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  1. #1
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise
    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes

    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes


    Jennifer awaits the newly arriving Family member under the same lamp post that Alice had met her under. Traditions are traditions. The brunete stands at 5'7'' and wears a bulky, knit grey scarf that has been discretly pinned in place to her long, dark green tunic. She wears black yoga pants and little grey booties. Her hair has been styled straight and in a half ponytail. Her Beast is Cloaked, to best prevent any snarls from the newcomer's Beast.
    Traveling with the Kindred condition was stressful enough. Add in the Curse that Nosferatu enjoy, and 'stressful' was left long ago in the rearview mirror.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

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  3. #2
    Bellemy's Avatar

    Bellemy Salem
    (Author (Pen Name))
    (News Media)
    (Mask of Tranquility)

    Nosferatu Curse:

    Phisically deformed head and mouth with shark-like teeth and a grotesquly emaciated body, too long nails and a palpable aura of inappropriateness.


    A bead of sweat dripped down Kevin’s forehead as he glanced at his passenger in the review mirror for the twentieth time since the mysterious figure entered his cab. He couldn’t quite figure it out. Something about the way the head-to-toe lace covered the passenger made them seem almost fuzzy in the mirror. I have been working too long. He thought.

    He turned his attention back to the road trying to keep his professionalism. He just couldn’t shake the feeling running up and down his spine. When the fare first got in Kevin thought they were definitely strange. He couldn’t tell if the stranger was coming from a funeral or cosplaying or just eccentric, there are weird people everywhere after all. But the longer the ride lasted the more uncomfortable Kevin became. He tried to ease the growing tension by making polite conversation. ”So..ahhh. You from around here?”

    There was a too-long silence before a single word answered ”No!”. The tone was dripping with malice announcing soundly that further inquiries were to be discouraged.

    Kevin took the hint to the point when the car pulled up to the destination, A Lone lamppost standing like a beacon in the night where stood a solitary woman. Kevin put the car in park and did something he hadn’t done since high school. He quickly ran around the car to the passenger door and opened it for his passenger. Out stepped a figure entirely encased in black. Multiple thick lace veils layered to completely obscure the body underneath. Like this A wreath of black flowers crowned the figure’s head holding the veils in place. The figure’s arms were covered to the wrists in broad black cloth sleeves and the hands were covered in cotton gloves. Pricking through the fingertips of the gloves was elongated, unmanicured nails. The figure held a box wrapped in crimson red velvet with a red ribbon bow.

    Kevin quickly shut the door and hustled to the trunk. He pulled out a suitcase and old-style typewriter case and placed them on the ground beside the figure who stood unmoving while he worked. He ran back to his car, creep factor at the maximum he could take. All semblance of professionality was gone. The tires squealed as he accelerated away not even waiting for his fare to pay

    The Haunt stood silent for a moment staring at Jennifer Hazelton , facial expression completely masked by the layers of cloth. The dark figure moved slowly forward toward the other Nosferatu and in a crisp voice proclaimed. ”Hail Priscus and well met. I am thankful to have received your grace to be allowed entrance into your territory. I come in peace and offer no resistance to your will.” The figure bowed it’s head and extended the present for Jennifer to consider. ”I ask that you accept this token of my appreciation.”

    The Present

    Curse: See Minisheet

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  5. #3
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise
    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes

    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes

    (Forgot the bookkeeping Blush)Vitae 1 Spent

    The Nosferatu watches the driver's escalating unease with growing amusement. Her own skin is flush with the illusion of life, to not draw attention.
    After the man’s vehicle screeches away, she makes a remark.
    “Delicate.” She remarks as to how the man’s nerves were frayed. Her voice is a strange thing - a Cursed thing. It slithers forth like a snake, slithering over dying grass. It lends her words a supernatural bend.

    At the mention of Priscus, she carefully and with added emphasis, turns and evaluates the night. She makes this evaluation a three-beat endeavor to share that she was concerned with the language, even as she scans to see if someone did need to be taken care of.
    2 successes

    The area seemed sparsely populated. She decided not to mention it here, to not draw more attention to the word.

    “Good evening, cousin. You can call me Jennifer here.” She greets, infusing her words with welcome. She reaches out, very slowly to not alarm the newcomer, and takes the present from the fellow Nosferatu. She opens it carefully, at first tilting it away from the light in case it was not a Kine friendly sight. She relaxes and lowers the box so that the light touches it, allowing her to read the details on the Magic box.
    “My thanks, cousin. I appreciate this gift.” Sincerity touches the tone. She recognizes the genre of the gift, and the value. Jennifer makes a note to research this specific set, for she doesn’t recognize this initially.

