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Lie to Me

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  1. #31
    James Turner's Avatar

    John Campbell
    New Identity
    (John Campbell)
    Rigid Mask
    Trained Observer
    Perfect Stillness
    James Turner

    Skin pulled back tight against his frame and a ghostly white, eyes and mouth sucking and empty pits that appear to be without end. His shadow a deep black that seems to be driving the body instead of the other way around.



    "That is the question, are their effects different? Never really thought to ask. Hmmm." He rubbed at his chin, Gerrit planting a bug in the Monarchs head, one that won't go away until he gets an answer. Answers he can buy at Market. Then the next words broke his reveries and he returned to the conversation at hand, not a muscle on his body moving. "I do psychological studies every now and then for extra cash sometimes. Same idea. Pay them a fruit to try it, if it's a good one bonus of one of the experimental ones to eat there? They're hobgoblins I'm sure they'll barter for more of course but that's the idea. It's just a thought, I hadn't really put any more into it other than what if yet. Every flower blossoms from a seed though."

    "Yea, she's a good friend, even helped Anatole out when he was hurting. She saw suffering and went to ease it without a second thought. Very counter-culture in the Freehold; she and Rhodes have gotten into it before. But that's idle gossip." He chuckled and gave an amused smirk to Gerrit. The Winter Court, Gossip, never!? "Sonnie, Claviger through and through for Better and Worse. Devoted to her Queen, as is her duty, but only to her Queen. My season or no, reigning monarch or no, if Sera and I are in danger she's going to protect Sera first and foremost. Credit to her title in that. Loose-lipped is number two. Don't tell Sonnie anything you don't want the entire Freehold knowing, or do tell her something you do want the entire Freehold knowing. She has a way of informing people quicker than I've ever seen." It was dizzying really.

    He chuckled and shook his head, bringing his hand up to yawn. "Getting late, I still have to go do my nightjob. Ohhh there will be coffee." He said with smile as he stood up from the table, empty can still in his hand. He held out an arm for Gerrit, offering a short side hug if he wished. "We'll have to get together again and talk about something other than the past. I'm sure I'll have more questions."

    Goes by the name: John

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  3. #32
    Gerrit's Avatar
    New Identity
    (Gerrit Jameson)

    Leathery scars, bruises and scaly scabs cover the whole hairless body. There is a certain symmetry to the disfigurements, the color of the visible skin ranging from pale pink to purple and dark red. Lately patches of dark blue and black - frostbite - have appeared on his skin and some of the scabs have frozen over and crystalized.
    His right hand shows a copper-coloured, wilted and flaky scar, engulfing most of his palm and the inside of his wrist. Next to frostbite and bruised scars it adds a third layer of wounds bore by the Ogre.

    Contrast seem to grow slightly more stark around Gerrit, the crisp clearness of a winter morning. Sometimes the sound of ice forming or breaking can be heard in a short, brisk snap. When using Contracts a subtle, biting cold can be felt around Gerrit - pins and needles prick both the Onyx and those close to him.

    Solid, thick panes of clear ice symmetrically arranged around his head with fern frost at the base.
    Active Pledges

    Motley Pledge

    Only a result of 10 on a die is considered a success. Should a given die result in no successes, the failure is considered to be a dramatic failure, though the oathbreaker may spend a point of willpower to negate this, making it a regular failure.
    -Until Oct 5th.


    Stonebones Snowskin

    Gerrit let John muse about the logistics of Hobgoblin drafts. It was probably more trouble than it's worth, but again: that's a worry for another day.

    Titania was a more interesting point. "So her demeanour is just superficially like that?" He didn't say "off putting", nor "overbearing" - if John considered her a friend he would not like to hear words like these. "Can she be trusted to keep a secret, if needed?" Maybe he could ask her without telling too much about what they're planning. The question was: would someone as radiant as her bother to spend her time with someone like the Ogre?

