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Dirt Nap, Jennifer, and Edward

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Jun 1, 2020 : (2006) June's Informal Court
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  1. #1
    Edward Heinrich's Avatar

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    As Dirt Nap's 'Sir' trails off, Edward supplies, "Edward Heinrich, Daeva, and of the First Estate." As Dirt Nap gave his own introduction, Edward nodded, "I quite understand, if you are amenable to it, I shall adopt the usage of 'Mr. Clay.'" Edward liked that ring to that, a good name.

    "Lady Notary," Edward bowed, "it was my sincere hope to make your acquaintance in person before our meeting. I am so pleased that it has come to fruition."

    "Yes, the Spring Solistice, I was invited to the celebration by-" Edward hesitated, 'Keeper' on his lips, "Ms. Wood. In our own way, Mr. Clay and I were out of covenant witnesses." It was an intriguing night.

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  3. #2
    Dirt Nap's Avatar
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    "Oh." Dirt Nap says when Edward Heinrich gives his full title. And explains to Jennifer Hazelton, and leaves off Mabel's.

    "Well." Dirt Nap thinks. So this seems to be about titles then? He seems to recall Lady Twist saying about the Daeva and their passions. This fellow sure seems to have a passion for titles.

    "I gotta admit, Mister Heinrich, Sir; I don't rightly know what you mean about a 'formal' acquaintance. I'm me, Dirt Nap, no title to speak of except in my Order, where I could be called 'scholar'." He says. "I am a Gangrel."

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  5. #3
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
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    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise


    Jennifer inclines her head minutely to Mr. Heinrich as he addresses her. She is pleased that she is addressed correctly. She may take a bit of pride at being Lady and Nosferatu Priscus.

    "I am glad to make your acquaintance, Mr. Heinrich." She smiled, sincerely as it touches her eyes. "I have been meaning to speak to you."

    The smile slips off and she looks to Dirt Nap. She had asked how he preferred to be addressed before, and decided that then he had seemed to have a preference for Dirt Nap. She wasn't keen on making him feel uncomfortable.

    "First Estate being First Estate," She says quietly to Dirt Nap. "If one were to refer to me without proper respect of using my proper title as Nosferatu Priscus or Lady Notary, I would be... upset."
    A genuine little smirk at the word 'upset'.

    She nods to Mr. Heinrich. "Ah, I see. I was a bit surprised of a Kindred of Quality attending a Crone gathering." She leans in slightly to the two men, speaking as though conveying a secret in confidence.
    "Although I may be speaking to Ms. Wood about an invitation to the Crone Farm, myself. I hear she keeps a garden there. I am rather fond of botany."

    The Nosferatu straightened and spoke normally - normally for her. Her voice slithered like a snake through dead and crackling leaves.
    "I do love my little hobby... What do you do, Mr. Heinrich, for a hobby?" Deep brown eyes sparkled with interest.

    "I am sure you have a little something you like to do outside of work, Dirt Nap. Am I wrong to think you are something of a scholar? I am a scholar myself."

    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

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  7. #4
    Edward Heinrich's Avatar

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    Edward nodded in recognition of Jennifer's response, the warmth in his expression matching her own.

    "A mere turn of phrase, Mr. Clay." Edward smiled, politeness took many forms; and, though Dirt Nap's particular method was unusual, Edward did find it unpleasant. "Just a way of saying we have spoken once or twice. You have my word that I am not asking anything untoward of you."

    Edward weathered the small jab at his attendance without a word, not being quick enough this time to come up with something witty. "A beautiful garden, Ms. Wood gave us a tour after the Solistice ceremony concluded, her unmistakable pride is well-founded."

    "Hobbies? I fear I am something of a workhorse." Edward chuckled, "rather inelegant of me! But, when I take time away, I enjoy hiking and fencing. Have you any hobbies beyond botany, Lady Notary?"

    He listened with interest for Dirt Nap's response, he had no idea if there was anything to the Dragons beyond the usual mystic nonsense. A quick answer would hardly settle the matter, although Dirt Nap didn't seem the type to con.

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  9. #5
    Dirt Nap's Avatar
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    Dirt Nap looks just a little stricken at Jennifer Hazelton's confidences about her feelings about her title. "Oh." He says, apparently processing in silence.

    Then after a long pause, Dirt Nap says, "I am really sorry, Ma'am, Priscus Hazelton." possibly having misinterpreted what she meant to communicate by her quiet confidences. "I wouldn't want to cause anything upsetting to happen, if I could help it."

