I know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen.

Quinn found herself back in a familiar landscape of Sacramento's oldest cemetery. She chuckled a little to herself, that most would never guess Quinn had made this her home once upon a time. Only Maeve knew its location. That was fine by Quinn. Tonight however was a trial run in practical application of a piece of blood magic Quinn had been endeavoring for months at this point to learn. Dedication that would pay off eventually, though not right now. Just another tool in her tool belt.

Quinn was exceptional when it came to Auspex. No one could challenge her knowledge and dedication of study to the discipline. This was an application of Auspex combined with the magic of vitae to expand the senses beyond objects and people, but to literally see the flow of magic around an area. This cemetery was old. Filled with spots that made even her dead skin crawl with its memory. It was perfect place to hone her newly studied skills. Or so she was hoping, anyway. This was exactly what Quinn needed after all the bloody mess with Dirt Nap. This was what she came to Sacramento to do. Time to bury herself in it.

She forced her blood to her will, and attempted to see beyond this plain to the next. The additional layer of the supernatural. All Quinn got for her efforts was a brief shimmer of something, but then it disappeared. Frustrating, but not unexpected at this juncture. She continued through the night to force her senses beyond her own, journaling her success as she worked feverishly towards her goal. She would attain this knowledge. She stripped herself down to nothing, leaving her skin naked to the elements, and only the waning crescent moon winking down at her to see (she hoped). She expanded her supernatural senses until the follicles of her hair hurt and tried again...and again...and again...and again...until she collapsed with mental exhaustion she hadn't felt since her Chrysalis.

Eventually the warning of the dawn came, and Quinn had don the trappings of everyday life back on, and go home. She double backed twice. Just in case. She had just enough time to shower off the scent of old death, wet grass and leaves, and stone before dying for the day.