    "Thanks on the run-down on Sonnie - I think I'll skip her when it comes to gathering information on Goblin Fruit.." He didn't want the whole Freehold to know about their little garden-to-be. They would share their gifts as needed, but it would be wise to hide some of their strengths.

    Gerrit accepted the side hug with a warm smile. "Thank you for everything John. I just hope you'll have an enjoyable evening." That sounded lame, but Gerrit meant it. He might have learned a lot from the Darkling, either by direct instructions or by copying what he thought he saw the Whisperwisp apply himself.

  4. Likes Shane, Shenanigans liked this post
  5. #33
    James Turner's Avatar

    John Campbell
    New Identity
    (John Campbell)
    Rigid Mask
    Trained Observer
    Perfect Stillness
    James Turner

    Skin pulled back tight against his frame and a ghostly white, eyes and mouth sucking and empty pits that appear to be without end. His shadow a deep black that seems to be driving the body instead of the other way around.



    He passed over answering about Titania for now, having to think that one over. “Could always ask as afellow enthusiast, I doubt she'll think anything of it. But yea, less ears the better.” Not faulting Gerrit's logic at all.

    “It's a bit of both? People are complicated.” He shrugged it off, sure she was a fashionista but she knew more about medicine than probably anyone else in the freehold except maybe Sera. People were strange. Some of you take better to your shape.Isn't that right, King. A shiver ran down his spine as it felt like he could feel her hand run through his hair. He had to fight off theurge to vomit from that quick thought he had. He held up his hand and bent over panting rapidly. His hands moving to his knees as his chest struggled for air.

    He had to lean against the wall and pull the collar of his shirt down. “It's.” He gasped for air. “Just a.” More panting as he slumped against the wall. “a panicattack.” As soon as he said those words it was like something had went through him, something pushed off at least some of the attack. Recognizing the problem, naming it, knowing it would end helped to ground you. His breathing was heavy but slowing, sliding up the wall finally able to stand under his own weight.

    “Sorry.” He blinked a few tears away. “Just. Was back there for a second. Curse of a wandering mind.” He joked flatly as he was finally breathing normally. He let out one long, loud breath and he was more or less back to normal. Finally able to give Gerrit the hug he deserved. “No thank you Gerrit. You're a rock in the face of the storm. I'm. I'm just burying it.”

    Goes by the name: John

  6. Likes Shenanigans liked this post
  7. #34
    Gerrit's Avatar
    New Identity
    (Gerrit Jameson)

    Leathery scars, bruises and scaly scabs cover the whole hairless body. There is a certain symmetry to the disfigurements, the color of the visible skin ranging from pale pink to purple and dark red. Lately patches of dark blue and black - frostbite - have appeared on his skin and some of the scabs have frozen over and crystalized.
    His right hand shows a copper-coloured, wilted and flaky scar, engulfing most of his palm and the inside of his wrist. Next to frostbite and bruised scars it adds a third layer of wounds bore by the Ogre.

    Contrast seem to grow slightly more stark around Gerrit, the crisp clearness of a winter morning. Sometimes the sound of ice forming or breaking can be heard in a short, brisk snap. When using Contracts a subtle, biting cold can be felt around Gerrit - pins and needles prick both the Onyx and those close to him.

    Solid, thick panes of clear ice symmetrically arranged around his head with fern frost at the base.
    Active Pledges

    Motley Pledge

    Only a result of 10 on a die is considered a success. Should a given die result in no successes, the failure is considered to be a dramatic failure, though the oathbreaker may spend a point of willpower to negate this, making it a regular failure.
    -Until Oct 5th.


    Stonebones Snowskin

    Gerrit mulled over that last statement - people are complicated - when John seemed to have some ort of breakdown. It took only a second of surprise before Gerrits instincts kicked in and he grabbed a bottle of water to bring over to John. He was not able to ask before the Darkling spoke himself.

