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  1. #11
    Milton's Avatar

    Time is Money
    Status, Allies
    (City Hall)
    Status, Allies
    Bureaucratic Navigator


    Milton looks pleased at Jennifer's invitation. He has truly enjoyed the company of very few in Sacramento thus far. Jennifer is counted among that small number. If only he hadn't been told such distressing information mere moments before. Oh well.

    "Thank you, Priscus," he says, taking the proffered seat. "I regret to meet you under these circumstances, but I've just heard an ugly rumor." He leans close and lowers his voice, knowing it won't help much in Court. Still, given the mood, it seems most are already aware. "Something about an attack somewhere in the city..." He does not sound confident, given the information's source. But he tells her nonetheless.

    He trails off when Jennifer offers her own cryptic news. What could it mean? A message from the Lance? But who? As far as Milton knows, the Church does not have an active presence in the domain. Before he can ask the Priscus to clarify, however, Edward has appeared.

    Milton does not frown, but he does not smile either. He tilts his head to the side at Edward's words, a distinctly reptilian movement. His beast howls its displeasure, though he does not give it the satisfaction of acknowledgement. "Good evening, Mr. Heinrich. We were just discussing the news of the night..."

    Ah, but here is Mr. van Zon. Who rang the succubi bell? He offers the new-comer a slight nod and opens his mouth to speak...

    Then shuts it again, because a much more dramatic entrance has just been made. If he breathed, he might gasp at the display. Instead, Milton simply watches with unblinking eyes. The Haunt has addressed his Priscus, so Milton does not add his voice just yet, waiting to see what Jennifer will say.

    That doesn't stop him from scrutinizing the unfortunate messenger's words and gestures. Something about this fellow is distinctly untrustworthy...

    Lies? 4 successes
    Health: Vitae: WP: BP: 1

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  3. #12
    Edward Heinrich's Avatar

    Edward Heinrich

    Daeva Vice: Wrath
    Edward Heinrich Scenes


    Edward did not try to overhear Jennifer's whispered words. He could have strained his ears to make an attempt, but that would not be proper of him. His was not a line of spies.

    She did not greet him, but that was fine; he was interrupting after all.

    "Nothing so definite, I'm afraid. It's only..." Edward searched for the words that would be safe to speak.

    "I should imagine, Priscus, that were you to approach one of the unacknowledged, as a rule, they would jump at the opportunity to be seen with you."

    "Yet I would hazard a guess that tonight is the exception. I find this cause for concern."

    Edward turned to face Sieb with an easy smile. "Cousin van Zon. Good evening. Might I introduce you to Madam Jennifer Hazelton, Lady, Notary, and Priscus. And to Mr. Milton Northbridge, who is independent."

    "Priscus Hazelton, and Mr. Northbridge, might I introduce my cousin, Mister Sieb van Zon of the First Estate."

    Edward opened his mouth to continue, but that was not to be. He turned to face the panicked and pleading Kindred.

    Luring us out. Edward paused. It wasn't like him to jump to that kind of conclusion. Had he unconsciously picked up on something? Edward let Jennifer respond. He would be ready for the prostate one to speak again. Ready with cynical eyes:
    4 successes

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  5. #13
    Sieb van Zon's Avatar

    Sieb van Zon

    He speaks in a noticeable dutch accent.
    He looks very youthfull.


    Sieb was happy about Mr. Heinrichs introduction.
    Without them Priscus Hazelton might take it as a slight that he didn't introduce himself first.
    He met both of them very briefly at Formal Court, where he introduced himself, before getting into a chat with Seneschal Jacque, it might be a bit much to assume that this could have elevated him from the faceless masses at the time.

    He smiles genuinly, "Lady Priscus Hazelton.", and repeats the same short bow. "We met very briefly at Formal Court where I introduced myself just as brief. I admit that it wasn't a formal introduction at the time and easily forgotten.", he decided against the complimentary, and submissive, Most to show more respect after missing out on introducing himself formally.
    With his additional explanation, it could have been interpreted as sarcasm, and turned into an insult.

    Mr. Northbridge."
    , he nods again, he was new here, simple courtasy remains important in Court.

    "Thank you, for the introduction Cousin Heinrich."

