Circe wasn't much of a kiln expert or crafter. She preferred metal but is shouldn't be too hard to bake Ram's bobble. Well, she'd try to make it a little durable, just in case.

Magical shenanigans didn't go well with fragile things after all.

Since the elfin Summer knew not much about these things, she decided to practice making a crude copy before messing with the original. Seemed like a good idea at the time.

2 hours later

Shame she didn't know what she was doing as the thing ended up very crude looking. The markings were at least visually correct and of descent quality. Overall it was less artwork and more tourist trap trinket made by children.

Well, practical was more important for Ram. That and they had a backup if the old one wasn't fixed up properly.

Restoring the old one had taken some work.

3rd hour

Practice did help make her work less difficult. Seemed plenty fixed up to the Summer Queen. Wait? Is that her phone ringing?

Oh. It was. And Ram no less. What time was it? Uh oh. Circe quickly tries to clean her hands before answering her phone.