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Night of the Jackal - Springing the Trap

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  1. #61
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    As Dirt Nap connects with an all out punch, theres a cracking sound from the Kindred. Quinn, who had been held up on her tiptoes, found herself suddenly released unexpectedly. The arms that had been carefully applying force to control Quinn's movements went limp. The Poacher's knees went out from her and she collapsed without elegance, a tumbled heap on the ground. The open wounds that had exposed her intestines were healed, suggesting that the Poacher had been continually using her Vitae. Yet the brutal damage to soft tissue and bone from punches and kicks did not knit together. Quinn could still see the broken flesh and raw gape at the Kindred's wrist from the Poacher's bite.

    The Kindred rolled on her side weakly, one arm reaching out towards where the cat trap had been. Then the fingers curled into a claw shape. The woman became still and very dead looking. Clearly, she had knocked into Torpor.

    Combat rounds are over! The Poacher is in Torpor. The mortal is awakening. Please wrap the scene immediately by any cleaning up or manipulating the characters need to do. Scene will close in two rounds.

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  3. #62
    JC Smith's Avatar

    Attribute (Presence)
    (Quiet listener)
    Aspect of the Predator
    Mask of Tranquility
    JC Smith

    Cacophony Whisperer


    Quinn bit the poacher and was returned the favor. There was a fleeting moment of jealousy at not getting to taste blood that JC violently put down. Now was not the time! Even as his thirst grew greater as he expended more vitae to try and take down the bitch.

    He took another couple steps, trying to get the women between him and Dirt Nap so that she couldn’t use Quinn as a shield against both of them.

    And she drops.

    JC almost didn’t trust it. Or maybe he just wanted to kick her. Sink his neck into her dead neck before the blood ran dry. Taste the sweetness in her.

    Flex, relax… his fists wouldn’t unclench. Relax! He ordered. His muscles released, allowing thoughts to come rushing back in.

    They needed to move. The Kine had been stirring. The cat’s yowls could draw attention. Human suffering might be ignored in leu of safety but animals… it either tugged at the heartstrings or brought out those wanting to watch creatures get killed guilt free.

    “Alright, cat, poacher, woman, Quinn,” That’s what they needed to deal with. One thing at a time.

    “Clay, help with the trap. Get it covered somehow, she was talking to it and it’s got a connection to a ‘boss’. We don’t want it knowing any information if we can help it. Watch what you say around it.” He took off his shirt and tossed it over to at least make a start.He glared at the mangy beast for a second. Damn cat. At least they got it.

    “Where’s your car?” he asked Quinn “We need to get you and the poacher out of sight. And get you a change of clothes and something to eat once this is done.” The poacher because she looked dead and Quinn because she did not look alive with gaping wounds that weren’t bleeding. JC was already bending down to get his arms under her shoulders so he could drag her away. “Can you get the legs?” he requested of the Mehket.

    “We’ve got the cat and poacher,” he let Jennifer know “Check on your date. Make sure she's safe.” The woman had been moving and it would be better for it to be Jennifer’s face to be the first thing she saw after being ‘attacked’. It would be a shame if they had to kill her now for witnessing a breach.

    Now just needed to figure where to go, let the investigation team know, interrogate, and then get justice rendered on the bitch.
    Presence (Quiet Listener) 1 / BP1 / Mask of Tranquility

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  5. #63
    Quinn Durant's Avatar

    Quinn Durant
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Striking Looks
    (Velvet Rope Jockey)
    Good Breeding
    City Status
    Quinn Durant


    Quinn stifled the scream that wanted to rise in her throat from the pain of being savaged. She still made a small whimper of pain as the poacher viscously bit her back. That's what she got for not simply letting the Gangrel beat the poachers ass, and just let the poacher use her as shield. She should have just acted helpless and her shoulder wouldn't look like she stepped out of a zombie apocalypse movie. Now she needed to specially hunt to avoid starving in order to heal.

    Don't Scream!

    Then Dirt Nap got that last hit in and the poacher finally dropped. The relief Quinn felt in that moment was palpable, for about a split second until she remembered her little chat with a certain Gangrel in YOLO. She was pretty wounded and just squeaked like a hurt mouse. Even as J.C was barking orders like an auctioneer, Quinn wondered if Dirt Nap's composure would hold. She heard J.C say get the feet, and she got the feet. Started helping J.C carry the poachers body. Not feeling much of anything except for pain in her shoulder. She was roused from her fear a bit as J.C ordered Dirt Nap away from them. "Umm...I have a rental. A SUV. It's not far..." She managed to say in a slightly hollow monotone.

    "J.C when we get to the rental and put her in the trunk, give me your shirt. It will cover my body enough that no one will notice the torn shoulder. I can find someone sleeping outside. I don't have a stable, so that will have to do, and I think I will need help...this is gunna take a decent amount of big red to heal and keep me rising and shining tomorrow."

