question. "I saw Janos and David recently. Just to talk about some matters that have not been sewn up. I am working on that currently. It's on the back burner as I no longer serve my former coteries goals or desires any longer. I just have one thing to wrap up, and it will be done. It's in the works. Then I doubt I will speak to them for a long while."

    She went still and watched Jennifer for awhile not speaking, but emotions were in her eyes. "I don't want to live in the past. Not when I have Kindred right in front of me, so very worthy of my full attention." Quinn reached across the table between them and tentatively touched her hand if she would allow it. It was to let her know in no uncertain terms that she thought of Jennifer first in that regard.

    "I would like to focus on using veiled threats. I think that would suffice what I need more than the more overt and physical intimidations."

  9. #17
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
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    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise


    Jennifer considered for a moment. Comfortable in the silence.

    "Curious. Did you tell me something about Mr. Smith and Dirt Nap before? I recall his expression at Dirt Nap's return. At Mr. Smith's spot that he picked out."
    A discreet glance to Liam, who maintained his quiet and watchful stance in the hallway. Noone being obvious about trying to listen, then.
    Her not touching on the subject of Jack and Mr. Smith was on purpose. Her opinion on the subject had been stated.

    Did Mr. Smith have many other friends?
    " I spoke to him about covenants a while ago. I suggested speaking with others to get their opinion. We all have our own biases."
    She hasn't spoken to him on the topic again. The investigation took priority.
    "I regret that it makes you uncomfortable, Priscus Durant.
    I gave him the opportunity to apologize, by looking directly at him for I believe 2 courts.
    He chose to make small talk instead.

    As to his offenses- they are numerous. The main one was wasting all of our time at the oath swearing ceremony."

    Quinn had been groomed for Invictus.
    " Then he called her Grace, the Duchess and Archon of Sacramento, and myself together to assure us of something. He cobbled together some nonsense, and wanted me to swear him to the oath of nonsense. Yet what surprised me and hurt the most is that I had privately met with him and Ms. Black previously to go over oaths. He had the audacity to show impatience when I was teaching the two of them.

    It was evident that he was too self involved to hear what I had tried to teach him. He became rude with me before her Grace, the Archon. I imagine this is where most of his offense is from. Yet I don't play games. It was an honor to him that I even showed to humor the idea of holding an unaligned to a Oath. He chose games.

    I already have informed the Archon that I refuse to play with her cousin anymore. I've judged him to be a childe, and will ignore him as such in events where I must see him."

    Veiled threats are excellent. You will want to look into different wordplay. I brought a book I will pass on to you before we part. It's important to guage your opponent's knowledge of words as well.

    Fewer words and no room to be misunderstood is my preference. Also a touch of ambiguity if it benefits you to have some deniability later. Do you have any thoughts?"
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

  10. #18
    Quinn Durant's Avatar

    Quinn Durant
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    Quinn Durant


    "I think its obvious they had a bond as well. Though I don't recall mentioning anything at the time. I too noted the happy look at his return. So nice that this court seems to form lasting friendships between individuals." So she had noticed that look.

    Quinn did not look surprised in the least to hear of Oath Swearing. Jennifer was a notary after all. It wasn't hard to put two and two together that the Invictus was using oaths. Of course, Quinn herself knew all this time, and hadn't said anything. Quinn believed in discretion. She only divulged secrets if it effected the stability of the domain. Otherwise mum was the word.

    The longer Quinn listened to the issue's Jennifer had with Edward the more she realized that all of this would have been avoided with an ounce of trust. Apparently Edward had none. Did Edward truly believe being austere was the way to weather everything? No one was an island amongst the Kindred.

    "I have seen you give opportunities to correct things. He should have taken them, your Ladyship, but I think Edward is clinging to something from his past. Something he cannot let go of for some reason. I would say I sympathize, but I trusted this court with some of my past, and have not been disappointed by the understanding shown. We all have pasts. We all struggle with things from time to time, but it defines us within the court if we reach out to those around us to help make it right. If he had an issue with something in the Oath you gave him to sign, he should have at least brought it to you privately. Even if he couldn't bear to bring it to anyone else. Maybe things would have turned out differently. He chose to evade you instead. I truly believe that is what all of this really boils down too. His past issues, are not yours. It's absurd!"

    Quinn nodded in sympathy with her decision to ignore Edward from now on. Really what else was there to do with someone who refused to work anything out with you by being honest as to where it all was coming from?

    "Oh thank you, your Ladyship! I will enjoy the book, I'm sure." She thought for a minute. "I could see that being a good strategy. Backhanded compliments are also something that can be used to excellent effect to get the other angry enough to make a mistake in their wordplay."
    She paused a moment to reflect and then nodded. "You have given me some things to think about and study until our next meeting, I will take that and that should do us for the rest of the night. The hour grows late. Time flies when you enjoy the company."

    I am good to close if you are! Great Scene!

  11. #19
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
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    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise


    Jennifer nodded to Quinn's assessment. She agreed with it, she believes that there was something there.
    "I'm glad that you see my position. I know that my timing at the Punishment Court wasn't the best. Yet I felt that I had to confront him.

    He started this in April, and I don't intend to entertain it any longer."

    It was reassuring to hear Quinn's perspective. Jennifer was proud of the standing that Jennifer had obtained, and had thought about what this squabble must look like to those outside of it. Not everyone would share Quinn's perspective- like the two Carthians or perhaps Maeve and Conner, with their unique perspective on respect. Yet hopefully Jennifer wasn't viewed as the instigator or as petty or insecure.

    " I am pleased with your assessment of intimidation tonight. I think that we've had some progress tonight. I do want to have a practical demonstration once you've had time to think on this. Certainly can't meet in Elysium for that.

    I'll call you to set up our next meeting, if that's alright with you."
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

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