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  1. #1
    DrDog's Avatar

    Werewolf Lawyer


    Its come to this.
    The motley stands at the streetcorner. Frances' house is a cute brick single story between two large McMansions.
    Her yard is overrun, with yellowing grass growing to shoulder height, and what seems like a half dozen locks on the front door. The porchlight is out, though they have seen movement inside the darkneed house.
    There are a few lawnchairs on the porch, all are covered in cobwebs.
    The Dog Draped in Resplendent Finery of Shrieking Spirits.

  2. #2
    Ram's Avatar

    Attribute (Strength)
    (Barrel Chested)
    Merit (Arcadian Body:Str)
    (Huge Arms)
    Attribute (Dexterity)
    (Bull in a China shop)
    New ID (Andrew Sarcacious)
    Mantle (Summer)
    (+1 Athletics, Sounds of Battle)

    Six foot, barrel chested, and didn't skip leg day. Ram is a muscle bound behemoth. His face and body are scarred from numerous injuries and his movements look stilted with pain occasionally. Still, his craggy face does soften occasionally.

    Ram looks like he could knuckle walk if he wanted. His arms and chest are enormous. More akin to a gorilla than human. His skin is an amalgamation of stony hide with fire cracks running through it and pieces of Fey machinery grafted at the joints. Segmented pieces of metal are bolted to run down his spine legs. Wood covers his skull with willow leaves providing hair, while curved bone horns sprout from the foliage.


    Ram approached the house. The locks worried him more than the front yards disrepair. Not caring enough or having time to do yard work he could understand. Adding locks to doors took work.

    He supported the six back of beers with his arm, not trusting the cardboard to to tear at his touch. The bottle of liquor he set down all together for the same fear of shattering it somehow while he waited for his companions to arrive.
    Render | Strength 6 | Mantle 1 Distant sounds of battle

  3. #3
    Sonnie Wu's Avatar
    Sonja "Sonnie" Wu
    Striking Looks
    New Identity
    (Sonja Wu)

    An alluring young beauty, Sonnie Wu is 5'2" and lean-bodied, with a light, nimble step and eyes that seem to say "Hey, you know what would be fun?" Her reddish-brown hair often seems slightly unkempt, and an amused smile regularly plays on her lips. Sonnie is usually dressed casually or for outdoor activity. She almost always wears a pair of red leather tabi boots.

    To the eyes of Fae, Sonnie's feet are like those of a monkey: Toes as long as fingers, with one on each foot being opposable like a thumb. A long monkey tail protrudes from the base of Sonnie's spine, covered in hair the same shade as her head. It appears to be prehensile, and often moves to react to her mood and dances about when she speaks, like people who "talk with their hands." Finally, her brown eyes turn golden.
    Mundane Equipment:

    Smart phone, messenger bag, quarterstaff, 2 throwing knifes (concealed), 3 goblin fruit (changes by season), mountain bike.

    Cloud-Stepping Shoes
    Hedgespun ● +2 Speed

    Riyu Jingu Bang (Staff)
    Hedgespun ●● +2 Damage

    Coin of the Lucky Monkey
    Hedgespun ●● +2 Defense
    Sonnie Wu Scenes
     Beast's Keen Senses
     Harden Mask, 

    (Harden Mask)Glamour 1 Spent


    Sonnie didn't know what the hell she was doing.

    Not an uncommon situation, for her.

    She didn't like stalking this woman, though. It raised hairs on the back of her neck. She worried about police and all that came with running afoul of the law. Nothing really stopped Frances from dialing 911 if she saw them coming.

    The Beast was of a mind to simply keep her distance while Ram and Titania took the risks. Stay clear of Frances' eye line, be ready to split if things went south. You know, typical Changeling strategy.

    At least she took the precaution of hardening her Mask this time. She wasn't risking the mortal woman kinda-sorta spotting her tail again.

    The house.... was not encouraging. Was Frances the neighborhood weirdo? Maybe they had something in common after all? Sonnie glances around, checking out the state of other houses on the street.
    Spring Mantle (Scent of Flowers and Fruit)

  4. #4
    Titania's Avatar
    Pretty Princess
    Arcadian Body
    Striking Looks
    Distinctive Voice
    (Posh Accent)

    Telluric / Bright One



    A striking brunette in her 20s with deep blue eyes, shoulder length hair and a 1000-watt smile. Her features have a radiant beauty to them. She styles herself after the latest fashions, never forgetting to add a touch of tradition to her mises.


