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(Necropolis) After the Main Event

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  1. #11
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise


    At the suggestion of 'if I must knock her into torpor for the good of the family and the domain, I will'. Jennifer's eyebrow raise. She stares at Connor for a beat, before suggesting in a more calm tone than she had.
    "Did Helen give the impression it would come to violence? Did she say something that makes you think such strong action is necessary?"

    Jennifer considers the words of her cousin.

    "Good evening, Bellemy."
    Jennifer greeted her cousin pleasantly. "I believe this is the second time Mr. O'Brien has attempted to gather family." There is a bit of bite to those words as Jennifer looks steadily at Bellemy for a beat.

    Her dark brown eyes swung to Conner as Bellemy asked after the purpose of the meeting.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

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  3. #12
    Connor OBrien's Avatar

    Striking Looks
    (Boxer's Build)
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Connor OBrien


    "Ah, you misunderstand me, Priscus. It's not a guarantee, just a possibility. She and I got... heated... during our last conversation, and she carries herself like I do, like a fighter. I was informing you of the possibility so that you wouldn't be entirely caught off guard. I was also informing you that I would not hesitate, again so you wouldn't be caught off guard. I apologize if I was not clear enough." His ears then pick up the spund of someone coming down the stairs, and he turns back to his Priscus. "If I've upset you, and I believed that I might, I will willingly continue this discussion at a later date."

    His head turns, just in time to see Bellemy round the corner. "Welcome, Cousin. The night finds me well, and how does the night find you?" The haunt watches the brief interaction between Bellemy and their Priscus, but then Bellemy asks a question, and all eyes fall on him.

    "There were two reasons I wished to call this meeting. One was to allow discussion of the events that transpired at court, and the other was to announce that I would be putting my name in for the role of Whip, and giving any others the opportunity to do so as well."

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  5. #13
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    Helen hears the commotion (if one wants to call it that) a long time before she can make out any words, not that she takes too much care to do so. Privacy and all that... Still, the voices are recognizable soon enough: Connor and Jennifer, if she's lucky, Connor and Notary Hazelton, if she's not. Which only leaves one question...

    Does she feel lucky tonight ?

    Well, do you, punk ? A memory of Clint Eastwood's voice mockingly demands to know in the back of her head.

    Not that it matters much. Well, what the hell, why not see what this is about. If she's disturbing sdomething, she'll be the first to know. Thus, she enters the saeting area dressed in jeans, trainers and a dark blue t-shirt to top it off. As she approaches, the shortly looks over the assembled group, from one over the next to the last, waiting for an opening to make sure she's not interrupting anyone.

    "Evening, cousins !"

    She gives the others a small wave and picks a seat. Now, that all seems to be set, there's basically just one question to be answered andf that answer will make itself known very, very soon !

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

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  7. #14
    Bellemy's Avatar

    Bellemy Salem
    (Author (Pen Name))
    (News Media)
    (Mask of Tranquility)

    Nosferatu Curse:

    Phisically deformed head and mouth with shark-like teeth and a grotesquly emaciated body, too long nails and a palpable aura of inappropriateness.


    Bellemy shrugged at Jennifer's comment about Connor having tried to set a family meeting once before. "Perhaps one should observe the correct foms when sending an invitation? One may find people more amenable to meet if they actually know there is a meeting." The haunt's tone was neutral but left a lot unsaid.

    Bellemy turned to Connor as the other nospharatu gave his reasons for asking the family to gather. Bellemy sat blank eyed and unmoving for a long moment before slowly beginning to laugh.

    After the fit of mirth subsided Bellemy managed to choke out a simple answer to Connor "Oh it would seem my night just became more amusing, thank you cousin."

    At Helen's arrival Bellemy greeted her jovially. "Hello cousin you are just in time it seems"

    Curse: See Minisheet

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  9. #15
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise


    Jennifer looks at Connor for a long beat. Letting the moment linger. He did give information to Jennifer, yet avoids the specific question. A slight bemused smile twitches to her lips and spreads.
    " Yes. Later, Mr. O'Brien."
    She would be enjoying that talk.

    "Upset? No. Assumptions and arrogance, ignorance and deception upset me.'

    "Helen. Good." Jennifer greets the woman with a nod, a bemused smile still present. Along with her Beast. "I'm glad you could make it."
    A glance behind Helen. No giant darkened the doorway. Pity.
    To Bellemy, the smile remains.

    " I believe there's some concerns about responding to meetings. Spending time with one another."
    Jennifer leaned forward slightly, looking at Bellemy. The smile fades as she looks serious.

