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Notice Board!

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  1. #1
    Saber Sloth's Avatar

    0 Scenes

    Tucked away in the same room as the Wyrdstone, is a fresh cork board, a pile of paper resting next it, along with a box full of thumb tacks, as well as a fresh bundle of bright red yarn. Just in case.

    Currently there are two papers pinned to the board.

    One has a large Queen Anne on it, with a line connecting the name to Iron Meg jutting out from Iron Meg's crossed out name is another pair of names, both headed with the title lieutenant, Allison Waxdreads and Bobby Coaleyes with Bobby's name circled, with a note
    • Allison's Heartsworn
    • dealt with/not with QA anymore
    • fought with us to kill IM

    Any other names that could be connected to Queen Anne's haven't been found yet.

    The other is labelled, Ambrosial Delights, and there is an MS Paint map printed out.

    Beneath the title is point form notes.
    • Goblin Market.
    • Permanent
    • Built in the Ruins of Sal's
    • Has strange sound containing barrier
    • Gate guards require coloured bands Red = Sell, Blue = Buy, Purple = Buy&Sell to be worn and sealed with Glamour to continue into the Market
    • If you go outside the actions of the band it will cut your hand off
    • Unknown what will happen if you fail to take the action (buy/sell/buy&sell) before leaving the Market
    • Market uses slaves
    • Slaves have pink band collars, that choke them if the take to long in their 'duties'
    • Most likely will kill them if they do not listen to the choke 'warnings'

    And here's the IC Notice Board! Feel Free to add anything else Plot wise, or anything else you feel like the whole of the Freehold needs to know!

    I or, Scourge will keep things manageable page wise, so separate posts might be put together, or posts detailing the same things will be places together so the info can be found in one place instead of searching through the whole thread just to make sure you know everything there is to know about X
    Last edited by Saber Sloth; Nov 28th, 2022 at 01:03 PM.  Reason for Edit: Spelling

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  3. #2
    Gerrit's Avatar
    New Identity
    (Gerrit Jameson)

    Leathery scars, bruises and scaly scabs cover the whole hairless body. There is a certain symmetry to the disfigurements, the color of the visible skin ranging from pale pink to purple and dark red. Lately patches of dark blue and black - frostbite - have appeared on his skin and some of the scabs have frozen over and crystalized.
    His right hand shows a copper-coloured, wilted and flaky scar, engulfing most of his palm and the inside of his wrist. Next to frostbite and bruised scars it adds a third layer of wounds bore by the Ogre.

    Contrast seem to grow slightly more stark around Gerrit, the crisp clearness of a winter morning. Sometimes the sound of ice forming or breaking can be heard in a short, brisk snap. When using Contracts a subtle, biting cold can be felt around Gerrit - pins and needles prick both the Onyx and those close to him.

    Solid, thick panes of clear ice symmetrically arranged around his head with fern frost at the base.
    Active Pledges

    Motley Pledge

    Only a result of 10 on a die is considered a success. Should a given die result in no successes, the failure is considered to be a dramatic failure, though the oathbreaker may spend a point of willpower to negate this, making it a regular failure.
    -Until Oct 5th.


    Stonebones Snowskin

    Two more Pages are added two the notice board. At the bottom right of each is a stylized arrow and three blueberries.

    The Huntsman
    Although Gerrit didn't know much reliably about the Fae itself, he had a run-in with the supposed Cult in his honor. A Line connects the Other's name with The Grey Hoodies and a few bullet points are added below:
    • Mortals who are against the Huntsman.
    • Some of them can see behind our Masks.
    • They survey their neighbourhood with cameras and seem to hunt other things threatening them, too.
    • The code to establish contact with one of their members is 21, 12, 19. Statement, answer, answer.

    The other page was added near Queen Ann's page and a line was drawn to connect the two:

    Abandoned Hollow
    • Several abandoned Hollows in a cul-de-sac with a Hedge-Gate connected to the tunnel-entrance in Funderland.
    • A Bloodsuckle is probably currently still around.
    • One of the Hollows was inhabited by an Ogre and it housed a library and another Lost. The two Lost are currently in the Freehold's custody.

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  5. #3
    Circe's Avatar
    Scene Stats
    Striking Looks
    Mantle Dry Heat

    Merit-Striking Looks (exotic)

    Her skin turns a slate-blue and her hair bone white. The whites of her eyes are blood red, the irises are purple with cat-slit black pupils. The helix of her ears elongate out 2" inches ending in a tip. Her features sharpen and her figure has an unnatural, inhuman litheness that can be intellectually disturbing.