    She recognized that she had the privilege of passing among the Kine. If she did not speak and maintained her cover, which was second nature after so many years, she could pass unmolested. Possibly with barely causing a ripple of awareness to the Kine she moves alongside. Suspecting from her cousin’s attire that they did not enjoy the same privelige, she speaks firmly. Making the words not a suggestion.
    “Come, let me show you where you will be staying. Follow me.”
    Jennifer takes a moment to see if she can carefully carry the gift box with respect, and use her right hand. Finding that she could, she reaches over and gestures to the suit case. If accepted by Selmy, she takes a moment testing the weight of the newcomer’s parcels. The heaviest of the cases is lifted by Jennifer and she begins a slow walk towards the Necropolis.

    The two walk away from the lamppost, towards the neighborhood of long - forgotten houses. The two move some blocks from the lamp post, indicating that this location is hidden from mortals. Abandoned, disuse lays a pallor over the neglected homes that they pass. Jennifer keeps up the same walking speed as they reach one such house, turning to see if they are observed. Thinking they are alone, she leads the way carefully, indicating any possible missteps that could be dangerous in Selmy’s attire.
    This house has the same disrepair, evident right to the shingles. The house features a few secret security features, broken steps, with nails, rusted and sticking dangerously out form the boards.

    Jennifer leads her Family into the above ground haven. The same air of careful neglect is here – dust, a moldy old couch. A blood stain that looks like no amount of scrubbing will ever lift it. The animal corpses of the past have been cleared away.
    The Invictus lady walks towards a carefully hidden corner, natural angles and shadows hide the entrance.
    “Here is our hidden entrance,” Jennifer invites Selmy to come and observe the thick metal door, with a thick chain and a padlock. Jennifer draws a chain from beneath her tunic. A false key, a plant, hangs there. “Decoy,” Jennifer shares. Jennifer reaches into the hidden pocket in her scarf and draws out her key and unlocks the door, uncoils the chain
    “It’s a way down.” The Priscus warns Selmy. “We can talk freely here. The upcoming light is fake.”

    She reaches down and turns on a small electric candle. Once Selmy is through, the Priscus secures the door behind them.
    “Let’s go down. Alexander may be about.” Jennifer begins to lead the way down, down…
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

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  7. #4
    Bellemy's Avatar

    Bellemy Salem
    (Author (Pen Name))
    (News Media)
    (Mask of Tranquility)

    Nosferatu Curse:

    Phisically deformed head and mouth with shark-like teeth and a grotesquly emaciated body, too long nails and a palpable aura of inappropriateness.


    The shrouded figure retrieved the meager belongs left on the road and showed no hesitation to follow Jennifer Hazelton as she leads them toward the haven. There was no perceived power struggle between the two as Bellemy quickly adopted an obvious position of subservience. Bellemy allowed Jennifer to set their pace and kept step without issue. The Haunt was glad of the face covering that hid the pure distain that was felt upon walking though the neglected homes, the dirt and filth caused a palpable discomfort to Bellemy.

    There was a curt nod and a cool response as Jennifer outlined how one entered into the secret entrance. "I understand, Thank you." The dark figure descended into the depths with Jennifer. Bellemy was thankful for the warning about the light. The Nosferatu was not so old as to be frightened by electricity but one of the elders may have been and it was telling that Jennifer took such notions into consideration.

    The descent into the necropolis prompted unbidden thoughts to surface in Bellemy. Forever relegated to the depths. Cast way out of sight out of mind. When will we learn that it we are no different from the rest? When will we lift ourselves up?. but these are old thoughts, easily ignored. One day the Nosferatu will rise up and take their rightful place in the world.

    To dispel the negative thought Bellemy chose to fill the silence with polite questions. "I beg your indulgence in a question your grace. Pray tell, who might Alexander be?"

    Curse: See Minisheet

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  9. #5
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise
    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes

    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes


    "Bellemy, within these ways you can call me Jennifer. I hope I can call you Bellemy. Outside at Court I answer to Priscus Hazelton. Yet here, no formality. We are all family here."
    Jennifer led Bellemy to a side room at the base of the stairs. This had been a project of Jennifer's - creating a sitting area to rest, to recharge, to talk with one another.

    "I do want to caution against saying Priscus in the outside. Or Elysium, for example." Jennifer explains as she takes a seat. "Please, sit." She invites.
    The room is a small, intimate sitting area. There are five oak chairs arranged around a low wooden coffee table. Four of the chairs are average size. There is fifth chair that is larger and created more study. It is an unassuming wooden chair, built as though for a giant. There are two stools set near a low bar. Jennifer had thought they would be more comfortable for Lyssa to sit in when attending Alice. There are electric candles set in bowls of smooth rocks in the corners of the room. They have been set low, and add just enough light to see. Jennifer adjusts one to bring the level of light up so that the two can see each other's faces more clearly while they talk.