    He wanted to say Again I apologize for the interruption, but please continue, maybe I can contribute with what I heard. as the commotion occured.
    His ever polite smile turned into a puzzled look at the situation.

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  7. #14
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise
    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes

    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes


    The Priscus listens to Mr. Northbridge closely. She has enjoyed how careful he is to show proper respect and manners in the past with her conversations with him. This casts authenticity to the information that he shares. "I have been given a precaution as well." Even now, she holds the exact wording close. "Something of asking aid. Did you hear any details of the attack, if you would be so kind as to share?"
    Jennifer inquired of Mr. Northbridge, the request couched with respect, for the respect he had shown her in the past.

    A look to Edward. She had not mentioned the Lance to Mr. Northbridge, for he may not have marked all of the Lancea Sanctum on the edges of perception at Court. No mark against him, for Jennifer still considered him new to town. Mr. Heinrich's words were mused over and examined for slights. She found none.

    The Lady gives Mr. Heinrich a look of approval from the introduction, which made things so much smoother. The Nosferatu recognized the man from Court as Mr. Sieb van Zon. She always leaned towards getting a formal introduction on the first meeting over accepting what was heard in passing in Court. It wouldn’t do to have mistaken identity. She nodded to Mr. Van Sieb as he made a reasonable explanation for why she did not recall. Jennifer offered no reason; she didn’t need to.
    The Lady did mark the respect shown and whispers she had heard that Mr. Van Sieb was acknowledged in the First Estate. "Well met, Mr. van Zon." She responds politely.
    As Mr. Heinrich and Mr. van Sieb have been showing respect, she responds in kind.
    "I would like to think so, Mr. Heinrich. I do appreciate you sharing your concerns with me. I did see Kate, Kyle and the other Lancea Sanctum members exit rather hastily." She acknowledged the observation spoken with a positive cast over her. She shares what she considers currency, the information she saw just in case the others had been consumed with other aspects of Court.

    The locking of eyes was marked, a sign of showing trust? Or desperation? She met his eyes with her own, composed. Jennifer evaluated the new Kindred for several heartbeats, taking in his style of dress, any obscured signs of Covenant affiliation and last, his composure. She marked the clothing and shoes well. There clearly was some emergency that was upsetting her Cousin. The earlier message that had been whispered to her was recalled as she turned it over, examining it closely for if it was relevant to this situation. It did seem to be –"The Lance will seek to demand aid." The Nosferatu studied the appearance of her Cousin for signs he was a member of the Lancea Sanctum, and that this was what the warning meant.
    Jennifer paused, recognizing cognitive dissonance in herself. She instinctively wanted to assist her Cousin, yet some instinct was whispering to her that he was misleading her. That he was not to be trusted. He’s my cousin, and he needs aid. I should do everything I can to assist. Another voice whispers to take care not to put herself at risk. The paranoid voice kept her to the straight path more often than not, yet she had taken more risks in months past. They had not ruined her.
    Immediate action was imperative.
    Jennifer rose from her chair and moved to the man who had placed himself on his hands and knees. She did not lower herself, her assertive dignity intact as she reached a hand down to the man. Offering a hand up to his feet.
    “Be at ease, Cousin, I hear you.” Her serpent voice slithered out; her own Curse evident. “Of course, I will assist you.”
    That paranoid voice began to whisper to err on the side of caution, even as Jennifer continued.
    “I need to know the relevant details quickly in order to assist you properly. Then, we can respond to your coterie’s need.”

    Jennifer drew upon the skills she had honed over the last decade, attempting to determine if this was a rouse or genuine emotion that the Kindred was expressing.

    1 success

    She lifted her eyes to look behind the gathered, towards the coat check and the entrance where one might be waiting. Waiting to see if their actions were reported to the authorities, to see if any friends of Kate and Kyle lingered, watching. A glance was swept over Mr. Heinrich, Mr. Northbridge and Mr. Van Sieb, gauging their reactions for a few moments.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

  8. #15
    Scourge's Avatar

    Some pleasantries continue along the outskirts of court. Polite how do you do’s, so good to see you’s, and lovely evening isn’t it’s. However, everyone can tell where the attention truly is and the false air of propriety barely hides the seething, searching, starving eyes and ears of the court.

