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Cocktail party

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  1. #21
    Tiny's Avatar

    Oath's Bastion

    Honor 2
    Wisdom 1


    "I'll have people look into it. It'll take time, and probably a fair bit of money. Don't spend all of it throwing parties." He winks, and finishes his own wine, pouring more into his glass.

    "I dont mean a full numina, just some gentle influence in the area. I'll explain more when we do that. How did you get so good at Rites?" Rites weren't rare, but they weren't a common choice among the People either, so what drove her to do it? He was following the path of Winter, which called for it, but she wasn't eligable for that.
    Elodoth | Storm Lord | Primal Urge 1
    Grapes [/] [] [] [] [] [] [] WP (6/6)

  2. #22
    Galina's Avatar
    Striking looks
    (Innocent cuteness)

    5'5-165cm tall, with a slim light body.



    "Now that is something I would like to learn, but for my bike. It would be so much easier if I could tinker with it myself instead of always needing a mechanic." Especially now when she no longer lived with people who could fix her bike up.

    Finishing up her drink.
    "Sad to hear it all fell through, it would have been nice to have met her. I do assume she is a former packmate" looking to Tiny "I did hear that a lot of people comes and goes." For some odd reason. "To pile on so will I say that the chance of me having children in the foreseeable future is quite hard as well. Not that I am against it and would love to be a parent there are just to many hardships to get over first." Obvious ones and harder ones.

    Grabbing a Russian vodka bottle and pouring up a glass for herself and offering Emily and Tiny a vodka neat.
    "Then how about this, we do a double date. Simple just a restaurant and some food." Looking towards Tiny "If you wouldn't mind to be my escort for the night?" Lightly blushing "And do not worry unromantic for us of course just some time with family."

    Walking up towards the pictures.
    "The Caucasian girls are ones I went to school and practiced ballet with. The Japanese ones are my old family, all human but we were family rough loud mouthed bastards." Exhaling with a soft smile. "They all took me in when I had no one and I loved them all." Pointing towards the mantle. "The older woman is my maternal grandmother and the Japanese man is my former alpha, the man who taught me what a father is and whom gave me a second chance at family."

    Waving her hand towards Tiny.
    "Thank you kindly in regards to money though so do I like spending it on others, even back in Japan so did I often buy medicine to distribute to the elderly who couldn't afford it themselves. It's just money and holds no deeper value than the greed of mankind."
    Rahu Blood Talons Health:
    Her English have a very clear Russian accent.

  3. #23
    Emily Makerith's Avatar
    (Clubs, Street)
    Striking Looks
    (Makerith Motors)
    Emily Makerith

    Emily Makerith Scenes

    Emily has several tattoos:
    - a sleeve of vines and flowers starting on her right shoulder and ending at her wrist
    - a collection of stars on her left wrist, tapering up her arm
    - flowers on her right foot around her ankle
    - A crescent moon on her left shoulderblade


    "Eh..... there's not much change between gentle influence and a usual resonance, but I'm sure we can work on something." The Crescent cratches her neck idly. "Mmm? Oh, my first pack had some very specific ideas about pack roles. Dad - he was a Rahu, by the way - was never very big into them, but he wanted to make sure I, as an Ithaeur, at least knew the basics. I had a teacher, "Windrider" Kendal, the pack's other Crescent moon, though I was a terrible student, and he made sure I knew it, but as a teenager I... didn't really care. When... when everyone else vanished, I found some of his journals. Fortunately enough had gotten through my thick skull that I could pick some stuff out of his chickenscratch writing. Learned some form spirits too."

    Emily nods, licking her fingers. "'m sure I can show you a thing or two about common problems," she says with a smile. She nods. "Brigit. she'd been around a while - we were close." A shrug. "Hey, it's not as if I'm lining up to have a litter, so I'm not gonna show anyone up for that." Emily happily takes the glass for vodka, but hesitates at the double-dating. "Uhhh... mayyyyybe? I've kinda been trying to keep her separate from everything... guess I couldn't keep this going forever." She follows Galina around, watching the photos closely. "Yeah, I know what it's like having an adoptive family. They were as reall as my Dad to me."
    Ithaeur Iron Master, Primal Urge 2

  4. #24
    Tiny's Avatar

    Oath's Bastion

    Honor 2
    Wisdom 1


    Tiny nods, Sacramento does seem to have people come and go. Some can't even last long enough to join the pack. He shoots the vodka shot, and pours himself another glass of wine, the bottle almost empty.
    "There are always hardships to children. Especially for us. And most of us have bad parental issues anyway. But at the same time, more People aren't going to come out of nowhere, so we have to have kids somehow. In my mom's pack, all the non-Iminir kids got raised by the pack collectively, for obvious reasons." Very little was a greater weakness than a child that couldn't protect themselves.
    Tiny shakes his head at Galina's perspective on money. Perhaps dancing really does make it worthless to her, but every penny he has gets spent carefully. "If you say so, though I think that's an uncommon opinion." His budget and his dad's bridge losses can attest to that fact.

