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The Lady Notary and Prospective Clients

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  1. #21
    Lenora's Avatar
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    Lenora's grants the Haunt her usual slight smile, though her eyes light with the tinge of a quiet pride at her words. The confidence of sitting members of the Estate was quite refreshing. First the Duchess and, now, an established Notary.

    Then a slight shake of the head.

    "I have no additional questions, Mr. Heinrich,"
    she offers before looking to Hazelton, "Though I must echo Mr. Heinrich's confession. To deny the opportunity to learn the Blood-Tell Oath would be most unfortunate. If you are willing to teach, you will find me quite willing to learn as well."

    Deep interest in Oaths was not within Lenora's burgeoning plan once she attained her place in the Invictus. She had no interest in competing against the more practiced Haunt on such matters. There were more areas in which her skillsets could be used to the benefit of the Domain without such pointless conflict. Inevitability conflict would arise, but it was better to meet it with allies rather than rivals.

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  3. #22
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
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    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise
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    Jennifer studied Mr. Heinrich for a few moments as he spoke. The Nosferatu kept her face neutral as she processed his words. She had been compelled to become a wordsmith. One had to take care when one enforced the words that she crafted with supernatural power.
    Dark eyes focused on Edward, searching or weighing it was unclear.

    5 successes

    The Lady Notary changed her focus to Miss Black. Her dark eyes calm as processed the Ventrue Priscus’ words. The Notary’s face changed from its neutrality. The Haunt gave a small nod to the Lord, visibly indicating her approval.
    “You are quite willing to learn, I am happy to teach.”

    Her gaze swung between Mr. Heinrich and Miss Black, solemn.
    “The Oath sworn in this case is the Blood-Tell Oath. It is an Oath of Avoidance. If you have any uncertainty with this Oath, raise the question so I may answer it. I will teach it to you this very evening, if you wish.
    For conducting this teaching, what can I expect in return? “

    The last Daeva Priscus that she had instructed in the Oath had in turn taught her the signature Gift of Blood in gratitude for her teachings. What did Edward and Lenora offer in turn?
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

  4. #23
    Edward Heinrich's Avatar

    Edward Heinrich

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    Upon receiving Lenora's answer, Edward turns back to Jennifer meeting her searching gaze. He has not bothered to mask his interest in learning the Oath, and so she sees his interest plainly.

    1 success

    Beyond that, in the slight stiffness of his tone, she can detect the fading traces of annoyance.

    Edward smiled, there it was. "I offer two Minor Boons in return for teaching both myself and Miss Black the Blood-tell Oath. Unless there was something the Lady Notary already had in mind?" It would be akin to teaching two devotions, which, to Edward's mind, would be equivalent to getting one started on a discipline.

  5. #24
    Lenora's Avatar
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    Lenora was pleased with the Haunt's approval, but then came Edward's words and a look of slight confusion hit the Lord's face. She turned to her sponsor, pale eyes searching his features.

    "With respect, Mr. Heinrich,"
    she offered, "If you believe it necessary to offer one such boon on my behalf, I must protest. The price for my education should rest on my shoulders. As such, I am more than willing to offer a minor boon on my own honor."

    I will likely already owe you a boon for your sponsorship. Is it prudent to indebt myself further?

    Then the gaze returns to the Lady.

    "If you feel that such Prestation is sufficient, naturally,"
    she affirms, "If it is not, I am more than willing to discuss more appropriate compensation befitting of your service in this matter."

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  7. #25
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
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    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise
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    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes


    Jennifer's dark eyes narrow at Edward. Her lips curve downward into a dissatisfied expression. The Nosferatu considers the Daeva. She then flicks her eyes away from him.

    She focuses on her folded hands for a moment, strumming the mystic concentration. This mystical ability that she had honed for over a decade sang in her veins. She relaxed into the concentration, deep in thought. Yes, she decided.

    The suggestion of a return was used as a way to gauge respect and dedication. Satisfied that these two were both dedicated and earnest in their desire, Jennifer gave the two Kindred a gracious smile.

    " This would be perfect."
    The Nosferatu assures.
    To Edward: " I appreciate your willingness to take the offer on behalf of your student, yet I will respect Miss Black's wish. "

    To Miss Black, Jennifer assures " It is perfectly sufficient, and I respect the intention in which it is given."
    " I feel we've covered some good groundwork here. We didn't go over many mutual oaths or the oaths that I know and would be happy to teach you. Please feel free to contact me for more in-depth knowledge or specific information about a need that you have.". She had much more to impart than could be covered in a short time frame.

    It was Sir Baldwin of the Thorned Wreath who had expressed that desire for the Oath of Blood Service. He may have departed Sacramento, yet the need for such a strong oath remained.

    " Let us focus on the Oath of Avoidance: the blood - tell oath. In oaths that I oversee, the petitioning Kindred writes the oath in their own Vitae. I provide the oath that is to be sworn.
    Once the signature is committed, you focus into yourself and concentrate on your commitment. I will mystically empower the contract. If the oath is broken, I will know.
    This shall be sworn at the next gathering of First Estate. "

    Jennifer passed expensive sheets of stationary to the two. Then two fine pen cases are set before the kindred.
    "This is merely an exercise. You do not wish to be surprised the evening of the Oath. Write anything: perhaps a personal conviction you have, or a belief. Leave it unsigned.