    The man took Hazelton’s hand and rose at her encouragement. His eyes now occasionally scanned the room, either looking for others willing to answer his call for help or worrying that stronger predators might attack at any moment. Hazelton’s observes he does wear a necklace and his fall had allowed it to come free of his buttoned-up shirt to show it was a crucifix.

    “I… it happened so quickly. We were holding a service for our herd, when someone shouted ‘attack the coterie’ and… and Martha, she was giving the sermon, attacked Stace. It was chaos. The Kine began to panic and that’s when I sensed them. There were two powerful Kindred among and others at the door. The coterie must have sensed them as well. They retreated into the Haven’s secure area and closed the door. I…,” he kept stuttering, like he was making up the story as he went “I managed to cloak myself and escape out the front. Once I got away I texted some of my Covenant to let them know about the attack on the church,” another furtive glance around for those he spoke of but to no avail. They had already left, whether to protect their own investment or avoid getting pulled into other's troubles was up in the air. Either way, he'd been abandoned. “Then I rushed here for help. And… and to let the Court know there had been an attack within the domain,” he added hastily.

    1 success


    Edward and Milton

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  10. #16
    Dirt Nap's Avatar
    New Identity Clayton Jordan Carter
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Occultation (Vampire)
    Dirt Nap
    Dirt Nap Scenes


    Dirt Nap is present, dressed as usual in clean and pressed work jeans and callico shirt, having been uncharacteristically lost in his own thoughts, as if thinking deeply on some course of action, or perhaps working out the fourth or fifth order implications of a chess problem.

    He looks up though, and the cry and moves quickly towards Priscus Hazelton when he sees the man prostrate himself on the floor an call out for her! Whatever is going on, he's bound and determined that she's going to have him as her ally at her side!

    1 success

    Sorry I'm late! Thank you for having me!

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  12. #17
    Milton's Avatar

    Time is Money
    Status, Allies
    (City Hall)
    Status, Allies
    Bureaucratic Navigator


    The Haunt isn't lying. As far as Milton can tell. And as far as the creature himself knows.

    However, Milton is a Lord. He is well aware that there are many ways to make someone believe something, even if it is not the truth. And to believe it so deeply that they are able to convince others.

    There are ways to verify... But not here. Not in Elysium, where the powers of the Blood are forbidden to all but those chosen by the Prince. Later then.

    The story in and of itself is curious. Very curious. Milton has questions. But, like the use of disciplines, questions can be dangerous in open court.

    When Addy takes Jennifer's hand, Milton glances at the Lady Notary, "Forgive me Priscus, but perhaps we should take this conversation to a more...private location? Even if it is just a moving vehicle. If we are to address this problem, we will need to speak frankly." He looks around court, offers a nod to the approaching Dirt Nap, and then returns his attention to Addy, his unblinking eyes taking the measure of the 'man.' The look is not exactly kind.
    Health: Vitae: WP: BP: 1

  13. #18
    Edward Heinrich's Avatar

    Edward Heinrich

    Daeva Vice: Wrath
    Edward Heinrich Scenes


    "Of course." Edward gives a polite almost-nod in reply to Sieb's thanks.
    "Intriguing indeed." Was the fact they were Lance related to the quick escape?

    In the light of Haunt's plea, the Second Estate's member's flight was cast in a convenient light. Convenient for them. His own doubts about the Haunt were cast aside; Edward trusted his analysis over gut feeling.

    "I am at your service should you desire it, Priscus." He bowed to Jennifer. The new Haunt claimed this was an attack on the Domain, and Jennifer was the ranking member present.

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  15. #19
    Sieb van Zon's Avatar

    Sieb van Zon

    He speaks in a noticeable dutch accent.
    He looks very youthfull.


    His puzzled look turns into a polite smile again as the situation unfolds.
    He attentively follows along with what is happening and listens to all people in attendance.
    He doesn't seem trustworthy at all, this surely is a trap. Sieb thinks, It really doesn't matter however. An investigation of some kind has to start, to find out if there really was a fight between kindred and if so, if it was a masquerade breach.
    He wasn't addressed so it is not on him to respond by talking. But if Priscus Hazelton looks his way he would try to get and hold eye-contact and give a determined nod.
    1 success

    If Priscuss Hazelton understands what Sieb wants to signify:

    After Mr. Northbridges suggestion he gives him a friendly smile, nods towards him and carefully tries to add: "I would gladly offer my car for this endeavor, Lady Priscus Hazelton."
    Hoping it won't derail the conversation or seem rude.

