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The Resurrectionists - Aid from Afar

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  1. #31
    Milton's Avatar

    Time is Money
    Status, Allies
    (City Hall)
    Status, Allies
    Bureaucratic Navigator


    Milton gauges Maeve with a measured, but appreciative glance. He'd told Quinn his opinion: the Shadow has a sharp mind. Even is she doesn't know how to behave herself. And her analysis of the note only reinforces his positive evaluation. She's asking the right questions.

    "Indeed, Ms. O'Ryan... That 'Ond' is very interesting. And I believe you are correct concerning the Ars Magna..." He seems to withdraw into himself as he searches his memory. Milton is a highly educated man. And, being an accountant by trade, a good share of that education had focused on mathematics. He's sure the text in question was at least mentioned by some esoterically inclined professor of theoretical mathematics at some point during his time at Boston University.

    Remember, 3 successes

    "It concerns quadratic equations, if I'm not mistaken..." He'll have to look into the book before their departure.

    "I am also intrigued by that line about putting in the glass," he adds, looking to their visitors. "Do you have any inclination as to what that might mean, Madam Hall?"

    A nod of thanks to Connor. He's glad they are in agreement.

    Per ST's request, I'm getting Milton's final questions in before the thread closes and we move on. Sorry to post out of order!
    Health: Vitae: WP: BP: 1

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  3. #32
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    "Many have looked over the clues. Some have theorized that some may not be apparent until we are in the Cemetery. Mr. Northbridge, you may be correct. I have two rumors for you to run down – those of you who choose to speak with other Kindred around the city. The first is that Pope wasn't but two-hundred-years old when he went away, but his blood was so powerful he couldn't drink from kine anymore. That is why he needed to be buried to go into hiding.
    The second is this: In Pope's earliest nights as a Kindred, he was a traveling performer. He put on nighttime children's shows using a so-called magic lantern to tell tales of British sea victories and the like. He used the name "Doctor Illuminatus."

    The Invictus Kindred looked between Maeve and Milton. "Researching further can bring clarity. If you feel you have enough information, you can begin the individual preparations for the excusion tomorrow." This look was given to each Kindred.
    "I do hope you can look through your codexes and books to discover more information than we have now. Time is short."

    There was a small beep and the Kindred checked her phone.
    "Please excuse me. I do have someone out researching, so this may be important." She reads something on her phone and puts it away.
    "If every one's questions have been answered, I will be glad to take you to speak with Madame McCabe and Priscus Durant, Seneschal.
    I know there are reservations. According to my sources, Priscus Durant is no longer the leader of the Ordul Dracul."

    As Maeve looked at the note, she had a realization.
    For Maeve

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  5. #33
    Jacque's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Mask of Tranquility
    New Identity
    (Alexander Krait)

    Goes by Jack.

    Educated, scholarly, lawyer, scientist.
    Jack's outward demeanor and tone are a baseline of respectful and calculated.

    He actively debates, persuades, negotiates and even at time tries to intimidate, as core skills of any lawyer worth his salt.
    Jacque Scenes


    The wheels were set in motion and the Lord watched as the group started to focus their analysis into logical starting points. He nodded, before the interruption of the beep. Jacque blinked a moment, surprised at the clearly new information to him. "There certainly isn't any time to waste, Madame Hall," the Lord quipped. Had he known that critical detail they could already have been all together working through the veils. He looked to the group remaining behind, "If you hit any walls or have any revelations in the work before we rendezvous, text me."

    Blood Hunt:

  6. #34
    Maeve's Avatar

    Maeve O'Ryan
    (Forgettable Face)
    (Graceful Movement)
    Clan Status
    Maeve O'Ryan


    "The 'O' in Ond also seems wrong. It's in a completely different handwriting. But we'll figure that out as we dig in a little deeper, get some more context."

    She pauses a moment to think on Milton's question to Ms. Hall and she adds, "Who was it? Kircher? Yeah. Antha-" she tries to get the first name out, struggling to remember the actual name, "nasius Kircher. There we go. He wrote in the Ars Magna Lucis about a stenographic mirror. You can project images onto glass from about 500 yards. It made these 'magic lanterns' possible years and years later. So... there's the connection, I guess." Maeve is more of an intellectual than most might have come to think based on her behavior. She's an excellent example of how personality and intelligence don't always match the way people might think they do.

    "But yeah, we have a bit more researching to do to get ourselves prepared. Milton, perhaps we could combine our efforts to see what we can dig up. Researching together can be better than alone. We might come up with duplicate things and we can't have that."
    | BP 2

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  8. #35
    Milton's Avatar

    Time is Money
    Status, Allies
    (City Hall)
    Status, Allies
    Bureaucratic Navigator


    "Quite right, Madame Hall. There is no substitute for being there." A nod of respect and a bland smile.

    "A colorful character, this Pope," Milton says, a hint of wryness to his tone. Turning his head now at Jacque's words: "Of course, Seneschal Jacque. We will keep you looped in."

    Maeve's words ring off something in the back of Milton's mind. The glass...a stenographic mirror... To the blue-haired Shadow now: "Precisely. What if there is a means of projection in the tomb of Lady Grief? 'Ask her where the key is...'" he quotes. How, though, to acquire said 'glass?'

    Maeve's offer is considered carefully: "A fine idea, Ms. O'Ryan. I need to run one errand downtown that must be conducted alone." He produces his card and offers it to her. "Text me your number and I will contact you when my business there is concluded. In the meantime, you can get a head start on researching that mysterious 'Ond.'" His smile is almost genuine. Working with her may prove...enjoyable.

    Unblinking eyes find Connor now: "Mr. O'Brien, how would you feel about following up on the rumors of Pope Madame Hall mentioned? Perhaps a return to the Nox would bear fruit in that regard?" The suggestion is offered with all due deference. Milton could not be mistaken for issuing a command.
    Health: Vitae: WP: BP: 1

  9. #36
    Connor OBrien's Avatar

    Striking Looks
    (Boxer's Build)
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Connor OBrien


    "I can follow up on that, Mr. Northbridge." Though the haunt isn't entirely sure about how to go about it, perhaps some of the usual crowd at Nox know something, as Mr. Northbridge had said. "Let me give you all my phone number, so we can keep in better contact." After relaying his cell number to the present Kindred, he begins preparations to leave and head back to Nox to follow up on some rumors. Everything else that is said is lost on the Haunt, puzzles and riddles have never been his strong suit.
    Nosferatu Curse: An Aura of Danger, like the feeling that causes the hair to stand up on the back of your neck.
    The Vanishing:

  10. #37
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    As Milton remembers what he knows about Ars magna, something is dredged up from his memory.


    "I will take you to Priscus Durant and Madame McCabe, Seneschal." Mr. Holden addressed Jacque .
    "I will be conducting my own research." Madame Hall stated to the group. "Do make all of your preparations tonight. Madame McCabe and Mr. Holden will meet you here at first darkness - if you wish to drive up together.

    Please take care to bring all the tools and weapons that you will need as well as taking care of your needs before tomorrow."

    She looked somberly to each of the group.

    "Best of luck."

    Jack can choose to drive his vehicle and follow Mr. Holden or be driven. Mr. Holden pulls up in the 2020 Lexus RX 350L, a seven seat vehicle with a small cargo capacity. The two move off to join Priscus Durant and Madame McCabe.

    Great scene! We now move to preparation threads. You can each have one thread or join another's thread. Make relevant rolls (I may add difficulty modifiers) for any research and I will share anything you find in your thread. Do include gathering materials, equipment and weapons in your thread as well. You can do a hunting roll for this evening, include the roll in your thread.
    The preparation threads will close on September 8th

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