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PrP TRoS The Scop's Tale

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  1. #1
    Scourge's Avatar

    They drive to the address provided by the Haunt Priscus.

    Addy spends his time looking towards the other car that holds the prisoner. Like he is either planning to kill the man or worried that it might somehow be revealed that Addy is connected to the raiders by this defector.

    In the other car, Casper doesn’t seem to quite know what to do with his hands in the confined space, holding them clasped in front on his lap. He keeps his eyes kept shut.

    It's getting close to dawn between the checking Addy's story, travel times, talking with the raiders, and short summer nights. Two hours till it's no longer safe to move outside to other locations. Three till the daysleep calls.

    Continued from PrP TRoS Heorot of Hrothgar...

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  3. #2
    Dirt Nap's Avatar
    New Identity Clayton Jordan Carter
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Occultation (Vampire)
    Dirt Nap
    Dirt Nap Scenes


    Dirt Nap wings his way to the rendezvous; the place is known to him from before, and he flies straight and true guided by an infaliable memory and sense of direction, not having to stop at traffic lights or stick to streets.

    Even so, his little side trip took some time, and he arrives outside, not knowing for sure whether the others are there already.

    He perches on a branch across the way to watch a bit before going up to the front door, just to see if anyone arrives or is moving around inside, visible through the windows.

  4. #3
    Milton's Avatar

    Time is Money
    Status, Allies
    (City Hall)
    Status, Allies
    Bureaucratic Navigator


    Milton drives past the location indicated by Jennifer, pulls over and parks a short distance up the road.

    He says nothing to his passengers for the moment, just waits and watches his rearview mirror for the Haunt Priscus to arrive and grant them entrance. Only then will he exit the car to join her.

    Occasionally, his gaze flicks to the clock on the dashboard. Dawn is coming. This will need to be quick.
    Health: Vitae: WP: BP: 1

  5. Likes Ruach liked this post
  6. #4
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise
    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes

    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes


    The address that Jennifer gave the group led them to a small house. It’s a middle-class neighborhood: the houses are too run-down to be a bland suburbia, but it’s quiet and clean. On the approach, a camera is visible panning over the driveway. There is a two-car garage with an automatic garage door. A camera peers down onto the front step, motion activated.
    The home appears to be well furnished. It is furnished in light honey wood tones and subtle light blues and greens. There is a dining room in sight, a long wooden table has been decorated with a green and gold table runner. There is a tall glass vase holding a single apple blossom bloom on the dining table. The dining room is the largest room in the snug house, with a few potted plants lining the far wall. A small camera is visible watching the back door out of the tidy and small kitchen. The kitchen has a few small notebooks and a desk blotter, where one can stand on the counter and write with provided pens kept in a handmade wooden cup. An old gift from a former Coterie mate. Beside the dining room, a hall leads to a bathroom and a bedroom. Both have black out curtains in cornflower blue.
    In the main living space, there is a window with heavy black out curtains in cornflower blue. A fire extinguisher is beside the window, tucked by a small end table. The curtains are drawn, concealing the outside. Two small electric lights are set in end tables in the corner of the room, providing just enough light for the snug little room. The sitting area is composed of a leather love seat against the window. Facing the love seat are a pair of dark blue arm chairs in birch veneer. Both chairs are carefully set so they have a view of the front door.
    A low coffee table squats in the center. The table holds a coffee table book on Botany: hybrid roses.
    “Welcome.” Jennifer bids, holding the door for all to enter. Seeing the bird, she wonders if it is Dirt Nap. She indicates for him to join the group. Jennifer gives room for the bird to fly through.
    She waits for every one to enter and then closes and locks the dead bolt. She opens her phone and sets a timer for one hour and thirty minutes. Thirty minutes of travel time allotted. Jennifer walks to her end table and removes her Asus computer from its' case. She opens the ap that connects to her cameras, showing live feeds. She checks for any events recorded that could suggest someone was here earlier. She dismisses the motion sensor alert for the front door that they had used.

    “With me.” She says quietly as she leads the way to the largest room, the dining room. She pulls the head chair out – a wooden one, with sturdy arm rests – and pulls it into the corner of the dining room. This creates two choke holds for the avenues of escape – the front door must pass through the dining room arch way and the kitchen door must pass through the narrow kitchen walkway.
    Jennifer indicates for Casper Dane to sit.

    “Mr. Dane, have a seat. If I have to chase you and you damage my flowers, I will not. Be. Pleased. Sit down and speak when questioned.”