    "Connor sent letters. I received mine." A glance to Helen, a questioning look to see if she'd offer information on if she had as well.

    "Something to consider on if that's what you want to communicate to a Cousin."

    Jennifer looks at Bellemy for a beat. Considering. Dark brown eyes tick to Connor.
    This wasn't her meeting. She sat back, comfortable and confident on the stone bench. The nosferatu lounges, feet in the dreamlike water.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

  10. #16
    Connor OBrien's Avatar

    Striking Looks
    (Boxer's Build)
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Connor OBrien


    Connor's eyes flit between Bellemy and Jennifer for a moment. A polite, if somewhat forced, smile adorns the haunts face. "If you're going to lie to my face, Cousin, do a better job of it. I would believe you not recieving your letter. I may have believed a change in telephone number. However, our Priscus called you to get you here, and my list of contact information came from her. Have you heard in a change in telephone number from Bellemy, Priscus?" He turns his head slighly to look at Jennifer.

    The haunt lifts himself from the bench, even barefoot he stands at 5 feet and 10 inches tall. "The truth is, you were caught ignoring a member of the family, who in all honesty would have accepted a simple, 'I am unable to make it.' Instead of owning up to it, however, you chose to attempt a shift in blame. In case you're still left wondering, you failed, much like poor Mr. Kowalsic."

    He takes a sing step forward, away from the pool. "And now you laugh when the purpose of this meeting is brought up. Would you rather us fight like animals at our next meeting instead of getting everything out in the open now? Where do you stand, Cousin? From my current perspective it isn't with this family." The smile fades momentarily as he considers continuing, but is drawn back upon the Cockscombe's face almost as quickly as it vanished. She chose to insult him with a blatant lie, so we would see whose tounge is sharper.

    His head turns as Helen speaks up. "Yes, welcome Cousin, good to see that you recieved your letter." The end of his sentence is spoken as he takes another look at Bellemy.
    Nosferatu Curse: An Aura of Danger, like the feeling that causes the hair to stand up on the back of your neck.
    The Vanishing:

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  12. #17
    Bellemy's Avatar

    Bellemy Salem
    (Author (Pen Name))
    (News Media)
    (Mask of Tranquility)

    Nosferatu Curse:

    Phisically deformed head and mouth with shark-like teeth and a grotesquly emaciated body, too long nails and a palpable aura of inappropriateness.

    (Willpower added to roll)Willpower 1 Spent

    Bellemy’s rigid face began to crack as Connor spoke, first into a frown then melting into a gape, eyes slowly opened into a look of shock which in turn morphed into terror as the allegations flew. A bone white hand moved to cover Bellemy’s mouth and the black clothed haunt shrunk deeper into the bench as if trying to flee away from Connor. At last the Connor’s tirade ended and Bellemy held the position, still as a statue. Slowly the Haunt’s head turned to look at Helen and the bone white hand sank to the skirted lap. The look of terror evaporated into one of pure glee. A smile wider than any before tore across Bellemy’s mouth.


    To Helen, Bellemy said ”How was that? Believable?” with a shrug the Haunt stood tall from the bench and faced the accuser. A serious stoney look replacing the previous mirth on the grotesque monster’s face.

    1 success

    With a voice backed with steel Bellemy addressed Connor. ”You have made several errors in judgment tonight cousin. Allow me to enlighten you regarding them.”

    The bony white hand lifted into the air and a single finger pointed to the ceiling.
    ”Firstly you speak on matters you know little about and dispearge your betters while doing so. Pray Mr. Kowalsic does not hear of your insult and takes offense.”

    A second finger lifted. ”Second, you speak as if the family owes you something. Let me assure you, this is not the case. Your blood grants you the respect of our most basic pleasantries. Outside of that you get nothing that is not earned. We are all here only at the suffrage of Lady Hazelton. If I did in fact choose to ignore you, it would be because I consider you beneath me and not worthy of my attention.”

    A third finger raised into the air. ”Third, you speak to me about family obligations. Was it not two minutes ago you were bragging to Priscus hazelton of your intention to “torpor” dear Helen should she not agree with you?” An evil sneer passed over Bellemy’s features. ”Very family oriented of you.”

    A fourth bone white finger points up. ”You ask if I laugh at you? Your inept chastisement of me, blatant disregard for kin as pointed out by your own words regarding Dear Mr. Kowalsic and Dear Helen, and your complete lack of family support indicate that you are a poor choice for whip. The idea is frankly preposterous.’