    Dirt Nap listens intently as Jennifer Hazelton talks to Edward Heinrich, like listening to two doctors talking about...something medical like; he's out of his depth for sure. The both of them forgot more about titles and what's appropriate socially than he'd ever know. Still, no excuse not to try to learn something when you got two experts just putting it out there like that. Mable still not getting a title, even though these two wouldn't leave off something like that by accident. Huh.

    The voice doesn't put him off too much; just sort of a distracting thing you got to ignore to hear the words. Lots of things like that. He's generally pretty good at putting off distractions to focus on the meat of the thing.

    "Well." Dirt Nap responds to Jennifer Hazelton's question, seeming to take long moments to switch tracks from listening intently to speaking. Almost as if his voice had been buried for safekeeping and then suddenly found necessary to retrieve. "Ma'am, Priscus Hazelton." He says assiduously.

    "I suppose I do like to learn." He says softly. "I am not much for book learning; I mean, I respect it a lot; I'm just not so much really good at it." Dirt Nap explains. "I try to compensate, I suppose, by learning from what I am doing, or what's going on around me. So, whether I'm working or not...I tend to look at learning as my real work, so I guess you could say, I am always working one way or the other."

    Dirt Nap is still as Edward Heinrich elaborates on his expectations for a formal acquaintance. He does not nod or change expression. His intense attention is very like a stare though without intent to challenge, more like an intense study.

    "Thank you for explaining, Mister Heinrich." Dirt Nap says after a moment, seeming to realize that Edward Heinrich has finished with as much explanation as is forthcoming. "I suppose it can be a burdensome thing, for some folks, having to explain."

    "I apologize, Mister Heinrich. I tend to take for a bit of explaining."

    Dirt Nap listens to the one Jennifer Hazelton referred to as a person 'of quality', guessing it was more of a bucket with a label on it than a real decision on the value of the man. They seem to be talking about gardening. Could be more to it. Couldn't say.
    Hiking and fencing. Probably not together, those things. Dirt Nap decides. Both of those hobbies have been around a real long time. Could be Mister Heinrich has been too.

    Dirt Nap notices Mister Heinrich listening to his answer to Jennifer Hazelton. Seems like he has an interest, either in the nature of Dirt Nap himself, or in the nature of what he might be studying. Which right now is Mister Heinrich.

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  11. #6
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
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    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise


    "I need to make an appointment to see it, then." She remarks. "Botany is a passion of mine. I do love to send bouquets as well."
    She looks towards Dirt Nap. "Do some hike in that area where we were? I wouldn't mind that area."
    She looks to Mr. Heinrich. "I had a passion for letter writing and calligraphy for awhile. Some were not as welcoming to the Curse." A hand touches the wrap around her neck.

    "Oh, you have never upset me, Dirt Nap," She assures him. "- and I doubt you will. If you have a question, I would be glad to answer it." She assures him sincerely.

    Dark brown eyes tick away from the gentlemen and rest on her clan sister. Her body stiffens as she watches her family with the newcomer for several minutes. She relaxes after a moment of watching the interaction and seeing that the Seneschal has everything well in hand.

    "Hm." She sniffs disdainfully. "I am so going to enjoy this education."
    She glances subtlety to Mr. Heinrich to see if he has picked up on the situation. It could be so interesting.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

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  13. #7
    Edward Heinrich's Avatar

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    Typo in my last post: "though Dirt Nap's particular method was unusual, Edward did find it unpleasant."
    Should have been: "though Dirt Nap's particular method was unusual, Edward didn't find it unpleasant."

    As Alessandra made her comment on manners, Edward repressed a smirk. That is how to rule with elegence. Then, Quilz spoke out of turn, hardly something Edward could fault the Kindred for.

    Dirt Nap gave an answer, and as Edward had suspected, it did not settle the matter. The directness could either be a mask or a testament to honesty.

    "You are very welcome, Mr. Clay, and please, do not worry; it often brings clarity to explain what is assumed. The greatest discoveries in my work came from exactly that."

    "Wonderfully elegant hobbies, Lady Notary." Edward praised, "I hope it is not too bold of me to ask after what caused the relinquish their practice?"

    And then, Jennifer comments on what Edward was content to ignore. "Indeed. I feel educated simply by observing how her Grace handled the issue. One cannot help but admire her light touch." One cannot help but note the ridiculous heavy-handedness shown by the officials.

    "In any case, Mr. Clay, I would be so intrigued to hear about something you have learned recently. Would you be so kind as to share?"

