Roshon had forced Circe to stop trying to go American. Oh, she'd go for a functional Tommygun eventually. She already had several non-functional show pieces. Well, one, she sold the others. Or maybe ask Ram about where her got the riot gear first, wait, no, tangent. Circe had work to do to solve a problem.

The problem with Roshon's request.

Until Roshon paid her back, Circe only had enough bullets for keeping both AKMs full once, no reloads despite getting 4 magazines. That'd leave her equally empty on her carbines too. But that wasn't such a problem for the elf was a master of her craft and spent shells weren't too hard to come by. Especially since Circe was already using this caliber with her other rifles. Easier to supply when the chain was already there.

In another place Circe might have been tempted to make a mold and produce her own shells. Circumstances of her profession and coworkers meant she'd a steady supply of spent shells, in various types, from demonstrations. Smelting and making the heads of the bullets was feasible and for that she'd have to make molds. It'd be good practice if she decided to try to make Hedgespun bullets, though she'd probably not risk it on any quality firearm.

Gun barrels turning into metal flowers was funny in cartoons, but not so funny when it was Circe's gun doing that.

So, the elf would just spend 2 hours recycling some spent cases into actual bullets. A good calming hobby she'd found. Plus, recycling was good for the environment and wasn't that a very California thing to do?

60 bullets 1st hour

120 bullets 2nd hour

And that was all she wrote. Circe had only the materials to make so much. Roshon wanted more, she'd have to buy it. Just like everyone else.

Oh, she should remove her light from the SKS. For close battle, an assault rifle beat a carbine.