    Her skin brings to mind Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, or Asian races, though her high cheek bones and sharp facial structure don't match. Most assume she is of mixed ancestry given the pale blonde hair. Alias Mary Maniscalo.
    Circe Scenes
      Toll and Good Customer Pledge, tip, Fairest Blessing
     Son of the Herath, 
      Contract activation + 1 extra WP 4 roll
     Hardened Mask, 


    Another page is added to the board:

    Funderland Tunnels.

    Beneath this is the following list bullet points.
    • Prohibition era tunnels beneath Funderland and Sacramento.
    • No, there is neither left over rum nor guns, (a sad face emoji is included)
    • Multiple access points, one is in Funderland.
    • We have mapped out a good portion, more left to explore. Ask a monarch about map access.
    • Tunnels near the Sacramento River are probably flooded.
    • New bridge installed to pass a ditch.
    • Cesspool overflow cleaned out and sealed off, keep your noise ready to report more bad smells please.
    • 1 large gallery space located, has a bunch of trash, feel free to help remove it.
    • There is a rat infestation. Leave no un-canned food in the tunnels.
    • Do NOT use any powers or explosives that may cause structural damage. That would be unhealthy.
    Circe has signed the bottom of the paper. She has written in after her name: "Credit to Cassandra, Liam, and Seraphina."
    Fairest: Larcenist | WYRD 2| Mantle: Dry Desert Heat |Health: 8 | Willpower: 5 | Glamour: 7

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  7. #4
    Xadun's Avatar
    (Street, Clubs)
    Primal Urge
    Emily Makerith

    Emily Makerith Scenes

    Rhodes Scenes

    Angular features, pointed ears. His jet-black hair bursts into bright red flowers and fine dark leaves about his ears forming a wreath of firey foliage that trailed just below his shoulders. Thin woody vines broached and twined across his milky-white skin, with leaves and budding flowers breaking into bloom at his cuffs.

    Hedgespun coat - darkest thunderclouds, broiling and writhing, occasionally flashing as if lighting was happening on the other

    Nimbus: Scarlet flames rising out from her like giant sperading wings, and the sound of an eagle's screech.
    Emily Makerith Scenes


    Added to the page marked:

    Queen Anne
    • Former Dread Lady of San Francisco - unknown if retains Mantle but strongly suspected she does, given the actions of her subordinates in generating Fearful environments.
    • Wizened
    • Known Fetch-crafted and deviant
    • Has deployed Dream-poison through Iron Meg, causing widespread sleeping sickness in mortals
    • Has arranged abduction of mortals as slaves through use of a sleeping drug made from Jamryn Fruit
    • Has an Orchard of Jamryn fruit guarded by loyal minions and tended by slaves. Hedge entrance located at [motel address] - if investigating take precautions people know where you are and contact regularly.
    • ADDENDUM - attack on orchard arranged. Signed - Rhodes, Seraphina, Ram, Gerrit, Worm
    Added to the page marked:

    The Huntsman


    Standing over a dozen feet this member of the Gentry is every inch the archetype of the Huntsman of legend, such as Pan the antlered god. A powerfully built male with branching antlers, naked to the waist and wearing a cloth of furs. Seen with an old hunting horn (literally of horn, not brass)

    Uses Dream poisons through mortals

    Captures humans transforming them into his hunting Hounds - Loyal Beasts.

    Creates effigies to mark his hunting territory, both in the Hedge and the mortal world. Known symbols used in these include (sometimes employed in graffiti):
    • Stags
    • Marigolds
    • Oaks & Acorns
    • Thornless Roses
    • Petunias
    • Larkspur
    • Lillies
    • Hounds/wolves
    Added to the page marked:

    The Grey Hoodies

    Possible cabal of Hunters - Mortals who train in hunting supernatural creatures. Treat with extreme care.

    A new page is added:


    Any individuals willing to offer services can add them here.

    Director/Funderland/Leaden Matters - [Rhodes' cell number]
    For safety concerns: Groundskeeper - [Circe's cell number]

    For the Freehold's magical needs, I am available - R
    "Why? Why? Why? WHY?"
    "Four excellent questions!"
    Martin Kreefe and Douglas Richardson, Cabin Pressure

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  9. #5
    Ram's Avatar

    Attribute (Strength)
    (Barrel Chested)
    Merit (Arcadian Body:Str)
    (Huge Arms)
    Attribute (Dexterity)
    (Bull in a China shop)
    New ID (Andrew Sarcacious)
    Mantle (Summer)
    (+1 Athletics, Sounds of Battle)

    Six foot, barrel chested, and didn't skip leg day. Ram is a muscle bound behemoth. His face and body are scarred from numerous injuries and his movements look stilted with pain occasionally. Still, his craggy face does soften occasionally.

