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(2105) Nosferatu Corner

21 - 25
May 3, 2021 : (2105) Formal Court
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  1. #21
    Bellemy's Avatar

    Bellemy Salem
    (Author (Pen Name))
    (News Media)
    (Mask of Tranquility)

    Nosferatu Curse:

    Phisically deformed head and mouth with shark-like teeth and a grotesquly emaciated body, too long nails and a palpable aura of inappropriateness.


    The shrouded figure of Bellemy nodded to Dirt Nap. "I thank you. Perhaps a night of hunting? Not hunting for food but as the Kine do. Take a trophy buck perhaps? No gifts of the blood, just good old fashioned natural skill?" It had been years since Bellemy had been in a wilderness setting. At worst it would be a cure for boredom and who knows, it may even be fun.

    Bellemy chuckled a polite laugh at Quinn Durant "Perfect, Now as long as I do not end as Johnny Ringo, we should have the best of time." the conversation shifted fluidly from topic to topic and then the Priscus was gone having moved across the room.

    "Thank you cousin, I would be in your debt." The haunt said to Alexander. A small debt easily repaid.

    Curse: See Minisheet

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  3. #22
    Dirt Nap's Avatar
    New Identity Clayton Jordan Carter
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Occultation (Vampire)
    Dirt Nap
    Dirt Nap Scenes


    Dirt Nap observes how Quinn Durant conducts herself. Mannerly. Not seeming to miss much neither. Sure seems to keep all the titles and other fancy talk straight.

    He nods in reply to her, "I am mighty glad to be back, Priscus Durant. Mightly glad." He says with some emphasis, as if his ability to return might have been in doubt at some point despite the relative quickness of it.

    Dirt Nap watches and listens to 'Madame Kingsley' who despite the fanciness seems pretty practical at first look. At least she seems to know the difference between being at a big social event with everyone watching an listening, and being at a private meeting of the Clan, something that not everyone tonight seems to be able to get a handle on.

    Dirt Nap nod slightly as Lady Hazelton says again, about how the people in charge might be Invictus, but that doesn't mean it's an Invicus Domain, per se. That seems to be a thing a lot of people have trouble understanding, or believing.

    Ms. Bellemy sure seems to be a brave one, talking about heading off into the wildness alone with a Gangrel she hardly knows. She doesn't seem overly foolhardy, so he can't imagine what her motivation is. It can't be she actually trust him, or shouldn't be.

    Dirt Nap nods slightly to Bellemy and looking her in the eye, he says, "That would be a real pleasure, Ma'am. It'd be a good time, hunting, animals, that is. If you please, let me know when you and at least one other you trust have the time, and I would be real pleased to take you all hunting."

    He isn't about to be alone with her out there, in a hunting mood; his Blood up and all. It wouldn't be a good idea at all.

    He manages a tiny smile, a mere wrinkle at the corners of his mouth that could be a sign of hunger as much as friendliness or good mood, in return to the warm smile from the Lady Hazelton. He has no doubt there is something to it all, and she'll let him know what she's up to later, in private.

    He watches Quinn Durant head off to her Clan, reminded of that sayin' about having to hurry to catch up with their people, being as they are their leader.

    Dirt Nap nods towards Alexander again, acknowledging another friendly smile, this time from Alexander he feels pretty certain it's just what it seems, an appreciation for Dirt Nap, at least, not wanting to eat him. Which doesn't mean he couldn't be tempted, if he let himself get into the wrong situation with the giant, which is why he's being so careful about such things.

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  5. #23
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise


    "A good offer, Mr. Moore." She agreed with her Cousin in his response to helping the Domain. She did speak it clearly, for anyone else listening. "Helping the Domain is an admirable act. You have skills that others may lack, making your participation important."
    She watches the offer to Bellemy, and nods to Mr. Moore. It was a good offer.

    The Nosferatu Priscus watched the exchange between Bellemy and Priscus Durant. Dark eyes watched the Priscus move away, although she was listening more closely to the Nosferatu and Gangrel that she stood conversing with.
    Jennifer turned her head to evaluate the train wreck that was the Mekhets. Honestly, you would think Maeve would know better after Priscus Durant put her on notice last month. Mr. Smith walking over and shaking his head at Priscus Durant was met by Jennifer giving Mr. Smith a flat look. If anyone tried to tell her how to manage her Family, she would enjoy making a fool of him. As the Seneschal wisely took him in hand, she gave the Seneschal a nod of respect. Jennifer continued to watch Mr. Smith beyond a passing glance. She studied his movements and displays closely.
    1 success

    Dark eyes followed the Mekhet out of the Elysium.
    "Well, the entertainment portion of the evening is well in hand." She remarked. A knowing look was given over her Clan mates.
    If they ever acted up in such a nature, she wouldn't give them the honor of a private dressing down. She understood where Priscus Durant was coming from, she believed.

