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  1. #31
    Hector's Avatar
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    Hector's posture turns less tense when Emily throws up her hands. His nostril's flare as he exhales, bringing himself - somewhat - back to calmness. He is still looking at the Ithaeur as she continues and the notion of the diner sinks in.

    "Yeah. Why not? If we can. I'm sure we can scrounge something... together."

    He switched to Tiny

    "Any help with the legal stuff will be welcome. I'll consider that a win and maybe a bit of an advantage. And you got staff... me and Bird for starters."

    He spared a nod for the new Irakka whose idea had galvanised the Alpha. And then his eyes shot back to Emily. Mostly. The Alpha's wild eyes had a habit of ranging around as he spoke.

    "Guile wants shadows and... secret pathways... I guess you'd call it. We want a sense of community to dampen the corporate push that is going to follow out this way. So I be guessing we need to encourage hearth spirits, fellowship spirts, spirits of shadows and spirits of urban knowledge and secrets. Yeah... Sorry Emily... Thats a bit of a long list. Any of them will help, if we can find them. And Rites! I'll join you for that. I don't know enough."

    At last he turned to Bleeds Well.

    "Hang around a bit longer. I'll join you on the hunt."

    His tone became serious and he inclined his head toward his beta.
    Iron Master <<Farsil Luhal>> Cahalith

    Primal Urge: ●●●

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  3. #32
    Hector's Avatar
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    Just so we are on the same page: -

    A DINER would be a Site which is one of our Forum specific merits. Check out the wiki for the full description. Now I think that only becomes an issue from a merit standpoint if we want the DINER to be a location across venues (as in, players from Vampire, Mage, Ling) can stop by and use it. If we want that, we'll need to but the Site merit and ensure we collectively have the pre-requisites for it.

    However, if Kelreth is behind us, we could swing it that the Diner is a Werewolf specific site. Only werewolf characters could use it in this venue. We wouldn't have to worry about purchasing a merit but we could never do scenes outside the werewolf venue with it.

    Just something to think about. I'm okay for either.

    If I have this wrong - Kelreth let me know / correct me
    Iron Master <<Farsil Luhal>> Cahalith

    Primal Urge: ●●●

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  5. #33
    Bird's Avatar

    Street Stalker
    (Street, Criminals)
    Eidetic Memory
    Trained Observer


    And Tiny doesn't disappoint: he talks sense just where Bird hoped he would. Not that it means much to the street stalker, but is sounds like the Elodoth knows what he's doing. And that's enough for the New Moon. He gives the smaller man a nod of respect. Takes all kinds.

    Eyes find Bleeds Well again. Fa-ninna doesn't know much about blessings. Life is hard all around, especially for the People. But he does feel lucky to have found this pack, and to find himself (provisionally) accepted. That's something at least.

    "I'll get at you," he answers the Rahu. Then we'll see what's what.

    Bird accepts Emily's business card silently. Pockets it. "Cool...I can be there Friday." Not much else on his schedule. Bird knows the Rite of Dedication, but he's always down to learn more.

    The thought of Hector and Bird waiting tables is enough to crack his stoic demeanor. He gives the Cahalith a wolfish grin, but keeps his mouth shut otherwise in case there's more business the Alpha wants to discuss.
    Primal Urge: 1
    Crashing: Primal Urge: 1

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  7. #34
    Kelreth's Avatar

    Chris Laurent
    Chris Laurent

    Irraka Blood Talon


    I love the notion of a pack of werewolves having a diner in the middle of new development. So lets do that.

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  9. #35
    Tiny's Avatar

    Oath's Bastion

    Honor 2
    Wisdom 1


    We should take the ooc discussion to our ooc thread. Definetly important to talk about.

    "Staff is good. We'll need the whole shebang, cook, manager, waiter. We probably want a smaller space, with a surprisingly large storage room that is very strictly employees only. Maybe a half dozen tables and a 8 seater bar. That's about as large as we can get with just two people running it.
    We also probably can't do a 24 hour, despite the simplicity. Because then we'd need someone there all 24 hours, and that's one person off the hunts, off the fights. An early morning to early afternoon makes sense for our capabilities, leaves us more time to do our own jobs and work.
    We'll have to figure out if we want other employees, but for now what we need is concept art to sell the developers on us, a large chunk of change that we can put up to show we are interested, and ideally someone working in the development office who can keep us at the top of the line and let us know about competition that needs dissuading.
    I'm going to work on cash. I can't draw for shit, but we'll need some really nice concepts of who we are.
    Which means we need a name for this place. I've got two so far, Tracks' Diner or The Engine Room."

    He nods to Emily, "I've still got a long ways to go with learning those. I'm going to focus first on getting some cash and Renown, then I'll get back to you on Rites. Alpha's orders." He says, by way of an explanation.