    I will not empower whatever you write here. The exercise is once completed, you are to focus inward. Strum the blood as you concentrate on your oath. On the night that you swear, the mystical contract will sing to this conviction."

    Jennifer glanced to Edward for a beat. Than looks at Lenora.

    * Phone post, unable to color***

  8. #26
    Edward Heinrich's Avatar

    Edward Heinrich

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    Edward was less stunned than he wanted to be to hear Lenora's insubordination. Despite the fact they had already discussed the matter, she saw fit to go her own way. There was that edge to her, to all appearances, she was beyond rebuke, but underneath it all, he couldn't help but wonder if she knew her place. Perfect.

    After all, what could be better in a member of the First Estate? He would worry if she was devoid of arrogance.

    "No gentlemen could refuse such an elegant protest. Very well, Miss Black."

    Once Jennifer had finished speaking, Edward opened a pen case with care, extracted the pen, and with a smooth and fluid hand wrote: Ability without honour is useless.

    Shutting his eyes to better focus on the words and the Blood, Edward began slowly feeling out anything new or different.

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  10. #27
    Lenora's Avatar
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    Lenora's small smile returned at the Lady Notary's response and Mr. Heinrich's allowance of her to offer Prestation of her own. They had indeed the discussed the matter beforehand, but Lenora was under the impression that an overview of Oaths would be presented, rather than an offer to teach one. This tossed in a crucial variable. She had to show she respected Hazelton's position, education, and efforts...

    And what message would I be sending if I allowed someone else to take on the Prestation required?

    Lenora knew that she would have likely viewed it as an insult if she was in the Notary's shoes. To allow Prestation to be taken on by another in matters such as these might indicate that Lenora did not appropriately value the content offered. This was a threat Lenora could not allow.

    "I am most grateful,"
    Lenora offered her sponsor. Her gratitude is sincere.

    As Lady Hazelton spoke of her exercise, Lenora granted her the center of her attention. As the page was slid before her and the instruction was given, she gave the matter some thought. After some moments, she retrieved the pen from her own provided case delicately and wrote upon the sheet:

    Honor your Blood in all things.

    Of all her convictions, Lenora felt that it was this belief that had been made the most clear to her peers and superiors among Sacramento's Kindred. As with any Kindred, Lenora was certain that some among them could say a great deal about her, ranging from pleasant compliments to acidic ire, but she steadfastly believed that none among them could say she was not loyal to her lineage. It was her hope that, in formally acknowledging this, Lenora could show the Lady Notary the care in which she was treating their discourse.

    Stowing the pen away, Lenora rested her hands upon her lap and waited.

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  12. #28
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
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    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise
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    Jennifer Hazelton Scenes


    The Lady Notary studies Mr. Heinrich's page first, her face neutral. Her dark eyes tick to Miss Black's page and study what is written there. Once satisfied, she strums her Blood and stokes the mystic connection. Something deeply satisfying seems to affirm within her. She was satisfied that the two students understood what this Oath of Avoidance would entail.

    "You both have indicated that you understand the Oath. Congratulations, you know the Blood-Tell Oath.
    When the Ceremony occurs is to be determined by the leadership of the First Estate.
    When they judge you to be ready, you will be invited to swear before the leadership of the First Estate. At this time, you each will be presented with the exact wording of the Oath that I have written. You will have time to study the Oath.

    During the swearing Ceremony, you will write the Oaths in your own Vitae. You will recall this exercise and perform that introspection upon completion of the writing. I will seal the Oath as a mystical Contract."

    The Lady Notary looked between the two Kindred.

    "This honor will indicate your Dedication to the First Estate. It elevates the level of trust established members view you with."

    She emphasizes the honor it is to be invited to swear the Blood-Tell Oath before the leadership of the First Estate.

    "You have done excellent research tonight."

    A nod to the two students.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

  13. #29
    Edward Heinrich's Avatar

    Edward Heinrich

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    Edward inclined his head to acknowledge Lenora's words.

    He blinked with surprise as Jennifer says 'each.' He waited for her to finish before speaking: "it was an honour to receive your teachings, Lady Notary. Thank you for the instruction."

    "Please excuse the no doubt foolish question, I ask for your pardon due to how recently I entered the Domain. Is it customary in Sacramento for the Sponsor to also sign an oath during the Manumission of the Paige? I inquire as the Lady Notary mentioned we would each be signing." Edward's words were infused with faint remorse. He felt terrible asking, but it would be far worse to be surprised during the meeting.

  14. #30
    Lenora's Avatar
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    Lenora dips her head deeply in respect as the Lady Notary concludes her lesson and instructs them on the future to come.

    "Your attentions honor me, Lady Notary,"
    she offered after Edward had granted his own thanks.

    Then came Edward's query. While she was curious as to her answer, the reality was that the matter affected principally Edward. That Lenora would need to swear an Oath to the leadership and always been a certainty. Thus, Lenora chose to say nothing, allowing the two established members of the First Estate the time they needed to educate her sponsor appropriately.

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