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(Necropolis) Training Day

31 - 35
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  1. #31
    Connor OBrien's Avatar

    Striking Looks
    (Boxer's Build)
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Connor OBrien


    "Oh, I'm proud, but this outcome was also expected." The haunt flashes a smile to show that what he's saying is light hearted. "It's difficult to outwardly display pride when something is stacked so heavily in your favor. However, I will still take pride in knowing that I have improved. I do plan on helping in as many investigations as I can, don't think I've forgotten my promises as Whip though. I've been thinking about hanging a cork board in the seating area you've constructed, somewhere where I can leave messages for the others to see, just in case I'm not able to meet them individually."

    He nods as Jennifer mentions the displeasure that her curse sometimes gives other. "I know how you feel, with the paranoia inherent in our condition, my Curse is beyond troubling."

    Jennifer mentions always being there, but the slightest twinge of the paranoia he mentioned earlier cuts in from his mind. Would she be there should he make a mistake, would he be there should he oppose her on an issue? He wasn't sure, but he wanted to believe her. "I will do what I can for the family as well, if any of you need to learn to defend yourselves, I can help to a degree. Perhaps on our next lesson, we'll start actually boxing."
    Nosferatu Curse: An Aura of Danger, like the feeling that causes the hair to stand up on the back of your neck.
    The Vanishing:

  2. #32
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise
    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes

    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes


    "That is true. I expected you to learn with little trouble. It is a Gift that those of our Family have a natural affinity for. I expect that you can help in investigations and oversee your promises as Whip. I assist in investigations and tend to my duty as Priscus."

    "I think a cork board is an excellent idea. We can communicate easily, as those in a shared haven ought to be able to do. Even as we move in different circles and have different timelines."

    Jennifer nods as he mentions the Curse. It had taken some time to adjust to, it is true.
    "Circling back to the idea of helping with investigations." Jennifer leaned in. "I am floating the idea that you may be well suited for Deputy. When the position of Reeve is assigned, of course." Jennifer looked to Connor for his reaction.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

  3. #33
    Connor OBrien's Avatar

    Striking Looks
    (Boxer's Build)
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Connor OBrien


    "I thank you for the vote of confidence, Priscus, I just want to do what is best for the Family and the Domain." The haunt replies with a nod of thanks.

    "I believe that it will allow me to communicate effectively, even if I am to busy to meet with people individually. I can get the general point across and save meetings for questions."

    The haunt cocks his head slightly to the side as Jennifer mentions being suited as a Deputy. "I had been thinking about that, it's why I asked the Prince about candidates. I wanted to know who it was I needed to talk to. I have also noticed that we are lacking a keeper, so that was another avenue that I was considering, should I ever have the opportunity to speak with the Prince at length." His head turn back up to look at Jennifer. "That brings me to my final question. I was thinking of writing the Seneschal a letter to request a meeting to begin my petition for the role of Soldier within the First Estate. However, I am unaware if he has any Titles of Tribute that I should know. Would it be possible for you to relay his title to me, so that I do not make the same mistake I did with The Prince?"
    Last edited by Connor OBrien; Sep 27th, 2021 at 06:46 PM.  Reason for Edit: Redundancy/Semantics
    Nosferatu Curse: An Aura of Danger, like the feeling that causes the hair to stand up on the back of your neck.
    The Vanishing:

  4. #34
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise
    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes

    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes


    Jennifer thinks for a moment.
    "I believe you, Connor. I think you can achieve your goals here in the Domain. You certainly have the drive." A pause as Jennifer considers. The temper was certainly something to watch for. Yet he had managed through the Nosferatu meeting, coming out on top. She was rather curious about Bellemy's vote. She did wish that she saw Bellemy around more and could speak to the Nosferatu.

    Jennifer pulled out a small notebook and fine pen from a drawer in a side table. She stocked the drawer with pens and notebooks. They were very useful.
    "It depends on the situation." Jennifer informed. "If it is an Invictus situation, you need to use Invictus titles. If it is a city function such as Court, you could use city titles. The members of the Invictus do not expect those outside of the Invictus to manage Invictus titles."

    A pause for that to be heard.

    "To address a member of the Invictus at an Invictus function - such as this letter - there is a certain protocol. The most important thing is to use the proper form of address. You also need to be careful not to be too familiar.
    To use a formal address, which I advise, you use the title of esteem or tribute and title of function with the last name.
    To be informal, you use the title of Esteem or Tribute with only the last name.
    If I am introducing my Grand Sire, who is a Lady of the Invictus, a Notary and Whip of her clan, would say ‘ The Lady Notary Gweneth Ward, Whip of the Clan Nosferatu.’ “

    Jennifer wrote out the address in the notebook, easier to see.
    “I do warn against using too submissive of a term, unless you are out of favor. Which you are not.”
    Jennifer informed. She waited, expecting that there could be questions.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

  5. #35
    Connor OBrien's Avatar

    Striking Looks
    (Boxer's Build)
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Connor OBrien


    "One must be ambitious and accepting of the possibility of failure if one desires to climb the ranks." The haunt says simply to the remark about his drive. "Without those two qualities, a Kindred will be stuck; static in their position, hindered by their fear of failure or their lack of desire."

    The haunt nods along, listening intently as his Mentor explained the protocol for addressing members of the First Estate. Most of this he already knows, but a refresher without judgement or disparaging remarks is always welcome. In truth, he had already written and sent the letter, but he was hoping he had gotten the Seneschal's titles correct; and from what the haunt understood, he had. Only a little more submissive than the Lady Notary might have advised for. He had no more questions for his Mentor, not at this moment at least.

    "Thank you for that Priscus, it certainly helps. Now, I think we should practice a few more times, then we can call it a night." With that, he puts his hands back up in front of his face, a little higher this time to make it a little more challenging. As Jennifer begins throwing punches once more, the scene pans out. The sound of flesh hitting the hard foam pads fills the silence, and everything fades to the inky black of night.

    Thanks for the great scene, I'll be closing it now!
    Nosferatu Curse: An Aura of Danger, like the feeling that causes the hair to stand up on the back of your neck.
    The Vanishing:

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