    He listens to Emily's story with great attention. "I always liked more firm pack roles. Knowing where to stand reminded me of the courtroom. But i've seen some great ithaeur who can't recognize a rite if you hit them across the face with it, and a few Rahu who are as closet to pacifist as werewolves get. Your tribe is a choice, your auspice is how you get to make a choice.
    I picked up a little bit of the basics of Rituals here and there and traveling, along with some understanding I got here watching you work. But to go beyond the basics I'll try to be a good student."
    To a woman half his age, "You'll have to be patient with me. I'm diligent, but not exactly the smartest; I made bottom quartile in law school. Though, in my defense, dealing with a pre-wolf rage did not improve my grades at all."
    Elodoth | Storm Lord | Primal Urge 1
    Grapes [/] [] [] [] [] [] [] WP (6/6)

  5. #25
    Galina's Avatar
    Striking looks
    (Innocent cuteness)

    5'5-165cm tall, with a slim light body.



    Quickly downing her vodka, these talks were a bit more than what her experience or knowledge could be of assistance with.

    "That would be nice, unless you want me to call you every time something happens. But no it would be nice to be able to do some work on it myself." Maybe learn to get some custom details as well. "Then I am sorry to hear that she left, hopefully you can manage to fill your hearth with new people that can make you happy."

    "A litter doesn't sound bad either the issue is both what tempers we can have and finding someone that you want's kids with." Or that could accept enough about their various hidden secrets. "That is your decision to make but the offer stands, sometimes we might need some distance from certain aspects of life and keep things separate." A small fury burning in her eyes, then looking to the mantle. "That's my father, blood doesn't matter at all. Bio dad is still kicking around and if things goes well so will I not hear anything from him until after his demise. So no blood is not always family."

    Looking towards Tiny.
    "I grew up with money, I lived on the street for a while with belongings being what I could carry, I got into a new household where they had money and soon I started to be able to earn money both there and through my current job. My set deals have me secured for a long time so in earnest so do I just not need to care and it's more enjoyable to spend your money on others. Most of the things I want I already own, just need to get the gaming room and puppy room ready."

    "Firm roles are always an advantage it gives a lot."

    Shaking her head.
    "Anyway drink and have fun, test wild recipes and start to wonder how to speak correctly. There is plenty of vodka to go around."
    Rahu Blood Talons Health:
    Her English have a very clear Russian accent.

  6. #26
    Emily Makerith's Avatar
    (Clubs, Street)
    Striking Looks
    (Makerith Motors)
    Emily Makerith

    Emily Makerith Scenes

    Emily has several tattoos:
    - a sleeve of vines and flowers starting on her right shoulder and ending at her wrist
    - a collection of stars on her left wrist, tapering up her arm
    - flowers on her right foot around her ankle
    - A crescent moon on her left shoulderblade


    The Crescent chuckles. "Yeah, a lot of the Steel Fangs thought the same way. I.... didn't like being shoehorned into a box just because I changed in a certain phase of the moon. Loooots of arguements between me and Dad, me and my teacher, me and the Alpha...." She sighs. "Man, I was a bratty kid. Always wanted to do things my own way. Don't worry about being sharp for the Rituals, though. It's like anything - you learn a way of doing it, but you can always add your own flavour to them. They're flexible. Different people do the same ritual in different ways, but make the same effect."

    A shrug to Galina. "Hell, some people do just that. But for you I'm sure I can make time," Emily gives her a smile, and moves over to the table and pouring herself some vodka in the cocktail glass. "Thanks for understanding. I know it's hard but I don't want her being dragged into anything we have to deal with."

    She starts munching on the bits of the spread over the table. "Wait, puppy room? Ooooooh! What puppy do you have?"
    Ithaeur Iron Master, Primal Urge 2

  7. #27
    Tiny's Avatar

    Oath's Bastion

    Honor 2
    Wisdom 1


    Tiny listens attentively as Emily explains the rituals, and he longs to write down notes, but that wouldn't be appropriate, not for tonight at any rate.
    "A werewolf who doesn't argue with a teacher isn't learning. We struggled against Father Wolf, and we struggle against those who represent him."

    Piggybacking off of Emily's question, he follows with his own: "And what kind of games? Bridge? Pool? Mah-Jong? I learned how to play that from some scary looking old ladies in St. Louis. Fantastic food, wouldn't tell me a single recipe." Tiny manages to suppress a moan of pleasure thinking about that dessert. "They had a babka was worth not being able to shapeshift for the whole day."
    Elodoth | Storm Lord | Primal Urge 1
    Grapes [/] [] [] [] [] [] [] WP (6/6)

  8. #28
    Galina's Avatar
    Striking looks
    (Innocent cuteness)

    5'5-165cm tall, with a slim light body.