    Finally a fifth finger joined it’s fellows. ”lastly and most importantly You have accused me of lying to the family, This insult will not go unchallenged. I have claimed that I did not receive your invitation and offered a way for this to be avoided in the future. You claim that I have received it and chose to ignore you. Now I ask for your evidence that what you say is true. Provide evidence that I have lied and I shall submit myself for punishment or don’t and I shall seek satisfaction to my honor by way of apology. So prove it or apologize.”

    Two things. I feel my post is pretty harsh and I want everyone to know it is in character. I personally hold no ill will to Connor, Bellemy the character is angry, not the player. I don’t want to make Connor’s player feel assaulted, that is not my intention.

    Second @Helen Sorry for jumping in front of you, I felt that I should respond and I didn’t want to wait because some of the information may influence your post.

    PS. Dice roller hates me

    Curse: See Minisheet

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  14. #18
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    Helen is almost about to repond to Jennifer's unspoker question, when Connor lays into Bellemy for...

    Wait, what ?

    With a resigned sigh, she lets that short reply that would have gotten her off the hook of all of this flutter away. But some of whats going on here can't be allowed to stand. Whether the situation almost feels like some folks gang up on other folks or whether its just seizing an opportunity to spit into Connors favorite cereal at this point isn't even that important anymore... As is most of the stuff she wants to say as Bellemy does that... thing... with her face.

    Taken by surprise, a sort of blindsided "I... guess ?" is all she can bring up in reply to Bellemy.

    She takes some time to recompose.

    "Now who's arguing just for the enjoyment of flustering people ? If Bellemy is lying to you in order to ignore you and your letter ? Thats impolite, yes. Is it a snub ? Perhaps. Can you make a personal attack out of it ? I guess. But you can't just say that. Its not 'shameful', 'unworthy', 'personally insulting'. No, someone has to drag the latest court business into it, nothing else will do. Me, I hope there was a lot of aggravation or a big load of hyperbole speaking, because I find that comparison uncalled for, offensive and, most of all, pretty damn disgusting.

    For someone, who wants to make sure the family has its shit together and keeping folks unified, one of us has been caught a lot standing in the open with a finger pointed on people who you're apparently pretty quick to see as not..." she pauses, quickly mentally rephrasing. "standing with the family. Which I guess is alright, temper's a bitch when it comes to things very important to a person, but this is the second time I sorta get the impression there's some black-and-white chickenshit going on, where 'not standing with the family' sounds a hell of a lot like 'being unreasonable because of not agreeing with you on something, how something should be done or how important something should be', because you always represent the family in those arguments, as you've got it all figured out."

    Helen shrugs.

    "Correct me, if I'm wrong. I'd really like to be wrong on that impression. So how about we take a big step back and, dunno, get our shit back together ?"

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

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  16. #19
    Connor OBrien's Avatar

    Striking Looks
    (Boxer's Build)
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Connor OBrien

    (Willpower spent on Discipline)Willpower 1 Spent

    Connor takes a deep faux breath as Bellemy attempts to steel her voice against him.

    2 successes

    Then swiftly brushes aside the slight feeling of uneasiness it give him. He listens to both Bellemy and Helen before physically taking a step back and raising his hands non-threateningly. "You're right, Helen, I came on too strong. It's a character flaw that needs some work. Let's try to work this out in a calmer manner, allow me to start."

    The haunt urges his blood to assist him in the way he presents his next statements, or at least make them carry more weight in the minds of others.

    2 successes

    if affected by Awe

    The haunt stands for a moment, his fingers pressed against each other as he thinks. Finally he speaks, his tone calm and bordering polite. "First, you are correct Bellemy, my comment on Mr. Kowalsic's punishment was uncouth. I deeply apologize for making such an unsightly comment off the cuff like that, and gladly accept any punishment deemed fitting by our Priscus. Moving on from that however, this family owes each other everything. If either of you were to ask me to meet you for anything, it would at the very least call for me to respond on whether I would make it or not. Alone, a Nosferatu crumbles... Together we thrive."

    The Cockscombe crosses his arms behind his back as he continues to speak. "As for the comment about me threatening to 'torpor' Helen, that was a poorly worded warning to our Priscus that due to the heated nature of our last conversation and the events of last court, tensions would likely be high. There was a chance for violence; from either one of us, I am not singling Helen out. However it was meant to be a warning that violence would be met with a swift and decisive reaction, which was corrected by myself just as you were entering. I asked the Priscus not to intervene, because I did not wish for her to get hurt being in the middle, and I also asked that any punishment for the fight fall on me; I know I can be abrasive, and I wouldn't wish any trouble on Helen for a response to my personality."