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  17. #20
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise
    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes

    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes


    Jennifer attends to her cousin's story closely. He did fear for his life, and so she would operate under that presumption. Yet she would keep her wits about her and utilize resources. Trust, yet verify.

    Dark brown eyes tick to the men beside her, determining which could be relied upon. Dirt Nap was given a nod as he simply proved his allegiance with his presence."Mr. Clay. Your assistance would be appreciated." She assures as her friend stands by her side.
    Jennifer pulled out her small pad of paper and fine pens from her clutch – her third best, but clutches were so small. She ached for the black backpacks’ resources. She made calm notations, the names ‘Martha’,Stace’. The phrase ‘attack the coterie’ & 'two strong Kindred'.

    Jennifer takes a moment to organize her own thoughts on the preliminary information with another page of notes not to forget:
    1. How did they know this coterie exists?
    2. Where did they come from? Where would they go?
    As the Kindred around her make assurances, she copies these questions onto four sheets of paper and carefully, primly, removes them from her book and holds them tight in her hand.

    He kept stuttering, like he was making up the story as he went. Jennifer arched a single brow at her cousin. Not speaking a single word of challenge or rebuke, a simple gesture that could convey a multitude of thoughts.

    “You are most right, Mr. Northbridge.”

    She does not look around at those who are gossiping or pretending not to watch. Her head briefly turns to the conference rooms that the Prisci are allowed to use for business. Yet the Nox is full of Kindred, the ones who might scrabble for some tidbit of information gleamed, no matter how illicitly, in order to make a name for themselves.
    Her head turns as she hears Mr. Heinrich’s statement and appreciates it.

    “I do appreciate that, Mr. Heinrich. Let us have that conversation in more privacy.”

    A look to the others, an invitation to follow her. She does meet Mr. van Sieb's gaze, and hold it.
    3 successes

    Jennifer strides to the coat check and gains her black backpack. She waits for others to gather their belongings and speaks more quietly.

    “Mr. van Sieb, I appreciate the offer. Is it a vehicle large enough for all of us? If not, we shall move between the two cars we have between us. Now I suggest that with the exception of the Prince’s Officers, we keep this information tight. No discussion on cells, no loose letters or journals floating about.
    As there may be conflict – anyone with access to resources that would aid them in such should gather them, discreetly, now. Or tell us en route of any stops we need to make along the journey. If you have means to outfit others in our group, the offer would be appreciated. We shall make the arrangements to move to the site of this attack. We shall debrief my cousin on the way.”
    A look to him to assure that his coterie’s imperative need was not forgotten.

    "Now I have a few thoughts on what we need to contain in a timely manner. Please read these notes and if you can contribute to solving one of the problems, write beside which task you shall undertake. Undertake from beginning to end, or see another assigned to assist you." She is firm. "Accountability to see it through to the end."

    Note offered to each Kindred offering to help, total of 4

    A staging area or safe place to house the affected coterie floats in her mind. She almost thinks to commandeer Mr. Kowalsic’s house near to hers, yet it would open the news up to his small army of ghouls. He was on the outs, even if he pretended not to note her displeasure. Her own haven near her cousin’s was marked for possibly tricking the Jackal. It wouldn’t do to trot all this activity near it. She simply drew out a phone and looked through the numbers. Her eyes lingered on the preprogrammed number that rang through to the Ridge Motel.
    She had met her past Priscus there, sat through Nosferatu Family meetings there- even gathered to investigate there. Perhaps it was still a place where the police didn’t care to investigate. Where rooms rented by the hour.

    Jennifer calls the Ridge Motel.. If the call picked up, she reserved three rooms on a credit card, taking care for them to be adjoined and farthest from the parking lot. Taking a few rooms to avoid sharing thin walls with Kine, if there were any enough foolish to take an interest.
    It might also house this unfortunate cousin, if he was too hot to bring to the Necropolis. Or become a staging area, were one needed. She frowned, thinking of the Prince’s real estate. Perhaps she could call in a favor.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

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