    The elegant and armonious movement of the celestial spheres is reflected upon her hair, galaxies dance across the pitch black background in clockwork-like precision, delicate specks of moondust blaze down in her wake, disappearing just as they touch the floor. Her eyes, like star sapphires, shine in tandem with the globes of light that dance around her, floating like planets swept around a Sun.


    A field of roses under the glistening pale moon of a star sprangled spring night. Occasionally, midnight blue roses emerge from her hair, their petals swept by a gentle breeze, just to fade into the bed of sparkling diamond moondust left in her trail by her mien, vanishing without trace soon thereafter.


    Telluric Bright One

    A pang of guilt hits her, could it be that Frances' issues were of a financial nature. The house could use some renovations, maybe she should talk to the Director to see whether they could afford to increase Frances' salary.
    Still, money wasn't the goal of this meeting, she shakes her head, banishing the thought.
    Ram would have to apologize and if his plan was foiled, then she'd have to resort to her ace.
    New Identity ● (Eleanor Tessier)
    Fame ● (Social Media)

  5. #5
    DrDog's Avatar

    Werewolf Lawyer


    The house is not drastically out of place, there are a few other smaller homes, but they all are much better maintained. the Mcmansions come right up to the property lines, overshadowing and crowding the smaller homes, making them seem defiant and petulant children, to the larger homes.

    As Ram approaches, he can hear movement inside, and as he crosses into the grass, he hears the soft rustling of small animals within the tall grass. The path to the front door is well obscured, and he can barely flind the flagstones to step.
    The Dog Draped in Resplendent Finery of Shrieking Spirits.

  6. #6
    Ram's Avatar

    Attribute (Strength)
    (Barrel Chested)
    Merit (Arcadian Body:Str)
    (Huge Arms)
    Attribute (Dexterity)
    (Bull in a China shop)
    New ID (Andrew Sarcacious)
    Mantle (Summer)
    (+1 Athletics, Sounds of Battle)

    Six foot, barrel chested, and didn't skip leg day. Ram is a muscle bound behemoth. His face and body are scarred from numerous injuries and his movements look stilted with pain occasionally. Still, his craggy face does soften occasionally.

    Ram looks like he could knuckle walk if he wanted. His arms and chest are enormous. More akin to a gorilla than human. His skin is an amalgamation of stony hide with fire cracks running through it and pieces of Fey machinery grafted at the joints. Segmented pieces of metal are bolted to run down his spine legs. Wood covers his skull with willow leaves providing hair, while curved bone horns sprout from the foliage.


    He leaned over to Titania. Before this all started she needed to know what Circe had found "Necklace was prison for something. Ghost, spirit or small god Mary said. Magic but not made in the backyard or beyond."

    At the door it already felt like things were going to go wrong. The furtive movements inside, the locks, the chance they were about to confront a genie or something. An apology was not going to fix this. Hopefully whatever contracts Titania wanted to pull would be potent. Otherwise Ram might have to bust down the door.

    "Should I just knock?" he asked her. Every move he made, he felt like it would cascade out of control into trouble.
    Render | Strength 6 | Mantle 1 Distant sounds of battle

  7. #7
    Titania's Avatar
    Pretty Princess
    Arcadian Body
    Striking Looks
    Distinctive Voice
    (Posh Accent)

    Telluric / Bright One



    A striking brunette in her 20s with deep blue eyes, shoulder length hair and a 1000-watt smile. Her features have a radiant beauty to them. She styles herself after the latest fashions, never forgetting to add a touch of tradition to her mises.


    The elegant and armonious movement of the celestial spheres is reflected upon her hair, galaxies dance across the pitch black background in clockwork-like precision, delicate specks of moondust blaze down in her wake, disappearing just as they touch the floor. Her eyes, like star sapphires, shine in tandem with the globes of light that dance around her, floating like planets swept around a Sun.