    "And on a personal news front, I'm now finally a licensed lawyer in state, so I should be pulling in more cash from work, and if you get in trouble call me first thing."
    He hands out business cards, just a name and a phone number
    Elodoth | Storm Lord | Primal Urge 1
    Grapes [/] [] [] [] [] [] [] WP (6/6)

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  11. #36
    Bleeds Well's Avatar
    Oath Enforcer
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    Bleeds Well

    Trained Observer - 2

    Anonymity - 2
    Scene Stats


    Bleeds Well grunts to Emily, "I know your markers sister, I've added some as well."

    BW3 nods at Hector's assertion he'll join, "If you're coming Alpha, then Ritesmaster should come too. Let's make it a sacred hunt and call it a day. It's been too long." Almost as soon as the words leave his mouth, the Ralunim shoots an apologetic look to Emily. Sorry for volunteering you.

    Bleeds Well speaks, almost reluctantly. "I can draw a little. I'll sketch you something unless another volunteer's." An idea strikes the Warrior, quite blatantly, "for more than a year for myself, much longer for others, we've said to each other, 'meet at the rail yard.' The phrase could stay the same, but take on new meaning." Bleeds shrugs and falls silent.

    His fist pumps at Bastion's victory. He moves closer to the smaller man and claps him hard on the back after taking the card, letting out a whoop of excitement. "Our brother has been victorious in bureaucratic battle! Alpha, let' s give him the first taste of victory on our hunt."

    PU: 4

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  13. #37
    Emily Makerith's Avatar
    (Clubs, Street)
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    (Makerith Motors)
    Emily Makerith

    Emily Makerith Scenes

    Emily has several tattoos:
    - a sleeve of vines and flowers starting on her right shoulder and ending at her wrist
    - a collection of stars on her left wrist, tapering up her arm
    - flowers on her right foot around her ankle
    - A crescent moon on her left shoulderblade


    Emily grins. "Cool. Coolcoolcool. Sure. Uh.... I can have a look with some of the guys... main thing we'll need is th e capital to land that kind of place in a new area." She listens to the list and thinks. "Well, sure it's a long list, but I get the idea. Shadows and back alleys will form natually,I think. Will have to see. But Hearth will need a little help - I can totally start there."

    She follows Tiny's plan. "I could have a try. Designs are a part of the things I need to do."

    She chuckles, finishing her cigarette. "Sure, I can knock up a Hunt Ritual without any warning or equipment." Eyes roll and smiles spread. "You're lucky I',m that good, kiddo."
    Ithaeur Iron Master, Primal Urge 2

  14. #38
    Hector's Avatar
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    Hector's brow furrows as Tiny begins to explain the actual necessities of running a business.

    "Erm. Yeah. I guess we wont be a 24 hour thing. Well... Ah... No..."

    He lapses into silence.

    "Oh Track's Diner. Definitely Track's Diner. In homage to how the Call first gathered by these rail tracks... and slew a magath that had taken over the Locus."

    He grinned again. A grin which got even bigger as Oath's Bastion declared his personal victory. With Bleed's Well adding a whoop of joy on top, the Alpha's grin turned positively - horrifically - Cheshire. Maybe some of their cat totem was bleeding over into their Alpha? Who can say.

    "Hear hear! Oh yeah! We are going to celebrate with a hunt. Now or later, I don't care. Oath's Bastion has been working at this for a while. WE celebrate with him! Good on you!"
    Iron Master <<Farsil Luhal>> Cahalith

    Primal Urge: ●●●

  15. #39
    Bird's Avatar

    Street Stalker
    (Street, Criminals)
    Eidetic Memory
    Trained Observer


    Bird seems content to let the others discuss the finer points of the diner. He's said his piece, for now, and questions concerning the name of the establishment or staffing requirements don't require his input at present. So, he keeps himself to himself. Just how he likes it.

    Tiny's news draws a smile and a nod of congratulations to the Elodoth. Bird's not up on the trials and tribulations of lawyering. Not by a long shot. But it's clearly an accomplishment and Fa-ninna acknowledges that fact.

    The suggestion of a hunt widens his smile into a predatory grin.

    "Hunt sounds good," he concurs. He's starting to get tired of two-legs anyway.
    Primal Urge: 1
    Crashing: Primal Urge: 1

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  17. #40
    Tiny's Avatar

    Oath's Bastion

    Honor 2
    Wisdom 1


    Tiny nods at Bleeds Well's suggestion. " A hunt sounds wonderful. Not just for me, for all of us. It would be a good cap for the day.

    Meet at The Railyard. I like it. It has a good promise. I think the alpha is right that Tracks' is more appropriate, given that the whole neighborhood could be called the Railyard. But that would be in keeping with our totem, to hide our real location behind a true name. Meet at the Railyard to give hiding to Meet at Tracks."

    "Of course you can knock that out Emily. Thats why you are awesome and we bow and scrape before you like the unwashed dogs before your high grease monkey self." Tiny laughs. He really does seem more at ease.
    Elodoth | Storm Lord | Primal Urge 1
    Grapes [/] [] [] [] [] [] [] WP (6/6)

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