    Ram looks like he could knuckle walk if he wanted. His arms and chest are enormous. More akin to a gorilla than human. His skin is an amalgamation of stony hide with fire cracks running through it and pieces of Fey machinery grafted at the joints. Segmented pieces of metal are bolted to run down his spine legs. Wood covers his skull with willow leaves providing hair, while curved bone horns sprout from the foliage.


    A letter is posted to the Freehold board.

    To all my Freehold Friends,

    Sorry I haven't been around. I haven't had much time with the new family. Barely have enough to write this letter and get it posted. But I know random disappearances are hard, even if we don't talk about them much.

    The family is worried about me and I wasn't able to win the argument that I might need a specialist without giving things away. I don't want you to worry, I'm pretty sure I can fix this with some time, but for now I'm moving.

    Render | Strength 6 | Mantle 1 Distant sounds of battle

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  11. #6
    Roshon's Avatar

    Striking Looks

    Roshon's true form is far more chaotic than even most other Lost, as they can at least claim to be symmetrical. Not so for Roshon. Sure, from the tips of the miniature blackbuck horns that sprout from her head, everything looks fine, but then it comes to her ears, with one being a fuzzy red panda tuft, and the other being like that of a dhole. Her eyes are like those a big cat, and though her hair is just as it appears with her mask, the fur of a striped hyena runs in a black and white mane down her spine. A pair of fangs lie beneath her lips, and a tiger tail sprouts from the base of her spine. Her hands are scaled like the feet of a bird, and if one is lucky enough to see her with boots off, a pair of mutant crocodile feet lie beneath.


    Miner Chimera

    A hand written, grease stained note is pinned to the board next to AMBROSIAL DELIGHTS:


    So, anyways, check it:

    Liam, the Colonel, and me ran into this fuck-off-huge murder Hob. Like, the fucker had literally been hunting, killing, and eating hikers and had the collection of camping gear to prove it. Also had half a human leg sticking out of its motherfuckin' stew pot. Anyways, the thing said that it hadn't needed to hunt for that particular leg because it had just bought it at AMBROSIAL DELIGHTS.

    So there must be some fuckin' cannibal serial killers selling meat out of there.

    Should probably deal with that sometime. If ya need help, hit me up: ### - ### - ####

    P.S. We gave Cannibal Hob some buckshot, like 3 feet of sharpened steel, and a smackdown that'd make Hulk Hogan shit himself. So now it's just eating dirt.
    Roshona Dhar, Wizened: Miner/Chimera. Courtless. Striking Looks: Grand.

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  13. #7
    Circe's Avatar
    Scene Stats
    Striking Looks
    Mantle Dry Heat

    Merit-Striking Looks (exotic)

    Her skin turns a slate-blue and her hair bone white. The whites of her eyes are blood red, the irises are purple with cat-slit black pupils. The helix of her ears elongate out 2" inches ending in a tip. Her features sharpen and her figure has an unnatural, inhuman litheness that can be intellectually disturbing.


    Her skin brings to mind Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, or Asian races, though her high cheek bones and sharp facial structure don't match. Most assume she is of mixed ancestry given the pale blonde hair. Alias Mary Maniscalo.
    Circe Scenes
      Toll and Good Customer Pledge, tip, Fairest Blessing
     Son of the Herath, 
      Contract activation + 1 extra WP 4 roll
     Hardened Mask, 


    A new note is stapled to the bottom of the Funderland Tunnels page:
    The door Ram destroyed has been replaced for security reasons. Ask Director or Groundskeeper for keys.
    Fairest: Larcenist | WYRD 2| Mantle: Dry Desert Heat |Health: 8 | Willpower: 5 | Glamour: 7

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  15. #8
    Gerrit's Avatar
    New Identity
    (Gerrit Jameson)

    Leathery scars, bruises and scaly scabs cover the whole hairless body. There is a certain symmetry to the disfigurements, the color of the visible skin ranging from pale pink to purple and dark red. Lately patches of dark blue and black - frostbite - have appeared on his skin and some of the scabs have frozen over and crystalized.
    His right hand shows a copper-coloured, wilted and flaky scar, engulfing most of his palm and the inside of his wrist. Next to frostbite and bruised scars it adds a third layer of wounds bore by the Ogre.

    Contrast seem to grow slightly more stark around Gerrit, the crisp clearness of a winter morning. Sometimes the sound of ice forming or breaking can be heard in a short, brisk snap. When using Contracts a subtle, biting cold can be felt around Gerrit - pins and needles prick both the Onyx and those close to him.