    Jennifer returns to the chairs and takes one, sitting to the left of the largest chair.
    "Alexander Moore is a member of our Family. He lives here with us in the Necropolis. You will know him when you see him. That is his chair." She looks to the chair made for a giant.

    "There is a tradition that one can create their own place, their sepulchre, here within the Necropolis once one contributes to the maintenance of our home in the Deep. Another tradition is that we are equals here, in our home."
    She begins the arduous job of unwrapping her protective scarf.
    "You are not afraid of scars, are you?" The Nosferatu clarifies as she continues the task. Pins are removed and laid upon the table. The spider pin in precious gems of brown and green is clipped to the collar of Jennifer's tunic. The thick knit scarf is removed and laid upon the table. A second wrap of linen is wrapped about Jennifer's neck, the layer that the scarf was pinned to. Jennifer unwound the linen, revealing a very gruesome scar on the side of her neck that stretched down towards the back of her shoulder. It was as though she had survived a shark bite. It looked like it might have killed a mortal.

    "My Sire's Curse was his gruesome. misshapen maw." She explains to Selmy. It wasn't the whole truth, leaving out the teeth that lined her Sire's mouth.

    "The doorway on the east end of the room leads to the Caldarium. The Jewel of the Necropolis, that Alice Hart has kept in perfect order. Sadly, Seneschal Hart has departed Sacramento..." That hurt to say. Saying it aloud made it real. "The second doorway leads to the mouth of the Catacombs that I maintain."

    "When we are done talking, I will walk you to the sleeping chambers so that you can choose one for your own. Yet I am sure that you have questions. I have questions as well. To grant you acknowledgement, I need to know more about you.
    I have the Laws of the Domain here. Look them over while we talk. I will take them back after."
    Jennifer encouraged. She pulled out a fine folder and the Laws of the Domain written by her hand onto fine parchment. The folder, open to the Laws, was passed to Bellemy.

    "Let us begin the acknowledgement. Have you ever committed Amaranth? Or have you come here with the intention to commit Amaranth?"

    Jennifer focuses on Bellemy, clearly scrutinizing for tells of deceit.

    4 successes
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

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  11. #6
    Bellemy's Avatar

    Bellemy Salem
    (Author (Pen Name))
    (News Media)
    (Mask of Tranquility)

    Nosferatu Curse:

    Phisically deformed head and mouth with shark-like teeth and a grotesquly emaciated body, too long nails and a palpable aura of inappropriateness.


    Bellemy remained silent while led into the side room. The shrouded figure's head swayed about taking in the furnishing of the little room. "As you wish, Jennifer." the haunt answered. It was staggering that someone who must have struggled and maneuvered to gain a valued position in the clan should choose to wave off etiquette and tradition by omitting title but Bellemy would not argue it.

    Upon invitation a gloved hand, pierced through the fingertip by long nails, moved slowly across the top of one of the oak chairs. The cool touch of the wooden surface lost to the fabric. Bellemy sat across from Jennifer, back straight and listened to the mild chastisement. In response the veil draped head drooped in a bow and coolly spoke words of reassurance. "As you say you're gra, Jennifer, You are most correct I will mind my words in the future."

    Bellemy watched the flicker of the little electric candles, in a pattern of shadow and light that reflected off the walls in an almost hypnotic way. Not so distracting as to interfere with the conversation. "We all of us have scars, some are worn on the outside others cut deeply into our being, which should be feared more?" Jennifer spoke her truth about her sire and the figure offered a placid "I see. I am familiar with that particular trick of fortune. Thank you for sharing."

    The Haunt memorized the layout as described by Jessica and took the fine parchment, where were written the laws, as they were offered. The head bowed as if reading. [color=lightgrey}"I am familiar with many of these laws. They seem universal in the intent."[/color]

    Feeling the mood shift slightly to a more serious tone, Bellemy answered in a formal manner. "I have not engaged in the crime of Amaranth. I have no intention of engaging in Diablerie." the answer is honest and sincere.

    Curse: See Minisheet

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  13. #7
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise
    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes

    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes


    "Good, I am glad to hear that. " Jennifer responds as Bellemy accepts the chastisement gracefully. Jennifer regarded the other Haunt as she continued. The Priscus nodded in acceptance as Bellemy answered the question of Amaranth.
    “Now going over the other laws. The Four Traditions are kept in full. You must be responsible for any servants or Ghouls that you create, to ensure their proper adherence to the Masquerade. If you do get Permission from the Prince to Embrace, the same would apply to your childer.
    Childer do need express permission from the Prince.”
    Jennifer speaks from memory, having dedicated some time to the responsibilities as Priscus.