    "Very interesting," She remarked to the idea of Bellemy and Dirt Nap hunting. It was a very intriquing idea.
    She noted the return of a smile in Dirt Nap's own way to her warm smile. She doesn't draw attention to it, its purpose was complete.

    "The evening is winding down. I shall be retiring." She announces to those she speaks with. "I'll see you at the Family Meeting." She nods to Madame Kingsley, then the fellow Nosferatu around her.
    "Mr. Clay and Mr. Moore, I'll likely see you with the gathering regarding the dying Kine. Until we speak again, may you be well."

    A pause so that good byes could be said, and she strides to the main thread, to give appropriate curtseys to the Court Officials and Prince before departing.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

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  7. #24
    Helen Kingsley's Avatar

    Helen gets the messaage, but then, she doesn't really intend to get chummy with the domain dignitaries. She'll leave that to tohers or better circumstances. She shortly debates whether she should acknowledge the hint with a sincere 'Yes, my Priscus !', but court is probably not the best place for that. Enough people around who look like they have no sense of humour that they know of... So she just nods.

    "Understood, Priscus Hazelton."

    She goes over the other pages with the general outline of who is who and...
    Wait, what ?
    They really
    Is that...
    And here she thought...
    Eh, doesn't matter ! Her attention is sorta taken to the other spot, where the movement of Prince and Priscus Durant as well as the pretty unmistakable signs of the guy pointed out as Seneshal earlier meant that a group of people that she assumed to be some of the local Mekhet... Well, back in the day, they used to call it 'get their punk asses taken to school'. Not the most polite wording, but it seems to fit ! More proof that one should keep a good eye out on what the fuck to say inside these walls. Or how the fuck to say it. And a nice reminder about walls having ears. Metaphorically speaking. Well, its educational, in more ways than one !

    "Thank you..."

    She takes the envelope and quickly skims its content.

    Invited to mandatory attendance... Well, didn't that make her feel right at home... Still, the envelope might come in handy later, if a bit annoying because she doesn't have a handbag with her. Anyway ! Helen bows her head in thanks to the aknowledgement.

    "Thank you for acknowledging me, Priscus Hazelton ! I won't make you regret your decision."

    Just as she remembers that Jenniofer has also inquired about the covenant, it looks like the Priscus is already bound to leave. Pressing matters or something. Not optimal, but then, it might be good to have that talk elsewhere anyway ! She indicates a small bow as Jennifer departs and ponders the stuff talked about around her and tries to decide whether to get involved or not. Eh, why the hell not ?

    "Now I don't want to sound like that little sister nobody wants to take along because she's annoying, but would any of you mind dragging some newly acknowledged Nos around as well ? I'm not really familiar with the surroundings yet and it might be good to get to know places and people around here."

    She looks at Bellemy, Alexander and Mr Clay, sorta curious what they would think.

    Nosferatu Curse: The vibe that that shadow is not doing as a shadow does as soon as you're not looking directly at it.

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  9. #25
    Alexander Moore's Avatar

    Mask of Tranquility
    Alexander Moore


    “Think nothing of it, I would be happy to help you acclimate to the city” He gives her a small nod to reassure her, it was such a small thing to help a new arrival, particularly Family. As long as she doesn’t have anything against rats and the unwashed masses of Kine that fill the underbelly of Sacramento then it will be fine.

    Alexander nods to Jennifer as she speaks, he may not enjoy such praise but he will receive it anyway.

    “Have a good evening Priscus Hazelton”

    Alexander is somewhat surprised by Miss Kingsley’s request. Her wording isn’t often heard in Court, but he recovers quickly and glances at Bellamy.

    “Perhaps we can have a uh, Family outing one night. A chance to give you both a tour of Sacramento.” They would have to be careful, so many Cursed out on the streets would likely draw some suspicious eyes, but it would be good for them and for the Family if they went out together.
    Curse: Incredibly tall and emaciated, their skin is stretched over their large and bulky frame, with long limbs and a strangely shaped head.

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