    Solid, thick panes of clear ice symmetrically arranged around his head with fern frost at the base.
    Active Pledges

    Motley Pledge

    Only a result of 10 on a die is considered a success. Should a given die result in no successes, the failure is considered to be a dramatic failure, though the oathbreaker may spend a point of willpower to negate this, making it a regular failure.
    -Until Oct 5th.


    Stonebones Snowskin

    Another hand-written note is added to the section on Queen Anne:

    *We found the Orchard, it was burnt and I think Rhodes managed to strike his Contract. It should not bear fruits until next Spring.
    *We found a warehouse full of medical supplies that belongs to Queen Anne - her operations of drugging and abducting people apparently has not stopped. Colonel Worm has memorized the address.
    *Apparently there are still some Lost in alliance with Queen Anne. We haven't personally run into them, but there was proof and signs of their existence. Stay vigilant.

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  17. #9
    Circe's Avatar
    Scene Stats
    Striking Looks
    Mantle Dry Heat

    Merit-Striking Looks (exotic)

    Her skin turns a slate-blue and her hair bone white. The whites of her eyes are blood red, the irises are purple with cat-slit black pupils. The helix of her ears elongate out 2" inches ending in a tip. Her features sharpen and her figure has an unnatural, inhuman litheness that can be intellectually disturbing.


    Her skin brings to mind Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, or Asian races, though her high cheek bones and sharp facial structure don't match. Most assume she is of mixed ancestry given the pale blonde hair. Alias Mary Maniscalo.
    Circe Scenes
      Toll and Good Customer Pledge, tip, Fairest Blessing
     Son of the Herath, 
      Contract activation + 1 extra WP 4 roll
     Hardened Mask, 


    Another document is stapled to the board. In this case, it is next to the old paper with Queen Anne written on it. Though the Queen has been crossed out with "duck-butt" written above it on the old paper. Circe is petty.

    The new note is a bullet list titled "Duck-butt Anne's warehouse stuff"

    * Anne's warehouse is two story box building, 635 square feet, leased out to under the name "A. Gentry." Anne is an ass.

    * Eight windows total. Four on the first floor, two on either side of the door on the south side of the building. Two on the east wall and two on the south of the second floor.

    * Interior layout data limited. From the single door on the south side stepping through and going right will bring you to the enclosed office. Along the east wall, is an interior stairwell, leading up to the second floor.

    * Specs of the second floor doesn't cover the whole of the building. Rest isn't laid-out, probably customized by Anne's minions.

    * There are no tunnels to assault up through. Can cut the power using a manhole, probably.
    Fairest: Larcenist | WYRD 2| Mantle: Dry Desert Heat |Health: 8 | Willpower: 5 | Glamour: 7

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  19. #10
    Gerrit's Avatar
    New Identity
    (Gerrit Jameson)

    Leathery scars, bruises and scaly scabs cover the whole hairless body. There is a certain symmetry to the disfigurements, the color of the visible skin ranging from pale pink to purple and dark red. Lately patches of dark blue and black - frostbite - have appeared on his skin and some of the scabs have frozen over and crystalized.
    His right hand shows a copper-coloured, wilted and flaky scar, engulfing most of his palm and the inside of his wrist. Next to frostbite and bruised scars it adds a third layer of wounds bore by the Ogre.

    Contrast seem to grow slightly more stark around Gerrit, the crisp clearness of a winter morning. Sometimes the sound of ice forming or breaking can be heard in a short, brisk snap. When using Contracts a subtle, biting cold can be felt around Gerrit - pins and needles prick both the Onyx and those close to him.

    Solid, thick panes of clear ice symmetrically arranged around his head with fern frost at the base.
    Active Pledges

    Motley Pledge

    Only a result of 10 on a die is considered a success. Should a given die result in no successes, the failure is considered to be a dramatic failure, though the oathbreaker may spend a point of willpower to negate this, making it a regular failure.
    -Until Oct 5th.


    Stonebones Snowskin

    Another note added to 'Queen Anne':

    *The Room of Doors in the Orchard is the only thing still running over there.
    *Anne keeps medical supplies and Fetchmaking tools in a warehouse. Colonel Corn said the address was [address].
    *That Warehouse also contains another door to Anne's workshop or a place where she keeps her Fetches.
    *She tricked some people to fight for her using Oaths and created things to defend her. The Warehouse is likely defended.

    *She has a way to break her side of a Pledge without breaking it or suffering the consequences. Be careful, she might have a significant edge!

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