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  7. #64
    Dirt Nap's Avatar
    New Identity Clayton Jordan Carter
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Occultation (Vampire)
    Dirt Nap
    Dirt Nap Scenes


    The Poacher finally goes down. She fought pretty hard, made it hard not to destroy her outright. Something off there. Her sense of self preservation seems compromised somehow.

    Then Quinn is giving orders to J.C. and J.C. is giving orders to him...and they seem to make sense, as far as they go. Quinn and J.C. taking the Poacher away and him taking the cat, likely with Jennifer and her herd.

    "Meet up at the Lady's place." Dirt Nap says. "Later."

    He's taking as much liberties as the other two, more really as he's basically speaking for the Lady Hazelton. She's right there, and he has no doubt will correct him if he's wrong.

    Dirt Nap kneels down low to get on a more eye to eye level with the thing in the Trap, preparing to pick it up and carry it off with the Lady when she's ready...


    He tries talking to it, using his Discipline of Animalism...

    3 successes

    <<You are our prisoner for now. What should we feed you to keep you alive for now?>>

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  9. #65
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise


    "I suggest the body bag." Jennifer says to JC, indicating the Poacher with a nod.

    Jennifer arched a brow at JC. That sounded like an order.
    She considered giving a note: it's easier when one gives the direction. Jennifer had previously decided that Quinn had taken charge smoothly, and was following the Mekhet to give her leadership credibility. Jennifer was thinking Quinn should put her name in for Sheriff. Or Reeve, if she recalled the Prince's opinion on the role. JC had organized well. He had kept his Beast under control during the fight.
    Yet she decided not to poke at the Gangrel.

    " I need to drop my friend at her home. Yet I think you need more to drink, Quinn. Would you object if I offered you some red wine at my home?"

    Jennifer pulled out her phone and one handed, composed a text to Liam.
    'A dark haired man with beard and a petite, beautiful brunette woman will be coming by. They will say 'jackal'. Let them in'

    " Liam will admit you to my house. You know the way, Quinn. Do give the word jackal just to assure him, if you would."

    Jennifer was rather pleased that the four kindred had worked so well together.

    "So I tend to over pack." Jennifer pulled out the large bag and rope, gesturing to the cat trap.
    "Could...bag over the trap to hide it? Muffle the sound?'

    Cat was fucking loud. Jennifer didn't toy with her meals. Or kill animals. This noise? It had the Beast suggesting a little suffocation for some blessed silence.
    " Can you help." She asked Dirt Nap, offering the trap. "
    I'll put this in the trunk and we can travel together."
    Jennifer have Dirt nap the key fob so he could access the car.

    Jennifer moved to her herd mate and gently helped her to her feet. She wrapped her arm around the woman's waist, suggesting
    " Let's get you home."
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

  10. #66
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    He tries talking to it, using his Discipline of Animalism...

    <<You are our prisoner for now. What should we feed you to keep you alive for now?>>
    The cat's loud yowlings cease. A few moments stretch. The cat gives an image to Dirt Nap of a man's hand extending to it, placing something that smelled good in a food bowl. A second image of a man's hand gently touching a bloated cat's belly. After a moment, the cat's stomach returns to normal size and the man withdraws his hand.
    The cat remains quiet.

    The herd member is allowing herself to be guided to the rental car. She seems a bit lightheaded and accepts Jennifer's assistance.

    Scene closes in 1 round.

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  12. #67
    JC Smith's Avatar

    Attribute (Presence)
    (Quiet listener)
    Aspect of the Predator
    Mask of Tranquility
    JC Smith

    Cacophony Whisperer


    JC noticed the arched eyebrow. Was she really doing this? Getting hurt over his tone at a time like this. He ought to tear her eyes out and drink from the sockets.

    JC internally rolled his own ‘eyes’ at the thought brought forward, highly influenced by the beast. Was HE really doing this right now?

    He nodded to Dirt Nap saying to meet at Jennifer’s house and to Jennifer when she suggested the body bag. How had he forgotten about that? It was right there! He always managed to miss something.

    The bag was filled with a body and then went in the trunk. He took a moment to get his shirt back so Quinn could hunt and he gave another nod to Dirt Nap and Jennifer again.

    “Thanks. Good job,” he said quickly for all their help “See you soon. Stay safe.” Who knew what the cat could do.

    Then he turned just as quickly and got into the rental, expecting Durant would follow once she replied to the Haunt's offer. Hopefully who ever this 'boss' was, wouldn't be able to track them away from his haven and to Hazelton's. They'd had enough exposure as it was.
    Presence (Quiet Listener) 1 / BP1 / Mask of Tranquility

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  14. #68
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    24 hour warning ⚠️ to thread closing

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  16. #69
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    With the 'Jackal' trapped, the group is ready to move away from JC's Haven. The Poacher had been telling someone where she was before Quinn was able to break her communication device. The team splits into two teams, agreeing to meet at the Haven of Jennifer Hazelton. The two rental cars drive away into the night.

    Great scene!

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