    He seemed to be better, but Gerrit studied John's face with adrenaline fueled worry anyway. "Are you all right? What-?" Curse of a wandering mind. Those words meant nothing to Gerrit, and he hadn't seen anything like that before with John, not out of the blue like that. "Do you want to sit down, can I help you?" The hug was accepted half-heartedly, concern still written all over the Stonebone's features. "Do you want me to get you home?" The compliment was conveniently discarded. This wasn't about Gerrit at the moment.

  8. #35
    James Turner's Avatar

    John Campbell
    New Identity
    (John Campbell)
    Rigid Mask
    Trained Observer
    Perfect Stillness
    James Turner

    Skin pulled back tight against his frame and a ghostly white, eyes and mouth sucking and empty pits that appear to be without end. His shadow a deep black that seems to be driving the body instead of the other way around.



    “No, no it’s fine. It happens sometimes.” He did take the bottle of water though and drink about half of it in one go. He wasn’t embarrassed, it was just a truth of who he was from what he’d experienced. The occasional panic attack, social anxiety, and night terrors when he dreamed naturally. Just another day for the Darkling unfortunately, but Gerrit hadn’t seen it before and that made John frown. Taking a deep breath, he reached up and rubbed at his eyes.

    “Thank you. I appreciate the offer. I’ll be fine, I’ll have a cigarette while I wait for the bus and calm my nerves again. It is unfortunately not my first panic attack and probably won’t be my last either. Sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you.” A soft smile offered as way of encouragement as he finished the bottle of water, hands already moving to fish out a cigarette as he closed up the Hollow, locking up, resetting Wards and then walking with Gerrit to the hedge gate. “I can open it, I’m about to go to the meeting Glamour will unfortunately not be a problem tonight.”

    The attack had wiped out what little energy he had had, feeling entirely lethargic now. Cigarettes, bad coffee, and stale donuts would have to do to refill his energy levels for the time being. He had a long night ahead of him still, and while it wasn’t an uncommon occurrence it was still taxing as much as he tried to play it off like everything was fine. Not a lot he could do about it otherwise.

    Goes by the name: John

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  10. #36
    Gerrit's Avatar
    New Identity
    (Gerrit Jameson)

    Leathery scars, bruises and scaly scabs cover the whole hairless body. There is a certain symmetry to the disfigurements, the color of the visible skin ranging from pale pink to purple and dark red. Lately patches of dark blue and black - frostbite - have appeared on his skin and some of the scabs have frozen over and crystalized.
    His right hand shows a copper-coloured, wilted and flaky scar, engulfing most of his palm and the inside of his wrist. Next to frostbite and bruised scars it adds a third layer of wounds bore by the Ogre.

    Contrast seem to grow slightly more stark around Gerrit, the crisp clearness of a winter morning. Sometimes the sound of ice forming or breaking can be heard in a short, brisk snap. When using Contracts a subtle, biting cold can be felt around Gerrit - pins and needles prick both the Onyx and those close to him.

    Solid, thick panes of clear ice symmetrically arranged around his head with fern frost at the base.
    Active Pledges

    Motley Pledge

    Only a result of 10 on a die is considered a success. Should a given die result in no successes, the failure is considered to be a dramatic failure, though the oathbreaker may spend a point of willpower to negate this, making it a regular failure.
    -Until Oct 5th.


    Stonebones Snowskin

    Gerrit eyed John doubtingly. "Okay." They've established that they're not big on pity and it did seem like the Darkling got a grip again.. it just showed that they could talk about their trauma all they wanted - it was a whole different story to actually live with it.

    "Just, if you need anything let me know." He helped John closing up the Hollow as well as he could and as they made their way back he reflected on the evening spent with his Monarch - he actually felt like he bonded with John tonight. Even though the topics had been less than happy all around, he was glad for everything they've shared, and he felt like their Court has grown a bit closer. Plus, he got some pointers to keep his poker face, he'd just have to come to his own terms in using this new skill.

    He checked again if John was all right and offered another hug before he started his walk home. Some activity and fresh air were what cigarettes were to the Darkling, and Gerrit had a lot to think about.

    Thanks for the scene!

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