    Laughing as Emily replied to Tiny.
    "One who cannot see depth is a sorry being that will just become a relic forgotten by time." Shaking her head. "We might have our callings but it's up to us to decide who we are and to form ourselves into the type that feels right for us." She herself weren't exactly the most standard type of Rahu.

    "Where is the pride in that? It's good to admit what you can and cannot do but that is no excuse to not learn and the best way to learn is to seek the knowledge from those who are your better." And everyone were your better in some field. "It's understandable, sad but understandable. Still do allow me to get you a gift meant for you both at some point though and I would love to listen if you ever feel the need to talk to someone."

    Opening a cabinet and taking out a Russian vodka bottle complete with Russian writings along with six shot glasses and filling them all up. Quickly downing one and taking another.
    "I do not have one yet, this place is vastly to big to live alone though so I am planning on getting one. Feel free to take the vodka shots." Grabbing a powerbar herself.

    Downing the next shoot of vodka and finally starting to feel something as she lightly giggles.
    "Sad to say but I mean video and arcade games. I am trying to build it up complete with a bunch of consoles and all the best arcade machines. Just annoying that you need to have more than one of some consoles." Damn region shit. "The Russian or the Italian kind of Babka?" Hmm seems like we really do not share the same views on shifting.
    Rahu Blood Talons Health:
    Her English have a very clear Russian accent.

  9. #29
    Emily Makerith's Avatar
    (Clubs, Street)
    Striking Looks
    (Makerith Motors)
    Emily Makerith

    Emily Makerith Scenes

    Emily has several tattoos:
    - a sleeve of vines and flowers starting on her right shoulder and ending at her wrist
    - a collection of stars on her left wrist, tapering up her arm
    - flowers on her right foot around her ankle
    - A crescent moon on her left shoulderblade


    She laughs. "Oh, I would have loved to see you and Windrider go head to head. Sometimes learning means sitting and listening.... It was hard for any of them to get me to show up for a lesson. I was too busy getting into trouble anywhere other than where they wanted me to be." The Ithaeur shrugs. "The arguements were more getting me there in the first place."

    Another laugh. "Yeah, but most of us were Iron Masters. We're all flexible, but I needed to be good for the pack. Dad.... didn't want me fighting. I was his little girl." She smiles, a little wistfully. "He always wanted what was best for me, and always gave it, even if I didn't like it. Especially if I didn't like it!" She grins and munches down some more chips. Like, he knew I would need to fight... he was just protective. It was just the two of us since Mom died."

    A shrug. "Ehhhhhhhhhh...... Ever since everyone in the city disappeared, I've been especially protective of things I see as mine. Mable isn't *mine*, like, I'm not, possessive, or, like... she's not.... Urgh." Emily facepalmed. "Me no speak words good." She sighs. "I just want her to be safe."

    Even if she can take care of herself, she's still my baby.

    She grins, watching the small girl down shots like a pro. "Whoa, nice. That's my kinda drink," she punches Galina lightly on the arm, taking up a shot and necking it easily. "Oooh. Good stuff." She smiles, taking another. "I love dogs. If you need help keeping them fit, kjust let me know."
    Ithaeur Iron Master, Primal Urge 2

  10. #30
    Tiny's Avatar

    Oath's Bastion

    Honor 2
    Wisdom 1


    Tiny follows and downs one of the shot glasses and holds the second, waiting to see what Galina will do. As she downs the second shot,
    "They were Jewish, so I would guess they would say it wasn't either kind, but again, they were as tight-lipped as a spirit with a ban. Talked for hours, but said nothing. I could teach you mah-jong sometime. Its a good way to loose a lot of money very quickly." Tiny was good at loosing the money, but he gained such delicious food that he considered it a valuable purchase.

    Tiny listens, but its clear that emily's description of running away from lessons doesn't stick to him. "I admit Emily, that I don't really share a connection with that kind of understanding. I changed late for our kind, which meant i always feel like i'm trying to catch up before i die of old age, even though i know that that's not going to happen. To me, sitting and listening has been the bedrock of how to be an Elodoth, and a person. My dad and mom don't speak to each other, but they are both still around. Though he's getting up there in age, and mom is getting, well, spirity."
    How else do you describe an old wolf who finds the hisil to be the only place she is comfortable? He debates going further, discussing his father, but perhaps another night, the hour is getting late, and discussions about Winter Wolf always seemed to run long.

    "She is yours. Yours to protect. Not yours to own, but yours to keep safe. We don't own the territory, but its ours. At least, thats how I see it."
    Elodoth | Storm Lord | Primal Urge 1
    Grapes [/] [] [] [] [] [] [] WP (6/6)

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