    As Jennifer speaks, she shifts her body to widen her stance and projects confidence. She applies some of her learning in fear to use her body language to intimidate Mr. Dane. She retains her grip on the confiscated sword.
    She speaks with crisp professionalism, her Cursed voice supernatural as it creeps.
    3 successes

    The Nosferatu gestures to the chairs for the others to seat themselves at the dining table if they wish.
    “Respected guests, please seat yourselves if you wish.” Her gaze clearly severs Mr. Dane from this level of hospitality. One of the men may wish to stand in the small, tidy kitchen, where there is a bit of walking room if they gesture or walk when speaking. Jennifer picks up notebook and pen and writes.

    Written note shown to every one BUT Dane, individually

    Jennifer waits for Dane to sit and be stationary, and then hands the notebook with pen to Connor. She indicates with a gesture to pass the notebook and pen along to the other Kindred, yet not Dane.
    Jennifer sets her Asus with its split screen camera feeds upon the table, propping it with a book to have its back to Dane.

    Anyone looking for security features may notice white boxes just over an inch square lined up with one another on doors and windows. Motion sensors.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

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  8. #5
    Edward Heinrich's Avatar

    Edward Heinrich

    Daeva Vice: Wrath
    Edward Heinrich Scenes


    Edward made a note of Addy's mood but said nothing. The house was given similar treatment; the place was very Jennifer, which might mean this was her Haven. Maybe.

    Edward considered standing in the doorway but decided instead to keep an eye on Addy. To further that aim, Edward pulled out a seat far from the Dane to offer Addy before taking his own seat between the two.

    The end of the note almost made sense to Edward, the only problem being he didn't know what Dominate or Protean was. Admittedly, a big problem.

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  10. #6
    Connor OBrien's Avatar

    Striking Looks
    (Boxer's Build)
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    Connor OBrien


    Connor walks the 'guest,' who's name he has now learned is Dane, through the front door of the house. He stays close so that the full force of his curse is present while he gently pushes Dane down into the chair. He moves around to the back of the chair and lays his hands on Dane's shoulders, as if to help Jennifer make her point. When the note is passed to him, he reads it quickly and while he doesn't necessarily know what Dominate or Protean are, he understands the implication that their guest could be dangerous. After passing the note to Edward, he moves to stand next to his Priscus. He pulls out his phone and types up a quick message in a new text to show to Jennifer.

    Message on the Phone
    Nosferatu Curse: An Aura of Danger, like the feeling that causes the hair to stand up on the back of your neck.
    The Vanishing:

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  12. #7
    Dirt Nap's Avatar
    New Identity Clayton Jordan Carter
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Occultation (Vampire)
    Dirt Nap
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    Dirt Nap watches as the others arrive, most importantly the Lady Hazelton who opens up for everyone and spots him and gives him a pointed glance as if to say, get in here.

    He flutters to the ground to a place nearby where he can change without being observed, and ambles in on two legs.

    "Thank you, Ma'am." Dirt Nap says as he enters, noting the door bolt being thrown behind him and accepting the note.

    He reads quickly, memorizing it as a matter of course. Protean. That hardly seems fair, and gives some pause and thought to how he was found out, both by the Raiders and by the Lady Hazelton. He breath of practical occult knowledge is impressive.

    "I believe I'll take my rest in the dirt just outside, if you please, Ma'am. When the time comes." Dirt Nap writes in the notebook, being a bit non-specific as to just what patch of dirt he will use his discipline to merge with for the day.

    "I have a report on where they went and who they were based on what I could see. There were two big boats." Dirt Nap writes.

    He writes down two numbers;"They had these numbers on em. One each."

    "They were able to spot me watching and take a shot at me before I flew off."

  13. #8
    Scourge's Avatar

    With Connor’s guidance, Mr. Dane is sat down in his chair in the corner.

    3 successes

    He actually seems remarkably calm all things considered. Like all this is either routine or just what he expects to happen. Or it could be having his eyes closed helps him withstand the full force of the Nosferatus’ intimidation and body language. Though the way he slightly leans away from both O’Brien’s hand and Hazelton’s voice hints that he’s not totally immune.

    He simply nods at her words, not risking speaking.

    Casper Dane: BP 2

    Addy sits where Edward pulled out the chair. His eyes deep set under his furrowed brow, studying the man who helped destroy his coterie. You can almost feel the wild and unreliable anger and distrust coming off of him.

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  15. #9
    Milton's Avatar

    Time is Money
    Status, Allies
    (City Hall)
    Status, Allies
    Bureaucratic Navigator


    Any other night and Milton would be busy cataloguing the details of Jennifer's space, which might or might not be her haven. Both for sport and for business. But not tonight.

    There are more important matters afoot. And the thought of sunrise adds further urgency.

    Milton assumes the proffered seat with a nod of thanks to Jennifer. Accepts the note pad and reads over the information there. Takes up the pen and writes:

    I gladly accept your offer of hospitality, Priscus. There's little chance a Lady of the Invictus will harm a guest under her own roof. Especially when others have witnessed her offer and his acceptance.