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  15. #8
    Dirt Nap's Avatar
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    "Thank you kindly, Ma'am, Priscus Hazelton." Dirt Nap says, grateful in tone for her gracious assurance that he has not offended her by leaving off her title.

    "I don't much know about hiking, at least after dark it's pretty quiet. I find the hunting good, but then I'm only hunting animals." He responds thoughtfully, cautiously.

    Dirt Nap is silent, and then after a long pause, he asks, "Ma'am, I supposed what I'd like to ask outright is, how would you like it best for me to call you? I hear different titles, and I am sure they all mean different things coming from different people, could be insulting someone calling you something when they don't have the right." He explains his concern.

    Dirt Nap smiles slightly and chuckles softly at Edward Heinrich's question. "Well. Mister Heinrich. I don't mean to be difficult, I really don't. I guess my saying I could be called a 'scholar' might throw a body off the trail. As a pointer to the way of my thinking, 'learning' tends to be something that I have to keep up, practicing and repeating or else I forget and lose the skill. That's not so much what I am about, though...I guess the last think I 'learned' was how to sneak around a bit, moving quiet. That's a whole story, but it was a think I learned to get a better idea of how to do the Mask. So actually I guess the Mask is the last thing."

    Dirt Nap goes quiet, pondering apparently, for a minute.

    "But what I mean to say is, the same Order that would call me a scholar is really more about Changing than learning. My last Change is what I am more thinking of as a job done for good. In my Order, a Change is something you can't lose or forget no matter what. I just finished a Change I'd been working on for a while, building up to with a few other Changes that I needed to make first, for it to be possible. It has to do with animals for the feed. From here on out, I can get as strong as I need to without needing to feed on anything but animals. That's a Change I won't forget." Dirt Nap explains, sounding a little exhilarated as if he's talking about a long race he's just completed. "I don't have to be a danger to anyone around me anymore, if I'm not wanting to be."

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  17. #9
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
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    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise


    "I prioritized face to face meetings." She said to Mr. Heinrich. "I do appreciate the written requests or messages."
    The Notary looked to Dirt Nap.
    "I enjoy researching, a bit different than your preference for hands on learning. Research was something I have always had a talent for. I rather admire those who learn by doing. Continuous practice leads to a better understanding."

    Jennifer glanced over to the Seneschal, ensuring that everything was well in hand. She was quite interested in if the rebuke would be taken in the spirit it had been given.
    "A correction that fits the situation." She remarks.
    Dirt Nap's words attract her attention.

    "I do have different titles and they can be used in different settings. I would be pleased if you wish to stay with Lady Hazelton. The 'Lady' signals that in the opinion of the Invictus leadership, I have made contributions worthy of a title. The 'Notary' is my function. It tells people that I give truthful accounting - the record of Prestation or mystical contracts for the First Estate."

    She is interested to hear of Dirt Nap's explanation. She always felt it handy to know what skills one may have. At time events occurred where someone with relevant skills needed to be summoned. The event with the bomb at Avalon was summoned in her mind. The Notary worked to keep her composure in the moment.
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

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  19. #10
    Edward Heinrich's Avatar

    Edward Heinrich

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    It was both gratifying and disappointing to hear Dirt Nap's admission of ignorance on titles. His concern clearly stemmed from good character rather than an appreciation of proper address.

    Edward hadn't the slightest idea what Dirt Nap meant by the Mask, but he wasn't going to bring that up. "Not at all, Mr. Clay, I entirely understand how one who spends their nights thinking can easily slip into idiosyncratic vernacular. Many lack the self-awareness to preemptively clarify."

    A farmer. How cute.

    "I would imagine that brings you relief regarding the nights ahead. An impressive feat." Edward had his reservations, but they did not bleed into his tone.

    Edward nodded, acknowledging Jennifer's offered reason. He suspected there was more to it, but it would be impolite to press the issue.

    Edward sensed the conversation was going to lull. He'd seen this many times, intellectuals conversing becomes talking at rather than talking to. The only way he'd ever found to avoid this fate was to make things personal, and that was a delicate thing. You had to let them hide behind their work and be personal. At least in his opinion.

    Edward picked Dirt Nap, for no other reason than he been more forthcoming. "What has drawn you to pursuing the," he paused as if searching for the word, "I believe you said the 'Change,' Mr. Clay? What has drawn you to its pursuit rather than some other subject?" It was a weak attempt, but he felt as though one had to be made. Plus, he felt bad not being able to follow up about whatever the 'Mask' was.

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