Circe is at an odd place for her. The public library.

Not because she needs Internet, she probably has better connection then this public building. Nay, tis for research. In this case, Circe is studying up on old armor.


1 success

2 successes

The databases were not hard to use and let her know the words she was looking for. That made the research better! It was really the books that were helping most though. Circe however was having trouble figuring out where stuff was or if it was there. But she struggled through and succee--no she did not.

Circe asked a librarian who'd then found the proper books for her. Fast.

Ask the Librarian

Big, heavy, adult picture books mind you. Circe felt no guilt asking for help, that was why the librarians were there wasn't it? To help people find stuff.

The Summer Queen was NOT going to try to make them of the fancy showpiece quality armors in the pictures though. She'd found something else that could, in theory, be more subtle.

Except she can't pronounce the best one for that which she'd found. It was odd spelling for it. Circe wasn't sure on the way to say it. Was it pronounced brigand's dine? That didn't make sense to Circe, but middle ages were filled with morons wasn't it?

At least until the annoyed librarian corrected her on the proper pronunciation. Well, that was embarrassing. Brigandine. Okay, that made more sense. Better then a burglar's meal.

But the elf had found what she was looking for, and could work with the design. Probably adapt it into something less conspicuous.