    A field of roses under the glistening pale moon of a star sprangled spring night. Occasionally, midnight blue roses emerge from her hair, their petals swept by a gentle breeze, just to fade into the bed of sparkling diamond moondust left in her trail by her mien, vanishing without trace soon thereafter.


    Telluric Bright One

    She leans closer. "I see", she whispers. "Just buy us enough time so I can convince her to actually want to talk with us. As for Sonnie, she could explore while we keep Frances busy", they were planning the most basic of heists.
    New Identity ● (Eleanor Tessier)
    Fame ● (Social Media)

  8. #8
    Sonnie Wu's Avatar
    Sonja "Sonnie" Wu
    Striking Looks
    New Identity
    (Sonja Wu)

    An alluring young beauty, Sonnie Wu is 5'2" and lean-bodied, with a light, nimble step and eyes that seem to say "Hey, you know what would be fun?" Her reddish-brown hair often seems slightly unkempt, and an amused smile regularly plays on her lips. Sonnie is usually dressed casually or for outdoor activity. She almost always wears a pair of red leather tabi boots.

    To the eyes of Fae, Sonnie's feet are like those of a monkey: Toes as long as fingers, with one on each foot being opposable like a thumb. A long monkey tail protrudes from the base of Sonnie's spine, covered in hair the same shade as her head. It appears to be prehensile, and often moves to react to her mood and dances about when she speaks, like people who "talk with their hands." Finally, her brown eyes turn golden.
    Mundane Equipment:

    Smart phone, messenger bag, quarterstaff, 2 throwing knifes (concealed), 3 goblin fruit (changes by season), mountain bike.

    Cloud-Stepping Shoes
    Hedgespun ● +2 Speed

    Riyu Jingu Bang (Staff)
    Hedgespun ●● +2 Damage

    Coin of the Lucky Monkey
    Hedgespun ●● +2 Defense
    Sonnie Wu Scenes
     Beast's Keen Senses
     Harden Mask, 



    "Maybe we should buy her a lawnmower?" she suggested, out loud.

    Explore? She could do that! The Monkey looked around for something interesting. Nice neighborhood. Well-kept, upscale houses. The... IS THAT A DOG?!

    She bounded off to greet the pupper she spotted in a nearby yard!
    Spring Mantle (Scent of Flowers and Fruit)

  9. #9
    DrDog's Avatar

    Werewolf Lawyer


    The door is old and solid, with a simple golden cross just under the peephole. Up close, the locks are shiny and new, and there are even two on the hinge side of the door.

    There is also a bit of a smell, the smell of trash left out in the sun too long, or food gone well past bad. Its faint, but its definetly noticeable to the attentive changelings.

    The pupper is thrilled to see you, and wags its tail cheerfully. He is a tall, proud looking golden retriever, who gives a polite bark of greeting, before extending his nose through the wrought iron fence around the McMansion for a scritch.
    The Dog Draped in Resplendent Finery of Shrieking Spirits.

  10. #10
    Ram's Avatar

    Attribute (Strength)
    (Barrel Chested)
    Merit (Arcadian Body:Str)
    (Huge Arms)
    Attribute (Dexterity)
    (Bull in a China shop)
    New ID (Andrew Sarcacious)
    Mantle (Summer)
    (+1 Athletics, Sounds of Battle)

    Six foot, barrel chested, and didn't skip leg day. Ram is a muscle bound behemoth. His face and body are scarred from numerous injuries and his movements look stilted with pain occasionally. Still, his craggy face does soften occasionally.

    Ram looks like he could knuckle walk if he wanted. His arms and chest are enormous. More akin to a gorilla than human. His skin is an amalgamation of stony hide with fire cracks running through it and pieces of Fey machinery grafted at the joints. Segmented pieces of metal are bolted to run down his spine legs. Wood covers his skull with willow leaves providing hair, while curved bone horns sprout from the foliage.


    Ram takes a deep breath and enters the property, hoping the dog remains friendly (or doesn't run between Ram's legs and escape). He walks up to the door and gives it three 'gentle' knocks that still manage to dent the wood slightly. Being a Render sucked sometimes.

    Then all he could do was wait.
    Render | Strength 6 | Mantle 1 Distant sounds of battle

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