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Sadism Fetish

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  1. #1
    Bleeds Well's Avatar
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    Bleeds Well enters the garage via the back door. He holds the masterwork knife in his hands, wrapped in linen, like some kind of holy object.

    "Yo Em," he calls out into the garage, "you ready to do this?" They have an afternoon full of work ahead of them. More correctly, Emily has an afternoon full of work ahead of her. His job is to stand there and stay out of the way, unless something goes way wrong. Summoning, binding, wheeling and dealing, that's all Emily. Shredding a spirit if it rebukes her offer and goes hostile, that's his.

    PU: 4

  2. #2
    Emily Makerith's Avatar
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    Emily has several tattoos:
    - a sleeve of vines and flowers starting on her right shoulder and ending at her wrist
    - a collection of stars on her left wrist, tapering up her arm
    - flowers on her right foot around her ankle
    - A crescent moon on her left shoulderblade


    The Ithaeur has been, perhaps to Bleed's surprise, preparing. A large chalk circle is on the floor of the garage, surrounded by candles for,ing as pentagram. It's not strict;ly necessary, but it's the aesthetic she's gone for. Emily is crouched over in Dalu, lighting the last one in place.

    "Hey," she greets absently, checking on of the leather-bound books Bleeds recognises from the recent Rite training.

    "Sooooo..... what kind of fetish are we making here? I need to know I get the right kind, rather than shoehorning something just because it's near. That corrupts the Fetish, y'know." She seems to be taking this very seriously, even barefoot in demin shorts and a plain tank-top showing off her tattooes. "I just hope I know one of the right kind for this."
    Ithaeur Iron Master, Primal Urge 2

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  4. #3
    Bleeds Well's Avatar
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    The younger Rahu saunters, he damn near swaggers over to Emily, producing the knife once more and setting it near where she's crouched. "Glass or maybe a serpent spirit I'm thinking. A biting klaive to slide past a foe's defenses. I think Guile would approve." His eyes move around the room as he steps back to lean against a work bench. " Then again, you're doing all the heavy lifting so it's your call."

    PU: 4

  5. #4
    Emily Makerith's Avatar
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    Emily Makerith

    Emily Makerith Scenes

    Emily has several tattoos:
    - a sleeve of vines and flowers starting on her right shoulder and ending at her wrist
    - a collection of stars on her left wrist, tapering up her arm
    - flowers on her right foot around her ankle
    - A crescent moon on her left shoulderblade


    "Glass or Serpent huh...." Emily murmers thoughtfully. "Hang on.... I'm sure I had a thing like that which cut through armour..." She flicks through the book some more, frowning. "Here it is - the Biting Dagger. It'll need a Jaggling, but that should be okay..." The mechanic scratches her neck idly. "There must be some kind of spirit that would be willing..." She snaps her fingers. "Oh, I know! There's a viper spirit, Stalker of Rodents. They should fit perfectly, if they're amenable. We'll just need some Chiminage - can you just check the rat traps while I make sure I've got everything ready for the Summoning part?"

    The Crescent sips her beer and goes back to looking at the book.

    I'm just going to make up some stuff for the spirit - Otherwise we'd be a bit stuck for making the Fetish at all. Hopefully Kelreth won't mind, but tagging for their reference
    Ithaeur Iron Master, Primal Urge 2

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  7. #5
    Bleeds Well's Avatar
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    Bleeds Well watches Emily dive through her book with the same fervor she rips apart engines. For his part he stands there and broods and tries not to loom, as he looks over her shoulder. He steps away with the ghost of a smile as she bolts up with excitement. "Sure thing, sis" He walks away, making his rounds checking all the traps.

    1 success

    He gets lucky on the first trap, and then spends the next few minutes rooting around the garage coming up empty. "There's been a serious decline in the rat population since we killed that sewer spirit that was manipulating the Beshilu," he calls out... or they are gathering together once more, away from the eyes of the pack.

    He returns to Emily with their victim chiminage. "Hope he's not a big eater."