    "As for proof," he starts as his fishes his phone from his pocket and scrolls through his message log, "I don't tend to delete text messages often, dear Cousin. If was given an incorrect means of contact, or I mistyped your telephone number, then I am mistaken and will accept punishment for my grievous accusation without hesitation." The Cockscombe makes a final tap on his phone screen, before stepping forward just enough that Bellemy would be able to read the numbers listed on the conversation as he held his phone out to her. "The reason I make an issue of it, Helen, is not because I feel slighted by being ignored. It is because of the fact that she chose to insinuate that I did not make an effort to contact her regarding these meetings I was trying to set up. In fact, I was going to let the issue slide, had that comment not been made. I had only mentioned it to our Priscus as a passing comment in conversation."

    On Connor's Phone

    He puts his phone away after giving Bellemy, and anyone who would ask, the chance to read it. "Lastly, while we may have a Hierarchy in the sense that we have a leader of the clan, not one of us are above another. We succeed equally as a family, or we fail equally as a family."
    Nosferatu Curse: An Aura of Danger, like the feeling that causes the hair to stand up on the back of your neck.
    The Vanishing:

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  18. #20
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise


    "There will be no punishment."
    Jennifer states, firm.

    " I do agree- not one of us is above the other. I serve as Priscus to see the family remain strong - and united. We don't have to agree with one another on politics or other issues, yet we do need to know one another.'
    She looks to Bellemy.
    "See to your mail service. Invitations are sent by mail."
    To Connor.
    "I would recommend hearing reasoning before wading in, both barrels blazing."
    Both remarks are calm, delivered with no bite or displeasure evident in her tone or expression.

    " Nothing I heard suggest that Connor should not be Whip, as he learns to temper his words.
    If you do wish for the position for yourself, state why."

    "I want to remind everyone not to use " my" to refer to Invictus members, as " my Prince" or " my dear Seneschal Jack" are insults. They've been answered harshly in the past and I would spare you that. I also want to make perfectly clear-- this is not an Invictus Domain.
    I have overseen important Oaths for the Invictus. That is my responsibility and privilege as Notary.
    You two have not been made to swear Blood Oaths. You hold to your oath to obey the Laws of the city on your honor- a choice the Prince chooses to make. It shows her support of all covenants, as was the demonstration of this by hosting a Court at the Crone Farm."

    Jennifer has been watching the Family interact closely, choosing to remain quiet until Connor can speak. She needed him to clarify that mistake of a remark. He also needed to answer to rebuke, especially if he wanted to be taken seriously.

    "I think we should make a general rule not to say " if I must knock someone into Torpor', especially regarding a family member. Statements can be misconstrued. I don't know why the argument was heated, yet the Beast can make one react in ways we shouldn't. We should strive to remain civil in our conversation with one another." Jennifer looks to each member as she makes the last sentence.

    As Connor mentioned he came on too strong, Jennifer moved slightly from her position. The Nosferatu draws her legs from the pool and swung her legs around. She sits knees together, arms resting on her legs as she surveys Connor as he speaks.
    " I would recommend against leveling strong accusations that put people on the defensive, unless you want someone off balance." This was to everyone listening.
    "I am curious about what you thought was so funny, Bellemy. Public opinion of our family after Mr. Kowalsic's mistake matters. They're banished. We're still here." She looks directly at Bellemy as she speaks.
    "What emotions did you see on other's faces at Court? Who looked to our family?
    Did you get a sense of their intentions towards our family?"

    Jennifer looks to Connor. " I put these same questions to you."

    "And then, Helen, I would like to hear why you heard me say meet with one another because we'll be choosing a Whip in the meeting that occurs the second week in August as a request to vote on if we need a Whip. I asked you all to get to know one another before the meeting. Have you been getting to know one another and taking the initiative to meet with each other, including Alexander?
    I told you that we need a Whip."

    "Helen, what do you think a Whip's responsible for?" She asks Helen.
    " What duties does a Whip perform from the family, and have you seen a Whip in action?"

    "I haven't seen the two of you around much." Jennifer looks to Helen and Bellemy.
    "I expect you are making inroads on affecting mortal affairs through allies or creating the foundation for kindred allies. For the Family needs allies and for you to be aware of the political situation.'

    Ooc: not affected by Awe
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

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