    I also recognized the use of dominate. It was hard to miss.

    I'm happy to take the lead with Mr. Dane. In my opinion, we should start with non-coercive measures. Establish rapport and then go from there. It is late. We can store our guest through the day and open with more pointed questions tomorrow evening.

    After this last sentence, Milton writes and underlines "??" Clearly inviting comment on his proposed plan of action. He passes the notepad back to the Priscus.
    Health: Vitae: WP: BP: 1

  16. Likes Scourge, Ruach liked this post
  17. #10
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise
    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes

    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes


    Jennifer evaluated their prisoner for a minute. Taking in his posture and the way he reacted to her and Connor.
    Jennifer attempts to get an idea of how full Mr. Dane was, but frowns as her efforts are futile.


    Connor's Curse still was something to get used to, yet he had proven himself to be a reliable Clan mate. In this instance, she thought his Curse might work in their favor. Addy was given an evaluating look of his own. She still didn't trust this one. Not fully. It was a twinge of guilt - Nosferatu united together against outside forces. It was nearly instinctual. Yet while she would protect him just as she would Connor, she wasn't certain that he was reliable. There was something that made him wonder if he would hold off on whatever plans he had for finding Martha and getting revenge.

    Jennifer opened the text message of her phone and texted Jack. It was quick and she did not share the message, although she only actively hides the screen from Dane with her body blocking the screen. It did also give time for the Archon and any other created Deputies time to mobilize to her Haven, if they determined it proper.
    Jennifer reads the message on the phone and considers the idea. Who would be the gentle methods? She glanced towards Dirt Nap and Edward, wondering if they had any experience with that.
    She types on her cell phone’s notepad ap, not sending any messages over a network. Jennifer holds the screen out to the others to read. The prisoner closing his eyes eliminated her preferred intimidation method, yet it had its’ convenience.

    *Abusing someone does eliminate the ability of them to be accurate. I believe I’ve heard anyone will admit to someone to get torture to stop.
    I believe I am middling at the ability to get information.*

    Jennifer accepts the note book from Dirt Nap and reads it over carefully. She was glad that Dirt Nap would stay, giving them a bit more time. She was rather curious about his report. Edward had been right about the boats. Two big boats with numbers that likely could be tracked. She frowned at the section about the shot.
    “They spotted you. They recognized you?” She clarified. She had just assumed an animal lingering by her front door, in this area, was Dirt Nap. She wouldn’t be able to pick him out in the wilderness. That was concerning. She frowned, considering if this means there were other Gangrels or Kindred who had been taught the Blood Gift in the raiding party.

    Jennifer accepts Milton’s note and reads it carefully. She nods to Milton as he accepts the hospitality. She was glad to have the Blood Gift confirmed by a practitioner of the Gift. Her occult knowledge of that was based on research alone.
    *I agree. Your assistance would be most useful. Good advice, Mr. Northbridge.* She gives the Ventrue an approving nod.
    She resumed typing on her phone with her next thought and showed it to Connor, Dirt Nap, Edward and Milton and Addy, with a glance to ensure the prisoner wasn’t trying to read as well.
    *No doubt, Domain authorities may want him in the Closet. I have alerted an authority. I will begin the more civil questions momentarily
    I do want to mention its possible Herr Erlingson may be looking for this one. Dane might give valuable information. Keep vigilant and keep an ear out for anything strange. I’ll be looking outside in a moment, and I want eyes kept on the prisoner while I do so*

    The cameras would not likely show Kindred, and she was suspicious if there were going to be Kindred visitors searching for Dane.
    She discreetly wrote another note behind the piece of paper she was showing everyone. She tore the sheet out and palmed it, waiting for a chance to show it to the others without rousing Addy’s suspicion. When Addy appears distracted, she discreetly passes it to Dirt Nap. Hopefully he can discreetly pass it along.
    *Keep an eye on Addy – he’s not to be allowed alone with the prisoner*

    Jennifer lowered the phone. She checked the Asus for any signs of someone sneaking up on her three camera feeds – it would show herd members or any poor soul Dominated to come investigate.

    "Mr. Addy, I am going to ask some things that may be upsetting to hear answered." She looked to her Clan mate, attempting to assure him. "It will help us get answers."
    It may also get clarification or confirmation on what Addy had said. He still needed to be fully questioned.

    “Mr. Dane.”
    She addressed the prisoner. "Open your eyes and look at me.
    “You joined us of your own accord. Why?
    Tell me what happened at the church.”

    Jennifer now concentrates on the prisoner, his face, his eyes and his body language. Sensing his mood and motives, if she is able.

    3 successes
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

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