    PU: 4

  8. #6
    Emily Makerith's Avatar
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    Emily Makerith

    Emily Makerith Scenes

    Emily has several tattoos:
    - a sleeve of vines and flowers starting on her right shoulder and ending at her wrist
    - a collection of stars on her left wrist, tapering up her arm
    - flowers on her right foot around her ankle
    - A crescent moon on her left shoulderblade


    "Yeah. Doesn't help that we're this close to the border with the spider nests," she hollers back in response. "Despite the fact they work for opposite effcts they're not directly against one another. It's like a wolf and a lion. Both doing the same predatory job, but suited to different environments so they would never work together." Did the analogy work? It was good enough in her head.

    She looks up at the rat and nods. "Sweet. Okay, let's do the thing. You don't get to see me topless this time." She waggles her eyebrows.

    Twisting her neck and joints popping, she rolls up to Dalu form for the Ritual. "Might be easy to just try and pull a randomer though. Specifics tend to need a lot of effort."

    Sorry, I was looking at the rituals and got into a bit of analysis paralysis.

    Call Jaggling requires 50 successes, and the Fetish ritual can then begin.

    Since a permanent fetish would need to be paid for in Merit Dots, I'm going to call Kelreth for a ruling here - Would you like the rituals in their entirety, or shall we fluff the actual making and put things together here as an RP thing? I'm easy with either way, would just prefer an ST call
    Ithaeur Iron Master, Primal Urge 2

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  10. #7
    Bleeds Well's Avatar
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    Bleeds Well nods as Emily makes sense of the ways of their prey. Ultimately the information doesn't change the way they are defeated. At least not at its surface.

    Eyes are rolled at the nudity comment, as he finds himself a seat and settles in.

    This is going to be interesting, a true test to of their rites master. "How long do you reckon you'll be howling to the great beyond? Wouldn't this be easier in the hisil?"

    PU: 4

  11. #8
    Emily Makerith's Avatar
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    Emily Makerith

    Emily Makerith Scenes

    Emily has several tattoos:
    - a sleeve of vines and flowers starting on her right shoulder and ending at her wrist
    - a collection of stars on her left wrist, tapering up her arm
    - flowers on her right foot around her ankle
    - A crescent moon on her left shoulderblade


    The Ithaeur chews her lower lip thoughtfully. "Summoning a Jaggling is one of the tougher rituals to do, because of the Spirit's will. I definitely don't make a habit of it - ragging Spirits around as we like is.... well, it's not natural. It's a conscious action, taking without return. Very.... well, human, or dominating without returning, regardless of intent - like here, where we're doing it to give a spirit quite a nice offer. Imagine if you could be plucked and dragged magically six miles in a random direction simply because of Oaths some ancestors swore thousands of years ago. How would that make you feel?" She snaps her fingers, remembering who she was speaking to. "Oh, fuck, of course. It's not Pure, in the Oath sense. One of the parts where Oath and Spirit nature and Bans all act not in harmony. Not acting naturally, as spirits would do without human influence, but obaying ancient Bans, and it's not quite respectful as per the spirit of the law while obeying the letter."

    She checks the book. "An hour or so, to call the spirit? Maybe more, assuming nothing goes wrong. Then to make a Fetish of this spiritual power will be about another hour." Emily nods. "Yeah, rituals always easier in the Hisil, but I'm not, uh.... You know the sort of thing that makes us werewolves a primal creature? Never had a knack for it, so I can only take a few bits into the hisil at a time, and the more combined rituals you're doing the more stuff you need. Unless you fancy being a pack mule?" She shrugs. "Most of the time I've always been doing solo rituals. Not used to having people work with me before."

    gentle poke for Kelreth
    Ithaeur Iron Master, Primal Urge 2

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  13. #9
    Bleeds Well's Avatar
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    A shadow of a smirk plays across his face until Emily realizes her faux pax. Ancient oaths dragging one randomly 6 miles in a direction... try 1500 miles. "We do this right, and with respect, and everyone wins. It's the ancient balance struck, we are the connection between man and spirit and hisil."

    Bleeds Well grins and stands as he walks towards Emily. Grabbing a box cutter off of a work bench he pricks his finger, blood welling up as he pinches it. "Pack a bag." Spiritually power? Bleeds Well has got that in spades.

    PU: 4

  14. #10
    Kelreth's Avatar

    Chris Laurent
    Chris Laurent

    Irraka Blood Talon


    Sorry for the slow. Feel free to RP it out. There's no need to roll, that just seems like a lot.

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