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2107 Kowalsic orbit

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Jul 2, 2021 : (2107) Formal Court
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  1. #11
    Connor OBrien's Avatar

    Striking Looks
    (Boxer's Build)
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Connor OBrien


    Connor notices how Mr. Kowalsic picked up on the younger Haunt's word choice. "I will be explain what I mean at the meeting, Mr. Kowalsic, family business should be discussed in depth in a more private setting, not in open court. I hope you understand."

    The newest haunt then turns his attention back to court as the Prince makes her announcement, looks back toward Kowalsic and almost audibly sighs. Rebuilding the clan's reputation will be difficult, if not impossible after this. He would speak up for the elder, but breeching the masquerade could call for a much more severe punishment, and blaming the Archon for it could have granted her the Right of Destruction. He got off lucky with banishment and literally paying his pound of flesh.
    Nosferatu Curse: An Aura of Danger, like the feeling that causes the hair to stand up on the back of your neck.
    The Vanishing:

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  3. #12
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    Mr. Kowalsic takes the Prince's sentence as a punch to the gut, making an auditory 'uh'. He then attempts to steel himself, giving the Prince a deep nod that he understood.
    The youngest Nosferatu takes the sentence as a body blow, her legs quivering and then lowering her to the floor. She bends herself in on herself, clasping her hands in a submissive pose.
    “I regret I will not be in attendance.” There was a momentary quaver in his voice, betraying his deep fear. The sentence would be extremely painful. He would start his Danse in another Domain deeply flawed. A sign of a criminal. Another just consequence.
    “I bid you a good eve.” He spoke to the Nosferatu as a whole, his gaze moving between them. Somewhat softer, he said humbly. “My apologies.” A look to Miss Kowalsic.
    “Childe, leave with Charles. Get into our preferred car and be driven out of town immediately, for we are banished. Send two others to help Johnathan, who shall remain here. They will have to help me move later.
    Make the preparations to have all others prepare the vehicles and be on the road to Lady Kowalsic immediately."

    Now he turns from the Nosferatu and strides forward.

    The youngest Miss Kowalsic remains kneeling, reeling and looking frightened.

  4. #13
    Alexander Moore's Avatar

    Mask of Tranquility
    Alexander Moore


    Alexander stood somewhat apart, conscious of his size and those of the group’s. As Mr. Kowalsic spoke he listened distractedly, until he heard his name.

    “Er, yes, Mr Heinrich and I were on the hunt for information, with him acting as my security in case something untoward were to happen. Thankfully there was no cause for him to display his abilities.” He wondered if Mr Heinrich would benefit at all from their scrutiny, but after seeing the way Jennifer reacted to Heinrich, he doubted it.

    “Thank you, it is good to see you too.” He wasn’t all that familiar with Miss Kowalsic, but she seemed pleasant, despite being burdened by such an inconvenient Curse.

    “Hm, yes I believe they had a hand in the information gathering of the investigation. I did not have a chance to work personally with either of them.”

    The Prince made her announcement, and Alexander grew cold. His eyes darkened as his gaze swept over the Kowalsics and the rest of the Clan, then the Court. It was Just, he supposed, and well within the Prince’s right to carry out such punishments. They were monsters after all, they must do monstrous things.

    “Goodbye, Miss Kowalsic.” He had been too wrapped up in his own head to bid Mr. Kowalsic farewell. He put two fingers to his wrist, and found nothing. He watched, behind and far above the gathered Kindred as things played out.
    Curse: Incredibly tall and emaciated, their skin is stretched over their large and bulky frame, with long limbs and a strangely shaped head.

  5. #14
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    "Likewise, Mr Kowalsic."

    Not that there's much more left to say. At least it looks like she's been wrong in her reading of the sentence in regards to Miss Kowalsic. Unless there's any last minute change of plans there is. But thats not the main issue. The punishment and its aftermath are, keeping the laws of the domain and some recent going ons in mind. As it looks, there's going to be a lot of pretty potent blood in a room packed with vampires and without a doubt, there would be some who'd be really happy about someone being... uncouth... enough to not be able to hold their stuff together. For funsies, insult to injury, whatever.

    Still, despite that thing dep down, she's used to her share of biology (or what passes as such in vampire society) and she's also willing to bet at least one of the folks in attendance might be inclined to use any signs of some Haunt either unwilling or unable to watch the proceeding to tie a nice little noose for family or single members. Due to that and not really expecting any sort of pity, sympathy or anything like it from a surrounding crows who's opinion about the whole ordeal she's not really interested in, she remains with the other Haunts and keeps her eyes on the preparations being made at centre stage.

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

  6. #15
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise
    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes

    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes


    Jennifer saw how Connor, Bellemy, Alexander and Helen came together. Dark brown eyes look around in approval, meeting her family member's eyes if they wish.

    Helen and Alexander are given nods as they share, yet she holds her thoughts for later.
    Jennifer's look around to see if someone looked to take advantage found someone.

    Edward returned Jennifer's look with a hint of anger in his eyes
    "Something to say, Mr. Heinrich? Or just more of the same, nothing."
    Jennifer asked. Calm. Confident. A bit bemused that he thought this time was appropriate to play his little delusions that others saw her as he tried to spread after last Formal Court. Her eyes notice Mr. Northbridge's difficulty, but he was respectful. Her eyes meet his in a touch of solidarity for those who show respect. This Court was about respecting Traditions, laws and above all, not throwing the Fucking Archon of the domain under the bus. She is still angry with Mr. Kowalsic for this act. And the fact she won't be extracting her own justice as he's bannished.
    Jennifer quickly continues her circuit of scanning for any threats, future attacks that are telegraphed by any emotions beyond accepting the prince's justice, fear, or revulsion. Edward's behavior was noted.
    Her eyes look to the Prince, to give a nod. A nod of understanding. She might be Priscus of the Nosferatu, yet she was a firm believer in justice. Actions have consequences.
    Her eyes swing back to the nosferatu, doing a quick check if anyone needed her.
    If not, she looks back to the Sentencing.

    Twist's work is artistry, if difficult to watch. Very difficult.

  7. #16
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    It seems folks are able to hold it well enough together. Which is good. The display as such is not easy to watch even considering the survuivability and... she's not sure if she should call it cooperation of the perpetrator. Sure, there are laws that need to be respected and there are punishments for those who don't. Helen is totally on board with that. She's even accepting that punishments for the undead do have to get a little... deeper to make sure they maintain their examplary value and keep people from wanting to imitate. And the whole live show aspect of it. Not too fun to witness, especially live, but then, it's not supposed to be.

    No, what really bothers her is the display that the Iudex presents. Necessary as that stuff is, in Helen's opinion, it is not something a healthy person should take any form of pleasure or satisfaction from. That Twist isn't even trying to hide it only helps to make it even worse. Yet, considering everything, it checks out just a little too well.

    Even so, as she has nothing to add to the unfolding scene between Jennifer and Mr Heinrich, she does whats best in those kinds of sitiuation. Stay in place, shut the hell up and wait what happens...

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

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