Dirt Nap rises up from the ground, ravenous! The changes have picked up more than a little now, since this last time being with his Sire. He was pretty sure it was coming, even planned for it. Now he'll just see how thorough his planning turns out to be.

He forces down a hunger frenzy, makes himself ignore the signs of people full of blood not too far off. It's not just the hunger though; his beast has developed a new kind of soft touch, not just trying to get him to tear someone's head off and drink from the neck. Now he finds himself planning how to stalk someone, driving them in a fearful run until they are plumb run out and helpless and paralyzed by fulsome fear. It's harder to suss out its influence now, because watching and planning is natural to his mind, just not to plan a persons destruction.

He finds a horse in a trailer outside a room, and gets in alright to feed. Before he can stop himself the horse is dead. First time he's done that. He licks the wound just the same and leaves the horse looking like some heart failure or something claimed it.

He's having trouble feeding on smaller animals that he doesn't mind so much leaving dead. He takes to stalking and hunting some bigger predators as the most satisfying way to get his fill. It's a trail, as they often manage to cause him some damage which he has to use blood to heal. Inefficient. But a stop gap as he works a better grip on the slippery Beast he's developing now.

By the time he hits El Paso, he has got it pretty well under control, as far as his actual actions. His thoughts are another matter. He has to avoid places where he will encounter lone and vulnerable human prey. The drive to terrorize and stalk them is so strong. He can resist it, but doesn't want to do that all night.

He sends the letter.

Time to hunt up in the wilderness some more. Come back into the city in a few days to check the post office box for a reply. Best not to be around people at all for a while yet while he gets this new trail from his Sire accommodated proper like.