    “None may destroy or violate any Haven so long as it's Owner is in Good Standing, Obeys the Laws, and Respects Her Majesty...” Jennifer states by rote.
    “If there is a Blood Hunt called by her Grace, you are expected to participate.
    Now I did switch terms there- you will hear the Invictus of the city address her Grace, the Prince Antinori, Lady of the Invictus and Priscus of the Gangrel and the Prince’s Archon: the Duchess Twist, Priscus of the Daeva as ‘her Grace’. This is an Invictus term.

    You are not expected to adhere to the Invictus terms and can expect to call city officials by their city titles – Seneschal or Priscus, for example. You shall call the Prince Alessandra Antinori ‘Prince’.
    The Prince may grant the right of destruction – so take care to keep one’s Beast on a leash and not to destroy anyone.
    Treason – violation of allegiance towards her Majesty, her Property or her Will – such as waging war or assisting her enemies – is of course, forbidden. That’s a great way to get yourself staked.”

    Jennifer pauses here. “There are a few more things to go over, but lets’ pause. Do you need any embellishment on anything I have stated? Or have questions about these laws?”
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

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  15. #8
    Bellemy's Avatar

    Bellemy Salem
    (Author (Pen Name))
    (News Media)
    (Mask of Tranquility)

    Nosferatu Curse:

    Phisically deformed head and mouth with shark-like teeth and a grotesquly emaciated body, too long nails and a palpable aura of inappropriateness.


    The shrouded figured followed along reading the parchment as Jennifer outlined the laws. On the law of Progeny Bellemy offered a basic "I understand" in acknowledgment and thought A very prudent carrot to be rewarded to the prince's allies no doubt. I must remember this one. My resources at the moment are sparse but eventually I will need to find favor with the prince if I am to bring us out of squalor and into a more civilized world."

    Next came a simple rule. Easy to follow and rational in it's intent. The Haunt nodded and said "This too I understand, It would not do well to violate another's holdings and inject chaos among the Kindred." mind racing with the thought Very reasonably laid out method of control. The illusion of safety at the prince's pleasure. and at the mention of the blood hunt "Of course!" with the thought And there lay the stick.

    Bellemy took heed of the lesson and committed to memory the various titles. Even without being able to put names or faces to the titles it was always better to be forewarned. It wouldn't do to offend someone with an off handed mistitle. As Jennifer took a moment to pause Bellemy answered her "I have no questions. This is all what I was expecting. I thank you for taking the time to walk me through it and sharing some insight into the Invictus"

    Curse: See Minisheet

  16. #9
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise
    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes

    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes


    "Of course, Bellemy. I eee it as my responsibility to give you the information and tools you need to thrive in Sacramento. I'm pleased that you are so receptive."

    Some may mistake the care for handholding.

    "You understand all of these, and now I come to Presentation. What we are doing now. All newcomers must meet with their Priscus - or Seneschal if one's priscus is not found- to complete acknowledgement.
    Her Majesty's anger shall descend on anyone who poaches in her Domain, or who seeks Boons for acknowledgment.
    Now acknowledgment ties to being a good citizen. You are expected to be seen at Court, by myself.
    Not every court, if you have some pressing business. Yet often enough. This is where you can learn about the fellow Kindred of the domain.

    The Prince has made it Law that you must come to Formal court, which occurs every 3 months. As it happens, Court is on (date) for this upcoming month. If one misses it, they lose acknowledgment. You would have to seek me again for acknowledgment, and it's not so easy the second time."

    Now looking over the rest of the Laws, do you have any questions?
    We could move onto laws of Elysium."
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

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  18. #10
    Bellemy's Avatar

    Bellemy Salem
    (Author (Pen Name))
    (News Media)
    (Mask of Tranquility)

    Nosferatu Curse:

    Phisically deformed head and mouth with shark-like teeth and a grotesquly emaciated body, too long nails and a palpable aura of inappropriateness.


    "I shall attend court as required." Bellemy said. Clawed hands turned delicate pages of parchment while reading along. The shrouded figure nodded in understanding. "I expect that the laws of Elysium bear similar common sense as the law of the land?" so far everything had been going quite well. An wayward thought occurred. "I did have one question. Outside of others of our kind, what threats does this city hold? Are there areas to be avoided? Places where more caution is needed in assuring our protection?"

    Curse: See Minisheet

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